use Cwd; use Cwd 'abs_path'; use Getopt::Long; use File::Basename; use File::Path; use lib ('external/buildscripts', "../../Tools/perl_lib","perl_lib", 'external/buildscripts/perl_lib'); use strict; use warnings; use Tools qw(InstallNameTool); print ">>> PATH in Build All = $ENV{PATH}\n\n"; my $currentdir = getcwd(); my $monoroot = File::Spec->rel2abs(dirname(__FILE__) . "/../.."); $monoroot = abs_path($monoroot); my $buildscriptsdir = "$monoroot/external/buildscripts"; my $addtoresultsdistdir = "$buildscriptsdir/add_to_build_results/monodistribution"; my $buildsroot = "$monoroot/builds"; my $includesroot = "$buildsroot/include"; my $sourcesroot = "$buildsroot/source"; my $distdir = "$buildsroot/monodistribution"; my $buildMachine = $ENV{UNITY_THISISABUILDMACHINE}; # This script should not be ran on windows, if it is, kindly call the wrapper # to switch over to cygwin if ($^O eq "MSWin32") { print(">>> called from Windows. Switching over to cygwin\n"); system("perl", "$buildscriptsdir/", @ARGV) eq 0 or die("\n"); exit 0; } system("source","~/.profile"); my $build=0; my $clean=0; my $jobs=8; my $test=0; my $artifact=0; my $debug=0; my $disableMcs=0; my $mcsOnly=0; my $buildUsAndBoo=0; my $artifactsCommon=0; my $artifactsRuntime=1; my $runRuntimeTests=1; my $runClasslibTests=1; my $checkoutOnTheFly=0; my $forceDefaultBuildDeps=0; my $existingMonoRootPath = ''; my $sdk = ''; my $arch32 = 0; my $winPerl = ""; my $winMonoRoot = ""; my $msBuildVersion = "14.0"; my $buildDeps = ""; my $android=0; my $androidArch = ""; my $iphone=0; my $iphoneArch = ""; my $iphoneCross=0; my $iphoneSimulator=0; my $iphoneSimulatorArch=""; my $tizen=0; my $tizenEmulator=0; my $windowsSubsystemForLinux=0; my $stevedoreBuildDeps=1; # Handy troubleshooting/niche options my $skipMonoMake=0; # The prefix hack probably isn't needed anymore. Let's disable it by default and see how things go my $shortPrefix=1; # Disabled by default for now. causes more problems than it's worth when actively making changes to the build scripts. # Would be okay to turn on once the build scripts stabilize and you just want to rebuild code changes my $enableCacheFile=0; # Linux toolchain setup needs this my @commandPrefix = (); print(">>> Build All Args = @ARGV\n"); GetOptions( 'build=i'=>\$build, 'clean=i'=>\$clean, 'test=i'=>\$test, 'artifact=i'=>\$artifact, 'artifactscommon=i'=>\$artifactsCommon, 'artifactsruntime=i'=>\$artifactsRuntime, 'debug=i'=>\$debug, 'disablemcs=i'=>\$disableMcs, 'mcsonly=i'=>\$mcsOnly, 'buildusandboo=i'=>\$buildUsAndBoo, 'runtimetests=i'=>\$runRuntimeTests, 'classlibtests=i'=>\$runClasslibTests, 'arch32=i'=>\$arch32, 'jobs=i'=>\$jobs, 'sdk=s'=>\$sdk, 'existingmono=s'=>\$existingMonoRootPath, 'skipmonomake=i'=>\$skipMonoMake, 'shortprefix=i'=>\$shortPrefix, 'winperl=s'=>\$winPerl, 'winmonoroot=s'=>\$winMonoRoot, 'msbuildversion=s'=>\$msBuildVersion, 'checkoutonthefly=i'=>\$checkoutOnTheFly, 'builddeps=s'=>\$buildDeps, 'forcedefaultbuilddeps=i'=>\$forceDefaultBuildDeps, 'android=i'=>\$android, 'androidarch=s'=>\$androidArch, 'iphone=i'=>\$iphone, 'iphonearch=s'=>\$iphoneArch, 'iphonecross=i'=>\$iphoneCross, 'iphonesimulator=i'=>\$iphoneSimulator, 'tizen=i'=>\$tizen, 'tizenemulator=i'=>\$tizenEmulator, 'windowssubsystemforlinux=i'=>\$windowsSubsystemForLinux, 'enablecachefile=i'=>\$enableCacheFile, 'stevedorebuilddeps=i'=>\$stevedoreBuildDeps, ) or die ("illegal cmdline options"); print ">>> Mono checkout = $monoroot\n"; print(">> System Info : \n"); system("uname", "-a"); my $monoRevision = `git rev-parse HEAD`; chdir("$buildscriptsdir") eq 1 or die ("failed to chdir : $buildscriptsdir\n"); my $buildScriptsRevision = `git rev-parse HEAD`; chdir("$monoroot") eq 1 or die ("failed to chdir : $monoroot\n"); print(">>> Mono Revision = $monoRevision\n"); print(">>> Build Scripts Revision = $buildScriptsRevision\n"); if ($androidArch ne "") { $android = 1; } if ($iphoneArch ne "") { $iphone = 1; } if($iphoneSimulator) { if ($arch32) { $iphoneSimulatorArch = "i386"; } else { $iphoneSimulatorArch = "x86_64"; } } my $isDesktopBuild = 1; if ($android || $iphone || $iphoneCross || $iphoneSimulator || $tizen || $tizenEmulator) { $isDesktopBuild = 0; # Disable building of the class libraries by default when building the android runtime # since we don't care about a class library build in this situation (as of writing this at least) # but only if the test flag is not set. If the test flag was set, we'd need to build the classlibs # in order to run the tests $disableMcs = 1 if(!($test)); } # Do any settings agnostic per-platform stuff my $externalBuildDeps = ""; if ($buildDeps ne "" && not $forceDefaultBuildDeps) { $externalBuildDeps = $buildDeps; } else { if($stevedoreBuildDeps) { $externalBuildDeps = "$monoroot/external/buildscripts/artifacts/Stevedore"; } else { $externalBuildDeps = "$monoroot/../../mono-build-deps/build"; } } print(">>> External build deps = $externalBuildDeps\n"); # Only clean up the path if the directory exists, if it doesn't exist, # abs_path ends up returning an empty string $externalBuildDeps = abs_path($externalBuildDeps) if (-d $externalBuildDeps); my $existingExternalMonoRoot = "$externalBuildDeps/MonoBleedingEdge"; my $existingExternalMono = ""; my $existingExternalMonoBinDir = ""; my $monoHostArch = ""; my $monoprefix = "$monoroot/tmp"; my $runningOnWindows=0; if($^O eq "linux") { $monoHostArch = $arch32 ? "i686" : "x86_64"; $existingExternalMono = "$existingExternalMonoRoot"; $existingExternalMonoBinDir = "bin-linux64"; } elsif($^O eq 'darwin') { $monoHostArch = $arch32 ? "i386" : "x86_64"; $existingExternalMono = "$existingExternalMonoRoot"; $existingExternalMonoBinDir = "bin"; # From Massi: I was getting failures in install_name_tool about space # for the commands being too small, and adding here things like # $ENV{LDFLAGS} = '-headerpad_max_install_names' and # $ENV{LDFLAGS} = '-headerpad=0x40000' did not help at all (and also # adding them to our final gcc invocation to make the bundle). # Lucas noticed that I was lacking a Mono prefix, and having a long # one would give us space, so here is this silly looong prefix. if (not $shortPrefix) { $monoprefix = "$monoroot/tmp/scripting/scripting/scripting/scripting/scripting/scripting/scripting/scripting/scripting/scripting/scripting/scripting/scripting/scripting/scripting/scripting/scripting/scripting/scripting/scripting"; } } else { $monoHostArch = "i686"; $existingExternalMono = "$existingExternalMonoRoot"; $existingExternalMonoBinDir = "bin-x64"; $runningOnWindows = 1; # We only care about an existing mono if we need to build. # So only do this path clean up if we are building. if ($build) { if ($existingMonoRootPath ne "" && not $existingMonoRootPath =~ /^\/cygdrive/) { $existingMonoRootPath = `cygpath -u $existingMonoRootPath`; chomp($existingMonoRootPath); } $existingMonoRootPath =~ tr/\\//d; } } if ($runningOnWindows) { # Fixes a line ending issue that happens on windows when we try to run $ENV{'SHELLOPTS'} = "igncr"; } print(">>> Existing Mono = $existingMonoRootPath\n"); print(">>> Mono Arch = $monoHostArch\n"); if ($build) { my $platformflags = ''; my $host = ''; my $mcs = ''; my $iphoneCrossAbi = "arm-apple-darwin10"; my $iphoneCrossMonoBinToUse = "$monoroot/builds/monodistribution/bin"; my @configureparams = (); push @configureparams, "--disable-mcs-build" if($disableMcs); push @configureparams, "--with-glib=embedded"; push @configureparams, "--disable-nls"; #this removes the dependency on gettext package push @configureparams, "--disable-btls"; #this removes the dependency on cmake to build btls for now push @configureparams, "--with-mcs-docs=no"; push @configureparams, "--prefix=$monoprefix"; if(!