提交 03250463 编写于 作者: T tink2123

fix conflicts

......@@ -5,14 +5,16 @@ PaddleOCR aims to create multilingual, awesome, leading, and practical OCR tools
## Notice
PaddleOCR supports both dynamic graph and static graph programming paradigm
- Dynamic graph: dygraph branch (default), **supported by paddle 2.0.0 ([installation](./doc/doc_en/installation_en.md))**
- Dynamic graph: release/2.1 (default), **supported by paddle 2.0.0 ([installation](./doc/doc_en/installation_en.md))**
- Static graph: develop branch
**Recent updates**
- **Notice: PaddleOCR R & D team will conduct in-depth technical interpretation of the latest version at 19:00 P.M. on April 13. ([live address](https://live.bilibili.com/21689802))**
- 2021.4.8 Release PaddleOCRv2.1(branch release/2.1). Newly released AAAI 2021 end-to-end algorithm [PGNet](./doc/doc_en/pgnet_en.md) and [Multi language recognition model](./doc/doc_en/multi_languages_en.md), support more than 80 languages recognition.
- 2021.2.8 Release PaddleOCRv2.0 (branch release/2.0). Refer to [release note](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/PaddleOCR/releases/tag/v2.0.0) for more details.
- 2021.1.21 update more than 25+ multilingual recognition models [models list](./doc/doc_en/models_list_en.md), including:English, Chinese, German, French, Japanese,Spanish,Portuguese Russia Arabic and so on. Models for more languages will continue to be updated [Develop Plan](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/PaddleOCR/issues/1048).
- 2020.12.15 update Data synthesis tool, i.e., [Style-Text](./StyleText/README.md),easy to synthesize a large number of images which are similar to the target scene image.
- 2020.11.25 Update a new data annotation tool, i.e., [PPOCRLabel](./PPOCRLabel/README.md), which is helpful to improve the labeling efficiency. Moreover, the labeling results can be used in training of the PP-OCR system directly.
- 2020.9.22 Update the PP-OCR technical article, https://arxiv.org/abs/2009.09941
- [more](./doc/doc_en/update_en.md)
## Features
......@@ -20,7 +22,7 @@ PaddleOCR supports both dynamic graph and static graph programming paradigm
- Ultra lightweight ppocr_mobile series models: detection (3.0M) + direction classifier (1.4M) + recognition (5.0M) = 9.4M
- General ppocr_server series models: detection (47.1M) + direction classifier (1.4M) + recognition (94.9M) = 143.4M
- Support Chinese, English, and digit recognition, vertical text recognition, and long text recognition
- Support multi-language recognition: Korean, Japanese, German, French
- Support more than 80 kinds of multi-language recognition models: [For details](./doc/doc_ch/multi_languages.md)
- Rich toolkits related to the OCR areas
- Semi-automatic data annotation tool, i.e., PPOCRLabel: support fast and efficient data annotation
- Data synthesis tool, i.e., Style-Text: easy to synthesize a large number of images which are similar to the target scene image
......@@ -32,10 +34,11 @@ PaddleOCR supports both dynamic graph and static graph programming paradigm
<div align="center">
<img src="doc/imgs_results/ch_ppocr_mobile_v2.0/test_add_91.jpg" width="800">
<img src="doc/imgs_results/ch_ppocr_mobile_v2.0/00018069.jpg" width="800">
<img src="doc/imgs_en/img_01.jpg" width="800">
<img src="doc/imgs_en/img_02.jpg" width="800">
The above pictures are the visualizations of the general ppocr_server model. For more effect pictures, please see [More visualizations](./doc/doc_en/visualization_en.md).
The above pictures are the visualizations of the English recognition model. For more details, please see [Multi language recognition model](./doc/doc_en/multi_languages_en.md)
<a name="Community"></a>
## Community
......@@ -78,12 +81,14 @@ For a new language request, please refer to [Guideline for new language_requests
