# how to use timeline tool to do profile 1. Add `profiler.start_profiler(...)`和`profiler.stop_profiler(...)` to the main training loop. After run, the code will generate a profile record file `/tmp/profile`. **Warning**: Please do not run too many batches when use profiler to record timeline information, for the profile record will grow with the batch number. ```python for pass_id in range(pass_num): for batch_id, data in enumerate(train_reader()): if pass_id == 0 and batch_id == 5: profiler.start_profiler("All") elif pass_id == 0 and batch_id == 10: profiler.stop_profiler("total", "/tmp/profile") exe.run(fluid.default_main_program(), feed=feeder.feed(data), fetch_list=[]) ... ``` 1. Run `python paddle/tools/timeline.py` to process `/tmp/profile`, it will generate another file `/tmp/timeline` by default. You can change the path by cmd parameter, please take a look at [timeline.py](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/Paddle/blob/develop/tools/timeline.py) for details. ```python python Paddle/tools/timeline.py --profile_path=/tmp/profile --timeline_path=timeline ``` 1. Open chrome and visit , use `load` button to load the generated `timeline` file. ![chrome tracing](./tracing.jpeg) 1. The resulting timeline should be like: ![chrome timeline](./timeline.jpeg)