($disableMcs)) { push @configureparams, "--with-unityjit=yes"; push @configureparams, "--with-unityaot=yes"; } if ($isDesktopBuild) { push @configureparams, "--with-monotouch=no"; } if ($existingMonoRootPath eq "") { print(">>> No existing mono supplied. Checking for external...\n"); if (!(-d "$externalBuildDeps")) { if($stevedoreBuildDeps) { print(">>> Running bee to download build-deps...\n"); chdir($buildscriptsdir) eq 1 or die ("failed to chdir to $buildscriptsdir directory\n"); system("./bee") eq 0 or die ("failed to run bee\n"); chdir("$monoroot") eq 1 or die ("failed to chdir to $monoroot\n"); } else { if (not $checkoutOnTheFly) { print(">>> No external build deps found. Might as well try to check them out. If it fails, we'll continue and trust mono is in your PATH\n"); } # Check out on the fly print(">>> Checking out mono build dependencies to : $externalBuildDeps\n"); my $repo = ""; print(">>> Cloning $repo at $externalBuildDeps\n"); my $checkoutResult = system("hg", "clone", $repo, "$externalBuildDeps"); if ($checkoutOnTheFly && $checkoutResult ne 0) { die("failed to checkout mono build dependencies\n"); } } # Only clean up if the dir exists. Otherwise abs_path will return empty string $externalBuildDeps = abs_path($externalBuildDeps) if (-d $externalBuildDeps); } if (-d "$existingExternalMono") { print(">>> External mono found at : $existingExternalMono\n"); if (-d "$existingExternalMono/builds") { print(">>> Mono found at at : $existingExternalMono/builds\n"); } $existingMonoRootPath = "$existingExternalMono/builds/monodistribution"; } else { print(">>> No external mono found. Trusting a new enough mono is in your PATH.\n"); } } if ($existingMonoRootPath ne "" && !(-d $existingMonoRootPath)) { die("Existing mono not found at : $existingMonoRootPath\n"); } if ($externalBuildDeps ne "") { print "\n"; print ">>> Building autoconf, texinfo, automake, and libtool if needed...\n"; my $autoconfVersion = "2.69"; my $texinfoVersion = "4.8"; my $automakeVersion = "1.16.1"; my $libtoolVersion = "2.4.6"; my $autoconfDir = "$externalBuildDeps/autoconf-2-69/autoconf-$autoconfVersion"; my $texinfoDir = "$externalBuildDeps/texinfo-4-8/texinfo-$texinfoVersion"; my $automakeDir = "$externalBuildDeps/automake-1-16-1/automake-$automakeVersion"; my $libtoolDir = "$externalBuildDeps/libtool-2-4-6/libtool-$libtoolVersion"; my $builtToolsDir = "$externalBuildDeps/built-tools"; $ENV{PATH} = "$builtToolsDir/bin:$ENV{PATH}"; if ($stevedoreBuildDeps) { $autoconfDir = "$externalBuildDeps/autoconf-src/autoconf-$autoconfVersion"; } elsif (!(-d "$autoconfDir")) { print(">>> Extracting autoconf\n"); chdir("$externalBuildDeps/autoconf-2-69") eq 1 or die ("failed to chdir to external directory\n"); system("tar xzf autoconf-$autoconfVersion.tar.gz") eq 0 or die ("failed to extract autoconf\n"); } if (-d "$autoconfDir") { print(">>> Installing autoconf from $autoconfDir\n"); chdir("$autoconfDir") eq 1 or die ("failed to chdir to autoconf directory\n"); system("./configure --prefix=$builtToolsDir") eq 0 or die ("failed to configure autoconf\n"); system("make") eq 0 or die ("failed to make autoconf\n"); system("make install") eq 0 or die ("failed to make install autoconf\n"); chdir("$monoroot") eq 1 or die ("failed to chdir to $monoroot\n"); } if ($stevedoreBuildDeps and $windowsSubsystemForLinux) { $texinfoDir = "$externalBuildDeps/texinfo-src/texinfo-$texinfoVersion"; } elsif (!(-d "$texinfoDir") and $windowsSubsystemForLinux) { print(">>> Extracting texinfo\n"); chdir("$externalBuildDeps/texinfo-4-8") eq 1 or die ("failed to chdir to external directory\n"); system("tar xzf texinfo-$texinfoVersion.tar.gz") eq 0 or die ("failed to extract texinfo\n"); } if (-d "$texinfoDir") { print(">>> Installing texinfo from $texinfoDir\n"); chdir($texinfoDir) eq 1 or die ("failed to chdir to texinfo directory\n"); system("./configure --prefix=$builtToolsDir") eq 0 or die ("failed to configure texinfo\n"); system("make") eq 0 or die ("failed to make texinfo\n"); system("make install") eq 0 or die ("failed to make install texinfo\n"); chdir("$monoroot") eq 1 or die ("failed to chdir to $monoroot\n"); } if ($stevedoreBuildDeps) { $automakeDir = "$externalBuildDeps/automake-src/automake-$automakeVersion"; } elsif (!(-d "$automakeDir")) { print(">>> Extracting automake\n"); chdir("$externalBuildDeps/automake-1-16-1") eq 1 or die ("failed to chdir to external directory\n"); system("tar xzf automake-$automakeVersion.tar.gz") eq 0 or die ("failed to extract automake\n"); } if (-d "$automakeDir") { my $automakeMakeFlags = ""; print(">>> Installing automake from $automakeDir\n"); chdir("$automakeDir") eq 1 or die ("failed to chdir to automake directory\n"); if($windowsSubsystemForLinux) { #Windows subsystem needs to run bootstrap, and make needs to be run with -i due to one doc failing to build system("./bootstrap") eq 0 or die ("failed to bootstrap automake\n"); $automakeMakeFlags = "-i"; } system("./configure --prefix=$builtToolsDir") eq 0 or die ("failed to configure automake\n"); system("make $automakeMakeFlags") eq 0 or die ("failed to make automake\n"); system("make install"); chdir("$monoroot") eq 1 or die ("failed to chdir to $monoroot\n"); } if ($stevedoreBuildDeps) { $libtoolDir = "$externalBuildDeps/libtool-src/libtool-$libtoolVersion"; } elsif (!(-d "$libtoolDir")) { print(">>> Extracting libtool\n"); chdir("$externalBuildDeps/libtool-2-4-6") eq 1 or die ("failed to chdir to external directory\n"); system("tar xzf libtool-$libtoolVersion.tar.gz") eq 0 or die ("failed to extract libtool\n"); } if (-d "$libtoolDir") { print(">>> Installing libtool from $libtoolDir\n"); chdir("$libtoolDir") eq 1 or die ("failed to chdir to libtool directory\n"); system("./configure --prefix=$builtToolsDir") eq 0 or die ("failed to configure libtool\n"); system("make") eq 0 or die ("failed to make libtool\n"); system("make install") eq 0 or die ("failed to make install libtool\n"); chdir("$monoroot") eq 1 or die ("failed to chdir to $monoroot\n"); } $ENV{'LIBTOOLIZE'} = "$builtToolsDir/bin/libtoolize"; $ENV{'LIBTOOL'} = "$builtToolsDir/bin/libtool"; } my $macSdkPath = ""; my $macversion = '10.8'; my $darwinVersion = "10"; if ($^O eq 'darwin') { if ($sdk eq '') { $sdk='10.11'; } my $macBuildEnvDir = "$externalBuildDeps/MacBuildEnvironment"; $macSdkPath = "$macBuildEnvDir/builds/MacOSX$sdk.sdk"; if (! -d $macSdkPath) { print(">>> Unzipping mac build toolchain\n"); system("unzip", '-qd', "$macBuildEnvDir", "$macBuildEnvDir/") eq 0 or die ("failed unzipping mac build toolchain\n"); } } if ($iphone || $iphoneSimulator) { if ($runningOnWindows) { die("This build is not supported on