@@ -77,19 +77,19 @@ The visualized end-to-end results are saved to the `./inference_results` folder
This section takes the totaltext dataset as an example to introduce the training, evaluation and testing of the end-to-end model in PaddleOCR.
### Data Preparation
Download and unzip [totaltext](https://github.com/cs-chan/Total-Text-Dataset/blob/master/Dataset/README.md) dataset to PaddleOCR/train_data/, dataset organization structure is as follow:
Download and unzip [totaltext](https://paddleocr.bj.bcebos.com/dataset/total_text.tar) dataset to PaddleOCR/train_data/, dataset organization structure is as follow:
|- rgb/ # total_text training data of dataset
|- gt_0.png
|- img11.png
| ...
|- total_text.txt # total_text training annotation of dataset
|- train.txt # total_text training annotation of dataset
total_text.txt: the format of dimension file is as follows,the file name and annotation information are separated by "\t":
" Image file name Image annotation information encoded by json.dumps"