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title: TDengine Rust Connector

import Tabs from '@theme/Tabs';
import TabItem from '@theme/TabItem';

import Preparation from "./_preparation.mdx"
import RustInsert from "../../07-develop/03-insert-data/_rust_sql.mdx"
import RustInfluxLine from "../../07-develop/03-insert-data/_rust_line.mdx"
import RustOpenTSDBTelnet from "../../07-develop/03-insert-data/_rust_opts_telnet.mdx"
import RustOpenTSDBJson from "../../07-develop/03-insert-data/_rust_opts_json.mdx"
import RustQuery from "../../07-develop/04-query-data/_rust.mdx"

`libtaos` is the official Rust language connector for TDengine. Rust developers can develop applications to access the TDengine instance data.

`libtaos` provides two ways to establish connections. One is the **Native Connection**, which connects to TDengine instances via the TDengine client driver (taosc). The other is **REST connection**, which connects to TDengine instances via taosAdapter's REST interface.

The source code for `libtaos` is hosted on [GitHub](

## Supported platforms

The platforms supported by native connections are the same as those supported by the TDengine client driver.
REST connections are supported on all platforms that can run Rust.

## Version support

Please refer to [version support list](/reference/connector#version-support).

The Rust Connector is still under rapid development and is not guaranteed to be backward compatible before 1.0. We recommend using TDengine version 2.4 or higher to avoid known issues.
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## Installation

### Pre-installation
* Install the Rust development toolchain
* If using the native connection, please install the TDengine client driver. Please refer to [install client driver](/reference/connector#install-client-driver)

### Adding libtaos dependencies

Add the [libtaos][libtaos] dependency to the [Rust]( project as follows, depending on the connection method selected.

<Tabs defaultValue="native">
<TabItem value="native" label="native connection">

dingbo 已提交
Add [libtaos][libtaos] to the `Cargo.toml` file.
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# use default feature
libtaos = "*"

dingbo 已提交
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<TabItem value="rest" label="REST connection">

Add [libtaos][libtaos] to the `Cargo.toml` file and enable the `rest` feature.

# use rest feature
libtaos = { version = "*", features = ["rest"]}


### Using connection pools

Please enable the `r2d2` feature in `Cargo.toml`.

# with taosc
libtaos = { version = "*", features = ["r2d2"] }
# or rest
libtaos = { version = "*", features = ["rest", "r2d2"] }

## Create a connection

The [TaosCfgBuilder] provides the user with an API in the form of a constructor for the subsequent creation of connections or use of connection pools.

let cfg: TaosCfg = TaosCfgBuilder::default()
    .db("log") // do not set if not require a default database.
    .expect("TaosCfg builder error");

You can now use this object to create the connection.

let conn = cfg.connect()? ;

The connection object can create more than one.

let conn = cfg.connect()? ;
let conn2 = cfg.connect()? ;

You can use connection pools in applications.

let pool = r2d2::Pool::builder()
    .max_size(10000) // max connections
    .build(cfg)? ;

// ...
// Use pool to get connection
let conn = pool.get()? ;

After that, you can perform the following operations on the database.

async fn demo() -> Result<(), Error> {
    // get connection ...

    // create database
    conn.exec("create database if not exists demo").await?
    // change database context
    conn.exec("use demo").await?
    // create table
    conn.exec("create table if not exists tb1 (ts timestamp, v int)").await?
    // insert
    conn.exec("insert into tb1 values(now, 1)").await?
    // query
    let rows = conn.query("select * from tb1").await?
    for row in rows.rows {
        println!("{}", row.into_iter().join(","));

## Usage examples

### Write data

#### SQL Write

<RustInsert />

#### InfluxDB line protocol write

<RustInfluxLine />

#### OpenTSDB Telnet line protocol write

<RustOpenTSDBTelnet />

#### OpenTSDB JSON line protocol write

<RustOpenTSDBJson />

### Query data

<RustQuery />

### More sample programs

| Program Path | Program Description |
| -------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| [] | Basic API Usage Examples |
| [bailongma-rs] | Using TDengine as the Prometheus remote storage API adapter for the storage backend, using the r2d2 connection pool |

## API Reference

### Connection constructor API

The [Builder Pattern]( constructor pattern is Rust's solution for handling complex data types or optional configuration types. The [libtaos] implementation uses the connection constructor [TaosCfgBuilder] as the entry point for the TDengine Rust connector. The [TaosCfgBuilder] provides optional configuration of servers, ports, databases, usernames, passwords, etc.

