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+# SAR
+- [1. 算法简介](#1)
+- [2. 环境配置](#2)
+- [3. 模型训练、评估、预测](#3)
+ - [3.1 训练](#3-1)
+ - [3.2 评估](#3-2)
+ - [3.3 预测](#3-3)
+- [4. 推理部署](#4)
+ - [4.1 Python推理](#4-1)
+ - [4.2 C++推理](#4-2)
+ - [4.3 Serving服务化部署](#4-3)
+ - [4.4 更多推理部署](#4-4)
+- [5. FAQ](#5)
+## 1. 算法简介
+> [Show, Attend and Read: A Simple and Strong Baseline for Irregular Text Recognition](https://arxiv.org/abs/1811.00751)
+> Hui Li, Peng Wang, Chunhua Shen, Guyu Zhang
+> AAAI, 2019
+使用MJSynth和SynthText两个文字识别数据集训练,在IIIT, SVT, IC03, IC13, IC15, SVTP, CUTE数据集上进行评估,算法复现效果如下:
+| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
+## 2. 环境配置
+## 3. 模型训练、评估、预测
+python3 tools/train.py -c configs/rec/rec_r31_sar.yml
+python3 -m paddle.distributed.launch --gpus '0,1,2,3' tools/train.py -c configs/rec/rec_r31_sar.yml
+# GPU 评估, Global.pretrained_model 为待测权重
+python3 -m paddle.distributed.launch --gpus '0' tools/eval.py -c configs/rec/rec_r31_sar.yml -o Global.pretrained_model={path/to/weights}/best_accuracy
+# 预测使用的配置文件必须与训练一致
+python3 tools/infer_rec.py -c configs/rec/rec_r31_sar.yml -o Global.pretrained_model={path/to/weights}/best_accuracy Global.infer_img=doc/imgs_words/en/word_1.png
+## 4. 推理部署
+### 4.1 Python推理
+首先将SAR文本识别训练过程中保存的模型,转换成inference model。( [模型下载地址](https://paddleocr.bj.bcebos.com/dygraph_v2.1/rec/rec_r31_sar_train.tar) ),可以使用如下命令进行转换:
+python3 tools/export_model.py -c configs/rec/rec_r31_sar.yml -o Global.pretrained_model=./rec_r31_sar_train/best_accuracy Global.save_inference_dir=./inference/rec_sar
+python3 tools/infer/predict_rec.py --image_dir="./doc/imgs_words/en/word_1.png" --rec_model_dir="./inference/rec_sar/" --rec_image_shape="3, 48, 48, 160" --rec_char_type="ch" --rec_algorithm="SAR" --rec_char_dict_path="ppocr/utils/dict90.txt" --max_text_length=30 --use_space_char=False
+### 4.2 C++推理
+### 4.3 Serving服务化部署
+### 4.4 更多推理部署
+## 5. FAQ
+## 引用
+ title={Show, Attend and Read: A Simple and Strong Baseline for Irregular Text Recognition},
+ author={Hui Li and Peng Wang and Chunhua Shen and Guyu Zhang},
+ journal={ArXiv},
+ year={2019},
+ volume={abs/1811.00751}
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+# SRN
+- [1. 算法简介](#1)
+- [2. 环境配置](#2)
+- [3. 模型训练、评估、预测](#3)
+ - [3.1 训练](#3-1)
+ - [3.2 评估](#3-2)
+ - [3.3 预测](#3-3)
+- [4. 推理部署](#4)
+ - [4.1 Python推理](#4-1)
+ - [4.2 C++推理](#4-2)
+ - [4.3 Serving服务化部署](#4-3)
+ - [4.4 更多推理部署](#4-4)
+- [5. FAQ](#5)
+## 1. 算法简介
+> [Towards Accurate Scene Text Recognition with Semantic Reasoning Networks](https://arxiv.org/abs/2003.12294#)
+> Deli Yu, Xuan Li, Chengquan Zhang, Junyu Han, Jingtuo Liu, Errui Ding
+> CVPR,2020
+使用MJSynth和SynthText两个文字识别数据集训练,在IIIT, SVT, IC03, IC13, IC15, SVTP, CUTE数据集上进行评估,算法复现效果如下:
+| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
+## 2. 环境配置