## Tutorials
- [Installation](./doc/doc_en/installation_en.md)
- [Quick Start](./doc/doc_en/quickstart_en.md)
- [Chinese OCR Quick Start](./doc/doc_en/quickstart_en.md)
- [Multi-language OCR Quick Start](./doc/doc_en/multi_languages_en.md)
- [Code Structure](./doc/doc_en/tree_en.md)
- Algorithm Introduction
- [Text Detection Algorithm](./doc/doc_en/algorithm_overview_en.md)
- [Text Recognition Algorithm](./doc/doc_en/algorithm_overview_en.md)
- [PP-OCR Pipeline](#PP-OCR-Pipeline)
- [End2End Algorithm *PGNet*](./doc/doc_en/pgnet_en.md)
- Model Training/Evaluation
- [Text Detection](./doc/doc_en/detection_en.md)
- [Text Recognition](./doc/doc_en/recognition_en.md)
......@@ -4,17 +4,15 @@
## 注意
- 动态图版本:dygraph分支(默认),需将paddle版本升级至2.0.0([快速安装](./doc/doc_ch/installation.md)
- 动态图版本:release/2.1(默认分支,开发分支为dygraph分支),需将paddle版本升级至2.0.0([快速安装](./doc/doc_ch/installation.md)
- 静态图版本:develop分支
- 【预告】 PaddleOCR研发团队对最新发版内容技术深入解读,4月13日晚上19:00,[直播地址](https://live.bilibili.com/21689802)
- **【预告】 PaddleOCR研发团队对最新发版内容技术深入解读,4月13日晚上19:00,[直播地址](https://live.bilibili.com/21689802)**
- 2021.4.8 release 2.1版本,新增AAAI 2021论文[端到端识别算法PGNet](./doc/doc_ch/pgnet.md)开源,[多语言模型](./doc/doc_ch/multi_languages.md)支持种类增加到80+。
- 2021.2.1 [FAQ](./doc/doc_ch/FAQ.md)新增5个高频问题,总数162个,每周一都会更新,欢迎大家持续关注。
- 2021.1.21 更新多语言识别模型,目前支持语种超过27种,包括中文简体、中文繁体、英文、法文、德文、韩文、日文、意大利文、西班牙文、葡萄牙文、俄罗斯文、阿拉伯文等,后续计划可以参考[多语言研发计划](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/PaddleOCR/issues/1048)
- 2020.12.15 更新数据合成工具[Style-Text](./StyleText/README_ch.md),可以批量合成大量与目标场景类似的图像,在多个场景验证,效果明显提升。
- 2020.11.25 更新半自动标注工具[PPOCRLabel](./PPOCRLabel/README_ch.md),辅助开发者高效完成标注任务,输出格式与PP-OCR训练任务完美衔接。
- 2020.9.22 更新PP-OCR技术文章,https://arxiv.org/abs/2009.09941
- 2021.4.6 [FAQ](./doc/doc_ch/FAQ.md)新增5个高频问题,总数198个,每周一都会更新,欢迎大家持续关注。
- 2021.2.8 正式发布PaddleOCRv2.0(branch release/2.0)并设置为推荐用户使用的默认分支. 发布的详细内容,请参考: https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/PaddleOCR/releases/tag/v2.0.0
- 2021.1.26,28,29 PaddleOCR官方研发团队带来技术深入解读三日直播课,1月26日、28日、29日晚上19:30,[直播地址](https://live.bilibili.com/21689802)
- [More](./doc/doc_ch/update.md)
......@@ -25,7 +23,7 @@ PaddleOCR同时支持动态图与静态图两种编程范式
- 超轻量ppocr_mobile移动端系列:检测(3.0M)+方向分类器(1.4M)+ 识别(5.0M)= 9.4M
- 通用ppocr_server系列:检测(47.1M)+方向分类器(1.4M)+ 识别(94.9M)= 143.4M
- 支持中英文数字组合识别、竖排文本识别、长文本识别
- 支持多语言识别:韩语、日语、德语、法语
- 支持80+多语言识别,详见[多语言模型](./doc/doc_ch/multi_languages.md)
- 丰富易用的OCR相关工具组件
- 半自动数据标注工具PPOCRLabel:支持快速高效的数据标注
- 数据合成工具Style-Text:批量合成大量与目标场景类似的图像
......@@ -106,8 +104,8 @@ PaddleOCR同时支持动态图与静态图两种编程范式
- [效果展示](#效果展示)
- [【精选】OCR精选10个问题](./doc/doc_ch/FAQ.md)
- [【理论篇】OCR通用32个问题](./doc/doc_ch/FAQ.md)
- [【实战篇】PaddleOCR实战110个问题](./doc/doc_ch/FAQ.md)
- [【理论篇】OCR通用41个问题](./doc/doc_ch/FAQ.md)
- [【实战篇】PaddleOCR实战147个问题](./doc/doc_ch/FAQ.md)
- [技术交流群](#欢迎加入PaddleOCR技术交流群)
- [参考文献](./doc/doc_ch/reference.md)
- [许可证书](#许可证书)
......@@ -59,8 +59,10 @@ Optimizer:
name: PGPostProcess
score_thresh: 0.5
mode: fast # fast or slow two ways
name: E2EMetric
gt_mat_dir: # the dir of gt_mat
character_dict_path: ppocr/utils/ic15_dict.txt
main_indicator: f_score_e2e
......@@ -106,7 +108,7 @@ Eval:
order: 'hwc'
- ToCHWImage:
- KeepKeys:
keep_keys: [ 'image', 'shape', 'polys', 'strs', 'tags' ]
keep_keys: [ 'image', 'shape', 'polys', 'strs', 'tags', 'img_id']
shuffle: False
drop_last: False
......@@ -9,38 +9,34 @@
## PaddleOCR常见问题汇总(持续更新)
* [近期更新(2021.2.1](#近期更新)
* [近期更新(2021.4.6](#近期更新)
* [【精选】OCR精选10个问题](#OCR精选10个问题)
* [【理论篇】OCR通用32个问题](#OCR通用问题)
* [基础知识7](#基础知识)
* [数据集7](#数据集2)
* [模型训练调优18](#模型训练调优2)
* [【实战篇】PaddleOCR实战120个问题](#PaddleOCR实战问题)
* [使用咨询38](#使用咨询)
* [【理论篇】OCR通用41个问题](#OCR通用问题)
* [基础知识13](#基础知识)
* [数据集8](#数据集2)
* [模型训练调优20](#模型训练调优2)
* [【实战篇】PaddleOCR实战147个问题](#PaddleOCR实战问题)
* [使用咨询56](#使用咨询)
* [数据集18题](#数据集3)
* [模型训练调优30题](#模型训练调优3)
* [预测部署34题](#预测部署3)
* [模型训练调优33题](#模型训练调优3)
* [预测部署40题](#预测部署3)