Windows\n"); } my $iosBuildEnvDir = "$externalBuildDeps/iOSBuildEnvironment"; my $iosXcodeDefaultToolchainRoot = "$iosBuildEnvDir/builds/"; if (! -d "$iosBuildEnvDir/builds") { print(">>> Unzipping ios build toolchain\n"); system("unzip", '-qd', "$iosBuildEnvDir/builds", "$iosBuildEnvDir/") eq 0 or die ("failed unzipping ios build toolchain\n"); } $ENV{PATH} = "$iosXcodeDefaultToolchainRoot/usr/bin:$iosBuildEnvDir/builds/$ENV{PATH}"; # Need to keep our libtool in front $ENV{PATH} = "$externalBuildDeps/built-tools/bin:$ENV{PATH}"; push @configureparams, "--cache-file=iphone-$iphoneArch.cache" if ($enableCacheFile); my $iosMinimalCommon = "com,remoting,shared_perfcounters,appdomains"; my $iosCFlagsCommon = "-DMONOTOUCH -DHOST_IOS -DDISABLE_POLICY_EVIDENCE=1 -DDISABLE_PROCESS_HANDLING=1"; push @configureparams, "--with-tls=pthread"; push @configureparams, "--without-ikvm-native"; push @configureparams, "--disable-executables"; push @configureparams, "--disable-visibility-hidden"; if ($iphone) { my $iosSdkVersion = "9.3"; my $iphoneOsMinVersion = "3.0"; my $iosSdkRoot = "$iosBuildEnvDir/builds/$iosSdkVersion.sdk"; print(">>> iOS Build Environment = $iosBuildEnvDir\n"); print(">>> iOS SDK Version = $iosSdkVersion\n"); print(">>> iOS SDK Root = $iosSdkRoot\n"); print(">>> iPhone Arch = $iphoneArch\n"); $ENV{PATH} = "$iosSdkRoot/usr/bin:$ENV{PATH}"; $ENV{C_INCLUDE_PATH} = "$iosSdkRoot/usr/include"; $ENV{CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH} = "$iosSdkRoot/usr/include"; $ENV{CC} = "$iosBuildEnvDir/builds/ -arch $iphoneArch"; $ENV{CXX} = "$iosBuildEnvDir/builds/ -arch $iphoneArch"; $ENV{LD} = "$iosBuildEnvDir/builds/"; $ENV{CFLAGS} = "$iosCFlagsCommon -gdwarf-2 -DSMALL_CONFIG -DHAVE_LARGE_FILE_SUPPORT=1 -DHAVE_ARMV6=1 -DARM_FPU_VFP=1 -Wl,-application_extension -miphoneos-version-min=$iphoneOsMinVersion -mno-thumb -Os -isysroot $iosSdkRoot"; # Unity defines $ENV{CFLAGS} = "-DPLATFORM_IPHONE $ENV{CFLAGS}"; $ENV{CXXFLAGS} = "$ENV{CFLAGS} -U__powerpc__ -U__i386__ -D__arm__"; $ENV{CPPFLAGS} = $ENV{CXXFLAGS}; $ENV{LDFLAGS} = "-arch $iphoneArch -liconv -lobjc -lc++ -Wl,-syslibroot,$iosSdkRoot"; print "\n"; print ">>> Environment:\n"; print ">>> \tCC = $ENV{CC}\n"; print ">>> \tCXX = $ENV{CXX}\n"; print ">>> \tLD = $ENV{LD}\n"; print ">>> \tCFLAGS = $ENV{CFLAGS}\n"; print ">>> \tCXXFLAGS = $ENV{CXXFLAGS}\n"; print ">>> \tCPPFLAGS = $ENV{CPPFLAGS}\n"; print ">>> \tLDFLAGS = $ENV{LDFLAGS}\n"; print ">>> \tCPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH = $ENV{CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH}\n"; print ">>> \tC_INCLUDE_PATH = $ENV{C_INCLUDE_PATH}\n"; push @configureparams, "--host=arm-apple-darwin$darwinVersion"; push @configureparams, "--with-sigaltstack=no"; push @configureparams, "--disable-shared-handles"; push @configureparams, "--with-monotouch"; push @configureparams, "--enable-llvm-runtime"; push @configureparams, "--with-bitcode=yes"; push @configureparams, "--with-lazy-gc-thread-creation=yes"; push @configureparams, "--enable-icall-export"; push @configureparams, "--enable-dtrace=no"; push @configureparams, "--enable-minimal=$iosMinimalCommon,ssa,jit,reflection_emit_save,reflection_emit,portability,assembly_remapping,attach,verifier,full_messages,security,sgen_remset,sgen_marksweep_par,sgen_marksweep_fixed,sgen_marksweep_fixed_par,sgen_copying,logging"; push @configureparams, "mono_cv_uscore=yes"; push @configureparams, "cv_mono_sizeof_sunpath=104"; push @configureparams, "ac_cv_func_posix_getpwuid_r=yes"; push @configureparams, "ac_cv_func_backtrace_symbols=no"; push @configureparams, "ac_cv_func_finite=no"; push @configureparams, "ac_cv_header_curses_h=no"; } elsif ($iphoneSimulator) { my $iosSdkVersion = "9.3"; my $iosSimMinVersion = "4.3"; my $iosSdkRoot = "$iosBuildEnvDir/builds/$iosSdkVersion.sdk"; print(">>> iOS Sim Build Environment = $iosBuildEnvDir\n"); print(">>> iOS Sim SDK Version = $iosSdkVersion\n"); print(">>> iOS Sim SDK Root = $iosSdkRoot\n"); print(">>> iOS Sim Arch = $iphoneSimulatorArch\n"); $ENV{PATH} = "$iosSdkRoot/usr/bin:$ENV{PATH}"; $ENV{MACSDKOPTIONS} = "$iosCFlagsCommon -D_XOPEN_SOURCE=1 -g -O0 -DTARGET_IPHONE_SIMULATOR -mios-simulator-version-min=$iosSimMinVersion -isysroot $iosSdkRoot"; $ENV{CFLAGS} = "-arch $iphoneSimulatorArch $ENV{MACSDKOPTIONS}"; $ENV{CXXFLAGS} = "$ENV{CFLAGS}"; $ENV{CPPFLAGS} = "$ENV{CFLAGS}"; $ENV{CC} = "$iosBuildEnvDir/builds/"; $ENV{CXX} = "$iosBuildEnvDir/builds/"; print "\n"; print ">>> Environment:\n"; print ">>> \tCC = $ENV{CC}\n"; print ">>> \tCXX = $ENV{CXX}\n"; print ">>> \tLD = $ENV{LD}\n"; print ">>> \tCFLAGS = $ENV{CFLAGS}\n"; print ">>> \tCXXFLAGS = $ENV{CXXFLAGS}\n"; print ">>> \tCPPFLAGS = $ENV{CPPFLAGS}\n"; print ">>> \tMACSDKOPTIONS = $ENV{MACSDKOPTIONS}\n"; push @configureparams, "--host=$iphoneSimulatorArch-apple-darwin$darwinVersion"; push @configureparams, "--enable-minimal=$iosMinimalCommon"; push @configureparams, "mono_cv_uscore=yes"; push @configureparams, "ac_cv_func_clock_nanosleep=no"; } else { die("This should not be hit\n"); } } elsif ($iphoneCross) { if ($runningOnWindows) { die("Not implemented\n"); } else { $ENV{CFLAGS} = "-DMONOTOUCH -DARM_FPU_VFP=1 -DUSE_MUNMAP -DPLATFORM_IPHONE_XCOMP -mmacosx-version-min=$macversion"; $ENV{CXXFLAGS} = "-mmacosx-version-min=$macversion -stdlib=libc++"; $ENV{CPPFLAGS} = "$ENV{CFLAGS} -mmacosx-version-min=$macversion"; $ENV{CC} = "$macSdkPath/../usr/bin/clang -arch i386"; $ENV{CXX} = "$macSdkPath/../usr/bin/clang++ -arch i386"; $ENV{CPP} = "$ENV{CC} -E"; $ENV{LD} = $ENV{CC}; $ENV{LDFLAGS} = "-stdlib=libc++"; $ENV{MACSDKOPTIONS} = "-mmacosx-version-min=$macversion -isysroot $macSdkPath"; print "\n"; print ">>> Environment:\n"; print ">>> \tCC = $ENV{CC}\n"; print ">>> \tCXX = $ENV{CXX}\n"; print ">>> \tLD = $ENV{LD}\n"; print ">>> \tCFLAGS = $ENV{CFLAGS}\n"; print ">>> \tCXXFLAGS = $ENV{CXXFLAGS}\n"; print ">>> \tCPPFLAGS = $ENV{CPPFLAGS}\n"; print ">>> \tLDFLAGS = $ENV{LDFLAGS}\n"; print ">>> \tMACSDKOPTIONS = $ENV{MACSDKOPTIONS}\n"; push @configureparams, "--cache-file=iphone-cross.cache" if ($enableCacheFile); push @configureparams, "--with-sigaltstack=no"; push @configureparams, "--disable-shared-handles"; push @configureparams, "--with-tls=pthread"; push @configureparams, "--target=arm-darwin"; push @configureparams, "--with-macversion=$macversion"; push @configureparams, "--with-cross-offsets=$iphoneCrossAbi.h"; push @configureparams, "--build=i386-apple-darwin10"; push @configureparams, "--disable-libraries"; push @configureparams, "--enable-icall-symbol-map"; push @configureparams, "--enable-minimal=com,remoting"; #push @configureparams, "--enable-llvm"; #push @configureparams, "--with-llvm=llvm/usr"; my @mcsArgs = (); push @mcsArgs, "$monoroot/tools/offsets-tool/MonoAotOffsetsDumper.cs"; push @mcsArgs, "$monoroot/mcs/class/Mono.Options/Mono.Options/Options.cs"; push @mcsArgs, "/r:$externalBuildDeps/CppSharpBinaries/CppSharp.AST.dll"; push @mcsArgs, "/r:$externalBuildDeps/CppSharpBinaries/CppSharp.Generator.dll"; push @mcsArgs, "/r:$externalBuildDeps/CppSharpBinaries/CppSharp.Parser.CSharp.dll"; push @mcsArgs, "/r:$externalBuildDeps/CppSharpBinaries/CppSharp.Parser.dll"; push @mcsArgs, "/r:$externalBuildDeps/CppSharpBinaries/CppSharp.dll"; push @mcsArgs, "/debug"; push @mcsArgs, "/nowarn:0436"; push @mcsArgs, "/out:$monoroot/tools/offsets-tool/MonoAotOffsetsDumper.exe"; print ">>> Compiling MonoAotOffsetDumper : $iphoneCrossMonoBinToUse/mcs @mcsArgs\n"; system("$iphoneCrossMonoBinToUse/mcs", @mcsArgs) eq 0 or die("failed to compile MonoAotOffsetsDumper\n"); # clean up any pre-existing offset header just in case if (-f "$monoroot/$iphoneCrossAbi.h") { system("rm", "-rf", "$iphoneCrossAbi.h"); } } } elsif ($android) { if (!