+## 3. 模型训练、评估、预测
+python3 tools/train.py -c configs/rec/rec_r50_fpn_srn.yml
+python3 -m paddle.distributed.launch --gpus '0,1,2,3' tools/train.py -c configs/rec/rec_r50_fpn_srn.yml
+# GPU 评估, Global.pretrained_model 为待测权重
+python3 -m paddle.distributed.launch --gpus '0' tools/eval.py -c configs/rec/rec_r50_fpn_srn.yml -o Global.pretrained_model={path/to/weights}/best_accuracy
+# 预测使用的配置文件必须与训练一致
+python3 tools/infer_rec.py -c configs/rec/rec_r50_fpn_srn.yml -o Global.pretrained_model={path/to/weights}/best_accuracy Global.infer_img=doc/imgs_words/en/word_1.png
+## 4. 推理部署
+### 4.1 Python推理
+首先将SRN文本识别训练过程中保存的模型,转换成inference model。( [模型下载地址](https://paddleocr.bj.bcebos.com/dygraph_v2.0/en/rec_r50_vd_srn_train.tar) ),可以使用如下命令进行转换:
+python3 tools/export_model.py -c configs/rec/rec_r50_fpn_srn.yml -o Global.pretrained_model=./rec_r50_vd_srn_train/best_accuracy Global.save_inference_dir=./inference/rec_srn
+python3 tools/infer/predict_rec.py --image_dir="./doc/imgs_words/en/word_1.png" --rec_model_dir="./inference/rec_srn/" --rec_image_shape="1,64,256" --rec_char_type="ch" --rec_algorithm="SRN" --rec_char_dict_path=./ppocr/utils/ic15_dict.txt --use_space_char=False
+### 4.2 C++推理
+### 4.3 Serving服务化部署
+### 4.4 更多推理部署
+## 5. FAQ
+## 引用
+ title={Towards Accurate Scene Text Recognition With Semantic Reasoning Networks},
+ author={Deli Yu and Xuan Li and Chengquan Zhang and Junyu Han and Jingtuo Liu and Errui Ding},
+ journal={2020 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},
+ year={2020},
+ pages={12110-12119}
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# 文字检测
@@ -178,7 +177,7 @@ args1: args1
## 2.4 混合精度训练
如果您想进一步加快训练速度,可以使用[自动混合精度训练](https://www.paddlepaddle.org.cn/documentation/docs/zh/guides/01_paddle2.0_introduction/basic_concept/amp_cn.html), 以单机单卡为例,命令如下:
python3 tools/train.py -c configs/det/det_mv3_db.yml \
-o Global.pretrained_model=./pretrain_models/MobileNetV3_large_x0_5_pretrained \
@@ -197,7 +196,7 @@ python3 -m paddle.distributed.launch --ips="xx.xx.xx.xx,xx.xx.xx.xx" --gpus '0,1
**注意:** 采用多机多卡训练时,需要替换上面命令中的ips值为您机器的地址,机器之间需要能够相互ping通。另外,训练时需要在多个机器上分别启动命令。查看机器ip地址的命令为`ifconfig`。
## 2.6 知识蒸馏训练
@@ -211,12 +210,17 @@ PaddleOCR支持了基于知识蒸馏的检测模型训练过程,更多内容
## 2.7 其他训练环境
- Windows GPU/CPU
+Windows平台只支持`单卡`的训练与预测,指定GPU进行训练`set CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0`
+在Windows平台,DataLoader只支持单进程模式,因此需要设置 `num_workers` 为0;
- macOS
+不支持GPU模式,需要在配置文件中设置`use_gpu`为False,其余训练评估预测命令与Linux GPU完全相同。
- Linux DCU
+DCU设备上运行需要设置环境变量 `export HIP_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,2,3`,其余训练评估预测命令与Linux GPU完全相同。
# 3. 模型评估与预测
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@@ -2,24 +2,30 @@
-- [文字识别](#文字识别)
- - [1. 数据准备](#1-数据准备)
- - [1.1 自定义数据集](#11-自定义数据集)
- - [1.2 数据下载](#12-数据下载)
- - [1.3 字典](#13-字典)