<a name="近期更新"></a>
## 近期更新(2021.2.1)
#### Q3.2.18: PaddleOCR动态图版本如何finetune?
**A**:finetune需要将配置文件里的 Global.load_static_weights设置为false,如果没有此字段可以手动添加,然后将模型地址放到Global.pretrained_model字段下即可。
#### Q3.3.29: 微调v1.1预训练的模型,可以直接用文字垂直排列和上下颠倒的图片吗?还是必须要水平排列的?
**A**:1.1和2.0的模型一样,微调时,垂直排列的文字需要逆时针旋转 90° 后加入训练,上下颠倒的需要旋转为水平的。
## 近期更新(2021.4.6)
#### Q3.4.40: 使用hub_serving部署,延时较高,可能的原因是什么呀?
**A**: 首先,测试的时候第一张图延时较高,可以多测试几张然后观察后几张图的速度;其次,如果是在cpu端部署serving端模型(如backbone为ResNet34),耗时较慢,建议在cpu端部署mobile(如backbone为MobileNetV3)模型。
#### Q3.3.30: 模型训练过程中如何得到 best_accuracy 模型
**A**配置文件里的eval_batch_step字段用来控制多少次iter进行一次eval,在eval完成后会自动生成 best_accuracy 模型,所以如果希望很快就能拿到best_accuracy模型,可以将eval_batch_step改小一点(例如,10)。
#### Q2.3.20: 如何根据不同的硬件平台选用不同的backbone
#### Q3.4.33: 如何多进程运行paddleocr
#### Q3.1.55: 目前PaddleOCR有知识蒸馏的demo吗
**A** 目前我们还没有提供PaddleOCR知识蒸馏的相关demo,PaddleClas开源了一个效果还不错的方案,可以移步[SSLD知识蒸馏方案](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/PaddleClas/blob/release%2F2.0/docs/zh_CN/advanced_tutorials/distillation/distillation.md), paper: https://arxiv.org/abs/2103.05959 关于PaddleOCR的蒸馏,我们也会在未来支持
#### Q3.3.33: 训练识别和检测时学习率要加上warmup,目的是什么?
**A**: Warmup机制先使学习率从一个较小的值逐步升到一个较大的值,而不是直接就使用较大的学习率,这样有助于模型的稳定收敛。在OCR检测和OCR识别中,一般会带来精度~0.5%的提升。
#### Q3.4.34: 2.0训练出来的模型,能否在1.1版本上进行部署
#### Q3.1.56: 在使用PPOCRLabel的时候,如何标注倾斜的文字
**A**: 如果矩形框标注后空白冗余较多,可以尝试PPOCRLabel提供的四点标注,可以标注各种倾斜角度的文本
<a name="OCR精选10个问题"></a>
## 【精选】OCR精选10个问题
......@@ -76,8 +72,7 @@
#### Q1.1.6:OCR领域常用的评估指标是什么?
......@@ -161,6 +156,29 @@
#### Q2.1.8: 端到端的场景文本识别方法大概分为几种?
#### Q2.1.9: 二阶段的端到端的场景文本识别方法的不足有哪些?
**A**: 这类方法一般需要设计针对ROI提取特征的方法,而ROI操作一般比较耗时。
#### Q2.1.10: 基于字符级别的端到端的场景文本识别方法的不足有哪些?
**A**: 这类方法一方面训练时需要加入字符级别的数据,一般使用合成数据,但是合成数据和真实数据有分布Gap。另一方面,现有工作大多数假设文本阅读方向,从上到下,从左到右,没有解决文本方向预测问题。
#### Q2.1.11: AAAI 2021最新的端到端场景文本识别PGNet算法有什么特点?
**A**: PGNet不需要字符级别的标注,NMS操作以及ROI操作。同时提出预测文本行内的阅读顺序模块和基于图的修正模块来提升文本识别效果。该算法是百度自研,近期会在PaddleOCR开源。
#### Q2.1.12: PubTabNet 数据集关注的是什么问题?
**A**: PubTabNet是IBM提出的基于图片格式的表格识别数据集,包含 56.8 万张表格数据的图像,以及图像对应的 html 格式的注释。该数据集的发布推动了表格结构化算法的研发和落地应用。
#### Q2.1.13: PaddleOCR提供的文本识别算法包括哪些?
**A**: PaddleOCR主要提供五种文本识别算法,包括CRNN\StarNet\RARE\Rosetta和SRN, 其中CRNN\StarNet和Rosetta是基于ctc的文字识别算法,RARE是基于attention的文字识别算法;SRN为百度自研的文本识别算法,引入了语义信息,显著提升了准确率。 详情可参照如下页面: [文本识别算法](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/PaddleOCR/blob/release/2.0/doc/doc_ch/algorithm_overview.md#%E6%96%87%E6%9C%AC%E8%AF%86%E5%88%AB%E7%AE%97%E6%B3%95)
