// +---------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace think\process\exception; use think\Process; class Timeout extends \RuntimeException { const TYPE_GENERAL = 1; const TYPE_IDLE = 2; private $process; private $timeoutType; public function __construct(Process $process, $timeoutType) { $this->process = $process; $this->timeoutType = $timeoutType; parent::__construct(sprintf('The process "%s" exceeded the timeout of %s seconds.', $process->getCommandLine(), $this->getExceededTimeout())); } public function getProcess() { return $this->process; } public function isGeneralTimeout() { return $this->timeoutType === self::TYPE_GENERAL; } public function isIdleTimeout() { return $this->timeoutType === self::TYPE_IDLE; } public function getExceededTimeout() { switch ($this->timeoutType) { case self::TYPE_GENERAL: return $this->process->getTimeout(); case self::TYPE_IDLE: return $this->process->getIdleTimeout(); default: throw new \LogicException(sprintf('Unknown timeout type "%d".', $this->timeoutType)); } } }