import { type Menu } from '/@/router/types'; import { type AnyFunction } from '@vben/types'; import { ref, onBeforeMount, unref, Ref, nextTick } from 'vue'; import { getMenus } from '/@/router/menus'; import { cloneDeep } from 'lodash-es'; import { filter, forEach } from '/@/utils/helper/treeHelper'; import { useGo } from '/@/hooks/web/usePage'; import { useScrollTo } from '@vben/hooks'; import { onKeyStroke, useDebounceFn } from '@vueuse/core'; import { useI18n } from '/@/hooks/web/useI18n'; export interface SearchResult { name: string; path: string; icon?: string; } // Translate special characters function transform(c: string) { const code: string[] = ['$', '(', ')', '*', '+', '.', '[', ']', '?', '\\', '^', '{', '}', '|']; return code.includes(c) ? `\\${c}` : c; } function createSearchReg(key: string) { const keys = [...key].map((item) => transform(item)); const str = ['', ...keys, ''].join('.*'); return new RegExp(str); } export function useMenuSearch(refs: Ref, scrollWrap: Ref, emit: AnyFunction) { const searchResult = ref([]); const keyword = ref(''); const activeIndex = ref(-1); let menuList: Menu[] = []; const { t } = useI18n(); const go = useGo(); const handleSearch = useDebounceFn(search, 200); onBeforeMount(async () => { const list = await getMenus(); menuList = cloneDeep(list); forEach(menuList, (item) => { = t(; }); }); function search(e: ChangeEvent) { e?.stopPropagation(); const key =; keyword.value = key.trim(); if (!key) { searchResult.value = []; return; } const reg = createSearchReg(unref(keyword)); const filterMenu = filter(menuList, (item) => { return reg.test( && !item.hideMenu; }); searchResult.value = handlerSearchResult(filterMenu, reg); activeIndex.value = 0; } function handlerSearchResult(filterMenu: Menu[], reg: RegExp, parent?: Menu) { const ret: SearchResult[] = []; filterMenu.forEach((item) => { const { name, path, icon, children, hideMenu, meta } = item; if (!hideMenu && reg.test(name) && (!children?.length || meta?.hideChildrenInMenu)) { ret.push({ name: parent?.name ? `${} > ${name}` : name, path, icon, }); } if (!meta?.hideChildrenInMenu && Array.isArray(children) && children.length) { ret.push(...handlerSearchResult(children, reg, item)); } }); return ret; } // Activate when the mouse moves to a certain line function handleMouseenter(e: any) { const index =; activeIndex.value = Number(index); } // Arrow key up function handleUp() { if (!searchResult.value.length) return; activeIndex.value--; if (activeIndex.value < 0) { activeIndex.value = searchResult.value.length - 1; } handleScroll(); } // Arrow key down function handleDown() { if (!searchResult.value.length) return; activeIndex.value++; if (activeIndex.value > searchResult.value.length - 1) { activeIndex.value = 0; } handleScroll(); } // When the keyboard up and down keys move to an invisible place // the scroll bar needs to scroll automatically function handleScroll() { const refList = unref(refs); if (!refList || !Array.isArray(refList) || refList.length === 0 || !unref(scrollWrap)) { return; } const index = unref(activeIndex); const currentRef = refList[index]; if (!currentRef) { return; } const wrapEl = unref(scrollWrap); if (!wrapEl) { return; } const scrollHeight = currentRef.offsetTop + currentRef.offsetHeight; const wrapHeight = wrapEl.offsetHeight; const { start } = useScrollTo({ el: wrapEl, duration: 100, to: scrollHeight - wrapHeight, }); start(); } // enter keyboard event async function handleEnter() { if (!searchResult.value.length) { return; } const result = unref(searchResult); const index = unref(activeIndex); if (result.length === 0 || index < 0) { return; } const to = result[index]; handleClose(); await nextTick(); go(to.path); } // close search modal function handleClose() { searchResult.value = []; emit('close'); } // enter search onKeyStroke('Enter', handleEnter); // Monitor keyboard arrow keys onKeyStroke('ArrowUp', handleUp); onKeyStroke('ArrowDown', handleDown); // esc close onKeyStroke('Escape', handleClose); return { handleSearch, searchResult, keyword, activeIndex, handleMouseenter, handleEnter }; }