<a name="数据集2"></a>
### 数据集
......@@ -192,6 +210,9 @@
#### Q2.2.8: DBNet如果想使用多边形作为输入,数据标签格式应该如何设定?
<a name="模型训练调优2"></a>
### 模型训练调优
......@@ -286,6 +307,12 @@
#### Q2.3.19: 参照文档做实际项目时,是重新训练还是在官方训练的基础上进行训练?具体如何操作?
**A**: 基于官方提供的模型,进行finetune的话,收敛会更快一些。 具体操作上,以识别模型训练为例:如果修改了字符文件,可以设置pretraind_model为官方提供的预训练模型
#### Q2.3.20: 如何根据不同的硬件平台选用不同的backbone?
<a name="PaddleOCR实战问题"></a>
## 【实战篇】PaddleOCR实战问题
......@@ -361,13 +388,13 @@
#### Q3.1.17:PaddleOCR开源的超轻量模型和通用OCR模型的区别?
- 相同点:两者使用相同的**算法****训练数据**
- 不同点:不同之处在于**骨干网络****通道参数**,超轻量模型使用MobileNetV3作为骨干网络,通用模型使用Resnet50_vd作为检测模型backbone,Resnet34_vd作为识别模型backbone,具体参数差异可对比两种模型训练的配置文件.
#### Q3.1.18:如何加入自己的检测算法?
......@@ -482,7 +509,104 @@ StyleText的用途主要是:提取style_image中的字体、背景等style信
**A**:Paddle版本问题,请安装2.0版本Paddle:pip install paddlepaddle==2.0.0。
#### Q3.1.39: 字典中没有的字应该如何标注,是用空格代替还是直接忽略掉?
#### Q3.1.40: dygraph、release/2.0-rc1-0、release/2.0 这三个分支有什么区别?
release/2.0-rc1-0是基于Paddle 2.0rc1的稳定版本,release/2.0是基于Paddle2.0的稳定版本,如果希望版本或者代
#### Q3.1.41: style-text 融合模块的输入是生成的前景图像以及背景特征权重吗?
#### Q3.1.42: 训练识别任务的时候,在CPU上运行时,报错`The setting of Parameter-Server must has server_num or servers`。
1. 在使用CPU或者单块GPU训练的时候,可以直接使用`python3 tools/train.py -c xxx.yml`的方式启动。
2. 在使用多块GPU训练的时候,需要使用`distributed.launch`的方式启动,如`python3 -m paddle.distributed.launch --gpus '0,1,2,3' tools/train.py -c xxx.yml`,这种方式需要安装NCCL库,如果没有的话会报错。
#### Q3.1.43:使用StyleText进行数据合成时,文本(TextInput)的长度远超StyleInput的长度,该怎么处理与合成呢?
1. 将StyleInput按列的方向进行复制与扩充,直到其超过TextInput的长度。
2. 将TextInput进行裁剪,保证每段TextInput都稍短于StyleInput,分别合成之后,再拼接在一起。
#### Q3.1.44: 文字识别训练,设置图像高度不等于32时报错
**A**:ctc decode的时候,输入需要是1维向量,因此降采样之后,建议特征图高度为1,ppocr中,特征图会降采样32倍,之后高度正好为1,所以有2种解决方案
- 指定输入shape高度为32(推荐)
- 在backbone的mv3中添加更多的降采样模块,保证输出的特征图高度为1
#### Q3.1.45: 增大batch_size模型训练速度没有明显提升
export FLAGS_initial_cpu_memory_in_mb=2000 # 设置初始化内存约2G左右
#### Q3.1.46: 动态图分支(dygraph,release/2.0),训练模型和推理模型效果不一致
**A**:当前问题表现为:使用训练完的模型直接测试结果较好,但是转换为inference model后,预测结果不一致;出现这个问题一般是两个原因:
1. 预处理函数设置的不一致
2. 后处理参数不一致
#### Q3.1.47: paddleocr package 报错 FatalError: `Process abort signal` is detected by the operating system
#### Q3.1.48: 下载的识别模型解压后缺失文件,没有期望的inference.pdiparams, inference.pdmodel等文件
**A**:用解压软件解压可能会出现这个问题,建议二次解压下或者用命令行解压`tar xf `
#### Q3.1.49: 只想要识别票据中的部分片段,重新训练它的话,只需要训练文本检测模型就可以了吗?问文本识别,方向分类还是用原来的模型这样可以吗?
#### Q3.1.50: 为什么在checkpoints中load下载的预训练模型会报错?
**A**: 这里有两个不同的概念:
- pretrained_model:指预训练模型,是已经训练完成的模型。这时会load预训练模型的参数,但并不会load学习率、优化器以及训练状态等。如果需要finetune,应该使用pretrained。
