--source include/have_tianmu.inc --source include/master-slave.inc connection master; create table t1 (b int not null default 1, c varchar(60) default '\\')engine=tianmu; insert into t1 values(1, 'AAAAAAAA'); insert into t1 values(2, 'BBBBBBBB'); SELECT * from t1 INTO OUTFILE '1876_tmp_dat'; create table t2 like t1; load data infile '1876_tmp_dat' into table t2; CREATE TABLE `column_type_test1` ( `c_tinyint` tinyint(4) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'tinyint', `c_smallint` smallint(6) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'smallint', `c_mediumint` mediumint(9) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'mediumint', `c_int` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'int', `c_bigint` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'bigint', `c_float` float DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'float', `c_double` double DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'double', `c_decimal` decimal(10,5) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'decimal', `c_date` date DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'date', `c_datetime` datetime DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'datetime', `c_timestamp` timestamp NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'timestamp', `c_time` time DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'time', `c_char` char(10) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'char', `c_varchar` varchar(10) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'varchar', `c_blob` blob COMMENT 'blob', `c_text` text COMMENT 'text', `c_longblob` longblob COMMENT 'longblob' ) engine=tianmu; insert into column_type_test1 values(100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 5.2, 10.88, 100.08300, '2016-02-25', '2016-02-25 10:20:01', '2007-04-23 08:12:49', '10:20:01', 'stonedb', 'hello', null, 'bcdefghijklmn', null); insert into column_type_test1 values(101, 101, 101, 101, 101, 5.2, 10.88, 101.08300, '2016-02-25', '2016-02-25 10:20:01', '1985-08-11 09:10:25', '10:20:01', 'stoneatom', 'hello', null, 'bcdefghijklmn', null); SELECT * from column_type_test1 INTO OUTFILE '1876_tmp1_dat'; create table column_type_test2 like column_type_test1; load data infile '1876_tmp1_dat' into table column_type_test2; create table user_t1(id int, department varchar(10)) engine=tianmu; --disable_query_log let $i = 0; while($i < 70000) { eval insert into user_t1 values($i, 'stonedb'); inc $i; } --enable_query_log SELECT * from user_t1 INTO OUTFILE '1876_tmp2_dat'; create table user_t2 like user_t1; load data infile '1876_tmp2_dat' into table user_t2; --sync_slave_with_master connection slave; # check the rpl is running normally SHOW STATUS LIKE 'Slave_running'; # the data in table t2 in slave is the same to that's in master, means the binlog is written correctly select * from t2; select * from column_type_test2; checksum table user_t2; connection master; drop table t1, t2; drop table column_type_test1, column_type_test2; drop table user_t1, user_t2; --sync_slave_with_master --source include/rpl_end.inc