(-d $externalBuildDeps)) { die("mono build deps are required and the directory was not found : $externalBuildDeps\n"); } my $ndkVersion = "r16b"; my $apiLevel = 16; my $hostTriple = ""; my $platformRootPostfix = ""; my $useKraitPatch = 1; my $kraitPatchPath = "$monoroot/../../android_krait_signal_handler/build"; $ENV{ANDROID_PLATFORM} = "android-$apiLevel"; if ($androidArch eq "armv7a") { $hostTriple = "arm-linux-androideabi"; $platformRootPostfix = "arm"; } elsif ($androidArch eq "x86") { $hostTriple = "i686-linux-android"; $platformRootPostfix = "x86"; $useKraitPatch = 0; } else { die("Unsupported android architecture: $androidArch\n"); } if ($^O eq "linux") { $ENV{HOST_ENV} = "linux"; } elsif ($^O eq 'darwin') { $ENV{HOST_ENV} = "darwin"; } else { $ENV{HOST_ENV} = "windows"; } print "\n"; print(">>> Android Platform = $ENV{ANDROID_PLATFORM}\n"); print(">>> Android NDK Version = $ndkVersion\n"); my $ndkName = ""; if($^O eq "linux") { $ndkName = "android-ndk-linux-x86_64/android-ndk-$ndkVersion"; } elsif($^O eq "darwin") { $ndkName = "android-ndk-darwin-x86_64/android-ndk-$ndkVersion"; } else { $ndkName = "android-ndk-windows-x86_64/android-ndk-$ndkVersion"; } my $depsNdkFinal = "$externalBuildDeps/$ndkName"; print(">>> Android NDK Destination = $depsNdkFinal\n"); print("\n"); $ENV{ANDROID_NDK_ROOT} = "$depsNdkFinal"; if(!(-d $depsNdkFinal)) { die("Android NDK not found\n"); } if (!(-f "$ENV{ANDROID_NDK_ROOT}/ndk-build")) { die("Something went wrong. $ENV{ANDROID_NDK_ROOT} does not contain ndk-build\n"); } my $androidNdkRoot = $ENV{ANDROID_NDK_ROOT}; my $androidPlatformRoot = "$androidNdkRoot/platforms/$ENV{ANDROID_PLATFORM}/arch-$platformRootPostfix"; my $androidToolchain = "$androidNdkRoot/toolchains/$hostTriple-clang"; print(">>> Generating android toolchain\n"); system("$androidNdkRoot/build/tools/ --arch $platformRootPostfix --api $apiLevel --install-dir $androidToolchain"); if ($runningOnWindows) { $androidPlatformRoot = `cygpath -w $androidPlatformRoot`; # clean up trailing new lines that end up in the output from cygpath. $androidPlatformRoot =~ s/\n+$//; # Switch over to forward slashes. They propagate down the toolchain correctly $androidPlatformRoot =~ s/\\/\//g; # this will get passed as a path to the linker, so we need to windows-ify the path $kraitPatchPath = `cygpath -w $kraitPatchPath`; $kraitPatchPath =~ s/\n+$//; $kraitPatchPath =~ s/\\/\//g; } print(">>> Android Arch = $androidArch\n"); print(">>> Android NDK Root = $androidNdkRoot\n"); print(">>> Android Platform Root = $androidPlatformRoot\n"); print(">>> Android Toolchain = $androidToolchain\n"); if (!(-d "$androidToolchain")) { die("Failed to locate android toolchain\n"); } if (!(-d "$androidPlatformRoot")) { die("Failed to locate android platform root\n"); } if ($androidArch eq "armv7a") { $ENV{CFLAGS} = "-DARM_FPU_VFP=1 -march=armv7-a -target armv7-none-linux-androideabi -DHAVE_ARMV6=1 -funwind-tables $ENV{CFLAGS}"; $ENV{LDFLAGS} = "-Wl,--fix-cortex-a8 -Wl,-rpath-link=$androidPlatformRoot/usr/lib $ENV{LDFLAGS}"; } my $compilerSysroot = "$androidNdkRoot/sysroot"; my $archISystem = "$compilerSysroot/usr/include/$hostTriple"; my $unifiedISystem = "$compilerSysroot/usr/include"; $ENV{CC} = "$androidToolchain/bin/clang -v -isystem $archISystem -isystem $unifiedISystem"; $ENV{CXX} = "$androidToolchain/bin/clang++ -isystem $archISystem -isystem $unifiedISystem"; $ENV{CPP} = "$androidToolchain/bin/clang -E -isystem $archISystem -isystem $unifiedISystem"; $ENV{CXXCPP} = "$androidToolchain/bin/clang++ -E -isystem $archISystem -isystem $unifiedISystem"; $ENV{CPATH} = "$androidPlatformRoot/usr/include"; $ENV{LD} = "$androidToolchain/bin/$hostTriple-ld"; $ENV{AS} = "$androidToolchain/bin/$hostTriple-as"; $ENV{AR} = "$androidToolchain/bin/$hostTriple-ar"; $ENV{RANLIB} = "$androidToolchain/bin/$hostTriple-ranlib"; $ENV{STRIP} = "$androidToolchain/bin/$hostTriple-strip"; $ENV{CFLAGS} = "-DANDROID -D__ANDROID_API__=16 -DPLATFORM_ANDROID -DLINUX -D__linux__ -DHAVE_USR_INCLUDE_MALLOC_H -D_POSIX_PATH_MAX=256 -DS_IWRITE=S_IWUSR -DHAVE_PTHREAD_MUTEX_TIMEDLOCK -fpic -g -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections $ENV{CFLAGS}"; $ENV{CXXFLAGS} = $ENV{CFLAGS}; $ENV{CPPFLAGS} = $ENV{CFLAGS}; if ($useKraitPatch) { $ENV{LDFLAGS} = "-Wl,--wrap,sigaction -L$kraitPatchPath/obj/local/armeabi-v7a -lkrait-signal-handler $ENV{LDFLAGS}"; } $ENV{LDFLAGS} = "--sysroot=$androidPlatformRoot -Wl,--no-undefined -Wl,--gc-sections -ldl -lm -llog -lc $ENV{LDFLAGS}"; print "\n"; print ">>> Environment:\n"; print ">>> \tCC = $ENV{CC}\n"; print ">>> \tCXX = $ENV{CXX}\n"; print ">>> \tCPP = $ENV{CPP}\n"; print ">>> \tCXXCPP = $ENV{CXXCPP}\n"; print ">>> \tCPATH = $ENV{CPATH}\n"; print ">>> \tLD = $ENV{LD}\n"; print ">>> \tAS = $ENV{AS}\n"; print ">>> \tAR = $ENV{AR}\n"; print ">>> \tRANLIB = $ENV{RANLIB}\n"; print ">>> \tSTRIP = $ENV{STRIP}\n"; print ">>> \tCFLAGS = $ENV{CFLAGS}\n"; print ">>> \tCXXFLAGS = $ENV{CXXFLAGS}\n"; print ">>> \tCPPFLAGS = $ENV{CPPFLAGS}\n"; print ">>> \tLDFLAGS = $ENV{LDFLAGS}\n"; if ($useKraitPatch) { my $kraitPatchRepo = "git://"; if (-d "$kraitPatchPath") { print ">>> Krait patch repository already cloned\n"; } else { system("git", "clone", "--branch", "master", "$kraitPatchRepo", "$kraitPatchPath") eq 0 or die ('failing cloning Krait patch'); } chdir("$kraitPatchPath") eq 1 or die ("failed to chdir to krait patch directory\n"); system('$ANDROID_NDK_ROOT/ndk-build clean') eq 0 or die ('failing to clean Krait patch'); system('$ANDROID_NDK_ROOT/ndk-build') eq 0 or die ('failing to build Krait patch'); chdir("$monoroot") eq 1 or die ("failed to chdir to $monoroot\n"); } push @configureparams, "--host=$hostTriple"; push @configureparams, "--cache-file=android-$androidArch.cache" if ($enableCacheFile); push @configureparams, "--disable-parallel-mark"; push @configureparams, "--disable-shared-handles"; push @configureparams, "--with-sigaltstack=no"; push @configureparams, "--with-tls=pthread"; push @configureparams, "--disable-visibility-hidden"; push @configureparams, "mono_cv_uscore=yes"; push @configureparams, "ac_cv_header_zlib_h=no" if($runningOnWindows); } elsif ($tizen) { if (!