- - [1.4 添加空格类别](#14-添加空格类别)
- - [2. 启动训练](#2-启动训练)
- - [2.1 数据增强](#21-数据增强)
- - [2.2 通用模型训练](#22-通用模型训练)
- - [2.3 多语言模型训练](#23-多语言模型训练)
- - [2.4 知识蒸馏训练](#24-知识蒸馏训练)
- - [3 评估](#3-评估)
- - [4 预测](#4-预测)
- - [5. 转Inference模型测试](#5-转inference模型测试)
-## 1. 数据准备
+- [1. 数据准备](#1-数据准备)
+ * [1.1 自定义数据集](#11-自定义数据集)
+ * [1.2 数据下载](#12-数据下载)
+ * [1.3 字典](#13-字典)
+ * [1.4 添加空格类别](#14-添加空格类别)
+ * [1.5 数据增强](#15-数据增强)
+- [2. 开始训练](#2-开始训练)
+ * [2.1 启动训练](#21-----)
+ * [2.2 断点训练](#22-----)
+ * [2.3 更换Backbone 训练](#23---backbone---)
+ * [2.4 混合精度训练](#24---amp---)
+ * [2.5 分布式训练](#25---fleet---)
+ * [2.6 知识蒸馏训练](#26---distill---)
+ * [2.7 多语言模型训练](#27-多语言模型训练)
+ * [2.8 其他训练环境(Windows/macOS/Linux DCU)](#28---other---)
+- [3. 模型评估与预测](#3--------)
+ * [3.1 指标评估](#31-----)
+ * [3.2 测试识别效果](#32-------)
+- [4. 模型导出与预测](#4--------)
+- [5. FAQ](#5-faq)
+# 1. 数据准备
PaddleOCR 支持两种数据格式:
@@ -35,8 +41,8 @@ ln -sf /train_data/dataset
mklink /d /train_data/dataset
-### 1.1 自定义数据集
+## 1.1 自定义数据集
下面以通用数据集为例, 介绍如何准备数据集:
* 训练集
@@ -91,9 +97,8 @@ train_data/rec/train/word_002.jpg 用科技让复杂的世界更简单
| ...
-### 1.2 数据下载
+## 1.2 数据下载
- ICDAR2015
@@ -127,8 +132,8 @@ python gen_label.py --mode="rec" --input_path="{path/of/origin/label}" --output_
* [google drive](https://drive.google.com/file/d/18cSWX7wXSy4G0tbKJ0d9PuIaiwRLHpjA/view)
-### 1.3 字典
+## 1.3 字典
@@ -163,9 +168,6 @@ PaddleOCR内置了一部分字典,可以按需使用。
`ppocr/utils/en_dict.txt` 是一个包含96个字符的英文字典
如您愿意可将字典文件提交至 [dict](../../ppocr/utils/dict),我们会在Repo中感谢您。
@@ -174,16 +176,12 @@ PaddleOCR内置了一部分字典,可以按需使用。
如需自定义dic文件,请在 `configs/rec/rec_icdar15_train.yml` 中添加 `character_dict_path` 字段, 指向您的字典路径。
-### 1.4 添加空格类别
+## 1.4 添加空格类别
如果希望支持识别"空格"类别, 请将yml文件中的 `use_space_char` 字段设置为 `True`。
-## 2. 启动训练
-### 2.1 数据增强
+## 1.5 数据增强
@@ -193,11 +191,14 @@ PaddleOCR提供了多种数据增强方式,默认配置文件中已经添加
-### 2.2 通用模型训练
+# 2. 开始训练
PaddleOCR提供了训练脚本、评估脚本和预测脚本,本节将以 CRNN 识别模型为例:
+## 2.1 启动训练
首先下载pretrain model,您可以下载训练好的模型在 icdar2015 数据上进行finetune
@@ -317,8 +318,96 @@ Eval:
-### 2.3 多语言模型训练
+## 2.2 断点训练
+python3 tools/train.py -c configs/rec/rec_icdar15_train.yml -o Global.checkpoints=./your/trained/model
+## 2.3 更换Backbone 训练
+PaddleOCR将网络划分为四部分,分别在[ppocr/modeling](../../ppocr/modeling)下。 进入网络的数据将按照顺序(transforms->backbones->necks->heads)依次通过这四个部分。
+├── architectures # 网络的组网代码
+├── transforms # 网络的图像变换模块
+├── backbones # 网络的特征提取模块
+├── necks # 网络的特征增强模块
+└── heads # 网络的输出模块
+如果要更换的Backbone 在PaddleOCR中有对应实现,直接修改配置yml文件中`Backbone`部分的参数即可。
+1. 在 [ppocr/modeling/backbones](../../ppocr/modeling/backbones) 文件夹下新建文件,如my_backbone.py。
+2. 在 my_backbone.py 文件内添加相关代码,示例代码如下:
+import paddle
+import paddle.nn as nn
+import paddle.nn.functional as F
+class MyBackbone(nn.Layer):
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ super(MyBackbone, self).__init__()
+ # your init code
+ self.conv = nn.xxxx
+ def forward(self, inputs):
