odbc.lua 1.4 KB
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package.cpath = package.cpath .. ";/usr/local/lib/lib?.dylib"
-- load driver
local driver = require "luasql.odbc"
-- create environment object
env = assert (driver.odbc())
-- connect to data source
con = assert (env:connect("TAOS_DSN", "root", "taosdata"))
-- reset our table
-- res = con:execute"DROP TABLE people"
-- res = assert (con:execute[[
--   CREATE TABLE people(
--     name  varchar(50),
--     email varchar(50)
--   )
-- ]])
-- -- add a few elements
-- list = {
--   { name="Jose das Couves", email="jose@couves.com", },
--   { name="Manoel Joaquim", email="manoel.joaquim@cafundo.com", },
--   { name="Maria das Dores", email="maria@dores.com", },
-- }
-- for i, p in pairs (list) do
--   res = assert (con:execute(string.format([[
--     INSERT INTO people
--     VALUES ('%s', '%s')]], p.name, p.email)
--   ))
-- end
-- -- retrieve a cursor
-- cur = assert (con:execute"SELECT name, email from people")
-- -- print all rows, the rows will be indexed by field names
-- row = cur:fetch ({}, "a")
-- while row do
--   print(string.format("Name: %s, E-mail: %s", row.name, row.email))
--   -- reusing the table of results
--   row = cur:fetch (row, "a")
-- end
cur = assert(con:execute"select * from m.t")
row = cur:fetch({}, "a")
while row do
  print(string.format("Name: %s", row.name))
  row = cur:fetch(row, "a")

-- close everything
cur:close() -- already closed because all the result set was consumed