package com.danikula.videocache; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import static com.danikula.videocache.Preconditions.checkNotNull; /** * Proxy for {@link Source} with caching support ({@link Cache}). *

* Can be used only for sources with persistent data (that doesn't change with time). * Method {@link #read(byte[], long, int)} will be blocked while fetching data from source. * Useful for streaming something with caching e.g. streaming video/audio etc. * * @author Alexey Danilov ( */ class ProxyCache { private static final int MAX_READ_SOURCE_ATTEMPTS = 1; private final Source source; private final Cache cache; private final Object wc = new Object(); private final Object stopLock = new Object(); private final AtomicInteger readSourceErrorsCount; private volatile Thread sourceReaderThread; private volatile boolean stopped; private volatile int percentsAvailable = -1; public ProxyCache(Source source, Cache cache) { this.source = checkNotNull(source); this.cache = checkNotNull(cache); this.readSourceErrorsCount = new AtomicInteger(); } public int read(byte[] buffer, long offset, int length) throws ProxyCacheException { ProxyCacheUtils.assertBuffer(buffer, offset, length); while (!cache.isCompleted() && cache.available() < (offset + length) && !stopped) { readSourceAsync(); waitForSourceData(); checkReadSourceErrorsCount(); } int read =, offset, length); if (cache.isCompleted() && percentsAvailable != 100) { percentsAvailable = 100; onCachePercentsAvailableChanged(100); } return read; } private void checkReadSourceErrorsCount() throws ProxyCacheException { int errorsCount = readSourceErrorsCount.get(); if (errorsCount >= MAX_READ_SOURCE_ATTEMPTS) { readSourceErrorsCount.set(0); throw new ProxyCacheException("Error reading source " + errorsCount + " times"); } } public void shutdown() { synchronized (stopLock) { try { stopped = true; if (sourceReaderThread != null) { sourceReaderThread.interrupt(); } cache.close(); } catch (ProxyCacheException e) { onError(e); } } } private synchronized void readSourceAsync() throws ProxyCacheException { boolean readingInProgress = sourceReaderThread != null && sourceReaderThread.getState() != Thread.State.TERMINATED; if (!stopped && !cache.isCompleted() && !readingInProgress) { sourceReaderThread = new Thread(new SourceReaderRunnable(), "Source reader for " + source); sourceReaderThread.start(); } } private void waitForSourceData() throws ProxyCacheException { synchronized (wc) { try { wc.wait(1000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new ProxyCacheException("Waiting source data is interrupted!", e); } } } private void notifyNewCacheDataAvailable(long cacheAvailable, long sourceAvailable) { onCacheAvailable(cacheAvailable, sourceAvailable); synchronized (wc) { wc.notifyAll(); } } protected void onCacheAvailable(long cacheAvailable, long sourceLength) { boolean zeroLengthSource = sourceLength == 0; int percents = zeroLengthSource ? 100 : (int) ((float) cacheAvailable / sourceLength * 100); boolean percentsChanged = percents != percentsAvailable; boolean sourceLengthKnown = sourceLength >= 0; if (sourceLengthKnown && percentsChanged) { onCachePercentsAvailableChanged(percents); } percentsAvailable = percents; } protected void onCachePercentsAvailableChanged(int percentsAvailable) { } private void readSource() { long sourceAvailable = -1; long offset = 0; try { offset = cache.available();; sourceAvailable = source.length(); byte[] buffer = new byte[ProxyCacheUtils.DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE]; int readBytes; while ((readBytes = != -1) { synchronized (stopLock) { if (isStopped()) { return; } cache.append(buffer, readBytes); } offset += readBytes; notifyNewCacheDataAvailable(offset, sourceAvailable); } tryComplete(); onSourceRead(); } catch (Throwable e) { readSourceErrorsCount.incrementAndGet(); onError(e); } finally { closeSource(); notifyNewCacheDataAvailable(offset, sourceAvailable); } } private void onSourceRead() { // guaranteed notify listeners after source read and cache completed percentsAvailable = 100; onCachePercentsAvailableChanged(percentsAvailable); } private void tryComplete() throws ProxyCacheException { synchronized (stopLock) { if (!isStopped() && cache.available() == source.length()) { cache.complete(); } } } private boolean isStopped() { return Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted() || stopped; } private void closeSource() { try { source.close(); } catch (ProxyCacheException e) { onError(new ProxyCacheException("Error closing source " + source, e)); } } protected final void onError(final Throwable e) { boolean interruption = e instanceof InterruptedProxyCacheException; if (interruption) { HttpProxyCacheDebuger.printfLog("ProxyCache is interrupted"); } else { HttpProxyCacheDebuger.printfError("ProxyCache error", e.getMessage()); } } private class SourceReaderRunnable implements Runnable { @Override public void run() { readSource(); } } }