+ # your network forward
+ y = self.conv(inputs)
+ return y
+3. 在 [ppocr/modeling/backbones/\__init\__.py](../../ppocr/modeling/backbones/__init__.py)文件内导入添加的`MyBackbone`模块,然后修改配置文件中Backbone进行配置即可使用,格式如下:
+name: MyBackbone
+args1: args1
+## 2.4 混合精度训练
+如果您想进一步加快训练速度,可以使用[自动混合精度训练](https://www.paddlepaddle.org.cn/documentation/docs/zh/guides/01_paddle2.0_introduction/basic_concept/amp_cn.html), 以单机单卡为例,命令如下:
+python3 tools/train.py -c configs/rec/rec_icdar15_train.yml \
+ -o Global.pretrained_model=./pretrain_models/rec_mv3_none_bilstm_ctc_v2.0_train \
+ Global.use_amp=True Global.scale_loss=1024.0 Global.use_dynamic_loss_scaling=True
+ ```
+## 2.5 分布式训练
+多机多卡训练时,通过 `--ips` 参数设置使用的机器IP地址,通过 `--gpus` 参数设置使用的GPU ID:
+python3 -m paddle.distributed.launch --ips="xx.xx.xx.xx,xx.xx.xx.xx" --gpus '0,1,2,3' tools/train.py -c configs/rec/rec_icdar15_train.yml \
+ -o Global.pretrained_model=./pretrain_models/rec_mv3_none_bilstm_ctc_v2.0_train
+**注意:** 采用多机多卡训练时,需要替换上面命令中的ips值为您机器的地址,机器之间需要能够相互ping通。另外,训练时需要在多个机器上分别启动命令。查看机器ip地址的命令为`ifconfig`。
+## 2.6 知识蒸馏训练
+## 2.7 多语言模型训练
PaddleOCR目前已支持80种(除中文外)语种识别,`configs/rec/multi_languages` 路径下提供了一个多语言的配置文件模版: [rec_multi_language_lite_train.yml](../../configs/rec/multi_language/rec_multi_language_lite_train.yml)。
@@ -374,24 +463,36 @@ Eval:
+## 2.8 其他训练环境
-### 2.4 知识蒸馏训练
+- Windows GPU/CPU
+Windows平台只支持`单卡`的训练与预测,指定GPU进行训练`set CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0`
+在Windows平台,DataLoader只支持单进程模式,因此需要设置 `num_workers` 为0;
+- macOS
+不支持GPU模式,需要在配置文件中设置`use_gpu`为False,其余训练评估预测命令与Linux GPU完全相同。
+- Linux DCU
+DCU设备上运行需要设置环境变量 `export HIP_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,2,3`,其余训练评估预测命令与Linux GPU完全相同。
-## 3 评估
+# 3. 模型评估与预测
-评估数据集可以通过 `configs/rec/rec_icdar15_train.yml` 修改Eval中的 `label_file_path` 设置。
+## 3.1 指标评估
+训练中模型参数默认保存在`Global.save_model_dir`目录下。在评估指标时,需要设置`Global.checkpoints`指向保存的参数文件。评估数据集可以通过 `configs/rec/rec_icdar15_train.yml` 修改Eval中的 `label_file_path` 设置。
# GPU 评估, Global.checkpoints 为待测权重
python3 -m paddle.distributed.launch --gpus '0' tools/eval.py -c configs/rec/rec_icdar15_train.yml -o Global.checkpoints={path/to/weights}/best_accuracy
-## 4 预测
+## 3.2 测试识别效果
使用 PaddleOCR 训练好的模型,可以通过以下脚本进行快速预测。
@@ -450,9 +551,14 @@ infer_img: doc/imgs_words/ch/word_1.jpg
result: ('韩国小馆', 0.997218)
-## 5. 转Inference模型测试
+# 4. 模型导出与预测
+inference 模型(`paddle.jit.save`保存的模型)
+与checkpoints模型相比,inference 模型会额外保存模型的结构信息,在预测部署、加速推理上性能优越,灵活方便,适合于实际系统集成。
@@ -483,3 +589,11 @@ python3 tools/export_model.py -c configs/rec/ch_ppocr_v2.0/rec_chinese_lite_trai
python3 tools/infer/predict_rec.py --image_dir="./doc/imgs_words_en/word_336.png" --rec_model_dir="./your inference model" --rec_image_shape="3, 32, 100" --rec_char_dict_path="your text dict path"
+# 5. FAQ
+Q1: 训练模型转inference 模型之后预测效果不一致?
