from paddle import nn from paddle import ParamAttr import paddle.nn.functional as F from paddle.nn.initializer import Normal import paddle from functools import partial def multi_apply(func, *args, **kwargs): """Apply function to a list of arguments. Note: This function applies the ``func`` to multiple inputs and map the multiple outputs of the ``func`` into different list. Each list contains the same type of outputs corresponding to different inputs. Args: func (Function): A function that will be applied to a list of arguments Returns: tuple(list): A tuple containing multiple list, each list contains \ a kind of returned results by the function """ pfunc = partial(func, **kwargs) if kwargs else func map_results = map(pfunc, *args) return tuple(map(list, zip(*map_results))) class FCEHead(nn.Layer): """The class for implementing FCENet head. FCENet(CVPR2021): Fourier Contour Embedding for Arbitrary-shaped Text Detection. [] Args: in_channels (int): The number of input channels. scales (list[int]) : The scale of each layer. fourier_degree (int) : The maximum Fourier transform degree k. """ def __init__(self, in_channels, scales, fourier_degree=5): super().__init__() assert isinstance(in_channels, int) self.downsample_ratio = 1.0 self.in_channels = in_channels self.scales = scales self.fourier_degree = fourier_degree self.out_channels_cls = 4 self.out_channels_reg = (2 * self.fourier_degree + 1) * 2 self.out_conv_cls = nn.Conv2D( in_channels=self.in_channels, out_channels=self.out_channels_cls, kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=1, groups=1, weight_attr=ParamAttr( name='cls_weights', initializer=Normal( mean=paddle.to_tensor(0.), std=paddle.to_tensor(0.01))), bias_attr=True) self.out_conv_reg = nn.Conv2D( in_channels=self.in_channels, out_channels=self.out_channels_reg, kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=1, groups=1, weight_attr=ParamAttr( name='reg_weights', initializer=Normal( mean=paddle.to_tensor(0.), std=paddle.to_tensor(0.01))), bias_attr=True) def forward(self, feats, targets=None): cls_res, reg_res = multi_apply(self.forward_single, feats) level_num = len(cls_res) # import pdb;pdb.set_trace() outs = {} if not for i in range(level_num): tr_pred = F.softmax(cls_res[i][:, 0:2, :, :], axis=1) tcl_pred = F.softmax(cls_res[i][:, 2:, :, :], axis=1) outs['level_{}'.format(i)] = paddle.concat( [tr_pred, tcl_pred, reg_res[i]], axis=1) else: preds = [[cls_res[i], reg_res[i]] for i in range(level_num)] outs['levels'] = preds return outs def forward_single(self, x): cls_predict = self.out_conv_cls(x) reg_predict = self.out_conv_reg(x) return cls_predict, reg_predict