- checkpoints:指之前训练的中间结果,例如前一次训练到了100个epoch,想接着训练。这时会load尝试所有信息,包括模型的参数,之前的状态等。
#### Q3.1.51: 如何用PaddleOCR识别视频中的文字?
**A**: 目前PaddleOCR主要针对图像做处理,如果需要视频识别,可以先对视频抽帧,然后用PPOCR识别。
#### Q3.1.52: 相机采集的图像为四通道,应该如何处理?
**A**: 有两种方式处理:
- 如果没有其他需要,可以在解码数据的时候指定模式为三通道,例如如果使用opencv,可以使用cv::imread(img_path, cv::IMREAD_COLOR)。
- 如果其他模块需要处理四通道的图像,那也可以在输入PaddleOCR模块之前进行转换,例如使用cvCvtColor(&img,img3chan,CV_RGBA2RGB)。
#### Q3.1.53: 预测时提示图像过大,显存、内存溢出了,应该如何处理?
**A**: 可以按照这个PR的修改来缓解显存、内存占用 [#2230](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/PaddleOCR/pull/2230)
#### Q3.1.54: 用c++来部署,目前支持Paddle2.0的模型吗?
**A**: PPOCR 2.0的模型在arm上运行可以参照该PR [#1877](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/PaddleOCR/pull/1877)
#### Q3.1.55: 目前PaddleOCR有知识蒸馏的demo吗?
**A**: 目前我们还没有提供PaddleOCR知识蒸馏的相关demo,PaddleClas开源了一个效果还不错的方案,可以移步[SSLD知识蒸馏方案](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/PaddleClas/blob/release%2F2.0/docs/zh_CN/advanced_tutorials/distillation/distillation.md), paper: https://arxiv.org/abs/2103.05959 关于PaddleOCR的蒸馏,我们也会在未来支持。
#### Q3.1.56: 在使用PPOCRLabel的时候,如何标注倾斜的文字?
**A**: 如果矩形框标注后空白冗余较多,可以尝试PPOCRLabel提供的四点标注,可以标注各种倾斜角度的文本。
<a name="数据集3"></a>
### 数据集
#### Q3.2.1:如何制作PaddleOCR支持的数据格式
......@@ -576,6 +700,7 @@ StyleText的用途主要是:提取style_image中的字体、背景等style信
#### Q3.2.18: PaddleOCR动态图版本如何finetune?
**A**:finetune需要将配置文件里的 Global.load_static_weights设置为false,如果没有此字段可以手动添加,然后将模型地址放到Global.pretrained_model字段下即可。
<a name="模型训练调优3"></a>
### 模型训练调优
......@@ -725,10 +850,33 @@ ps -axu | grep train.py | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -9
**A**:1.1和2.0的模型一样,微调时,垂直排列的文字需要逆时针旋转 90°后加入训练,上下颠倒的需要旋转为水平的。
#### Q3.3.30: 模型训练过程中如何得到 best_accuracy 模型?
**A**:配置文件里的eval_batch_step字段用来控制多少次iter进行一次eval,在eval完成后会自动生成 best_accuracy 模型,所以如果希望很快就能拿到best_accuracy模型,可以将eval_batch_step改小一点,如改为[10,10],这样表示第10次迭代后,以后没隔10个迭代就进行一次模型的评估。
#### Q3.3.31: Cosine学习率的更新策略是怎样的?训练过程中为什么会在一个值上停很久?
**A**: Cosine学习率的说明可以参考[这里](https://www.paddlepaddle.org.cn/documentation/docs/zh/api/paddle/optimizer/lr/CosineAnnealingDecay_cn.html#cosineannealingdecay)
#### Q3.3.32: 之前的CosineWarmup方法为什么不见了?
**A**: 我们对代码结构进行了调整,目前的Cosine可以覆盖原有的CosineWarmup的功能,只需要在配置文件中增加相应配置即可。
name: Cosine
learning_rate: 0.001
warmup_epoch: 2
#### Q3.3.33: 训练识别和检测时学习率要加上warmup,目的是什么?
**A**: Warmup机制先使学习率从一个较小的值逐步升到一个较大的值,而不是直接就使用较大的学习率,这样有助于模型的稳定收敛。在OCR检测和OCR识别中,一般会带来精度~0.5%的提升。
<a name="预测部署3"></a>
### 预测部署
#### Q3.4.1:如何pip安装opt模型转换工具?
......@@ -841,7 +989,8 @@ ps -axu | grep train.py | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -9
**A**:使用EAST或SAST模型进行推理预测时,需要在命令中指定参数--det_algorithm="EAST" 或 --det_algorithm="SAST",使用DB时不用指定是因为该参数默认值是"DB":https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/PaddleOCR/blob/e7a708e9fdaf413ed7a14da8e4a7b4ac0b211e42/tools/infer/utility.py#L43
#### Q3.4.25: PaddleOCR模型Python端预测和C++预测结果不一致?
......@@ -889,3 +1038,36 @@ Paddle2ONNX支持转换的[模型列表](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/Paddle2
