# Introduction This is a template for doing go-micro development using GitLab. It's based on the [helloworld](https://github.com/micro/examples/tree/master/helloworld) Go Micro template. # Reference links - [GitLab CI Documentation](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/ci/) - [Go Micro Overview](https://micro.mu/docs/go-micro.html) - [Go Micro Toolkit](https://micro.mu/docs/go-micro.html) # Getting started First thing to do is update `main.go` with your new project path: ```diff - proto "gitlab.com/gitlab-org/project-templates/go-micro/proto" + proto "gitlab.com/$YOUR_NAMESPACE/$PROJECT_NAME/proto" ``` Note that these are not actual environment variables, but values you should replace. ## What's contained in this project - main.go - is the main definition of the service, handler and client - proto - contains the protobuf definition of the API ## Dependencies Install the following - [micro](https://github.com/micro/micro) - [protoc-gen-micro](https://github.com/micro/protoc-gen-micro) ## Run Service ```shell go run main.go ``` ## Query Service ``` micro call greeter Greeter.Hello '{"name": "John"}' ```