# @ohos.notificationSubscribe (NotificationSubscribe模块) 本模块提供通知订阅、取消订阅、通知移除等,一般情况下,只有系统应用具有这些操作权限。 > **说明:** > > 本模块首批接口从API version 9开始支持。后续版本的新增接口,采用上角标单独标记接口的起始版本。 ## 导入模块 ```js import notificationSubscribe from '@ohos.notificationSubscribe'; ``` ## NotificationSubscribe.subscribe subscribe(subscriber: NotificationSubscriber, info: NotificationSubscribeInfo, callback: AsyncCallback\): void 订阅通知并指定订阅信息(callback形式)。 **系统能力**:SystemCapability.Notification.Notification **需要权限**: ohos.permission.NOTIFICATION_CONTROLLER **系统API**: 此接口为系统接口,三方应用不支持调用。 **参数:** | 参数名 | 类型 | 必填 | 说明 | | ---------- | ------------------------- | ---- | ---------------- | | subscriber | [NotificationSubscriber](js-apis-notification.md#notificationsubscriber) | 是 | 通知订阅对象。 | | info | [NotificationSubscribeInfo](js-apis-notification.md#notificationsubscribeinfo) | 是 | 通知订阅信息。 | | callback | AsyncCallback\ | 是 | 订阅动作回调函数。 | **错误码:** 错误码详细介绍请参考[errcode-notification](../errorcodes/errorcode-notification.md)。 | 错误码ID | 错误信息 | | -------- | ----------------------------------- | | 1600001 | Internal error. | | 1600002 | Marshalling or unmarshalling error. | | 1600003 | Failed to connect service. | **示例:** ```js //subscribe回调 function subscribeCallback(err) { if (err) { console.error(`subscribe failed, code is ${err.code}, message is ${err.message}`); } else { console.info("subscribe success"); } } function onConsumeCallback(data) { console.info("Consume callback: " + JSON.stringify(data)); } let subscriber = { onConsume: onConsumeCallback }; let info = { bundleNames: ["bundleName1","bundleName2"] }; notificationSubscribe.subscribe(subscriber, info, subscribeCallback); ``` ## NotificationSubscribe.subscribe subscribe(subscriber: NotificationSubscriber, callback: AsyncCallback\): void 订阅当前用户下所有应用的通知(callback形式)。 **系统能力**:SystemCapability.Notification.Notification **需要权限**: ohos.permission.NOTIFICATION_CONTROLLER **系统API**: 此接口为系统接口,三方应用不支持调用。 **参数:** | 参数名 | 类型 | 必填 | 说明 | | ---------- | ---------------------- | ---- | ---------------- | | subscriber | [NotificationSubscriber](js-apis-notification.md#notificationsubscriber) | 是 | 通知订阅对象。 | | callback | AsyncCallback\ | 是 | 订阅动作回调函数。 | **错误码:** 错误码详细介绍请参考[errcode-notification](../errorcodes/errorcode-notification.md)。 | 错误码ID | 错误信息 | | -------- | ----------------------------------- | | 1600001 | Internal error. | | 1600002 | Marshalling or unmarshalling error. | | 1600003 | Failed to connect service. | **示例:** ```js function subscribeCallback(err) { if (err) { console.error(`subscribe failed, code is ${err.code}, message is ${err.message}`); } else { console.info("subscribe success"); } } function onConsumeCallback(data) { console.info("Consume callback: " + JSON.stringify(data)); } let subscriber = { onConsume: onConsumeCallback }; notificationSubscribe.subscribe(subscriber, subscribeCallback); ``` ## NotificationSubscribe.subscribe subscribe(subscriber: NotificationSubscriber, info?: NotificationSubscribeInfo): Promise\ 订阅通知并指定订阅信息(Promise形式)。 **系统能力**:SystemCapability.Notification.Notification **需要权限**: ohos.permission.NOTIFICATION_CONTROLLER **系统API**: 此接口为系统接口,三方应用不支持调用。 **参数:** | 参数名 | 类型 | 必填 | 说明 | | ---------- | ------------------------- | ---- | ------------ | | subscriber | [NotificationSubscriber](js-apis-notification.md#notificationsubscriber) | 是 | 通知订阅对象。 | | info | [NotificationSubscribeInfo](js-apis-notification.md#notificationsubscribeinfo) | 否 | 通知订阅信息。 | **错误码:** 错误码详细介绍请参考[errcode-notification](../errorcodes/errorcode-notification.md)。 | 错误码ID | 错误信息 | | -------- | ----------------------------------- | | 1600001 | Internal error. | | 1600002 | Marshalling or unmarshalling error. | | 1600003 | Failed to connect service. | **示例:** ```js function onConsumeCallback(data) { console.info("Consume callback: " + JSON.stringify(data)); } let subscriber = { onConsume: onConsumeCallback }; notificationSubscribe.subscribe(subscriber).then(() => { console.info("subscribe success"); }); ``` ## NotificationSubscribe.unsubscribe unsubscribe(subscriber: NotificationSubscriber, callback: AsyncCallback\): void 取消订阅(callbcak形式)。 **系统能力**:SystemCapability.Notification.Notification **需要权限**: ohos.permission.NOTIFICATION_CONTROLLER **系统API**: 此接口为系统接口,三方应用不支持调用。 **参数:** | 参数名 | 类型 | 必填 | 说明 | | ---------- | ---------------------- | ---- | -------------------- | | subscriber | [NotificationSubscriber](js-apis-notification.md#notificationsubscriber) | 是 | 通知订阅对象。 | | callback | AsyncCallback\ | 是 | 取消订阅动作回调函数。 | **错误码:** 错误码详细介绍请参考[errcode-notification](../errorcodes/errorcode-notification.md)。 | 错误码ID | 错误信息 | | -------- | ----------------------------------- | | 1600001 | Internal error. | | 1600002 | Marshalling or unmarshalling error. | | 1600003 | Failed to connect service. | **示例:** ```js function unsubscribeCallback(err) { if (err) { console.error(`unsubscribe failed, code is ${err.code}, message is ${err.message}`); } else { console.info("unsubscribe success"); } } function onDisconnectCallback() { console.info("subscribe disconnect"); } let subscriber = { onDisconnect: onDisconnectCallback }; notificationSubscribe.unsubscribe(subscriber, unsubscribeCallback); ``` ## NotificationSubscribe.unsubscribe unsubscribe(subscriber: NotificationSubscriber): Promise\ 取消订阅(Promise形式)。 **系统能力**:SystemCapability.Notification.Notification **需要权限**: ohos.permission.NOTIFICATION_CONTROLLER **系统API**: 此接口为系统接口,三方应用不支持调用。 **参数:** | 参数名 | 类型 | 必填 | 说明 | | ---------- | ---------------------- | ---- | ------------ | | subscriber | [NotificationSubscriber](js-apis-notification.md#notificationsubscriber) | 是 | 通知订阅对象。 | **错误码:** 错误码详细介绍请参考[errcode-notification](../errorcodes/errorcode-notification.md)。 | 错误码ID | 错误信息 | | -------- | ----------------------------------- | | 1600001 | Internal error. | | 1600002 | Marshalling or unmarshalling error. | | 1600003 | Failed to connect service. | **示例:** ```js function onDisconnectCallback() { console.info("subscribe disconnect"); } let subscriber = { onDisconnect: onDisconnectCallback }; notificationSubscribe.unsubscribe(subscriber).then(() => { console.info("unsubscribe success"); }); ``` ## NotificationSubscribe.remove remove(bundle: BundleOption, notificationKey: NotificationKey, reason: RemoveReason, callback: AsyncCallback\): void 删除指定通知(Callback形式)。 **系统能力**:SystemCapability.Notification.Notification **需要权限**: ohos.permission.NOTIFICATION_CONTROLLER **系统API**: 此接口为系统接口,三方应用不支持调用。 **参数:** | 参数名 | 类型 | 必填 | 说明 | | --------------- | ----------------------------------| ---- | -------------------- | | bundle | [BundleOption](js-apis-inner-notification-notificationCommonDef.md#bundleoption) | 是 | 指定应用的包信息。 | | notificationKey | [NotificationKey](js-apis-notification.md#notificationkey) | 是 | 通知键值。 | | reason | [RemoveReason](#removereason) | 是 | 通知删除原因。 | | callback | AsyncCallback\ | 是 | 删除指定通知回调函数。 | **错误码:** 错误码详细介绍请参考[errcode-notification](../errorcodes/errorcode-notification.md)。 | 错误码ID | 错误信息 | | -------- | ---------------------------------------- | | 1600001 | Internal error. | | 1600002 | Marshalling or unmarshalling error. | | 1600003 | Failed to connect service. | | 1600007 | The notification is not exist. | | 17700001 | The specified bundle name was not found. | **示例:** ```js function removeCallback(err) { if (err) { console.error(`remove failed, code is ${err.code}, message is ${err.message}`); } else { console.info("remove success"); } } let bundle = { bundle: "bundleName1", }; let notificationKey = { id: 0, label: "label", }; let reason = notificationSubscribe.RemoveReason.CLICK_REASON_REMOVE; notificationSubscribe.remove(bundle, notificationKey, reason, removeCallback); ``` ## NotificationSubscribe.remove remove(bundle: BundleOption, notificationKey: NotificationKey, reason: RemoveReason): Promise\ 删除指定通知(Promise形式)。 **系统能力**:SystemCapability.Notification.Notification **需要权限**: ohos.permission.NOTIFICATION_CONTROLLER **系统API**: 此接口为系统接口,三方应用不支持调用。 **参数:** | 参数名 | 类型 | 必填 | 说明 | | --------------- | --------------- | ---- | ---------- | | bundle | [BundleOption](js-apis-inner-notification-notificationCommonDef.md#bundleoption) | 是 | 指定应用的包信息。 | | notificationKey | [NotificationKey]((js-apis-notification.md#notificationkey)) | 是 | 通知键值。 | | reason | [RemoveReason](#removereason) | 是 | 通知删除原因。 | **错误码:** 错误码详细介绍请参考[errcode-notification](../errorcodes/errorcode-notification.md)。 | 错误码ID | 错误信息 | | -------- | ---------------------------------------- | | 1600001 | Internal error. | | 1600002 | Marshalling or unmarshalling error. | | 1600003 | Failed to connect service. | | 1600007 | The notification is not exist. | | 17700001 | The specified bundle name was not found. | **示例:** ```js let bundle = { bundle: "bundleName1", }; let notificationKey = { id: 0, label: "label", }; let reason = NotificationSubscribe.RemoveReason.CLICK_REASON_REMOVE; notificationSubscribe.remove(bundle, notificationKey, reason).then(() => { console.info("remove success"); }); ``` ## NotificationSubscribe.remove remove(hashCode: string, reason: RemoveReason, callback: AsyncCallback\): void 删除指定通知(Callback形式)。 **系统能力**:SystemCapability.Notification.Notification **需要权限**: ohos.permission.NOTIFICATION_CONTROLLER **系统API**: 此接口为系统接口,三方应用不支持调用。 **参数:** | 参数名 | 类型 | 必填 | 说明 | | -------- | --------------------- | ---- | -------------------- | | hashCode | string | 是 | 通知唯一ID。可以通过[onConsume](#onconsume)回调的入参[SubscribeCallbackData](js-apis-notification.md#subscribecallbackdata)获取其内部[NotificationRequest](js-apis-inner-notification-notificationRequest.md#notificationrequest)对象中的hashCode。 | | reason | [RemoveReason](#removereason) | 是 | 通知删除原因。 | | callback | AsyncCallback\ | 是 | 删除指定通知回调函数。 | **错误码:** 错误码详细介绍请参考[errcode-notification](../errorcodes/errorcode-notification.md)。 | 错误码ID | 错误信息 | | -------- | ----------------------------------- | | 1600001 | Internal error. | | 1600002 | Marshalling or unmarshalling error. | | 1600003 | Failed to connect service. | | 1600007 | The notification is not exist. | **示例:** ```js let hashCode = 'hashCode'; function removeCallback(err) { if (err) { console.error(`remove failed, code is ${err.code}, message is ${err.message}`); } else { console.info("remove success"); } } let reason = NotificationSubscribe.RemoveReason.CANCEL_REASON_REMOVE; notificationSubscribe.remove(hashCode, reason, removeCallback); ``` ## NotificationSubscribe.remove remove(hashCode: string, reason: RemoveReason): Promise\ 删除指定通知(Promise形式)。 **系统能力**:SystemCapability.Notification.Notification **需要权限**: ohos.permission.NOTIFICATION_CONTROLLER **系统API**: 此接口为系统接口,三方应用不支持调用。 **参数:** | 参数名 | 类型 | 必填 | 说明 | | -------- | ---------- | ---- | ---------- | | hashCode | string | 是 | 通知唯一ID。 | | reason | [RemoveReason](#removereason) | 是 | 通知删除原因。 | **错误码:** 错误码详细介绍请参考[errcode-notification](../errorcodes/errorcode-notification.md)。 | 错误码ID | 错误信息 | | -------- | ----------------------------------- | | 1600001 | Internal error. | | 1600002 | Marshalling or unmarshalling error. | | 1600003 | Failed to connect service. | | 1600007 | The notification is not exist. | **示例:** ```js let hashCode = 'hashCode'; let reason = notificationSubscribe.RemoveReason.CLICK_REASON_REMOVE; notificationSubscribe.remove(hashCode, reason).then(() => { console.info("remove success"); }); ``` ## NotificationSubscribe.removeAll removeAll(bundle: BundleOption, callback: AsyncCallback\): void 删除指定应用的所有通知(Callback形式)。 **系统能力**:SystemCapability.Notification.Notification **系统API**:此接口为系统接口,三方应用不支持调用。 **需要权限**: ohos.permission.NOTIFICATION_CONTROLLER **参数:** | 参数名 | 类型 | 必填 | 说明 | | -------- | --------------------- | ---- | ---------------------------- | | bundle | [BundleOption]((js-apis-inner-notification-notificationCommonDef.md#bundleoption)) | 是 | 指定应用的包信息。 | | callback | AsyncCallback\ | 是 | 删除指定应用的所有通知回调函数。 | **错误码:** 错误码详细介绍请参考[errcode-notification](../errorcodes/errorcode-notification.md)。 | 错误码ID | 错误信息 | | -------- | ---------------------------------------- | | 1600001 | Internal error. | | 1600002 | Marshalling or unmarshalling error. | | 1600003 | Failed to connect service. | | 17700001 | The specified bundle name was not found. | **示例:** ```js function removeAllCallback(err) { if (err) { console.error(`removeAll failed, code is ${err.code}, message is ${err.message}`); } else { console.info("removeAll success"); } } let bundle = { bundle: "bundleName1", }; NotificationSubscribe.removeAll(bundle, removeAllCallback); ``` ## NotificationSubscribe.removeAll removeAll(callback: AsyncCallback\): void 删除所有通知(Callback形式)。 **系统能力**:SystemCapability.Notification.Notification **需要权限**: ohos.permission.NOTIFICATION_CONTROLLER **系统API**: 此接口为系统接口,三方应用不支持调用。 **参数:** | 参数名 | 类型 | 必填 | 说明 | | -------- | --------------------- | ---- | -------------------- | | callback | AsyncCallback\ | 是 | 删除所有通知回调函数。 | **错误码:** 错误码详细介绍请参考[errcode-notification](../errorcodes/errorcode-notification.md)。 | 错误码ID | 错误信息 | | -------- | ----------------------------------- | | 1600001 | Internal error. | | 1600002 | Marshalling or unmarshalling error. | | 1600003 | Failed to connect service. | **示例:** ```js function removeAllCallback(err) { if (err) { console.error(`removeAll failed, code is ${err.code}, message is ${err.message}`); } else { console.info("removeAll success"); } } notificationSubscribe.removeAll(removeAllCallback); ``` ## NotificationSubscribe.removeAll removeAll(bundle?: BundleOption): Promise\ 删除指定应用的所有通知(Promise形式)。 **系统能力**:SystemCapability.Notification.Notification **需要权限**: ohos.permission.NOTIFICATION_CONTROLLER **系统API**: 此接口为系统接口,三方应用不支持调用。 **参数:** | 参数名 | 类型 | 必填 | 说明 | | ------ | ------------ | ---- | ---------- | | bundle | [BundleOption]((js-apis-inner-notification-notificationCommonDef.md#bundleoption)) | 否 | 指定应用的包信息。 | **错误码:** 错误码详细介绍请参考[errcode-notification](../errorcodes/errorcode-notification.md)。 | 错误码ID | 错误信息 | | -------- | ---------------------------------------- | | 1600001 | Internal error. | | 1600002 | Marshalling or unmarshalling error. | | 1600003 | Failed to connect service. | | 17700001 | The specified bundle name was not found. | **示例:** ```js // 不指定应用时,删除所有通知 notificationSubscribe.removeAll().then(() => { console.info("removeAll success"); }); ``` ## NotificationSubscribe.removeAll removeAll(userId: number, callback: AsyncCallback\): void 删除指定用户下的所有通知(callback形式)。 **系统能力**:SystemCapability.Notification.Notification **需要权限**: ohos.permission.NOTIFICATION_CONTROLLER **系统API**: 此接口为系统接口,三方应用不支持调用。 **参数:** | 参数名 | 类型 | 必填 | 说明 | | ------ | ------------ | ---- | ---------- | | userId | number | 是 | 用户ID。 | | callback | AsyncCallback\ | 是 | 删除指定用户所有通知回调函数。 | **错误码:** 错误码详细介绍请参考[errcode-notification](../errorcodes/errorcode-notification.md)。 | 错误码ID | 错误信息 | | -------- | ----------------------------------- | | 1600001 | Internal error. | | 1600002 | Marshalling or unmarshalling error. | | 1600003 | Failed to connect service. | | 1600008 | The user is not exist. | **示例:** ```js function removeAllCallback(err) { if (err) { console.error(`removeAll failed, code is ${err.code}, message is ${err.message}`); } else { console.info("removeAll success"); } } let userId = 1; notificationSubscribe.removeAll(userId, removeAllCallback); ``` ## Notification.removeAll removeAll(userId: number): Promise\ 删除指定用户下的所有通知(Promise形式)。 **系统能力**:SystemCapability.Notification.Notification **需要权限**: ohos.permission.NOTIFICATION_CONTROLLER **系统API**: 此接口为系统接口,三方应用不支持调用。 **参数:** | 参数名 | 类型 | 必填 | 说明 | | ------ | ------------ | ---- | ---------- | | userId | number | 是 | 用户ID。 | **错误码:** 错误码详细介绍请参考[errcode-notification](../errorcodes/errorcode-notification.md)。 | 错误码ID | 错误信息 | | -------- | ----------------------------------- | | 1600001 | Internal error. | | 1600002 | Marshalling or unmarshalling error. | | 1600003 | Failed to connect service. | | 1600008 | The user is not exist. | **示例:** ```js function removeAllCallback(err) { if (err) { console.error(`removeAll failed, code is ${err.code}, message is ${err.message}`); } else { console.info("removeAll success"); } } let userId = 1; notificationSubscribe.removeAll(userId, removeAllCallback); ``` ## NotificationSubscriber 作为订阅通知接口[subscribe](#notificationsubscribe)的入参,提供订阅者接收到新通知、取消通知等的回调方法。 **系统API**:此接口为系统接口,三方应用不支持调用。 ### onConsume onConsume?: (data: [SubscribeCallbackData](js-apis-notification.md#subscribecallbackdata)) => void 接收到新通知的回调函数。 **系统能力**:SystemCapability.Notification.Notification **系统接口**: 此接口为系统接口,三方应用不支持调用。 **参数:** | 参数名 | 类型 | 必填 | 说明 | | ------------ | ------------------------ | ---- | -------------------------- | | data | [SubscribeCallbackData](js-apis-notification.md#subscribecallbackdata) | 是 | 新接收到的通知信息。 | **示例:** ```javascript function subscribeCallback(err) { if (err) { console.error(`subscribe failed, code is ${err.code}, message is ${err.message}`); } else { console.info("subscribeCallback"); } }; function onConsumeCallback(data) { console.info('===> onConsume in test'); let req = data.request; console.info('===> onConsume callback req.id:' + req.id); }; let subscriber = { onConsume: onConsumeCallback }; notificationSubscribe.subscribe(subscriber, subscribeCallback); ``` ### onCancel onCancel?:(data: [SubscribeCallbackData](js-apis-notification.md#subscribecallbackdata)) => void 取消通知的回调函数。 **系统能力**:SystemCapability.Notification.Notification **系统API**: 此接口为系统接口,三方应用不支持调用。 **参数:** | 参数名 | 类型 | 必填 | 说明 | | ------------ | ------------------------ | ---- | -------------------------- | | data | [SubscribeCallbackData](js-apis-notification.md#subscribecallbackdata) | 是 | 需要取消的通知信息。 | **示例:** ```javascript function subscribeCallback(err) { if (err) { console.error(`subscribe failed, code is ${err.code}, message is ${err.message}`); } else { console.info("subscribeCallback"); } }; function onCancelCallback(data) { console.info('===> onCancel in test'); let req = data.request; console.info('===> onCancel callback req.id:' + req.id); } let subscriber = { onCancel: onCancelCallback }; notificationSubscribe.subscribe(subscriber, subscribeCallback); ``` ### onUpdate onUpdate?:(data: [NotificationSortingMap](js-apis-notification.md#notificationsortingmap)) => void 更新通知排序的回调函数。 **系统能力**:SystemCapability.Notification.Notification **系统API**: 此接口为系统接口,三方应用不支持调用。 **参数:** | 参数名 | 类型 | 必填 | 说明 | | ------------ | ------------------------ | ---- | -------------------------- | | data | [NotificationSortingMap](js-apis-notification.md#notificationsortingmap)) | 是 | 最新的通知排序列表。 | **示例:** ```javascript function subscribeCallback(err) { if (err) { console.error(`subscribe failed, code is ${err.code}, message is ${err.message}`); } else { console.info("subscribeCallback"); } }; function onUpdateCallback(map) { console.info('===> onUpdateCallback map:' + JSON.stringify(map)); } let subscriber = { onUpdate: onUpdateCallback }; notificationSubscribe.subscribe(subscriber, subscribeCallback); ``` ### onConnect onConnect?:() => void 订阅完成的回调函数。 **系统能力**:SystemCapability.Notification.Notification **系统API**: 此接口为系统接口,三方应用不支持调用。 **示例:** ```javascript function subscribeCallback(err) { if (err) { console.error(`subscribe failed, code is ${err.code}, message is ${err.message}`); } else { console.info("subscribeCallback"); } }; function onConnectCallback() { console.info('===> onConnect in test'); } let subscriber = { onConnect: onConnectCallback }; notificationSubscribe.subscribe(subscriber, subscribeCallback); ``` ### onDisconnect onDisconnect?:() => void 取消订阅的回调函数。 **系统能力**:SystemCapability.Notification.Notification **系统API**: 此接口为系统接口,三方应用不支持调用。 **示例:** ```javascript function subscribeCallback(err) { if (err) { console.error(`subscribe failed, code is ${err.code}, message is ${err.message}`); } else { console.info("subscribeCallback"); } }; function unsubscribeCallback(err) { if (err.code) { console.error(`unsubscribe failed, code is ${err.code}, message is ${err.message}`); } else { console.info("unsubscribeCallback"); } }; function onConnectCallback() { console.info('===> onConnect in test'); } function onDisconnectCallback() { console.info('===> onDisconnect in test'); } let subscriber = { onConnect: onConnectCallback, onDisconnect: onDisconnectCallback }; // 订阅通知后会收到onConnect回调 notificationSubscribe.subscribe(subscriber, subscribeCallback); // 取消订阅后会收到onDisconnect回调 notificationSubscribe.unsubscribe(subscriber, unsubscribeCallback); ``` ### onDestroy onDestroy?:() => void 服务失联回调函数。 **系统能力**:SystemCapability.Notification.Notification **系统API**: 此接口为系统接口,三方应用不支持调用。 **示例:** ```javascript function subscribeCallback(err) { if (err) { console.error(`subscribe failed, code is ${err.code}, message is ${err.message}`); } else { console.info("subscribeCallback"); } }; function onDestroyCallback() { console.info('===> onDestroy in test'); } let subscriber = { onDestroy: onDestroyCallback }; notificationSubscribe.subscribe(subscriber, subscribeCallback); ``` ### onDoNotDisturbDateChange onDoNotDisturbDateChange?:(mode: notification.