storageapi.h 17.2 KB
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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
 * Copyright (c) 2019 TAOS Data, Inc. <>
 * This program is free software: you can use, redistribute, and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3
 * or later ("AGPL"), as published by the Free Software Foundation.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
 * along with this program. If not, see <>.


#include "tsimplehash.h"
#include "tscalablebf.h"
#include "taosdef.h"
#include "tmsg.h"
#include "tcommon.h"
#include "index.h"
#include "function.h"
26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {


#define CACHESCAN_RETRIEVE_LAST        0x8

39 40 41 42 43

typedef struct SMeta SMeta;
typedef TSKEY (*GetTsFun)(void*);

44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79
typedef struct SMetaEntry {
  int64_t  version;
  int8_t   type;
  int8_t   flags;  // TODO: need refactor?
  tb_uid_t uid;
  char *   name;
  union {
    struct {
      SSchemaWrapper schemaRow;
      SSchemaWrapper schemaTag;
      SRSmaParam     rsmaParam;
    } stbEntry;
    struct {
      int64_t  ctime;
      int32_t  ttlDays;
      int32_t  commentLen;
      char *   comment;
      tb_uid_t suid;
      uint8_t *pTags;
    } ctbEntry;
    struct {
      int64_t        ctime;
      int32_t        ttlDays;
      int32_t        commentLen;
      char *         comment;
      int32_t        ncid;  // next column id
      SSchemaWrapper schemaRow;
    } ntbEntry;
    struct {
      STSma *tsma;
    } smaEntry;

  uint8_t *pBuf;
} SMetaEntry;

80 81 82 83 84 85 86
typedef struct SMetaReader {
  int32_t             flags;
  void *              pMeta;
  SDecoder            coder;
  SMetaEntry          me;
  void *              pBuf;
  int32_t             szBuf;
Haojun Liao 已提交
  struct SStoreMeta*  pAPI;
88 89 90
} SMetaReader;

typedef struct SMTbCursor {
Haojun Liao 已提交
  void *      pDbc;
92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105
  void *      pKey;
  void *      pVal;
  int32_t     kLen;
  int32_t     vLen;
  SMetaReader mr;
} SMTbCursor;

typedef struct SRowBuffPos {
  void* pRowBuff;
  void* pKey;
  bool  beFlushed;
  bool  beUsed;
} SRowBuffPos;

106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114
// tq
typedef struct SMetaTableInfo {
  int64_t         suid;
  int64_t         uid;
  SSchemaWrapper *schema;
  char            tbName[TSDB_TABLE_NAME_LEN];
} SMetaTableInfo;

typedef struct SSnapContext {
  SMeta *     pMeta;     // todo remove it
  int64_t     snapVersion;
Haojun Liao 已提交
  void *      pCur;
118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138
  int64_t     suid;
  int8_t      subType;
  SHashObj *  idVersion;
  SHashObj *  suidInfo;
  SArray *    idList;
  int32_t     index;
  bool        withMeta;
  bool        queryMeta;  // true-get meta, false-get data
} SSnapContext;

typedef struct {
  int64_t uid;
  int64_t ctbNum;
} SMetaStbStats;

// void    tqReaderSetColIdList(STqReader *pReader, SArray *pColIdList);
// int32_t tqReaderSetTbUidList(STqReader *pReader, const SArray *tbUidList);
// int32_t tqReaderAddTbUidList(STqReader *pReader, const SArray *pTableUidList);
// int32_t tqReaderRemoveTbUidList(STqReader *pReader, const SArray *tbUidList);
// bool    tqReaderIsQueriedTable(STqReader* pReader, uint64_t uid);
// bool    tqCurrentBlockConsumed(const STqReader* pReader);
// int32_t tqReaderSeek(STqReader *pReader, int64_t ver, const char *id);
140 141
// bool    tqNextBlockInWal(STqReader* pReader, const char* idstr);
// bool    tqNextBlockImpl(STqReader *pReader, const char* idstr);
Haojun Liao 已提交
142 143
// int32_t        getTableInfoFromSnapshot(SSnapContext *ctx, void **pBuf, int32_t *contLen, int16_t *type, int64_t *uid);
// SMetaTableInfo getMetaTableInfoFromSnapshot(SSnapContext *ctx);
144 145 146
// int32_t        setForSnapShot(SSnapContext *ctx, int64_t uid);
// int32_t        destroySnapContext(SSnapContext *ctx);

