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## Default Sureness Exception    
`sureness` uses the exception handling process, we need to customize the corresponding exceptions thrown by the authentication failure or unauthorized access in the authentication process of `checkIn`.  

If the authentication is successful, it will pass directly, if it fails, a specific exception will be thrown, and the exception will be caught, eg:  
        try {
            SubjectSum subject = SurenessSecurityManager.getInstance().checkIn(servletRequest);
        } catch (ProcessorNotFoundException | UnknownAccountException | UnsupportedSubjectException e4) {
            // Create subject error related execption 
        } catch (DisabledAccountException | ExcessiveAttemptsException e2 ) {
            // Account disable related exception
        } catch (IncorrectCredentialsException | ExpiredCredentialsException e3) {
            // Authentication failure related exception
        } catch (UnauthorizedException e5) {
            // Authorization failure related exception
        } catch (RuntimeException e) {
            // other sureness exception

sureness exception                              | exception note
---                                                             | ---
SurenessAuthenticationException     |  basic authenticated exception,Authentication related extend it
SurenessAuthorizationException       | basic authorized exception,Authorization related extend it
ProcessorNotFoundException            | authenticated,not found process support this subject
UnknownAccountException                | authenticated,unknown account
UnSupportedSubjectException           | authenticated,unSupport request
DisabledAccountException                  | authenticated,account disable
ExcessiveAttemptsException                | authenticated,excessive attempts
IncorrectCredentialsException             | authenticated, incorrect credential
ExpiredCredentialsException               | authenticated,expired credential
UnauthorizedException                        | authorized,no permission access this resource

Custom exception should extend SurenessAuthenticationException or SurenessAuthorizationException