提交 ea81e246 编写于 作者: O obdev 提交者: wangzelin.wzl

fix cpu_usage calculation

上级 c7e99230
......@@ -1767,7 +1767,17 @@ void ObTenant::update_token_usage()
token_usage_check_ts_ = now;
const auto idle_us = static_cast<double>(ATOMIC_TAS(&idle_us_, 0));
const auto tokens = static_cast<double>(token_cnt());
const auto total_us = duration * (tokens + nesting_worker_has_init_ - 1);
int group_worker_cnt = 0;
ObResourceGroupNode* iter = NULL;
ObResourceGroup* group = nullptr;
while (NULL != (iter = group_map_.quick_next(iter))) {
group = static_cast<ObResourceGroup*>(iter);
group_worker_cnt += group->workers_.get_size();
const auto total_us = duration * (tokens + group_worker_cnt +
nesting_worker_has_init_ - 1);
token_usage_ = (total_us - idle_us) / duration;
token_usage_ = std::max(.0, token_usage_);
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