/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ 'use strict'; import URI from 'vs/base/common/uri'; import { readonly, illegalArgument } from 'vs/base/common/errors'; import { equals as arrayEquals } from 'vs/base/common/arrays'; import { IdGenerator } from 'vs/base/common/idGenerator'; import Event, { Emitter } from 'vs/base/common/event'; import { TPromise } from 'vs/base/common/winjs.base'; import { IThreadService } from 'vs/workbench/services/thread/common/threadService'; import { ExtHostDocuments, ExtHostDocumentData } from 'vs/workbench/api/node/extHostDocuments'; import { Selection, Range, Position, EndOfLine, TextEditorRevealType, TextEditorSelectionChangeKind, TextEditorLineNumbersStyle, SnippetString } from './extHostTypes'; import { ISingleEditOperation, TextEditorCursorStyle, IRange } from 'vs/editor/common/editorCommon'; import { IResolvedTextEditorConfiguration, ISelectionChangeEvent, ITextEditorConfigurationUpdate } from 'vs/workbench/api/node/mainThreadEditorsTracker'; import * as TypeConverters from './extHostTypeConverters'; import { MainContext, MainThreadEditorsShape, ExtHostEditorsShape, ITextEditorAddData, ITextEditorPositionData } from './extHost.protocol'; import * as vscode from 'vscode'; export class ExtHostEditors extends ExtHostEditorsShape { public onDidChangeTextEditorSelection: Event; private _onDidChangeTextEditorSelection: Emitter; public onDidChangeTextEditorOptions: Event; private _onDidChangeTextEditorOptions: Emitter; public onDidChangeTextEditorViewColumn: Event; private _onDidChangeTextEditorViewColumn: Emitter; private _editors: Map; private _proxy: MainThreadEditorsShape; private _onDidChangeActiveTextEditor: Emitter; private _onDidChangeVisibleTextEditors: Emitter; private _extHostDocuments: ExtHostDocuments; private _activeEditorId: string; private _visibleEditorIds: string[]; constructor( threadService: IThreadService, extHostDocuments: ExtHostDocuments ) { super(); this._onDidChangeTextEditorSelection = new Emitter(); this.onDidChangeTextEditorSelection = this._onDidChangeTextEditorSelection.event; this._onDidChangeTextEditorOptions = new Emitter(); this.onDidChangeTextEditorOptions = this._onDidChangeTextEditorOptions.event; this._onDidChangeTextEditorViewColumn = new Emitter(); this.onDidChangeTextEditorViewColumn = this._onDidChangeTextEditorViewColumn.event; this._extHostDocuments = extHostDocuments; this._proxy = threadService.get(MainContext.MainThreadEditors); this._onDidChangeActiveTextEditor = new Emitter(); this._onDidChangeVisibleTextEditors = new Emitter(); this._editors = new Map(); this._visibleEditorIds = []; } getActiveTextEditor(): vscode.TextEditor { return this._editors.get(this._activeEditorId); } getVisibleTextEditors(): vscode.TextEditor[] { return this._visibleEditorIds.map(id => this._editors.get(id)); } get onDidChangeActiveTextEditor(): Event { return this._onDidChangeActiveTextEditor && this._onDidChangeActiveTextEditor.event; } get onDidChangeVisibleTextEditors(): Event { return this._onDidChangeVisibleTextEditors && this._onDidChangeVisibleTextEditors.event; } showTextDocument(document: vscode.TextDocument, column: vscode.ViewColumn, preserveFocus: boolean): TPromise { return this._proxy.$tryShowTextDocument(document.uri, TypeConverters.fromViewColumn(column), preserveFocus).then(id => { let editor = this._editors.get(id); if (editor) { return editor; } else { throw new Error(`Failed to show text document ${document.uri.toString()}, should show in editor #${id}`); } }); } createTextEditorDecorationType(options: vscode.DecorationRenderOptions): vscode.TextEditorDecorationType { return new TextEditorDecorationType(this._proxy, options); } // --- called from main thread $acceptTextEditorAdd(data: ITextEditorAddData): void { let document = this._extHostDocuments.getDocumentData(data.document); let newEditor = new ExtHostTextEditor(this._proxy, data.id, document, data.selections.map(TypeConverters.toSelection), data.options, TypeConverters.toViewColumn(data.editorPosition)); this._editors.set(data.id, newEditor); } $acceptOptionsChanged(id: string, opts: IResolvedTextEditorConfiguration): void { let editor = this._editors.get(id); editor._acceptOptions(opts); this._onDidChangeTextEditorOptions.fire({ textEditor: editor, options: opts }); } $acceptSelectionsChanged(id: string, event: ISelectionChangeEvent): void { const kind = TextEditorSelectionChangeKind.fromValue(event.source); const selections = event.selections.map(TypeConverters.toSelection); const textEditor = this._editors.get(id); textEditor._acceptSelections(selections); this._onDidChangeTextEditorSelection.fire({ textEditor, selections, kind }); } $acceptActiveEditorAndVisibleEditors(id: string, visibleIds: string[]): void { let visibleChanged = false; let activeChanged = false; if (!arrayEquals(this._visibleEditorIds, visibleIds)) { this._visibleEditorIds = visibleIds; visibleChanged = true; } if (this._activeEditorId !