// clang-format off
/*-------------------------------------------------new api format---------------------------------------------------*/
typedef struct TsdReader {
  int32_t      (*tsdReaderOpen)(void* pVnode, SQueryTableDataCond* pCond, void* pTableList, int32_t numOfTables,
151 152
                           SSDataBlock* pResBlock, void** ppReader, const char* idstr, bool countOnly,
                           SHashObj** pIgnoreTables);
153 154 155 156
  void         (*tsdReaderClose)();
  void         (*tsdSetReaderTaskId)(void *pReader, const char *pId);
  int32_t      (*tsdSetQueryTableList)();
  int32_t      (*tsdNextDataBlock)();

  int32_t      (*tsdReaderRetrieveBlockSMAInfo)();
159 160
  SSDataBlock *(*tsdReaderRetrieveDataBlock)();

  void         (*tsdReaderReleaseDataBlock)();

163 164 165 166
  int32_t      (*tsdReaderResetStatus)();
  int32_t      (*tsdReaderGetDataBlockDistInfo)();
  int64_t      (*tsdReaderGetNumOfInMemRows)();
  void         (*tsdReaderNotifyClosing)();
} TsdReader;

typedef struct SStoreCacheReader {
170 171 172 173 174 175
  int32_t  (*openReader)(void *pVnode, int32_t type, void *pTableIdList, int32_t numOfTables, int32_t numOfCols,
                         SArray *pCidList, int32_t *pSlotIds, uint64_t suid, void **pReader, const char *idstr);
  void    *(*closeReader)(void *pReader);
  int32_t  (*retrieveRows)(void *pReader, SSDataBlock *pResBlock, const int32_t *slotIds, const int32_t *dstSlotIds,
                           SArray *pTableUidList);
  int32_t  (*reuseReader)(void *pReader, void *pTableIdList, int32_t numOfTables);
} SStoreCacheReader;

178 179
// clang-format on

180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188
void    tqReaderSetColIdList(STqReader *pReader, SArray *pColIdList);
int32_t tqReaderSetTbUidList(STqReader *pReader, const SArray *tbUidList);
int32_t tqReaderAddTbUidList(STqReader *pReader, const SArray *pTableUidList);
int32_t tqReaderRemoveTbUidList(STqReader *pReader, const SArray *tbUidList);
bool    tqReaderIsQueriedTable(STqReader* pReader, uint64_t uid);
bool    tqCurrentBlockConsumed(const STqReader* pReader);

int32_t tqReaderSeek(STqReader *pReader, int64_t ver, const char *id);
190 191 192 193 194
bool    tqNextBlockInWal(STqReader* pReader, const char* idstr);
bool    tqNextBlockImpl(STqReader *pReader, const char* idstr);

 int32_t    tqRetrieveDataBlock(STqReader *pReader, SSDataBlock **pRes, const char* idstr);
STqReader *tqReaderOpen(void *pVnode);
void       tqReaderClose(STqReader *);
196 197 198 199 200 201 202

int32_t tqReaderSetSubmitMsg(STqReader *pReader, void *msgStr, int32_t msgLen, int64_t ver);
bool    tqNextDataBlockFilterOut(STqReader *pReader, SHashObj *filterOutUids);
SWalReader* tqGetWalReader(STqReader* pReader);
int32_t tqRetrieveTaosxBlock(STqReader *pReader, SArray *blocks, SArray *schemas, SSubmitTbData **pSubmitTbDataRet);
// todo rename
typedef struct SStoreTqReader {
  struct STqReader* (*tqReaderOpen)();
205 206 207 208 209 210
  void (*tqReaderClose)();

  int32_t (*tqReaderSeek)();
  int32_t (*tqRetrieveBlock)();
  bool (*tqReaderNextBlockInWal)();
  bool (*tqNextBlockImpl)();  // todo remove it
Haojun Liao 已提交
  SSDataBlock* (*tqGetResultBlock)();
212 213

  void (*tqReaderSetColIdList)();
  int32_t (*tqReaderSetQueryTableList)();
215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222

  int32_t (*tqReaderAddTables)();
  int32_t (*tqReaderRemoveTables)();

  bool (*tqReaderIsQueriedTable)();
  bool (*tqReaderCurrentBlockConsumed)();

  struct SWalReader *(*tqReaderGetWalReader)();  // todo remove it
  int32_t (*tqReaderRetrieveTaosXBlock)();          // todo remove it
224 225