+**A**:此类问题出现较多,问题多是trained model预测时候的预处理、后处理参数和inference model预测的时候的预处理、后处理参数不一致导致的。可以对比训练使用的配置文件中的预处理、后处理和预测时是否存在差异。
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+# SAR
+- [1. Introduction](#1)
+- [2. Environment](#2)
+- [3. Model Training / Evaluation / Prediction](#3)
+ - [3.1 Training](#3-1)
+ - [3.2 Evaluation](#3-2)
+ - [3.3 Prediction](#3-3)
+- [4. Inference and Deployment](#4)
+ - [4.1 Python Inference](#4-1)
+ - [4.2 C++ Inference](#4-2)
+ - [4.3 Serving](#4-3)
+ - [4.4 More](#4-4)
+- [5. FAQ](#5)
+## 1. Introduction
+> [Show, Attend and Read: A Simple and Strong Baseline for Irregular Text Recognition](https://arxiv.org/abs/1811.00751)
+> Hui Li, Peng Wang, Chunhua Shen, Guyu Zhang
+> AAAI, 2019
+Using MJSynth and SynthText two text recognition datasets for training, and evaluating on IIIT, SVT, IC03, IC13, IC15, SVTP, CUTE datasets, the algorithm reproduction effect is as follows:
+|Model|Backbone|config|Acc|Download link|
+| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
+|SAR|ResNet31|[rec_r31_sar.yml](../../configs/rec/rec_r31_sar.yml)|87.20%|[train model](https://paddleocr.bj.bcebos.com/dygraph_v2.1/rec/rec_r31_sar_train.tar)|
+Note:In addition to using the two text recognition datasets MJSynth and SynthText, [SynthAdd](https://pan.baidu.com/share/init?surl=uV0LtoNmcxbO-0YA7Ch4dg) data (extraction code: 627x), and some real data are used in training, the specific data details can refer to the paper.
+## 2. Environment
+Please refer to ["Environment Preparation"](./environment.md) to configure the PaddleOCR environment, and refer to ["Project Clone"](./clone.md) to clone the project code.
+## 3. Model Training / Evaluation / Prediction
+Please refer to [Text Recognition Tutorial](./recognition.md). PaddleOCR modularizes the code, and training different recognition models only requires **changing the configuration file**.
+Specifically, after the data preparation is completed, the training can be started. The training command is as follows:
+#Single GPU training (long training period, not recommended)
+python3 tools/train.py -c configs/rec/rec_r31_sar.yml
+#Multi GPU training, specify the gpu number through the --gpus parameter
+python3 -m paddle.distributed.launch --gpus '0,1,2,3' tools/train.py -c configs/rec/rec_r31_sar.yml
+# GPU evaluation
+python3 -m paddle.distributed.launch --gpus '0' tools/eval.py -c configs/rec/rec_r31_sar.yml -o Global.pretrained_model={path/to/weights}/best_accuracy
+# The configuration file used for prediction must match the training
+python3 tools/infer_rec.py -c configs/rec/rec_r31_sar.yml -o Global.pretrained_model={path/to/weights}/best_accuracy Global.infer_img=doc/imgs_words/en/word_1.png
+## 4. Inference and Deployment
+### 4.1 Python Inference
+First, the model saved during the SAR text recognition training process is converted into an inference model. ( [Model download link](https://paddleocr.bj.bcebos.com/dygraph_v2.1/rec/rec_r31_sar_train.tar) ), you can use the following command to convert:
+python3 tools/export_model.py -c configs/rec/rec_r31_sar.yml -o Global.pretrained_model=./rec_r31_sar_train/best_accuracy Global.save_inference_dir=./inference/rec_sar
+For SAR text recognition model inference, the following commands can be executed:
+python3 tools/infer/predict_rec.py --image_dir="./doc/imgs_words/en/word_1.png" --rec_model_dir="./inference/rec_sar/" --rec_image_shape="3, 48, 48, 160" --rec_char_type="ch" --rec_algorithm="SAR" --rec_char_dict_path="ppocr/utils/dict90.txt" --max_text_length=30 --use_space_char=False
+### 4.2 C++ Inference
+Not supported
+### 4.3 Serving
+Not supported
+### 4.4 More
+Not supported
+## 5. FAQ
+## Citation
+ title={Show, Attend and Read: A Simple and Strong Baseline for Irregular Text Recognition},
+ author={Hui Li and Peng Wang and Chunhua Shen and Guyu Zhang},
+ journal={ArXiv},
+ year={2019},