== id) { this._activeEditorId = id; activeChanged = true; } if (visibleChanged) { this._onDidChangeVisibleTextEditors.fire(this.getVisibleTextEditors()); } if (activeChanged) { this._onDidChangeActiveTextEditor.fire(this.getActiveTextEditor()); } } $acceptEditorPositionData(data: ITextEditorPositionData): void { for (let id in data) { let textEditor = this._editors.get(id); let viewColumn = TypeConverters.toViewColumn(data[id]); if (textEditor.viewColumn !== viewColumn) { textEditor._acceptViewColumn(viewColumn); this._onDidChangeTextEditorViewColumn.fire({ textEditor, viewColumn }); } } } $acceptTextEditorRemove(id: string): void { // make sure the removed editor is not visible let newVisibleEditors = this._visibleEditorIds.filter(visibleEditorId => visibleEditorId !== id); if (this._activeEditorId === id) { // removing the current active editor this.$acceptActiveEditorAndVisibleEditors(undefined, newVisibleEditors); } else { this.$acceptActiveEditorAndVisibleEditors(this._activeEditorId, newVisibleEditors); } let editor = this._editors.get(id); editor.dispose(); this._editors.delete(id); } } class TextEditorDecorationType implements vscode.TextEditorDecorationType { private static _Keys = new IdGenerator('TextEditorDecorationType'); private _proxy: MainThreadEditorsShape; public key: string; constructor(proxy: MainThreadEditorsShape, options: vscode.DecorationRenderOptions) { this.key = TextEditorDecorationType._Keys.nextId(); this._proxy = proxy; this._proxy.$registerTextEditorDecorationType(this.key, /* URI vs Uri */ options); } public dispose(): void { this._proxy.$removeTextEditorDecorationType(this.key); } } export interface ITextEditOperation { range: Range; text: string; forceMoveMarkers: boolean; } export interface IEditData { documentVersionId: number; edits: ITextEditOperation[]; setEndOfLine: EndOfLine; undoStopBefore: boolean; undoStopAfter: boolean; } export class TextEditorEdit { private _documentVersionId: number; private _collectedEdits: ITextEditOperation[]; private _setEndOfLine: EndOfLine; private _undoStopBefore: boolean; private _undoStopAfter: boolean; constructor(document: vscode.TextDocument, options: { undoStopBefore: boolean; undoStopAfter: boolean; }) { this._documentVersionId = document.version; this._collectedEdits = []; this._setEndOfLine = 0; this._undoStopBefore = options.undoStopBefore; this._undoStopAfter = options.undoStopAfter; } finalize(): IEditData { return { documentVersionId: this._documentVersionId, edits: this._collectedEdits, setEndOfLine: this._setEndOfLine, undoStopBefore: this._undoStopBefore, undoStopAfter: this._undoStopAfter }; } replace(location: Position | Range | Selection, value: string): void { let range: Range = null; if (location instanceof Position) { range = new Range(location, location); } else if (location instanceof Range) { range = location; } else { throw new Error('Unrecognized location'); } this._collectedEdits.push({ range: range, text: value, forceMoveMarkers: false }); } insert(location: Position, value: string): void { this._collectedEdits.push({ range: new Range(location, location), text: value, forceMoveMarkers: true }); } delete(location: Range | Selection): void { let range: Range = null; if (location instanceof Range) { range = location; } else { throw new Error('Unrecognized location'); } this._collectedEdits.push({ range: range, text: null, forceMoveMarkers: true }); } setEndOfLine(endOfLine: EndOfLine): void { if (endOfLine !== EndOfLine.LF && endOfLine !== EndOfLine.CRLF) { throw illegalArgument('endOfLine'); } this._setEndOfLine = endOfLine; } } function deprecated(name: string, message: string = 'Refer to the documentation for further details.') { return (target: Object, key: string, descriptor: TypedPropertyDescriptor) => { const originalMethod = descriptor.value; descriptor.value = function (...args: any[]) { console.warn(`[Deprecation Warning] method '${name}' is deprecated and should no longer be used. ${message}`); return originalMethod.apply(this, args); }; return descriptor; }; } export class ExtHostTextEditorOptions implements vscode.TextEditorOptions { private _proxy: MainThreadEditorsShape; private _id: string; private _tabSize: number; private _insertSpaces: boolean; private _cursorStyle: TextEditorCursorStyle; private _lineNumbers: TextEditorLineNumbersStyle; constructor(proxy: MainThreadEditorsShape, id: string, source: IResolvedTextEditorConfiguration) { this._proxy = proxy; this._id = id; this._accept(source); } public _accept(source: IResolvedTextEditorConfiguration): void { this._tabSize = source.tabSize; this._insertSpaces = source.insertSpaces; this._cursorStyle = source.cursorStyle; this._lineNumbers = source.lineNumbers; } public get tabSize(): number | string { return this._tabSize; } private _validateTabSize(value: number | string): number | 'auto' | null { if (value === 'auto') { return 'auto'; } if (typeof value === 'number') { let r = Math.floor(value); return (r > 0 ? r : null); } if (typeof value === 'string') { let r = parseInt(value, 10); if (isNaN(r)) { return null; } return (r > 0 ? r : null); } return null; } public set tabSize(value: number | string) { let tabSize = this._validateTabSize(value); if (tabSize === null) { // ignore invalid call return; } if (typeof tabSize === 'number') { if (this._tabSize === tabSize) { // nothing to do return; } // reflect the new tabSize value immediately this._tabSize = tabSize; } warnOnError(this._proxy.$trySetOptions(this._id, { tabSize: tabSize })); } public get insertSpaces(): boolean | string { return this._insertSpaces; } private _validateInsertSpaces(value: boolean | string): boolean | 'auto' { if (value === 'auto') { return 'auto'; } return (value === 'false' ? false : Boolean(value)); } public set insertSpaces(value: boolean | string) { let insertSpaces = this._validateInsertSpaces(value); if (typeof insertSpaces === 'boolean') { if (this._insertSpaces === insertSpaces) { // nothing to do return; } // reflect the new insertSpaces value immediately this._insertSpaces = insertSpaces; } warnOnError(this._proxy.$trySetOptions(this._id, { insertSpaces: insertSpaces })); } public get cursorStyle(): TextEditorCursorStyle { return this._cursorStyle; } public set cursorStyle(value: TextEditorCursorStyle) { if (this._cursorStyle === value) { // nothing to do return; } this._cursorStyle = value; warnOnError(this._proxy.$trySetOptions(this._id, { cursorStyle: value })); } public get lineNumbers(): TextEditorLineNumbersStyle { return this._lineNumbers; } public set lineNumbers(value: TextEditorLineNumbersStyle) { if (this._lineNumbers === value) { // nothing to do return; } this._lineNumbers = value; warnOnError(this._proxy.$trySetOptions(this._id, { lineNumbers: value })); } public assign(newOptions: vscode.TextEditorOptions) { let bulkConfigurationUpdate: ITextEditorConfigurationUpdate = {}; let hasUpdate = false; if (typeof newOptions.tabSize !== 'undefined') { let tabSize = this._validateTabSize(newOptions.tabSize); if (tabSize === 'auto') { hasUpdate = true; bulkConfigurationUpdate.tabSize = tabSize; } else if (typeof tabSize === 'number' && this._tabSize !== tabSize) { // reflect the new tabSize value immediately this._tabSize = tabSize; hasUpdate = true; bulkConfigurationUpdate.tabSize = tabSize; } } if (typeof newOptions.insertSpaces !== 'undefined') { let insertSpaces = this._validateInsertSpaces(newOptions.insertSpaces); if (insertSpaces === 'auto') { hasUpdate = true; bulkConfigurationUpdate.insertSpaces = insertSpaces; } else if (this._insertSpaces !== insertSpaces) { // reflect the new insertSpaces value immediately this._insertSpaces = insertSpaces; hasUpdate = true; bulkConfigurationUpdate.insertSpaces = insertSpaces; } } if (typeof newOptions.cursorStyle !== 'undefined') { if (this._cursorStyle !== newOptions.cursorStyle) { this._cursorStyle = newOptions.cursorStyle; hasUpdate = true; bulkConfigurationUpdate.cursorStyle = newOptions.cursorStyle; } } if (typeof newOptions.lineNumbers !== 'undefined') { if (this._lineNumbers !== newOptions.lineNumbers) { this._lineNumbers = newOptions.lineNumbers; hasUpdate = true; bulkConfigurationUpdate.lineNumbers = newOptions.lineNumbers; } } if (hasUpdate) { warnOnError(this._proxy.$trySetOptions(this._id, bulkConfigurationUpdate)); } } } class ExtHostTextEditor implements vscode.TextEditor { private _proxy: MainThreadEditorsShape; private _id: string; private _documentData: ExtHostDocumentData; private _selections: Selection[]; private _options: ExtHostTextEditorOptions; private _viewColumn: vscode.ViewColumn; constructor(proxy: MainThreadEditorsShape, id: string, document: ExtHostDocumentData, selections: Selection[], options: IResolvedTextEditorConfiguration, viewColumn: vscode.ViewColumn) { this._proxy = proxy; this._id = id; this._documentData = document; this._selections = selections; this._options = new ExtHostTextEditorOptions(this._proxy, this._id, options); this._viewColumn = viewColumn; } dispose() { this._documentData = null; } @deprecated('TextEditor.show') show(column: vscode.ViewColumn) { this._proxy.