  int32_t (*tqReaderSetSubmitMsg)();  // todo remove it
  bool (*tqReaderNextBlockFilterOut)();
} SStoreTqReader;
228 229

typedef struct SStoreSnapshotFn {
230 231 232 233
  int32_t (*createSnapshot)(SSnapContext *ctx, int64_t uid);
  int32_t (*destroySnapshot)(SSnapContext *ctx);
  SMetaTableInfo (*getMetaTableInfoFromSnapshot)(SSnapContext* ctx);
  int32_t (*getTableInfoFromSnapshot)(SSnapContext* ctx, void** pBuf, int32_t* contLen, int16_t* type, int64_t* uid);
234 235
} SStoreSnapshotFn;

typedef struct SStoreMeta {
237 238
  SMTbCursor *(*openTableMetaCursor)(void *pVnode);                        // metaOpenTbCursor
  void        (*closeTableMetaCursor)(SMTbCursor *pTbCur);                 // metaCloseTbCursor
239 240
  int32_t     (*cursorNext)(SMTbCursor *pTbCur, ETableType jumpTableType); // metaTbCursorNext
  int32_t     (*cursorPrev)(SMTbCursor *pTbCur, ETableType jumpTableType); // metaTbCursorPrev

242 243
  int32_t     (*getTableTags)(void *pVnode, uint64_t suid, SArray *uidList);
  int32_t     (*getTableTagsByUid)(void *pVnode, int64_t suid, SArray *uidList);
  const void *(*extractTagVal)(const void *tag, int16_t type, STagVal *tagVal);  // todo remove it

246 247 248 249
  int32_t     (*getTableUidByName)(void *pVnode, char *tbName, uint64_t *uid);
  int32_t     (*getTableTypeByName)(void *pVnode, char *tbName, ETableType *tbType);
  int32_t     (*getTableNameByUid)(void *pVnode, uint64_t uid, char *tbName);
  bool        (*isTableExisted)(void *pVnode, tb_uid_t uid);

251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264
  int32_t     (*metaGetCachedTbGroup)(void* pVnode, tb_uid_t suid, const uint8_t* pKey, int32_t keyLen, SArray** pList);
  int32_t     (*metaPutTbGroupToCache)(void* pVnode, uint64_t suid, const void* pKey, int32_t keyLen, void* pPayload, int32_t payloadLen);

  int32_t     (*getCachedTableList)(void* pVnode, tb_uid_t suid, const uint8_t* pKey, int32_t keyLen, SArray* pList1, bool* acquireRes);
  int32_t     (*putCachedTableList)(void* pVnode, uint64_t suid, const void* pKey, int32_t keyLen, void* pPayload, int32_t payloadLen, double selectivityRatio);

  void       *(*storeGetIndexInfo)();
  void       *(*getInvertIndex)(void* pVnode);
  int32_t     (*getChildTableList)(void *pVnode, int64_t suid, SArray *list);  // support filter and non-filter cases. [vnodeGetCtbIdList & vnodeGetCtbIdListByFilter]
  int32_t     (*storeGetTableList)(void* pVnode, int8_t type, SArray* pList);    // vnodeGetStbIdList  & vnodeGetAllTableList
  void       *storeGetVersionRange;
  void       *storeGetLastTimestamp;

  int32_t     (*getTableSchema)(void *pVnode, int64_t uid, STSchema **pSchema, int64_t *suid);  // tsdbGetTableSchema
265 266

  // db name, vgId, numOfTables, numOfSTables
267 268
  int32_t (*getNumOfChildTables)(void* pVnode, int64_t uid, int64_t* numOfTables);  // int32_t metaGetStbStats(SMeta *pMeta, int64_t uid, SMetaStbStats *pInfo);
  void (*getBasicInfo)(void *pVnode, const char **dbname, int32_t *vgId, int64_t* numOfTables, int64_t* numOfNormalTables);// vnodeGetInfo(void *pVnode, const char **dbname, int32_t *vgId) & metaGetTbNum(SMeta *pMeta) & metaGetNtbNum(SMeta *pMeta);

Haojun Liao 已提交
  int64_t (*getNumOfRowsInMem)(void* pVnode);
271 272 273 274 275
int32_t vnodeGetCtbIdList(void *pVnode, int64_t suid, SArray *list);
int32_t vnodeGetCtbIdListByFilter(void *pVnode, int64_t suid, SArray *list, bool (*filter)(void *arg), void *arg);
int32_t vnodeGetStbIdList(void *pVnode, int64_t suid, SArray *list);
} SStoreMeta;

