#!/bin/bash set -e shopt -s nullglob echo "Verifying license script is still happy..." (cd flutter/tools/licenses; pub get; dart --checked lib/main.dart --src ../../.. --out ../../../out/license_script_output --golden ../../travis/licenses_golden) for f in out/license_script_output/licenses_*; do if ! cmp -s flutter/travis/licenses_golden/$(basename $f) $f then echo "License script got different results than expected for $f." echo "Please rerun the licenses script locally to verify that it is" echo "correctly catching any new licenses for anything you may have" echo "changed, and then update this file:" echo " flutter/sky/packages/sky_engine/LICENSE" echo "For more information, see the script in:" echo " https://github.com/flutter/engine/tree/master/tools/licenses" echo "" diff -U 6 flutter/travis/licenses_golden/$(basename $f) $f exit 1 fi done echo "Licenses are as expected." exit 0