import type { AppRouteRecordRaw, Menu } from '/@/router/types'; import store from '/@/store/index'; import { hotModuleUnregisterModule } from '/@/utils/helper/vuexHelper'; import { VuexModule, Mutation, Module, getModule, Action } from 'vuex-module-decorators'; import { PermissionModeEnum } from '/@/enums/appEnum'; import { appStore } from '/@/store/modules/app'; import { userStore } from '/@/store/modules/user'; import { asyncRoutes } from '/@/router/routes'; import { filter } from '/@/utils/helper/treeHelper'; import { toRaw } from 'vue'; import { getMenuListById } from '/@/api/sys/menu'; import { getPermCodeByUserId } from '/@/api/sys/user'; import { transformObjToRoute, flatRoutes } from '/@/router/helper/routeHelper'; import { transformRouteToMenu } from '/@/router/helper/menuHelper'; import { useMessage } from '/@/hooks/web/useMessage'; import { useI18n } from '/@/hooks/web/useI18n'; import { ERROR_LOG_ROUTE, PAGE_NOT_FOUND_ROUTE } from '/@/router/routes/basic'; const { createMessage } = useMessage(); const NAME = 'app-permission'; hotModuleUnregisterModule(NAME); @Module({ dynamic: true, namespaced: true, store, name: NAME }) class Permission extends VuexModule { // Permission code list private permCodeListState: string[] = []; // Whether the route has been dynamically added private isDynamicAddedRouteState = false; // To trigger a menu update private lastBuildMenuTimeState = 0; // Backstage menu list private backMenuListState: Menu[] = []; get getPermCodeListState() { return this.permCodeListState; } get getBackMenuListState() { return this.backMenuListState; } get getLastBuildMenuTimeState() { return this.lastBuildMenuTimeState; } get getIsDynamicAddedRouteState() { return this.isDynamicAddedRouteState; } @Mutation commitPermCodeListState(codeList: string[]): void { this.permCodeListState = codeList; } @Mutation commitBackMenuListState(list: Menu[]): void { this.backMenuListState = list; } @Mutation commitLastBuildMenuTimeState(): void { this.lastBuildMenuTimeState = new Date().getTime(); } @Mutation commitDynamicAddedRouteState(added: boolean): void { this.isDynamicAddedRouteState = added; } @Mutation commitResetState(): void { this.isDynamicAddedRouteState = false; this.permCodeListState = []; this.backMenuListState = []; this.lastBuildMenuTimeState = 0; } @Action async changePermissionCode(userId: string) { const codeList = await getPermCodeByUserId({ userId }); this.commitPermCodeListState(codeList); } @Action async buildRoutesAction(id?: number | string): Promise { const { t } = useI18n(); let routes: AppRouteRecordRaw[] = []; const roleList = toRaw(userStore.getRoleListState); const { permissionMode = PermissionModeEnum.ROLE } = appStore.getProjectConfig; // role permissions if (permissionMode === PermissionModeEnum.ROLE) { routes = filter(asyncRoutes, (route) => { const { meta } = route as AppRouteRecordRaw; const { roles } = meta || {}; if (!roles) return true; return roleList.some((role) => roles.includes(role)); }); // If you are sure that you do not need to do background dynamic permissions, please comment the entire judgment below } else if (permissionMode === PermissionModeEnum.BACK) { createMessage.loading({ content: t(''), duration: 1, }); // Here to get the background routing menu logic to modify by yourself const paramId = id || userStore.getUserInfoState.userId; // !Simulate to obtain permission codes from the background, // this function may only need to be executed once, and the actual project can be put at the right time by itself this.changePermissionCode('1'); if (!paramId) { throw new Error('paramId is undefined!'); } let routeList = (await getMenuListById({ id: paramId })) as AppRouteRecordRaw[]; // Dynamically introduce components routeList = transformObjToRoute(routeList); // Background routing to menu structure const backMenuList = transformRouteToMenu(routeList); this.commitBackMenuListState(backMenuList); flatRoutes(routeList); routes = [PAGE_NOT_FOUND_ROUTE, ...routeList]; } routes.push(ERROR_LOG_ROUTE); return routes; } } export const permissionStore = getModule(Permission);