use lib ('.', "../../Tools/perl_lib","perl_lib"); use Cwd; use File::Path; use Getopt::Long; use Tools qw(InstallNameTool); my $root = getcwd(); my $skipbuild=0; my $debug = 0; my $minimal = 0; GetOptions( "skipbuild=i"=>\$skipbuild, "debug=i"=>\$debug, "minimal=i"=>\$minimal, ) or die ("illegal cmdline options"); my $teamcity=0; if ($ENV{UNITY_THISISABUILDMACHINE}) { print "rmtree-ing $root/builds because we're on a buildserver, and want to make sure we don't include old artifacts\n"; rmtree("$root/builds"); $teamcity=1; } else { print "not rmtree-ing $root/builds, as we're not on a buildmachine"; if (($debug==0) && ($skipbuild==0)) { print "\n\nARE YOU SURE YOU DONT WANT TO MAKE A DEBUG BUILD?!?!?!!!!!\n\n\n"; } } my $bintarget = "$root/builds/monodistribution/bin-linux"; my $libtarget = "$root/builds/embedruntimes/linux"; if ($minimal) { $libtarget = "$root/builds/embedruntimes/linux-minimal"; } print("libtarget: $libtarget\n"); system("rm -f $bintarget/mono"); system("rm -f $libtarget/"); if (not $skipbuild) { #rmtree($bintarget); #rmtree($libtarget); if ($debug) { $ENV{CFLAGS} = "-m32 -g -O0"; $ENV{LDFLAGS} = "-m32"; } else { $ENV{CFLAGS} = "-m32 -Os"; #optimize for size $ENV{LDFLAGS} = "-m32"; } #this will fail on a fresh working copy, so don't die on it. system("make distclean"); #were going to tell autogen to use a specific cache file, that we purposely remove before starting. #that way, autogen is forced to do all its config stuff again, which should make this buildscript #more robust if other targetplatforms have been built from this same workincopy system("rm linux.cache"); # Don't use eglib on linux # chdir("$root/mono/eglib") eq 1 or die ("Failed chdir 1"); # #this will fail on a fresh working copy, so don't die on it. # system("make distclean"); # system("autoreconf -i") eq 0 or die ("Failed autoreconfing eglib"); system("autoreconf -i") eq 0 or die ("Failed autoreconfing mono"); my @autogenparams = (); unshift(@autogenparams, "--cache-file=linux.cache"); unshift(@autogenparams, "--disable-mcs-build"); # unshift(@autogenparams, "--with-glib=embedded"); unshift(@autogenparams, "--disable-nls"); #this removes the dependency on gettext package unshift(@autogenparams, "--disable-parallel-mark"); #this causes crashes unshift(@autogenparams, "--build=i686-pc-linux-gnu"); #Force x86 build # From Massi: I was getting failures in install_name_tool about space # for the commands being too small, and adding here things like # $ENV{LDFLAGS} = '-headerpad_max_install_names' and # $ENV{LDFLAGS} = '-headerpad=0x40000' did not help at all (and also # adding them to our final gcc invocation to make the bundle). # Lucas noticed that I was lacking a Mono prefix, and having a long # one would give us space, so here is this silly looong prefix. unshift(@autogenparams, "--prefix=/1234567890/1234567890/1234567890/1234567890/1234567890/1234567890/1234567890/1234567890/1234567890/1234567890/1234567890/1234567890/1234567890/1234567890/1234567890/1234567890/1234567890/1234567890/1234567890/1234567890"); if ($minimal) { unshift(@autogenparams,"--enable-minimal=aot,logging,com,profiler,debug"); } print("\n\n\n\nCalling configure with these parameters: "); system("echo", @autogenparams); print("\n\n\n\n\n"); system("calling ./configure",@autogenparams); system("./configure", @autogenparams) eq 0 or die ("failing configuring mono"); system("make clean") eq 0 or die ("failed make cleaning"); system("make -j4") eq 0 or die ("failing running make for mono"); } mkpath($bintarget); mkpath($libtarget); print "Copying\n"; system("cp", "$root/mono/mini/.libs/","$libtarget/") eq 0 or die ("failed symlinking"); print "Copying libmono.a\n"; system("cp", "$root/mono/mini/.libs/libmono.a","$libtarget/libmono.a") eq 0 or die ("failed symlinking libmono.a"); if ($ENV{"UNITY_THISISABUILDMACHINE"}) { system("strip $libtarget/") eq 0 or die("failed to strip libmono (shared)"); } system("ln","-f","$root/mono/mini/mono","$bintarget/mono") eq 0 or die("failed symlinking mono executable"); system("ln","-f","$root/mono/metadata/pedump","$bintarget/pedump") eq 0 or die("failed symlinking pedump executable"); system("chmod","-R","755",$bintarget);