(-d $externalBuildDeps)) { die("mono build deps are required and the directory was not found : $externalBuildDeps\n"); } my $sdkVersion = "2.4.0r1"; my $isArmArch = 1; $isArmArch = 0 if ($tizenEmulator); $ENV{TIZEN_PLATFORM} = "tizen-2.4"; if ($tizenEmulator) { $ENV{TIZEN_ROOTSTRAP} = "mobile-2.4-emulator.core"; } else { $ENV{TIZEN_ROOTSTRAP} = "mobile-2.4-device.core"; } if ($^O eq "linux") { $ENV{HOST_ENV} = "linux"; } elsif ($^O eq 'darwin') { $ENV{HOST_ENV} = "darwin"; } else { $ENV{HOST_ENV} = "windows"; } print "\n"; print(">>> Tizen Platform = $ENV{TIZEN_PLATFORM}\n"); print(">>> Tizen SDK Version = $sdkVersion\n"); my $sdkName = "tizen-$sdkVersion-$ENV{HOST_ENV}.tar.bz2"; my $depsSdkArchive = "$externalBuildDeps/$sdkName"; my $depsSdkFinal = "$externalBuildDeps/tizen-$sdkVersion-$ENV{HOST_ENV}"; print(">>> Tizen SDK Archive = $depsSdkArchive\n"); print(">>> Tizen SDK Extraction Destination = $depsSdkFinal\n"); print("\n"); $ENV{TIZEN_SDK_ROOT} = "$depsSdkFinal"; if (-d $depsSdkFinal) { print(">>> Tizen SDK already extracted\n"); } else { print(">>> Tizen SDK needs to be extracted\n"); if ($runningOnWindows) { my $sevenZip = "$externalBuildDeps/7za-win-x64/7za.exe"; my $winDepsSdkArchive = `cygpath -w $depsSdkArchive`; my $winDepsSdkExtract = `cygpath -w $externalBuildDeps`; # clean up trailing new lines that end up in the output from cygpath. If left, they cause problems down the line # for 7zip $winDepsSdkArchive =~ s/\n+$//; $winDepsSdkExtract =~ s/\n+$//; system($sevenZip, "x", "$winDepsSdkArchive", "-o$winDepsSdkExtract"); } else { my ($name,$path,$suffix) = fileparse($depsSdkArchive, qr/\.[^.]*/); print(">>> Tizen SDK Extension = $suffix\n"); if (lc $suffix eq '.bz2') { chmod(0755, $depsSdkArchive); system("tar xjf $depsSdkArchive -C $externalBuildDeps") eq 0 or die ("failed to extract Tizen SDK\n"); } else { die "Unknown file extension '" . $suffix . "'\n"; } } } if (!(-f "$ENV{TIZEN_SDK_ROOT}/tools/sdb")) { die("Something went wrong with the SDK extraction\n"); } my $tizenSdkRoot = $ENV{TIZEN_SDK_ROOT}; my $tizenPlatformRoot = "$tizenSdkRoot/platforms/$ENV{TIZEN_PLATFORM}/mobile/rootstraps/$ENV{TIZEN_ROOTSTRAP}"; my $tizenToolchain = "$tizenSdkRoot/tools/llvm-3.6/bin"; if ($runningOnWindows) { $tizenPlatformRoot = `cygpath -w $tizenPlatformRoot`; # clean up trailing new lines that end up in the output from cygpath. $tizenPlatformRoot =~ s/\n+$//; # Switch over to forward slashes. They propagate down the toolchain correctly $tizenPlatformRoot =~ s/\\/\//g; } if ($tizenEmulator) { $tizenToolchain = "$tizenSdkRoot/tools/i386-linux-gnueabi-gcc-4.9/bin/i386"; $ENV{CFLAGS} = "-Os -g -march=i686 -msse2 -mfpmath=sse"; } else { $tizenToolchain = "$tizenSdkRoot/tools/arm-linux-gnueabi-gcc-4.9/bin/arm"; $ENV{CFLAGS} = "-Os -g -march=armv7-a -mfpu=vfp -mfloat-abi=softfp -DARM_FPU_VFP=1 -DHAVE_ARMV6=1"; $ENV{LDFLAGS} = "-Wl,-rpath-link=$tizenPlatformRoot/usr/lib -L$tizenPlatformRoot/usr/lib $ENV{LDFLAGS}"; } print(">>> Tizen SDK Root = $tizenSdkRoot\n"); print(">>> Tizen Platform Root = $tizenPlatformRoot\n"); print(">>> Tizen Toolchain Prefix = $tizenToolchain\n"); if (!(-d "$tizenPlatformRoot")) { die("Failed to locate Tizen platform root\n"); } $ENV{PATH} = "$tizenToolchain/bin:$ENV{PATH}"; $ENV{CC} = "$tizenToolchain-linux-gnueabi-gcc --sysroot=$tizenPlatformRoot"; $ENV{CXX} = "$tizenToolchain-linux-gnueabi-g++ --sysroot=$tizenPlatformRoot"; $ENV{CPP} = "$tizenToolchain-linux-gnueabi-cpp"; $ENV{CXXCPP} = "$tizenToolchain-linux-gnueabi-cpp"; $ENV{CPATH} = "$tizenPlatformRoot/usr/include"; $ENV{LD} = "$tizenToolchain-linux-gnueabi-ld --sysroot=$tizenPlatformRoot"; $ENV{AS} = "$tizenToolchain-linux-gnueabi-as"; $ENV{STRIP} = "$tizenToolchain-linux-gnueabi-strip"; if ($tizenEmulator) { $ENV{AR} = "$ENV{TIZEN_SDK_ROOT}/tools/i386-linux-gnueabi-gcc-4.9/bin/i386-linux-gnueabi-ar"; $ENV{RANLIB} = "$ENV{TIZEN_SDK_ROOT}/tools/i386-linux-gnueabi-gcc-4.9/bin/i386-linux-gnueabi-ranlib"; } else { $ENV{AR} = "$ENV{TIZEN_SDK_ROOT}/tools/arm-linux-gnueabi-gcc-4.9/bin/arm-linux-gnueabi-ar"; $ENV{RANLIB} = "$ENV{TIZEN_SDK_ROOT}/tools/arm-linux-gnueabi-gcc-4.9/bin/arm-linux-gnueabi-ranlib"; } $ENV{CFLAGS} = "-DTIZEN -DLINUX -D__linux__ -DHAVE_USR_INCLUDE_MALLOC_H -DPAGE_SIZE=0x1000 -D_POSIX_PATH_MAX=256 -DS_IWRITE=S_IWUSR -DHAVE_PTHREAD_MUTEX_TIMEDLOCK -fpic -g -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections $ENV{CFLAGS}"; $ENV{CXXFLAGS} = $ENV{CFLAGS}; $ENV{CPPFLAGS} = $ENV{CFLAGS}; $ENV{LDFLAGS} = "-Wl,--no-undefined -ldlog -shared -Xlinker --as-needed $ENV{LDFLAGS}"; print "\n"; print ">>> Environment:\n"; print ">>> \tCC = $ENV{CC}\n"; print ">>> \tCXX = $ENV{CXX}\n"; print ">>> \tCPP = $ENV{CPP}\n"; print ">>> \tCXXCPP = $ENV{CXXCPP}\n"; print ">>> \tCPATH = $ENV{CPATH}\n"; print ">>> \tLD = $ENV{LD}\n"; print ">>> \tAS = $ENV{AS}\n"; print ">>> \tAR = $ENV{AR}\n"; print ">>> \tRANLIB = $ENV{RANLIB}\n"; print ">>> \tSTRIP = $ENV{STRIP}\n"; print ">>> \tCFLAGS = $ENV{CFLAGS}\n"; print ">>> \tCXXFLAGS = $ENV{CXXFLAGS}\n"; print ">>> \tCPPFLAGS = $ENV{CPPFLAGS}\n"; print ">>> \tLDFLAGS = $ENV{LDFLAGS}\n"; if ($tizenEmulator) { push @configureparams, "--host=i386-tizen-linux-gnueabi"; } else { push @configureparams, "--host=arm-tizen-linux-gnueabi"; } push @configureparams, "--cache-file=tizen-cross.cache" if ($enableCacheFile); push @configureparams, "--disable-parallel-mark"; push @configureparams, "--disable-shared-handles"; push @configureparams, "--with-sigaltstack=no"; push @configureparams, "--with-tls=pthread"; push @configureparams, "--disable-visibility-hidden"; push @configureparams, "--disable-executables"; push @configureparams, "--with-gnu-ld=yes"; push @configureparams, "mono_cv_uscore=yes"; push @configureparams, "ac_cv_header_zlib_h=no" if($runningOnWindows); } elsif($^O eq "linux") { if (!(-d $externalBuildDeps)) { die("mono build deps are required and the directory was not found : $externalBuildDeps\n"); } if($ENV{UNITY_THISISABUILDMACHINE} || $ENV{UNITY_USE_LINUX_SDK}) { my $sdkVersion = '20170609'; my $schroot = "LinuxBuildEnvironment-$sdkVersion"; my @linuxToolchain = ('schroot', '-c', $schroot, '--'); print "\n"; print(">>> Linux SDK Version = $sdkVersion\n"); my $sdkName = "linux-sdk-$sdkVersion.tar.bz2"; my $depsSdkArchive = "$externalBuildDeps/linux-sdk-$sdkVersion/$sdkName"; my $depsSdkFinal = "$externalBuildDeps/linux-sdk-$sdkVersion/linux-sdk-$sdkVersion"; print(">>> Linux SDK Archive = $depsSdkArchive\n"); print(">>> Linux SDK Extraction Destination = $depsSdkFinal\n"); print("\n"); my $linuxSdkRoot = $depsSdkFinal; if (-d $depsSdkFinal) { print(">>> Linux SDK already extracted\n"); } else { print(">>> Linux SDK needs to be extracted\n"); system('mkdir', '-p', $depsSdkFinal) eq 0 or die ("failed to create directory $depsSdkFinal\n"); system('tar', 'xaf', $depsSdkArchive, '-C', $depsSdkFinal) eq 0 or die ("failed to extract Linux SDK\n"); system('sudo', 'cp', '-R', "$depsSdkFinal/linux-sdk-$sdkVersion", '/etc/schroot') eq 0 or die ("failed to copy SDK\n"); if($ENV{YAMATO_PROJECT_ID}) { system('sudo', 'cp', "$monoroot/.yamato/config/LinuxBuildEnvironment-20170609.conf", '/etc/schroot/chroot.d/') eq 0 or die ("failed to copy conf file\n"); system('sudo', 'cat', '/etc/schroot/chroot.d/LinuxBuildEnvironment-20170609.conf') eq 0 or die ("failed to list contents on /etc/schroot/chroot.d\n"); } else { system("sed 's,^directory=.