# In general is should be equivalent to run 2 connections to # different servers and 2 connections to th same server... # So in general we should be able to run "multi tests" also on embedded -- let have_embedded=`select version() like '%embedded%'` if ($have_embedded) { # Setup 2 connections used in multi tests connect (server1,localhost,root,,test); connect (server2,localhost,root,,test); } if (!$have_embedded) { # Setup connections to both MySQL Servers connected to the cluster connect (server1,,root,,test,$MASTER_MYPORT,); connect (server2,,root,,test,$MASTER_MYPORT1,); } # Check that server1 has NDB support connection server1; let $engines_table= query_get_value(SHOW TABLES FROM information_schema LIKE 'ENGINES', Tables_in_information_schema (ENGINES), 1); disable_query_log; if (`SELECT 1 FROM dual WHERE '$engines_table' = 'engines'`) { --require r/true.require SELECT (support = 'YES' or support = 'DEFAULT' or support = 'ENABLED') as `TRUE` FROM information_schema.engines WHERE engine = 'ndbcluster'; } enable_query_log; if (!$have_embedded) { # Check that server2 has NDB support connection server2; let $engines_table= query_get_value(SHOW TABLES FROM information_schema LIKE 'ENGINES', Tables_in_information_schema (ENGINES), 1); disable_query_log; if (`SELECT 1 FROM dual WHERE '$engines_table' = 'engines'`) { --require r/true.require SELECT (support = 'YES' or support = 'DEFAULT' or support = 'ENABLED') as `TRUE` FROM information_schema.engines WHERE engine = 'ndbcluster'; } enable_query_log; } # cleanup connection server1; disable_query_log; disable_warnings; --error 0,1051 drop table if exists t1,t2,t3,t4,t5,t6,t7,t8,t9,t10; flush tables; flush status; enable_warnings; enable_query_log; if (!$have_embedded) { connection server2; disable_query_log; disable_warnings; --error 0,1051 drop table if exists t1,t2,t3,t4,t5,t6,t7,t8,t9,t10; flush tables; flush status; enable_warnings; enable_query_log; } # Set the default connection connection server1; --let NDB_BACKUPS=$NDB_BACKUP_DIR/BACKUP/BACKUP