import * as core from '@actions/core' import * as github from '@actions/github' import * as webhook from '@octokit/webhooks' import LanguageDetect from 'languagedetect' import translate from '@k3rn31p4nic/google-translate-api' async function run(): Promise { try { if ( github.context.eventName !== 'issue_comment' || github.context.payload.action !== 'created' ) { core.setFailed( `The status of the action must be created on issue_comment, no applicable - ${github.context.payload.action} on ${github.context.eventName}, return` ) return } const issueCommentPayload = github.context .payload as webhook.EventPayloads.WebhookPayloadIssueComment const issue_number = issueCommentPayload.issue.number const issue_origin_comment_body = issueCommentPayload.comment.body // detect comment body is english if (detectIsEnglish(issue_origin_comment_body)) {'the issue comment body is english already, ignore return.') return } // ignore when bot comment issue himself const myToken = core.getInput('BOT_GITHUB_TOKEN') let octokit = null; const issue_user = issueCommentPayload.comment.user.login let bot_login_name = core.getInput('BOT_LOGIN_NAME')`bot_login_name1: ${bot_login_name}`) if (bot_login_name === null) { octokit = github.getOctokit(myToken) const botInfo = await octokit.request('GET /user') bot_login_name =`bot_login_name2: ${bot_login_name}`) } if (bot_login_name === issue_user ) {"The issue comment user is bot self, ignore return.") return } // translate issue comment body to english const issue_translate_comment_body = await translateCommentBody( issue_origin_comment_body ) if (issue_translate_comment_body === null || issue_translate_comment_body === '' || issue_translate_comment_body === issue_origin_comment_body) { core.warning("The issue_translate_comment_body is null or same, ignore return.") return } // create comment by bot if (octokit === null) { octokit = github.getOctokit(myToken) } await createComment(issue_number, issue_translate_comment_body, octokit) core.setOutput('complete time', new Date().toTimeString()) } catch (error) { core.setFailed(error.message) } } function detectIsEnglish(body: string): boolean | true { const lngDetector = new LanguageDetect() const detectResult = lngDetector.detect(body, 1)`detect comment body result is: ${detectResult[0][0]}, sorce: ${detectResult[0][1]}`) return detectResult.length === 1 && detectResult[0][0] === 'english' } async function translateCommentBody(body: string): Promise { let result = '' await translate(body, {to: 'en'}) .then(res => { result = res.text }) .catch(err => { core.error(err) core.setFailed(err.message) }) return result } async function createComment(issueId: number, body: string, octokit: any): Promise { const {owner, repo} = github.context.repo const issue_url = github.context.payload.issue?.html_url await octokit.issues.createComment({ owner, repo, issue_number: issueId, body })`complete to push translate issue comment: ${body} in ${issue_url}.`) } run()