*,directory=$depsSdkFinal/$schroot,' \"$depsSdkFinal/$schroot.conf\" | sudo tee /etc/schroot/chroot.d/$schroot.conf") eq 0 or die ("failed to deploy Linux SDK\n"); } } @commandPrefix = @linuxToolchain; print(">>> Linux SDK Root = $linuxSdkRoot\n"); print(">>> Linux Toolchain Command Prefix = " . join(' ', @commandPrefix) . "\n"); } push @configureparams, "--host=$monoHostArch-pc-linux-gnu"; push @configureparams, "--disable-parallel-mark"; #this causes crashes my $archflags = ''; if ($arch32) { $archflags = '-m32'; } else { $archflags = '-fPIC'; } if ($debug) { $ENV{CFLAGS} = "$archflags -g -O0"; } else { $ENV{CFLAGS} = "$archflags -Os"; #optimize for size } } elsif($^O eq 'darwin') { # Set up mono for bootstrapping if ($existingMonoRootPath eq "") { # Find the latest mono version and use that for boostrapping my $monoInstalls = '/Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions'; my @monoVersions = (); opendir( my $DIR, $monoInstalls ); while ( my $entry = readdir $DIR ) { next unless -d $monoInstalls . '/' . $entry; next if $entry eq '.' or $entry eq '..' or $entry eq 'Current'; push @monoVersions, $entry; } closedir $DIR; @monoVersions = sort @monoVersions; my $monoVersionToUse = pop @monoVersions; $existingMonoRootPath = "$monoInstalls/$monoVersionToUse"; } $mcs = "EXTERNAL_MCS=$existingMonoRootPath/bin/mcs"; $ENV{'CC'} = "$macSdkPath/../usr/bin/clang"; $ENV{'CXX'} = "$macSdkPath/../usr/bin/clang++"; $ENV{'CFLAGS'} = $ENV{MACSDKOPTIONS} = "-D_XOPEN_SOURCE -I$macBuildEnvDir/builds/usr/include -mmacosx-version-min=$macversion -isysroot $macSdkPath"; $ENV{CFLAGS} = "$ENV{CFLAGS} -g -O0" if $debug; $ENV{CFLAGS} = "$ENV{CFLAGS} -Os" if not $debug; #optimize for size $ENV{CC} = "$ENV{CC} -arch $monoHostArch"; $ENV{CXX} = "$ENV{CXX} -arch $monoHostArch"; # Add OSX specific autogen args push @configureparams, "--host=$monoHostArch-apple-darwin12.2.0"; # Need to define because Apple's SIP gets in the way of us telling mono where to find this push @configureparams, "--with-libgdiplus=$addtoresultsdistdir/lib/libgdiplus.dylib"; push @configureparams, "--enable-minimal=shared_perfcounters"; print "\n"; print ">>> Setting environment:\n"; print ">>> PATH = ".$ENV{PATH}."\n"; print ">>> C_INCLUDE_PATH = ".$ENV{C_INCLUDE_PATH}."\n"; print ">>> CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH = ".$ENV{CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH}."\n"; print ">>> CFLAGS = ".$ENV{CFLAGS}."\n"; print ">>> CXXFLAGS = ".$ENV{CXXFLAGS}."\n"; print ">>> CC = ".$ENV{CC}."\n"; print ">>> CXX = ".$ENV{CXX}."\n"; print ">>> CPP = ".$ENV{CPP}."\n"; print ">>> CXXPP = ".$ENV{CXXPP}."\n"; print ">>> LD = ".$ENV{LD}."\n"; print ">>> LDFLAGS = ".$ENV{LDFLAGS}."\n"; print "\n"; } else { push @configureparams, "--host=$monoHostArch-pc-mingw32"; } if ($isDesktopBuild) { my $cacheArch = $arch32 ? "i386" : "x86_64"; push @configureparams, "--cache-file=desktop-$cacheArch.cache" if ($enableCacheFile); } print ">>> Existing Mono : $existingMonoRootPath\n\n"; $ENV{'PATH'} = "$existingMonoRootPath/$existingExternalMonoBinDir:$ENV{'PATH'}"; print ">>> PATH before Build = $ENV{PATH}\n\n"; print(">>> mcs Information : \n"); system(@commandPrefix, ("which", "mcs")); system(@commandPrefix, ("mcs", "--version")); print("\n"); print ">>> Checking on some tools...\n"; system(@commandPrefix, ("which", "autoconf")); system(@commandPrefix, ("autoconf", "--version")); system(@commandPrefix, ("which", "texi2dvi")); system(@commandPrefix, ("texi2dvi", "--version")); system(@commandPrefix, ("which", "automake")); system(@commandPrefix, ("automake", "--version")); system(@commandPrefix, ("which", "libtool")); system(@commandPrefix, ("libtool", "--version")); system(@commandPrefix, ("which", "libtoolize")); system(@commandPrefix, ("libtoolize", "--version")); print("\n"); print ">>> LIBTOOLIZE before Build = $ENV{LIBTOOLIZE}\n"; print ">>> LIBTOOL before Build = $ENV{LIBTOOL}\n"; chdir("$monoroot") eq 1 or die ("failed to chdir 2\n"); if (not $skipMonoMake) { if ($clean) { if (!($mcsOnly)) { print(">>> Cleaning $monoprefix\n"); rmtree($monoprefix); } # Avoid "source directory already configured" ... system(@commandPrefix, ('rm', '-f', 'config.status', 'eglib/config.status', 'libgc/config.status')); print("\n>>> Calling autogen in mono\n"); print("\n"); print("\n>>> Configure parameters are : @configureparams\n"); print("\n"); system(@commandPrefix, ('./', @configureparams)) eq 0 or die ('failing autogenning mono'); if ($mcsOnly) { print("\n>>> Calling make clean in mcs\n"); chdir("$monoroot/mcs"); system(@commandPrefix, ("make","clean")) eq 0 or die ("failed to make clean\n"); chdir("$monoroot"); } else { print("\n>>> Calling make clean in mono\n"); system(@commandPrefix, ("make","clean")) eq 0 or die ("failed to make clean\n"); } } # this step needs to run after configure if ($iphoneCross || $iphone || $android || $tizen) { # This step generates the arm_dpimacros.h file, which is needed by the offset dumper chdir("$monoroot/mono/arch/arm"); system("make") eq 0 or die("failed to make in $monoroot/mono/arch/arm\n"); chdir("$monoroot"); } if ($iphoneCross) { my @monoArgs = (); push @monoArgs, "$monoroot/tools/offsets-tool/MonoAotOffsetsDumper.exe"; push @monoArgs, "--abi"; push @monoArgs, "$iphoneCrossAbi"; push @monoArgs, "--out"; push @monoArgs, "$monoroot"; push @monoArgs, "--mono"; push @monoArgs, "$monoroot"; push @monoArgs, "--maccore"; push @monoArgs, "$monoroot"; $ENV{MONO_PATH} = "$externalBuildDeps/CppSharpBinaries"; # Need to use 32bit mono because there is a native CppSharp dylib that will be used and there's only a 32bit version of it print ">>> Running MonoAotOffsetDumper : arch -i386 $iphoneCrossMonoBinToUse/mono @monoArgs\n"; system("arch", "-i386", "$iphoneCrossMonoBinToUse/mono", @monoArgs) eq 0 or die("failed to run MonoAotOffsetsDumper\n"); } if ($mcsOnly) { print("\n>>> Calling make in mcs\n"); chdir("$monoroot/mcs"); my @makeCommand = (@commandPrefix, ('make', "-j$jobs")); if($mcs ne '') { push(@makeCommand, $mcs); } system(@makeCommand) eq 0 or die ("Failed to make\n"); chdir("$monoroot"); } else { print("\n>>> Calling make\n"); my @makeCommand = (@commandPrefix, ('make', "-j$jobs")); if($mcs ne '') { push(@makeCommand, $mcs); } system(@makeCommand) eq 0 or die ("Failed to make\n"); } if ($isDesktopBuild) { print("\n>>> Calling make install\n"); system(@commandPrefix, ('make', 'install')) eq 0 or die ("Failed to make install\n"); } else { if ($disableMcs) { print(">>> Skipping make install. We don't need to run this step when building the runtime on non-desktop platforms.\n"); } else { # Note by Mike : make install on Windows for android runtime runs into more cygwin path issues. The one I hit was related to ranlib.exe being passed cygwin linux paths # and as a result not being able to find stuff. The previous build scripts didn't run make install for android or iOS, so I think we are fine to skip this step. # However, if we were to build the class libs for these cases, then we probably would need to run make install. If that day comes, we'll have to figure out what to do here. print(">>> Attempting to build class libs for a non-desktop platform. The `make install` step is probably needed, but it has cygwin path related problems on Windows for android\n"); die("Blocking this code path until we need it. It probably should be looked at more closely before letting it proceed\n"); } } } if ($isDesktopBuild) { if ($^O eq "cygwin") { system("$winPerl", "$winMonoRoot/external/buildscripts/", "--build=$build", "--arch32=$arch32", "--msbuildversion=$msBuildVersion", "--clean=$clean", "--debug=$debug") eq 0 or die ('failed building mono with VS\n'); # Copy over the VS built stuff that we want to use instead into the prefix directory my $archNameForBuild = $arch32 ? 