/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ import * as errors from 'vs/base/common/errors'; import * as uuid from 'vs/base/common/uuid'; import { networkInterfaces } from 'os'; import { TernarySearchTree } from 'vs/base/common/map'; import { getMac } from 'vs/base/node/macAddress'; // http://www.techrepublic.com/blog/data-center/mac-address-scorecard-for-common-virtual-machine-platforms/ // VMware ESX 3, Server, Workstation, Player 00-50-56, 00-0C-29, 00-05-69 // Microsoft Hyper-V, Virtual Server, Virtual PC 00-03-FF // Parallels Desktop, Workstation, Server, Virtuozzo 00-1C-42 // Virtual Iron 4 00-0F-4B // Red Hat Xen 00-16-3E // Oracle VM 00-16-3E // XenSource 00-16-3E // Novell Xen 00-16-3E // Sun xVM VirtualBox 08-00-27 export const virtualMachineHint: { value(): number } = new class { private _virtualMachineOUIs?: TernarySearchTree; private _value?: number; private _isVirtualMachineMacAdress(mac: string): boolean { if (!this._virtualMachineOUIs) { this._virtualMachineOUIs = TernarySearchTree.forStrings(); // dash-separated this._virtualMachineOUIs.set('00-50-56', true); this._virtualMachineOUIs.set('00-0C-29', true); this._virtualMachineOUIs.set('00-05-69', true); this._virtualMachineOUIs.set('00-03-FF', true); this._virtualMachineOUIs.set('00-1C-42', true); this._virtualMachineOUIs.set('00-16-3E', true); this._virtualMachineOUIs.set('08-00-27', true); // colon-separated this._virtualMachineOUIs.set('00:50:56', true); this._virtualMachineOUIs.set('00:0C:29', true); this._virtualMachineOUIs.set('00:05:69', true); this._virtualMachineOUIs.set('00:03:FF', true); this._virtualMachineOUIs.set('00:1C:42', true); this._virtualMachineOUIs.set('00:16:3E', true); this._virtualMachineOUIs.set('08:00:27', true); } return !!this._virtualMachineOUIs.findSubstr(mac); } value(): number { if (this._value === undefined) { let vmOui = 0; let interfaceCount = 0; const interfaces = networkInterfaces(); for (let name in interfaces) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(interfaces, name)) { for (const { mac, internal } of interfaces[name]) { if (!internal) { interfaceCount += 1; if (this._isVirtualMachineMacAdress(mac.toUpperCase())) { vmOui += 1; } } } } } this._value = interfaceCount > 0 ? vmOui / interfaceCount : 0; } return this._value; } }; let machineId: Promise; export async function getMachineId(): Promise { if (!machineId) { machineId = (async () => { const id = await getMacMachineId(); return id || uuid.generateUuid(); // fallback, generate a UUID })(); } return machineId; } async function getMacMachineId(): Promise { try { const crypto = await import('crypto'); const macAddress = await getMac(); return crypto.createHash('sha256').update(macAddress, 'utf8').digest('hex'); } catch (err) { errors.onUnexpectedError(err); return undefined; } }