Haojun Liao 已提交
278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285
typedef struct SStoreMetaReader {
  void    (*initReader)(SMetaReader *pReader, void *pVnode, int32_t flags, SStoreMeta* pAPI);
  void    (*clearReader)(SMetaReader *pReader);
  void    (*readerReleaseLock)(SMetaReader *pReader);
  int32_t (*getTableEntryByUid)(SMetaReader *pReader, tb_uid_t uid);
  int32_t (*getTableEntryByName)(SMetaReader *pReader, const char *name);
  int32_t (*getEntryGetUidCache)(SMetaReader *pReader, tb_uid_t uid);
} SStoreMetaReader;
286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300

typedef struct SUpdateInfo {
  SArray      *pTsBuckets;
  uint64_t     numBuckets;
  SArray      *pTsSBFs;
  uint64_t     numSBFs;
  int64_t      interval;
  int64_t      watermark;
  TSKEY        minTS;
  SScalableBf *pCloseWinSBF;
  SHashObj    *pMap;
  uint64_t     maxDataVersion;
} SUpdateInfo;

typedef struct {
301 302 303 304 305
  void*   iter;      //  rocksdb_iterator_t*    iter;
  void*   snapshot;  //  rocksdb_snapshot_t*    snapshot;
  void*   readOpt;   //  rocksdb_readoptions_t* readOpt;
  void*   db;        //  rocksdb_t*             db;
  void*   pCur;
306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330
  int64_t number;
} SStreamStateCur;

typedef struct SStateStore {
  int32_t (*streamStatePutParName)(SStreamState* pState, int64_t groupId, const char* tbname);
  int32_t (*streamStateGetParName)(SStreamState* pState, int64_t groupId, void** pVal);

  int32_t (*streamStateAddIfNotExist)(SStreamState* pState, const SWinKey* key, void** pVal, int32_t* pVLen);
  int32_t (*streamStateReleaseBuf)(SStreamState* pState, const SWinKey* key, void* pVal);
  void    (*streamStateFreeVal)(void* val);

  int32_t (*streamStatePut)(SStreamState* pState, const SWinKey* key, const void* value, int32_t vLen);
  int32_t (*streamStateGet)(SStreamState* pState, const SWinKey* key, void** pVal, int32_t* pVLen);
  bool    (*streamStateCheck)(SStreamState* pState, const SWinKey* key);
  int32_t (*streamStateGetByPos)(SStreamState* pState, void* pos, void** pVal);
  int32_t (*streamStateDel)(SStreamState* pState, const SWinKey* key);
  int32_t (*streamStateClear)(SStreamState* pState);
  void    (*streamStateSetNumber)(SStreamState* pState, int32_t number);
  int32_t (*streamStateSaveInfo)(SStreamState* pState, void* pKey, int32_t keyLen, void* pVal, int32_t vLen);
  int32_t (*streamStateGetInfo)(SStreamState* pState, void* pKey, int32_t keyLen, void** pVal, int32_t* pLen);

  int32_t (*streamStateFillPut)(SStreamState* pState, const SWinKey* key, const void* value, int32_t vLen);
  int32_t (*streamStateFillGet)(SStreamState* pState, const SWinKey* key, void** pVal, int32_t* pVLen);
  int32_t (*streamStateFillDel)(SStreamState* pState, const SWinKey* key);

331 332
  int32_t (*streamStateCurNext)(SStreamState* pState, SStreamStateCur* pCur);
  int32_t (*streamStateCurPrev)(SStreamState* pState, SStreamStateCur* pCur);

334 335 336 337 338
  SStreamStateCur*  (*streamStateGetAndCheckCur)(SStreamState* pState, SWinKey* key);
  SStreamStateCur*  (*streamStateSeekKeyNext)(SStreamState* pState, const SWinKey* key);
  SStreamStateCur*  (*streamStateFillSeekKeyNext)(SStreamState* pState, const SWinKey* key);
  SStreamStateCur*  (*streamStateFillSeekKeyPrev)(SStreamState* pState, const SWinKey* key);
  void   (*streamStateFreeCur)(SStreamStateCur* pCur);