'Win32' : 'x64'; my $config = $debug ? "Debug" : "Release"; system("cp $monoroot/msvc/$archNameForBuild/bin/$config/mono.exe $monoprefix/bin/.") eq 0 or die ("failed copying mono.exe\n"); system("cp $monoroot/msvc/$archNameForBuild/bin/$config/mono-2.0.dll $monoprefix/bin/.") eq 0 or die ("failed copying mono-2.0.dll\n"); system("cp $monoroot/msvc/$archNameForBuild/bin/$config/mono-2.0.pdb $monoprefix/bin/.") eq 0 or die ("failed copying mono-2.0.pdb\n"); } system("cp -R $addtoresultsdistdir/bin/. $monoprefix/bin/") eq 0 or die ("Failed copying $addtoresultsdistdir/bin to $monoprefix/bin\n"); } if(!($disableMcs)) { my @additionalProfiles = (); push @additionalProfiles, "unityjit"; push @additionalProfiles, "unityaot"; chdir("$monoroot/mcs"); foreach my $profileName(@additionalProfiles) { print(">>> Making profile : $profileName\n"); system("make", "PROFILE=$profileName") eq 0 or die ("Failed to make $profileName profile in mcs\n"); my $profileDestDir = "$monoprefix/lib/mono/$profileName"; print(">>> Copying $profileName to $profileDestDir directory\n"); print(">>> Cleaning $profileDestDir\n"); system("rm -rf $profileDestDir"); system("mkdir -p $profileDestDir") eq 0 or die("failed to make directory $profileDestDir\n"); system("mkdir -p $profileDestDir/Facades") eq 0 or die("failed to make directory $profileDestDir/Facades\n"); system("cp $monoroot/mcs/class/lib/$profileName/*.dll $profileDestDir") eq 0 or die("Failed copying dlls from $monoroot/mcs/class/lib/$profileName to $profileDestDir\n"); system("cp $monoroot/mcs/class/lib/$profileName/Facades/*.dll $profileDestDir/Facades") eq 0 or die("Failed copying dlls from $monoroot/mcs/class/lib/$profileName/Facades to $profileDestDir/Facades\n"); } chdir("$monoroot"); my $stubResult = system("perl", "$buildscriptsdir/"); if ($stubResult ne 0) { die("Failed to run the profile stubber\n"); } } } else { print(">>> Skipping build\n"); } if ($artifact) { print(">>> Creating artifact...\n"); if ($artifactsCommon) { print(">>> Creating common artifacts...\n"); print(">>> distribution directory = $distdir\n"); if (!(-d "$distdir")) { system("mkdir -p $distdir") eq 0 or die("failed to make directory $distdir\n"); } $File::Copy::Recursive::CopyLink = 0; #make sure we copy files as files and not as symlinks, as TC unfortunately doesn't pick up symlinks. my $distdirlibmono = "$distdir/lib/mono"; print(">>> Cleaning $distdir/lib\n"); system("rm -rf $distdir/lib"); system("mkdir -p $distdir/lib"); print(">>> Creating normal profile artifacts...\n"); system("cp -R $addtoresultsdistdir/. $distdir/") eq 0 or die ("Failed copying $addtoresultsdistdir to $distdir\n"); system("cp -r $monoprefix/lib/mono $distdir/lib"); if($^O ne 'darwin') { # On OSX we build a universal binary for 32-bit and 64-bit in the mono executable. The class library build # only creates the 64-bit slice, so we don't want to end up with a single slice binary in the output. # If we do, it will step on the universal binary produced but the OSX runtime build. system("cp -r $monoprefix/bin $distdir/") eq 0 or die ("failed copying bin folder\n"); } system("cp -r $monoprefix/etc $distdir/") eq 0 or die("failed copying etc folder\n"); system("cp -R $externalBuildDeps/reference-assemblies/unity $distdirlibmono/unity"); system("cp -R $externalBuildDeps/reference-assemblies/unity_web $distdirlibmono/unity_web"); # now remove nunit from a couple places (but not all, we need some of them) # linux tar is not happy these are removed(at least on wsl), so don't remove them for now if(not $windowsSubsystemForLinux) { system("rm -rf $distdirlibmono/2.0/nunit*"); system("rm -rf $distdirlibmono/gac/nunit*"); } # Remove a self referencing sym link that causes problems system("rm -rf $monoprefix/bin/bin"); if (-f "$monoroot/ZippedClasslibs.tar.gz") { system("rm -f $monoroot/ZippedClasslibs.tar.gz") eq 0 or die("Failed to clean existing ZippedClasslibs.tar.gz\n"); } print(">>> Creating ZippedClasslibs.tar.gz\n"); print(">>> Changing directory to : $buildsroot\n"); chdir("$buildsroot"); system("tar -hpczf ../ZippedClasslibs.tar.gz *") eq 0 or die("Failed to zip up classlibs\n"); print(">>> Changing directory back to : $currentdir\n"); chdir("$currentdir"); } # Do the platform specific logic to create the builds output structure that we want my $embedDirRoot = "$buildsroot/embedruntimes"; my $embedDirArchDestination = ""; my $distDirArchBin = ""; my $versionsOutputFile = ""; my $crossCompilerRoot = "$buildsroot/crosscompiler"; my $crossCompilerDestination = ""; if ($iphone) { $embedDirArchDestination = "$embedDirRoot/iphone/$iphoneArch"; $versionsOutputFile = "$buildsroot/versions-iphone-$iphoneArch.txt"; } elsif ($iphoneCross) { $crossCompilerDestination = "$buildsroot/crosscompiler/iphone"; $versionsOutputFile = "$buildsroot/versions-iphone-xcompiler.txt"; } elsif ($iphoneSimulator) { $embedDirArchDestination = "$embedDirRoot/iphone/$iphoneSimulatorArch"; $versionsOutputFile = "$buildsroot/versions-iphone-$iphoneSimulatorArch.txt"; } elsif ($android) { $embedDirArchDestination = "$embedDirRoot/android/$androidArch"; $versionsOutputFile = "$buildsroot/versions-android-$androidArch.txt"; } elsif ($tizenEmulator) { $embedDirArchDestination = "$embedDirRoot/tizenemulator/"; $versionsOutputFile = "$buildsroot/versions-tizenemulator.txt"; } elsif ($tizen) { $embedDirArchDestination = "$embedDirRoot/tizen/"; $versionsOutputFile = "$buildsroot/versions-tizen.txt"; } elsif($^O eq "linux") { $embedDirArchDestination = $arch32 ? "$embedDirRoot/linux32" : "$embedDirRoot/linux64"; $distDirArchBin = $arch32 ? "$distdir/bin-linux32" : "$distdir/bin-linux64"; $versionsOutputFile = $arch32 ? "$buildsroot/versions-linux32.txt" : "$buildsroot/versions-linux64.txt"; } elsif($^O eq 'darwin') { # Note these tmp directories will get merged into a single 'osx' directory later by a parent script $embedDirArchDestination = "$embedDirRoot/osx-tmp-$monoHostArch"; $distDirArchBin = "$distdir/bin-osx-tmp-$monoHostArch"; $versionsOutputFile = $arch32 ? "$buildsroot/versions-osx32.txt" : "$buildsroot/versions-osx64.txt"; } else { $embedDirArchDestination = $arch32 ? "$embedDirRoot/win32" : "$embedDirRoot/win64"; $distDirArchBin = $arch32 ? "$distdir/bin" : "$distdir/bin-x64"; $versionsOutputFile = $arch32 ? "$buildsroot/versions-win32.txt" : "$buildsroot/versions-win64.txt"; } # Make sure the directory for our architecture is clean before we copy stuff into it if (-d "$embedDirArchDestination") { print(">>> Cleaning $embedDirArchDestination\n"); rmtree($embedDirArchDestination); } if (-d "$distDirArchBin") { print(">>> Cleaning $distDirArchBin\n"); rmtree($distDirArchBin); } if ($artifactsRuntime) { system("mkdir -p $embedDirArchDestination") if ($embedDirArchDestination ne ""); system("mkdir -p $distDirArchBin") if ($distDirArchBin ne ""); system("mkdir -p $crossCompilerDestination") if ($crossCompilerDestination ne ""); # embedruntimes directory setup print(">>> Creating embedruntimes directory : $embedDirArchDestination\n"); if ($iphone || $iphoneSimulator) { for my $file ('libmonosgen-2.0.a','libmonobdwgc-2.0.a') { print ">>> Copying $file\n"; system("cp", "$monoroot/mono/mini/.libs/$file","$embedDirArchDestination/$file") eq 0 or die ("failed copying $file\n"); } } elsif ($iphoneCross) { # Nothing to do } elsif ($android) { for my $file ('','') { print ">>> Copying $file\n"; system("cp", "$monoroot/mono/mini/.libs/$file","$embedDirArchDestination/$file") eq 0 or die ("failed copying $file\n"); } print ">>> Copying\n"; system("cp", "$monoroot/support/.libs/","$embedDirArchDestination/") eq 0 or die ("failed copying\n"); } elsif ($tizen || $tizenEmulator) { for my $file ('','') { print ">>> Copying $file\n"; system("cp", "$monoroot/mono/mini/.libs/$file","$embedDirArchDestination/$file") eq 0 or die ("failed copying $file\n"); } } elsif($^O eq "linux") { print ">>> Copying libmonosgen-2.0\n"; system("cp", "$monoroot/mono/mini/.libs/","$embedDirArchDestination/") eq 0 or die ("failed copying\n"); system("cp", "$monoroot/mono/mini/.libs/","$embedDirArchDestination/") eq 0 or die ("failed copying\n"); print ">>> Copying\n"; system("cp", "$monoroot/support/.libs/","$embedDirArchDestination/") eq 0 or die ("failed copying\n"); if ($buildMachine) { system("strip $embedDirArchDestination/") eq 0 or die("failed to strip (shared)\n"); system("strip $embedDirArchDestination/") eq 0 or die("failed to strip (shared)\n"); system("strip $embedDirArchDestination/") eq 0 or die("failed to strip libMonoPosixHelper (shared)\n"); } } elsif($^O eq 'darwin') { # embedruntimes directory setup print ">>> Hardlinking libmonosgen-2.0\n"; system("ln","-f", "$monoroot/mono/mini/.libs/libmonobdwgc-2.0.dylib","$embedDirArchDestination/libmonobdwgc-2.0.dylib") eq 0 or die ("failed symlinking libmonobdwgc-2.0.dylib\n"); system("ln","-f", "$monoroot/mono/mini/.libs/libmonosgen-2.0.dylib","$embedDirArchDestination/libmonosgen-2.0.dylib") eq 0 or die ("failed symlinking libmonosgen-2.0.dylib\n"); print "Hardlinking libMonoPosixHelper.dylib\n"; system("ln","-f", "$monoroot/support/.libs/libMonoPosixHelper.dylib","$embedDirArchDestination/libMonoPosixHelper.dylib") eq 0 or die ("failed symlinking $embedDirArchDestination/libMonoPosixHelper.dylib\n"); InstallNameTool("$embedDirArchDestination/libmonobdwgc-2.0.dylib", "\@executable_path/../Frameworks/MonoEmbedRuntime/osx/libmonobdwgc-2.0.dylib"); InstallNameTool("$embedDirArchDestination/libmonosgen-2.0.dylib", "\@executable_path/../Frameworks/MonoEmbedRuntime/osx/libmonosgen-2.0.dylib"); InstallNameTool("$embedDirArchDestination/libMonoPosixHelper.dylib", "\@executable_path/../Frameworks/MonoEmbedRuntime/osx/libMonoPosixHelper.dylib"); print ">>> Copying mono public headers\n"; system("mkdir -p $includesroot/mono"); system("cp -R $monoprefix/include/mono-2.0/mono $includesroot/mono"); } else { # embedruntimes directory setup system("cp", "$monoprefix/bin/mono-2.0-bdwgc.dll", "$embedDirArchDestination/mono-2.0-bdwgc.dll") eq 0 or die ("failed copying mono-2.0-bdwgc.dll\n"); system("cp", "$monoprefix/bin/mono-2.0-bdwgc.pdb", "$embedDirArchDestination/mono-2.0-bdwgc.pdb") eq 0 or die ("failed copying mono-2.0-bdwgc.pdb\n"); system("cp", "$monoprefix/bin/mono-2.0-sgen.dll", "$embedDirArchDestination/mono-2.0-sgen.dll") eq 0 or die ("failed copying mono-2.0-sgen.dll\n"); system("cp", "$monoprefix/bin/mono-2.0-sgen.pdb", "$embedDirArchDestination/mono-2.0-sgen.pdb") eq 0 or die ("failed copying mono-2.0-sgen.pdb\n"); } # monodistribution directory setup print(">>> Creating monodistribution directory\n"); if ($android || $iphone || $iphoneCross || $iphoneSimulator || $tizen || $tizenEmulator) { # Nothing to do } elsif($^O eq "linux") { my $distDirArchEtc = $arch32 ? "$distdir/etc-linux32" : "$distdir/etc-linux64"; if (-d "$distDirArchEtc") { print(">>> Cleaning $distDirArchEtc\n"); rmtree($distDirArchEtc); } system("mkdir -p $distDirArchBin"); system("mkdir -p $distDirArchEtc"); system("mkdir -p $distDirArchEtc/mono"); system("ln", "-f", "$monoroot/mono/mini/mono-sgen","$distDirArchBin/mono") eq 0 or die("failed symlinking mono executable\n"); system("ln", "-f", "$monoroot/tools/pedump/pedump","$distDirArchBin/pedump") eq 0 or die("failed symlinking pedump executable\n"); system('cp', "$monoroot/data/config","$distDirArchEtc/mono/config") eq 0 or die("failed to copy config\n"); } elsif($^O eq 'darwin') { system("ln", "-f", "$monoroot/mono/mini/mono","$distDirArchBin/mono") eq 0 or die("failed hardlinking mono executable\n"); system("ln", "-f", "$monoroot/tools/pedump/pedump","$distDirArchBin/pedump") eq 0 or die("failed hardlinking pedump executable\n"); } else { system("cp", "$monoprefix/bin/mono-2.0.dll", "$distDirArchBin/mono-2.0.dll") eq 0 or die ("failed copying mono-2.0.dll\n"); system("cp", "$monoprefix/bin/mono-2.0.pdb", "$distDirArchBin/mono-2.0.pdb") eq 0 or die ("failed copying mono-2.0.pdb\n"); system("cp", "$monoprefix/bin/mono.exe", "$distDirArchBin/mono.exe") eq 0 or die ("failed copying mono.exe\n"); } } # cross compiler directory setup if ($iphoneCross) { print ">>> Copying mono-xcompiler\n"; if($runningOnWindows) { die("Not implemented\n"); } else { system("cp", "$monoroot/mono/mini/mono","$crossCompilerDestination/mono-xcompiler") eq 0 or die ("failed copying mono-xcompiler\n"); } } # Not all build configurations output to the distro dir, so only chmod it if it exists system("chmod", "-R", "755", $distDirArchBin) if (-d "$distDirArchBin"); # Output version information print(">>> Creating version file : $versionsOutputFile\n"); system("echo \"mono-version =\" > $versionsOutputFile"); # Not all build configurations output to the distro dir, only try to output version info if there is a distro dir system("$distDirArchBin/mono --version >> $versionsOutputFile") if (-d "$distDirArchBin"); system("echo \"unity-mono-revision = $monoRevision\" >> $versionsOutputFile"); system("echo \"unity-mono-build-scripts-revision = $buildScriptsRevision\" >> $versionsOutputFile"); my $tmp = `date`; system("echo \"build-date = $tmp\" >> $versionsOutputFile"); } else { print(">>> Skipping artifact creation\n"); } if ($test) { my $runtimeTestsDir = "$monoroot/mono/mini"; if ($runRuntimeTests) { chdir("$runtimeTestsDir") eq 1 or die ("failed to chdir"); print("\n>>> Calling make check in $runtimeTestsDir\n\n"); system("make","check") eq 0 or die ("runtime tests failed\n"); } else { print(">>> Skipping runtime unit tests\n"); } if ($runClasslibTests) { if ($disableMcs) { print(">>> Skipping classlib unit tests because building the class libs was disabled\n"); } else { my $classlibTestsDir = "$monoroot/mcs/class"; chdir("$classlibTestsDir") eq 1 or die ("failed to chdir"); print("\n>>> Calling make run-test in $runtimeTestsDir\n\n"); system("make","run-test") eq 0 or die ("classlib tests failed\n"); } } else { print(">>> Skipping classlib unit tests\n"); } } else { print(">>> Skipping unit tests\n"); } chdir ($currentdir);