[DoNotDisturbDate](js-apis-notificationManager.md#donotdisturbdate)) => void 免打扰时间选项发生变更时的回调函数。 **系统能力**:SystemCapability.Notification.Notification **系统API**: 此接口为系统接口,三方应用不支持调用。 **参数:** | 参数名 | 类型 | 必填 | 说明 | | ------------ | ------------------------ | ---- | -------------------------- | | mode | notification.[DoNotDisturbDate](js-apis-notificationManager.md#DoNotDisturbDate) | 是 | 回调返回免打扰时间选项变更。 | **示例:** ```javascript function subscribeCallback(err) { if (err) { console.error(`subscribe failed, code is ${err.code}, message is ${err.message}`); } else { console.info("subscribeCallback"); } }; function onDoNotDisturbDateChangeCallback(mode) { console.info('===> onDoNotDisturbDateChange:' + mode); } let subscriber = { onDoNotDisturbDateChange: onDoNotDisturbDateChangeCallback }; notificationSubscribe.subscribe(subscriber, subscribeCallback); ``` ### onEnabledNotificationChanged onEnabledNotificationChanged?:(callbackData: [EnabledNotificationCallbackData](js-apis-notification.md#enablednotificationcallbackdata)) => void 监听应用通知使能变化。 **系统能力**:SystemCapability.Notification.Notification **系统API**: 此接口为系统接口,三方应用不支持调用。 **参数:** | 参数名 | 类型 | 必填 | 说明 | | ------------ | ------------------------ | ---- | -------------------------- | | callback | AsyncCallback\<[EnabledNotificationCallbackData](js-apis-notification.md#enablednotificationcallbackdata)\> | 是 | 回调返回监听到的应用信息。 | **示例:** ```javascript function subscribeCallback(err) { if (err) { console.error(`subscribe failed, code is ${err.code}, message is ${err.message}`); } else { console.info("subscribeCallback"); } }; function onEnabledNotificationChangedCallback(callbackData) { console.info("bundle: ", callbackData.bundle); console.info("uid: ", callbackData.uid); console.info("enable: ", callbackData.enable); }; let subscriber = { onEnabledNotificationChanged: onEnabledNotificationChangedCallback }; notificationSubscribe.subscribe(subscriber, subscribeCallback); ``` ### onBadgeChanged10+ onBadgeChanged?:(data: [BadgeNumberCallbackData](#badgenumbercallbackdata)) => void 监听应用角标个数变化。 **系统能力**:SystemCapability.Notification.Notification **系统API**: 此接口为系统接口,三方应用不支持调用。 **参数:** | 参数名 | 类型 | 必填 | 说明 | | -------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ---- | -------------------------- | | callback | AsyncCallback\<[BadgeNumberCallbackData](#badgenumbercallbackdata)\> | 是 | 回调返回监听到的应用信息。 | **示例:** ```javascript function subscribeCallback(err) { if (err) { console.error(`subscribe failed, code is ${err.code}, message is ${err.message}`); } else { console.info("subscribeCallback"); } }; function onBadgeChangedCallback(data) { console.info("bundle: ", data.bundle); console.info("uid: ", data.uid); console.info("badgeNumber: ", data.badgeNumber); }; let subscriber = { onBadgeChanged: onBadgeChangedCallback }; notificationSubscribe.subscribe(subscriber, subscribeCallback); ``` ## RemoveReason **系统能力**:SystemCapability.Notification.Notification **系统API**: 此接口为系统接口,三方应用不支持调用。 | 名称 | 值 | 说明 | | -------------------- | --- | -------------------- | | CLICK_REASON_REMOVE | 1 | 点击通知后删除通知。 | | CANCEL_REASON_REMOVE | 2 | 用户删除通知。 | ## BadgeNumberCallbackData10+ **系统能力**:以下各项对应的系统能力均为SystemCapability.Notification.Notification **系统API**:此接口为系统接口,三方应用不支持调用。 | 名称 | 类型 | 可读 | 可写 | 描述 | | ----------- | ------ | ---- | ---- | ------------ | | bundle | string | 是 | 否 | 应用的包名。 | | uid | number | 是 | 否 | 应用的uid。 | | badgeNumber | number | 是 | 否 | 角标个数。 |