#### Q3.4.34: 2.0训练出来的模型,能否在1.1版本上进行部署?
#### Q3.4.35: 怎么解决paddleOCR在T4卡上有越预测越慢的情况?
1. T4 GPU没有主动散热,因此在测试的时候需要在每次infer之后需要sleep 30ms,否则机器容易因为过热而降频(inference速度会变慢),温度过高也有可能会导致宕机。
2. T4在不使用的时候,也有可能会降频,因此在做benchmark的时候需要锁频,下面这两条命令可以进行锁频。
nvidia-smi -i 0 -pm ENABLED
nvidia-smi --lock-gpu-clocks=1590 -i 0
#### Q3.4.36: DB有些框太贴文本了反而去掉了一些文本的边角影响识别,这个问题有什么办法可以缓解吗?
#### Q3.4.37: 在windows上进行cpp inference的部署时,总是提示找不到`paddle_fluid.dll`和`opencv_world346.dll`,
1. 将paddle预测库和opencv库的地址添加到系统环境变量中。
2. 将提示缺失的dll文件拷贝到编译产出的`ocr_system.exe`文件夹中。
#### Q3.4.38:想在Mac上部署,从哪里下载预测库呢?
#### Q3.4.39:内网环境如何进行服务化部署呢?
#### Q3.4.40: 使用hub_serving部署,延时较高,可能的原因是什么呀?
**A**: 首先,测试的时候第一张图延时较高,可以多测试几张然后观察后几张图的速度;其次,如果是在cpu端部署serving端模型(如backbone为ResNet34),耗时较慢,建议在cpu端部署mobile(如backbone为MobileNetV3)模型。
......@@ -28,13 +28,10 @@ inference 模型(`paddle.jit.save`保存的模型)
- [4. 自定义文本识别字典的推理](#自定义文本识别字典的推理)
- [5. 多语言模型的推理](#多语言模型的推理)
- [四、端到端模型推理](#端到端模型推理)
- [1. PGNet端到端模型推理](#PGNet端到端模型推理)
- [五、方向分类模型推理](#方向识别模型推理)
- [四、方向分类模型推理](#方向识别模型推理)
- [1. 方向分类模型推理](#方向分类模型推理)
- [、文本检测、方向分类和文字识别串联推理](#文本检测、方向分类和文字识别串联推理)
- [、文本检测、方向分类和文字识别串联推理](#文本检测、方向分类和文字识别串联推理)
- [1. 超轻量中文OCR模型推理](#超轻量中文OCR模型推理)
- [2. 其他模型推理](#其他模型推理)
......@@ -362,38 +359,8 @@ python3 tools/infer/predict_rec.py --image_dir="./doc/imgs_words/korean/1.jpg" -
Predicts of ./doc/imgs_words/korean/1.jpg:('바탕으로', 0.9948904)
<a name="端到端模型推理"></a>
## 四、端到端模型推理
<a name="PGNet端到端模型推理"></a>
### 1. PGNet端到端模型推理
#### (1). 四边形文本检测模型(ICDAR2015)
首先将PGNet端到端训练过程中保存的模型,转换成inference model。以基于Resnet50_vd骨干网络,在ICDAR2015英文数据集训练的模型为例([模型下载地址](https://paddleocr.bj.bcebos.com/dygraph_v2.0/pgnet/en_server_pgnetA.tar)),可以使用如下命令进行转换:
python3 tools/export_model.py -c configs/e2e/e2e_r50_vd_pg.yml -o Global.pretrained_model=./en_server_pgnetA/iter_epoch_450 Global.load_static_weights=False Global.save_inference_dir=./inference/e2e
python3 tools/infer/predict_e2e.py --e2e_algorithm="PGNet" --image_dir="./doc/imgs_en/img_10.jpg" --e2e_model_dir="./inference/e2e/" --e2e_pgnet_polygon=False
#### (2). 弯曲文本检测模型(Total-Text)
python3.7 tools/infer/predict_e2e.py --e2e_algorithm="PGNet" --image_dir="./doc/imgs_en/img623.jpg" --e2e_model_dir="./inference/e2e/" --e2e_pgnet_polygon=True
<a name="方向分类模型推理"></a>
## 、方向分类模型推理
## 、方向分类模型推理
......@@ -418,7 +385,7 @@ Predicts of ./doc/imgs_words/ch/word_4.jpg:['0', 0.9999982]
<a name="文本检测、方向分类和文字识别串联推理"></a>
## 、文本检测、方向分类和文字识别串联推理
## 、文本检测、方向分类和文字识别串联推理
<a name="超轻量中文OCR模型推理"></a>
### 1. 超轻量中文OCR模型推理
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
- [一、简介](#简介)
- [二、环境配置](#环境配置)
- [三、快速使用](#快速使用)
- [四、模型训练、评估、推理](#快速训练)
- [四、模型训练、评估、推理](#模型训练、评估、推理)
<a name="简介"></a>
## 一、简介
......@@ -16,11 +16,13 @@ OCR算法可以分为两阶段算法和端对端的算法。二阶段OCR算法
- 提出基于图的修正模块(GRM)来进一步提高模型识别性能
- 精度更高,预测速度更快
PGNet算法细节详见[论文](https://www.aaai.org/AAAI21Papers/AAAI-2885.WangP.pdf) ,算法原理图如下所示:
......@@ -49,24 +51,24 @@ wget https://paddleocr.bj.bcebos.com/dygraph_v2.0/pgnet/e2e_server_pgnetA_infer.