$tryShowEditor(this._id, TypeConverters.fromViewColumn(column)); } @deprecated('TextEditor.hide') hide() { this._proxy.$tryHideEditor(this._id); } // ---- the document get document(): vscode.TextDocument { return this._documentData ? this._documentData.document : undefined; } set document(value) { throw readonly('document'); } // ---- options get options(): vscode.TextEditorOptions { return this._options; } set options(value: vscode.TextEditorOptions) { this._options.assign(value); } _acceptOptions(options: IResolvedTextEditorConfiguration): void { this._options._accept(options); } // ---- view column get viewColumn(): vscode.ViewColumn { return this._viewColumn; } set viewColumn(value) { throw readonly('viewColumn'); } _acceptViewColumn(value: vscode.ViewColumn) { this._viewColumn = value; } // ---- selections get selection(): Selection { return this._selections && this._selections[0]; } set selection(value: Selection) { if (!(value instanceof Selection)) { throw illegalArgument('selection'); } this._selections = [value]; this._trySetSelection(true); } get selections(): Selection[] { return this._selections; } set selections(value: Selection[]) { if (!Array.isArray(value) || value.some(a => !(a instanceof Selection))) { throw illegalArgument('selections'); } this._selections = value; this._trySetSelection(true); } setDecorations(decorationType: vscode.TextEditorDecorationType, ranges: Range[] | vscode.DecorationOptions[]): void { this._runOnProxy( () => this._proxy.$trySetDecorations( this._id, decorationType.key, TypeConverters.fromRangeOrRangeWithMessage(ranges) ), true ); } revealRange(range: Range, revealType: vscode.TextEditorRevealType): void { this._runOnProxy( () => this._proxy.$tryRevealRange( this._id, TypeConverters.fromRange(range), (revealType || TextEditorRevealType.Default) ), true ); } private _trySetSelection(silent: boolean): TPromise { let selection = this._selections.map(TypeConverters.fromSelection); return this._runOnProxy(() => this._proxy.$trySetSelections(this._id, selection), silent); } _acceptSelections(selections: Selection[]): void { this._selections = selections; } // ---- editing edit(callback: (edit: TextEditorEdit) => void, options: { undoStopBefore: boolean; undoStopAfter: boolean; } = { undoStopBefore: true, undoStopAfter: true }): Thenable { let edit = new TextEditorEdit(this._documentData.document, options); callback(edit); return this._applyEdit(edit); } _applyEdit(editBuilder: TextEditorEdit): TPromise { let editData = editBuilder.finalize(); // prepare data for serialization let edits: ISingleEditOperation[] = editData.edits.map((edit) => { return { range: TypeConverters.fromRange(edit.range), text: edit.text, forceMoveMarkers: edit.forceMoveMarkers }; }); return this._proxy.$tryApplyEdits(this._id, editData.documentVersionId, edits, { setEndOfLine: editData.setEndOfLine, undoStopBefore: editData.undoStopBefore, undoStopAfter: editData.undoStopAfter }); } insertSnippet(snippet: SnippetString, where?: Position | Position[] | Range | Range[], options: { undoStopBefore: boolean; undoStopAfter: boolean; } = { undoStopBefore: true, undoStopAfter: true }): Thenable { let ranges: IRange[]; if (!where || (Array.isArray(where) && where.length === 0)) { ranges = this._selections.map(TypeConverters.fromRange); } else if (where instanceof Position) { const {lineNumber, column} = TypeConverters.fromPosition(where); ranges = [{ startLineNumber: lineNumber, startColumn: column, endLineNumber: lineNumber, endColumn: column }]; } else if (where instanceof Range) { ranges = [TypeConverters.fromRange(where)]; } else { ranges = []; for (const posOrRange of where) { if (posOrRange instanceof Range) { ranges.push(TypeConverters.fromRange(posOrRange)); } else { const {lineNumber, column} = TypeConverters.fromPosition(posOrRange); ranges.push({ startLineNumber: lineNumber, startColumn: column, endLineNumber: lineNumber, endColumn: column }); } } } return this._proxy.$tryInsertSnippet(this._id, snippet.value, ranges, options); } // ---- util private _runOnProxy(callback: () => TPromise, silent: boolean): TPromise { return callback().then(() => this, err => { if (!silent) { return TPromise.wrapError(silent); } console.warn(err); return undefined; }); } } function warnOnError(promise: TPromise): void { promise.then(null, (err) => { console.warn(err); }); }