/** * Copyright (c) 2021 OceanBase * OceanBase CE is licensed under Mulan PubL v2. * You can use this software according to the terms and conditions of the Mulan PubL v2. * You may obtain a copy of Mulan PubL v2 at: * http://license.coscl.org.cn/MulanPubL-2.0 * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, * EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO NON-INFRINGEMENT, * MERCHANTABILITY OR FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the Mulan PubL v2 for more details. */ // This file is for define of func json expr helper #ifndef OCEANBASE_SQL_OB_EXPR_JSON_FUNC_HELPER_H_ #define OCEANBASE_SQL_OB_EXPR_JSON_FUNC_HELPER_H_ #include "sql/engine/expr/ob_expr_util.h" #include "share/object/ob_obj_cast.h" #include "sql/parser/ob_item_type.h" #include "sql/session/ob_sql_session_info.h" #include "lib/json_type/ob_json_tree.h" #include "lib/json_type/ob_json_base.h" #include "lib/json_type/ob_json_parse.h" using namespace oceanbase::common; namespace oceanbase { namespace sql { class ObJsonExprHelper final { class ObJsonPathCacheCtx : public ObExprOperatorCtx { public: ObJsonPathCacheCtx(common::ObIAllocator *allocator) : ObExprOperatorCtx(), path_cache_(allocator) {} virtual ~ObJsonPathCacheCtx() {} ObJsonPathCache *get_path_cache() { return &path_cache_; } private: ObJsonPathCache path_cache_; }; public: /* get json doc to JsonBase in static_typing_engine @param[in] expr the input arguments @param[in] ctx the eval context @param[in] allocator the Allocator in context @param[in] index the input arguments index @param[out] j_base the pointer to JsonBase @param[out] is_null the flag for null situation @return Returns OB_SUCCESS on success, error code otherwise. */ static int get_json_doc(const ObExpr &expr, ObEvalCtx &ctx, common::ObArenaAllocator &allocator, uint16_t index, ObIJsonBase*& j_base, bool &is_null, bool need_to_tree=true); /* get json doc to JsonBase in old_typing_engine @param[in] objs the input arguments @param[in] allocator the Allocator in context @param[in] index the input arguments index @param[out] j_base the pointer to JsonBase @param[out] is_null the flag for null situation @return Returns OB_SUCCESS on success, error code otherwise. */ static int get_json_doc(const ObObj *objs, common::ObIAllocator *allocator, uint16_t index, ObIJsonBase*& j_base, bool &is_null, bool need_to_tree = true); /* get json value to JsonBase in static_typing_engine @param[in] expr the input arguments @param[in] ctx the eval context @param[in] allocator the Allocator in context @param[in] index the input arguments index @param[out] j_base the pointer to JsonBase @param[in] to_bin expect value is binary or not @return Returns OB_SUCCESS on success, error code otherwise. */ static int get_json_val(const ObExpr &expr, ObEvalCtx &ctx, common::ObIAllocator *allocator, uint16_t index, ObIJsonBase*& j_base, bool to_bin = false); /* get json value to JsonBase in old_typing_engine @param[in] data the input argument @param[in] is_bool whether input data is JsonBoolean @param[in] ctx the eval context @param[in] allocator the Allocator in context @param[in] to_bin expect value is binary or not @param[out] j_base the pointer to JsonBase @return Returns OB_SUCCESS on success, error code otherwise. */ static int get_json_val(const common::ObObj &data, ObExprCtx &ctx, bool is_bool, common::ObIAllocator *allocator, ObIJsonBase*& j_base, bool to_bin = false); /* replace json_old with json_new in json_doc @param[in] json_old the old json node to be replaced @param[in] json_new the new json node to replace @param[in] json_doc the root json node of old json node @return Returns OB_SUCCESS on success, error code otherwise. */ static int json_base_replace(ObIJsonBase *json_old, ObIJsonBase *json_new, ObIJsonBase *&json_doc); static int find_and_add_cache(ObJsonPathCache* path_cache, ObJsonPath*& res_path, ObString& path_str, int arg_idx, bool enable_wildcard); static ObJsonPathCache* get_path_cache_ctx(const uint64_t& id, ObExecContext *exec_ctx); /* try to transfrom scalar data to jsonBase @param[in] datum the input datum @param[in] type the type of input argument @param[in] allocator the Allocator in context @param[in] scale the scale for json decimal @param[in] ObTimeZoneInfo the timeZone info @param[out] j_base the pointer to ObIJsonBase @param[in] to_bin whether convert to binary @return Returns OB_SUCCESS on success, error code otherwise. */ template static int transform_scalar_2jsonBase(const T &datum, ObObjType type, common::ObIAllocator *allocator, ObScale scale, const ObTimeZoneInfo *tz_info, ObIJsonBase*& j_base, bool to_bin); /* try to transfrom from type which is_convertible_to_json to jsonBase @param[in] datum the input datum @param[in] type the type of input argument @param[in] allocator the Allocator in context @param[in] cs_type the collation type @param[out] j_base the pointer to jsonBase @param[in] to_bin whether convert to binary @param[in] deep_copy whether deep copy input string from datum @return Returns OB_SUCCESS on success, error code otherwise. */ template static int transform_convertible_2jsonBase(const T &datum, ObObjType type, common::ObIAllocator *allocator, ObCollationType cs_type, ObIJsonBase*& j_base, bool to_bin, bool deep_copy = false); static bool is_convertible_to_json(ObObjType &type); static int is_valid_for_json(ObExprResType* types_stack, uint32_t index, const char* func_name); static int is_valid_for_json(ObExprResType& type, uint32_t index, const char* func_name); static int is_valid_for_path(ObExprResType* types_stack, uint32_t index); static void set_type_for_value(ObExprResType* types_stack, uint32_t index); static int ensure_collation(ObObjType type, ObCollationType cs_type); static ObJsonInType get_json_internal_type(ObObjType type); private: DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ObJsonExprHelper); }; } // sql } // oceanbase #endif // OCEANBASE_SQL_OB_EXPR_JSON_FUNC_HELPER_H_