### 单张图像或者图像集合预测
# 预测image_dir指定的单张图像
python3 tools/infer/predict_e2e.py --e2e_algorithm="PGNet" --image_dir="./doc/imgs_en/img623.jpg" --e2e_model_dir="./inference/e2e/" --e2e_pgnet_polygon=True
python3 tools/infer/predict_e2e.py --e2e_algorithm="PGNet" --image_dir="./doc/imgs_en/img623.jpg" --e2e_model_dir="./inference/e2e_server_pgnetA_infer/" --e2e_pgnet_polygon=True
# 预测image_dir指定的图像集合
python3 tools/infer/predict_e2e.py --e2e_algorithm="PGNet" --image_dir="./doc/imgs_en/" --e2e_model_dir="./inference/e2e/" --e2e_pgnet_polygon=True
python3 tools/infer/predict_e2e.py --e2e_algorithm="PGNet" --image_dir="./doc/imgs_en/" --e2e_model_dir="./inference/e2e_server_pgnetA_infer/" --e2e_pgnet_polygon=True
# 如果想使用CPU进行预测,需设置use_gpu参数为False
python3 tools/infer/predict_e2e.py --e2e_algorithm="PGNet" --image_dir="./doc/imgs_en/img623.jpg" --e2e_model_dir="./inference/e2e/" --e2e_pgnet_polygon=True --use_gpu=False
python3 tools/infer/predict_e2e.py --e2e_algorithm="PGNet" --image_dir="./doc/imgs_en/img623.jpg" --e2e_model_dir="./inference/e2e_server_pgnetA_infer/" --e2e_pgnet_polygon=True --use_gpu=False
### 可视化结果
<a name="快速训练"></a>
<a name="模型训练、评估、推理"></a>
## 四、模型训练、评估、推理
### 准备数据
下载解压[totaltext](https://github.com/cs-chan/Total-Text-Dataset/blob/master/Dataset/README.md) 数据集到PaddleOCR/train_data/目录,数据集组织结构:
|- rgb/ # total_text数据集的训练数据
......@@ -135,20 +137,20 @@ python3 tools/eval.py -c configs/e2e/e2e_r50_vd_pg.yml -o Global.checkpoints="{
### 模型预测
python3 tools/infer_e2e.py -c configs/e2e/e2e_r50_vd_pg.yml -o Global.infer_img="./doc/imgs_en/img_10.jpg" Global.pretrained_model="./output/det_db/best_accuracy" Global.load_static_weights=false
python3 tools/infer_e2e.py -c configs/e2e/e2e_r50_vd_pg.yml -o Global.infer_img="./doc/imgs_en/img_10.jpg" Global.pretrained_model="./output/e2e_pgnet/best_accuracy" Global.load_static_weights=false
python3 tools/infer_e2e.py -c configs/e2e/e2e_r50_vd_pg.yml -o Global.infer_img="./doc/imgs_en/" Global.pretrained_model="./output/det_db/best_accuracy" Global.load_static_weights=false
python3 tools/infer_e2e.py -c configs/e2e/e2e_r50_vd_pg.yml -o Global.infer_img="./doc/imgs_en/" Global.pretrained_model="./output/e2e_pgnet/best_accuracy" Global.load_static_weights=false
### 预测推理
#### (1).四边形文本检测模型(ICDAR2015)
#### (1). 四边形文本检测模型(ICDAR2015)
首先将PGNet端到端训练过程中保存的模型,转换成inference model。以基于Resnet50_vd骨干网络,以英文数据集训练的模型为例[模型下载地址](https://paddleocr.bj.bcebos.com/dygraph_v2.0/pgnet/en_server_pgnetA.tar) ,可以使用如下命令进行转换:
wget https://paddleocr.bj.bcebos.com/dygraph_v2.0/pgnet/en_server_pgnetA.tar && tar xf en_server_pgnetA.tar
python3 tools/export_model.py -c configs/e2e/e2e_r50_vd_pg.yml -o Global.pretrained_model=./en_server_pgnetA/iter_epoch_450 Global.load_static_weights=False Global.save_inference_dir=./inference/e2e
python3 tools/export_model.py -c configs/e2e/e2e_r50_vd_pg.yml -o Global.pretrained_model=./en_server_pgnetA/best_accuracy Global.load_static_weights=False Global.save_inference_dir=./inference/e2e
......@@ -158,7 +160,7 @@ python3 tools/infer/predict_e2e.py --e2e_algorithm="PGNet" --image_dir="./doc/im
#### (2).弯曲文本检测模型(Total-Text)
#### (2). 弯曲文本检测模型(Total-Text)
......@@ -168,3 +170,10 @@ python3 tools/infer/predict_e2e.py --e2e_algorithm="PGNet" --image_dir="./doc/im
#### (3). 性能指标
| |det_precision|det_recall|det_f_score|e2e_precision|e2e_recall|e2e_f_score|FPS (size=640)|
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
# 更新
- 2021.4.8 release 2.1版本,新增AAAI 2021论文[端到端识别算法PGNet](./doc/doc_ch/pgnet.md)开源,[多语言模型](./doc/doc_ch/multi_languages.md)支持种类增加到80+。
- 2021.4.6 [FAQ](./doc/doc_ch/FAQ.md)新增5个高频问题,总数198个,每周一都会更新,欢迎大家持续关注。
- 2021.2.8 正式发布PaddleOCRv2.0(branch release/2.0)并设置为推荐用户使用的默认分支. 发布的详细内容,请参考: https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/PaddleOCR/releases/tag/v2.0.0
- 2021.1.26,28,29 PaddleOCR官方研发团队带来技术深入解读三日直播课,1月26日、28日、29日晚上19:30,[直播地址](https://live.bilibili.com/21689802)
- 2021.1.21 更新多语言识别模型,目前支持语种超过27种,包括中文简体、中文繁体、英文、法文、德文、韩文、日文、意大利文、西班牙文、葡萄牙文、俄罗斯文、阿拉伯文等,后续计划可以参考[多语言研发计划](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/PaddleOCR/issues/1048)
- 2020.12.15 更新数据合成工具[Style-Text](../../StyleText/README_ch.md),可以批量合成大量与目标场景类似的图像,在多个场景验证,效果明显提升。
- 2020.12.07 [FAQ](../../doc/doc_ch/FAQ.md)新增5个高频问题,总数124个,并且计划以后每周一都会更新,欢迎大家持续关注。