Using the `default()` method, you can construct a [TaosCfg] with default parameters for subsequent connections to the database or establishing connection pools.

let cfg = TaosCfgBuilder::default().build()? ;

Using the constructor pattern, the user can set on-demand.

let cfg = TaosCfgBuilder::default()
    .build()? ;

Create TDengine connection using [TaosCfg] object.

let conn: Taos = cfg.connect();

### Connection pooling

In complex applications, we recommend enabling connection pools. Connection pool for [libtaos] is implemented using [r2d2].
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As follows, a connection pool with default parameters can be generated.

let pool = r2d2::Pool::new(cfg)? ;

You can set the same connection pool parameters using the connection pool's constructor.

    use std::time::Duration;
    let pool = r2d2::Pool::builder()
        .max_size(5000) // max connections
        .max_lifetime(Some(Duration::from_minutes(100))) // lifetime of each connection
        .min_idle(Some(1000)) // minimal idle connections

In the application code, use `pool.get()? ` to get a connection object [Taos].

let taos = pool.get()? ;

The [Taos] structure is the connection manager in [libtaos] and provides two main APIs.

1. `exec`: Execute some non-query SQL statements, such as `CREATE`, `ALTER`, `INSERT`, etc.


2. `query`: Execute the query statement and return the [TaosQueryData] object.

    let q = taos.query("select * from log.logs").await?

    The [TaosQueryData] object stores the query result data and basic information about the returned columns (column name, type, length).

    Column information is stored using [ColumnMeta].

    let cols = &q.column_meta;
    for col in cols {
        println!("name: {}, type: {:?} , bytes: {}",, col.type_, col.bytes);

    It fetches data line by line.

    for (i, row) in q.rows.iter().enumerate() {
        for (j, cell) in row.iter().enumerate() {
            println!("cell({}, {}) data: {}", i, j, cell);

Note that Rust asynchronous functions and an asynchronous runtime are required.

[Taos] provides a few Rust methods that encapsulate SQL to reduce the frequency of `format!` code blocks.
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- `.describe(table: &str)`: Executes `DESCRIBE` and returns a Rust data structure.
- `.create_database(database: &str)`: Executes the `CREATE DATABASE` statement.
- `.use_database(database: &str)`: Executes the `USE` statement.

In addition, this structure is also the entry point for [Parameter Binding](#Parameter Binding Interface) and [Line Protocol Interface](#Line Protocol Interface). Please refer to the specific API descriptions for usage.

### Bind Interface

Similar to the C interface, Rust provides the bind interface's wrapping. First, create a bind object [Stmt] for a SQL command from the [Taos] object.
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let mut stmt: Stmt = taos.stmt("insert into ? values(? ,?)") ? ;

The bind object provides a set of interfaces for implementing parameter binding.

##### `.set_tbname(tbname: impl ToCString)`

To bind table names.

##### `.set_tbname_tags(tbname: impl ToCString, tags: impl IntoParams)`

Bind sub-table table names and tag values when the SQL statement uses a super table.

let mut stmt = taos.stmt("insert into ? using stb0 tags(?) values(? ,?)") ? ;
// tags can be created with any supported type, here is an example using JSON
let v = Field::Json(serde_json::from_str("{\"tag1\":\"one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten\"}").unwrap());
stmt.set_tbname_tags("tb0", [&tag])? ;

##### `.bind(params: impl IntoParams)`

Bind value types. Use the [Field] structure to construct the desired type and bind.

let ts = Field::Timestamp(Timestamp::now());
let value = Field::Float(0.0);
stmt.bind(vec![ts, value].iter())? ;

##### `.execute()`

Execute SQL.[Stmt] objects can be reused, re-binded, and executed after execution.

stmt.execute()? ;

// next bind cycle.
// stmt.set_tbname()? ;
//stmt.bind()? ;
//stmt.execute()? ;

### Line protocol interface

The line protocol interface supports multiple modes and different precision and requires the introduction of constants in the schemaless module to set.

use libtaos::*;
use libtaos::schemaless::*;

- InfluxDB line protocol

    let lines = [
        "st,t1=abc,t2=def,t3=anything c1=3i64,c3=L\"pass\",c2=false 1626006833639000000"
        "st,t1=abc,t2=def,t3=anything c1=3i64,c3=L\"abc\",c4=4f64 1626006833639000000"
    taos.schemaless_insert(&lines, TSDB_SML_LINE_PROTOCOL, TSDB_SML_TIMESTAMP_NANOSECONDS)? ;

- OpenTSDB Telnet Protocol

    let lines = ["sys.if.bytes.out 1479496100 1.3E3 host=web01 interface=eth0"];
    taos.schemaless_insert(&lines, TSDB_SML_LINE_PROTOCOL, TSDB_SML_TIMESTAMP_SECONDS)? ;

- OpenTSDB JSON protocol

    let lines = [r#"
            "metric": "st",
            "timestamp": 1626006833,
            "value": 10,
            "tags": {
                "t1": true,
                "t2": false,
                "t3": 10,
                "t4": "123_abc_.! @#$%^&*:;,. /? |+-=()[]{}<>"
    taos.schemaless_insert(&lines, TSDB_SML_LINE_PROTOCOL, TSDB_SML_TIMESTAMP_SECONDS)? ;

Please move to the Rust documentation hosting page for other related structure API usage instructions: <>.