340 341
  int32_t (*streamStateGetGroupKVByCur)(SStreamStateCur* pCur, SWinKey* pKey, const void** pVal, int32_t* pVLen);
  int32_t (*streamStateGetKVByCur)(SStreamStateCur* pCur, SWinKey* pKey, const void** pVal, int32_t* pVLen);
342 343 344 345 346 347

  int32_t (*streamStateSessionAddIfNotExist)(SStreamState* pState, SSessionKey* key, TSKEY gap, void** pVal, int32_t* pVLen);
  int32_t (*streamStateSessionPut)(SStreamState* pState, const SSessionKey* key, const void* value, int32_t vLen);
  int32_t (*streamStateSessionGet)(SStreamState* pState, SSessionKey* key, void** pVal, int32_t* pVLen);
  int32_t (*streamStateSessionDel)(SStreamState* pState, const SSessionKey* key);
  int32_t (*streamStateSessionClear)(SStreamState* pState);
  int32_t (*streamStateSessionGetKVByCur)(SStreamStateCur* pCur, SSessionKey* pKey, void** pVal, int32_t* pVLen);
349 350
  int32_t (*streamStateStateAddIfNotExist)(SStreamState* pState, SSessionKey* key, char* pKeyData, int32_t keyDataLen,
                                     state_key_cmpr_fn fn, void** pVal, int32_t* pVLen);
  int32_t (*streamStateSessionGetKeyByRange)(SStreamState* pState, const SSessionKey* range, SSessionKey* curKey);

353 354 355 356 357
  SUpdateInfo*   (*updateInfoInit)(int64_t interval, int32_t precision, int64_t watermark);
  TSKEY   (*updateInfoFillBlockData)(SUpdateInfo *pInfo, SSDataBlock *pBlock, int32_t primaryTsCol);
  bool    (*updateInfoIsUpdated)(SUpdateInfo *pInfo, uint64_t tableId, TSKEY ts);
  bool    (*updateInfoIsTableInserted)(SUpdateInfo *pInfo, int64_t tbUid);
  void    (*updateInfoDestroy)(SUpdateInfo *pInfo);
358 359

  SUpdateInfo* (*updateInfoInitP)(SInterval *pInterval, int64_t watermark);
360 361 362 363
  void        (*updateInfoAddCloseWindowSBF)(SUpdateInfo *pInfo);
  void        (*updateInfoDestoryColseWinSBF)(SUpdateInfo *pInfo);
  int32_t     (*updateInfoSerialize)(void *buf, int32_t bufLen, const SUpdateInfo *pInfo);
  int32_t     (*updateInfoDeserialize)(void *buf, int32_t bufLen, SUpdateInfo *pInfo);

365 366 367
  SStreamStateCur* (*streamStateSessionSeekKeyNext)(SStreamState* pState, const SSessionKey* key);
  SStreamStateCur* (*streamStateSessionSeekKeyCurrentPrev)(SStreamState* pState, const SSessionKey* key);
  SStreamStateCur* (*streamStateSessionSeekKeyCurrentNext)(SStreamState* pState, const SSessionKey* key);

369 370
  struct SStreamFileState* (*streamFileStateInit)(int64_t memSize, uint32_t keySize, uint32_t rowSize,
                                                  uint32_t selectRowSize, GetTsFun fp, void* pFile, TSKEY delMark);

372 373 374
  void (*streamFileStateDestroy)(struct SStreamFileState* pFileState);
  void (*streamFileStateClear)(struct SStreamFileState* pFileState);
  bool (*needClearDiskBuff)(struct SStreamFileState* pFileState);
375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384

  SStreamState* (*streamStateOpen)(char* path, void* pTask, bool specPath, int32_t szPage, int32_t pages);
  void          (*streamStateClose)(SStreamState* pState, bool remove);
  int32_t       (*streamStateBegin)(SStreamState* pState);
  int32_t       (*streamStateCommit)(SStreamState* pState);
  void          (*streamStateDestroy)(SStreamState* pState, bool remove);
  int32_t       (*streamStateDeleteCheckPoint)(SStreamState* pState, TSKEY mark);
} SStateStore;

typedef struct SStorageAPI {
Haojun Liao 已提交
385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392
  SStoreMeta          metaFn;  // todo: refactor
  TsdReader           tsdReader;
  SStoreMetaReader    metaReaderFn;
  SStoreCacheReader   cacheFn;
  SStoreSnapshotFn    snapshotFn;
  SStoreTqReader      tqReaderFn;
  SStateStore         stateStore;
  SMetaDataFilterAPI  metaFilter;
  SFunctionStateStore functionStore;
394 395 396 397 398 399 400
} SStorageAPI;

#ifdef __cplusplus