+ volume={abs/1811.00751}
diff --git a/doc/doc_en/algorithm_rec_srn_en.md b/doc/doc_en/algorithm_rec_srn_en.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ebc4a74ffd0215bd46467b38ac48db160c8ada74
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/doc_en/algorithm_rec_srn_en.md
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+# SRN
+- [1. Introduction](#1)
+- [2. Environment](#2)
+- [3. Model Training / Evaluation / Prediction](#3)
+ - [3.1 Training](#3-1)
+ - [3.2 Evaluation](#3-2)
+ - [3.3 Prediction](#3-3)
+- [4. Inference and Deployment](#4)
+ - [4.1 Python Inference](#4-1)
+ - [4.2 C++ Inference](#4-2)
+ - [4.3 Serving](#4-3)
+ - [4.4 More](#4-4)
+- [5. FAQ](#5)
+## 1. Introduction
+> [Towards Accurate Scene Text Recognition with Semantic Reasoning Networks](https://arxiv.org/abs/2003.12294#)
+> Deli Yu, Xuan Li, Chengquan Zhang, Junyu Han, Jingtuo Liu, Errui Ding
+> CVPR,2020
+Using MJSynth and SynthText two text recognition datasets for training, and evaluating on IIIT, SVT, IC03, IC13, IC15, SVTP, CUTE datasets, the algorithm reproduction effect is as follows:
+|Model|Backbone|config|Acc|Download link|
+| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
+|SRN|Resnet50_vd_fpn|[rec_r50_fpn_srn.yml](../../configs/rec/rec_r50_fpn_srn.yml)|86.31%|[train model](https://paddleocr.bj.bcebos.com/dygraph_v2.0/en/rec_r50_vd_srn_train.tar)|
+## 2. Environment
+Please refer to ["Environment Preparation"](./environment.md) to configure the PaddleOCR environment, and refer to ["Project Clone"](./clone.md) to clone the project code.
+## 3. Model Training / Evaluation / Prediction
+Please refer to [Text Recognition Tutorial](./recognition.md). PaddleOCR modularizes the code, and training different recognition models only requires **changing the configuration file**.
+Specifically, after the data preparation is completed, the training can be started. The training command is as follows:
+#Single GPU training (long training period, not recommended)
+python3 tools/train.py -c configs/rec/rec_r50_fpn_srn.yml
+#Multi GPU training, specify the gpu number through the --gpus parameter
+python3 -m paddle.distributed.launch --gpus '0,1,2,3' tools/train.py -c configs/rec/rec_r50_fpn_srn.yml
+# GPU evaluation
+python3 -m paddle.distributed.launch --gpus '0' tools/eval.py -c configs/rec/rec_r50_fpn_srn.yml -o Global.pretrained_model={path/to/weights}/best_accuracy
+# The configuration file used for prediction must match the training
+python3 tools/infer_rec.py -c configs/rec/rec_r50_fpn_srn.yml -o Global.pretrained_model={path/to/weights}/best_accuracy Global.infer_img=doc/imgs_words/en/word_1.png
+## 4. Inference and Deployment
+### 4.1 Python Inference
+First, the model saved during the SRN text recognition training process is converted into an inference model. ( [Model download link](https://paddleocr.bj.bcebos.com/dygraph_v2.0/en/rec_r50_vd_srn_train.tar) ), you can use the following command to convert:
+python3 tools/export_model.py -c configs/rec/rec_r50_fpn_srn.yml -o Global.pretrained_model=./rec_r50_vd_srn_train/best_accuracy Global.save_inference_dir=./inference/rec_srn
+For SRN text recognition model inference, the following commands can be executed:
+python3 tools/infer/predict_rec.py --image_dir="./doc/imgs_words/en/word_1.png" --rec_model_dir="./inference/rec_srn/" --rec_image_shape="1,64,256" --rec_char_type="ch" --rec_algorithm="SRN" --rec_char_dict_path="ppocr/utils/ic15_dict.txt" --use_space_char=False
+### 4.2 C++ Inference
+Not supported
+### 4.3 Serving
+Not supported
+### 4.4 More
+Not supported
+## 5. FAQ
+## Citation
+ title={Towards Accurate Scene Text Recognition With Semantic Reasoning Networks},
+ author={Deli Yu and Xuan Li and Chengquan Zhang and Junyu Han and Jingtuo Liu and Errui Ding},
+ journal={2020 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},
+ year={2020},
+ pages={12110-12119}