- 2020.11.25 更新半自动标注工具[PPOCRLabel](../../PPOCRLabel/README_ch.md),辅助开发者高效完成标注任务,输出格式与PP-OCR训练任务完美衔接。
文件模式从 100644 更改为 100755
# End-to-end OCR Algorithm-PGNet
- [1. Brief Introduction](#Brief_Introduction)
- [2. Environment Configuration](#Environment_Configuration)
- [3. Quick Use](#Quick_Use)
- [4. Model Training,Evaluation And Inference](#Model_Training_Evaluation_And_Inference)
<a name="Brief_Introduction"></a>
## 1. Brief Introduction
OCR algorithm can be divided into two-stage algorithm and end-to-end algorithm. The two-stage OCR algorithm is generally divided into two parts, text detection and text recognition algorithm. The text detection algorithm gets the detection box of the text line from the image, and then the recognition algorithm identifies the content of the text box. The end-to-end OCR algorithm can complete text detection and recognition in one algorithm. Its basic idea is to design a model with both detection unit and recognition module, share the CNN features of both and train them together. Because one algorithm can complete character recognition, the end-to-end model is smaller and faster.
### Introduction Of PGNet Algorithm
In recent years, the end-to-end OCR algorithm has been well developed, including MaskTextSpotter series, TextSnake, TextDragon, PGNet series and so on. Among these algorithms, PGNet algorithm has the advantages that other algorithms do not
- Pgnet loss is designed to guide training, and no character-level annotations is needed
- NMS and ROI related operations are not needed, It can accelerate the prediction
- The reading order prediction module is proposed
- A graph based modification module (GRM) is proposed to further improve the performance of model recognition
- Higher accuracy and faster prediction speed
For details of PGNet algorithm, please refer to [paper](https://www.aaai.org/AAAI21Papers/AAAI-2885.WangP.pdf) ,The schematic diagram of the algorithm is as follows:
After feature extraction, the input image is sent to four branches: TBO module for text edge offset prediction, TCL module for text centerline prediction, TDO module for text direction offset prediction, and TCC module for text character classification graph prediction.
The output of TBO and TCL can get text detection results after post-processing, and TCL, TDO and TCC are responsible for text recognition.
The results of detection and recognition are as follows:
<a name="Environment_Configuration"></a>
## 2. Environment Configuration
Please refer to [Quick Installation](./installation_en.md) Configure the PaddleOCR running environment.
<a name="Quick_Use"></a>
## 3. Quick Use
### inference model download
This section takes the trained end-to-end model as an example to quickly use the model prediction. First, download the trained end-to-end inference model [download address](https://paddleocr.bj.bcebos.com/dygraph_v2.0/pgnet/e2e_server_pgnetA_infer.tar)
mkdir inference && cd inference
# Download the English end-to-end model and unzip it
wget https://paddleocr.bj.bcebos.com/dygraph_v2.0/pgnet/e2e_server_pgnetA_infer.tar && tar xf e2e_server_pgnetA_infer.tar
* In Windows environment, if 'wget' is not installed, the link can be copied to the browser when downloading the model, and decompressed and placed in the corresponding directory
After decompression, there should be the following file structure:
├── e2e_server_pgnetA_infer
│ ├── inference.pdiparams
│ ├── inference.pdiparams.info
│ └── inference.pdmodel
### Single image or image set prediction
# Prediction single image specified by image_dir
python3 tools/infer/predict_e2e.py --e2e_algorithm="PGNet" --image_dir="./doc/imgs_en/img623.jpg" --e2e_model_dir="./inference/e2e_server_pgnetA_infer/" --e2e_pgnet_polygon=True
# Prediction the collection of images specified by image_dir
python3 tools/infer/predict_e2e.py --e2e_algorithm="PGNet" --image_dir="./doc/imgs_en/" --e2e_model_dir="./inference/e2e_server_pgnetA_infer/" --e2e_pgnet_polygon=True
# If you want to use CPU for prediction, you need to set use_gpu parameter is false
python3 tools/infer/predict_e2e.py --e2e_algorithm="PGNet" --image_dir="./doc/imgs_en/img623.jpg" --e2e_model_dir="./inference/e2e_server_pgnetA_infer/" --e2e_pgnet_polygon=True --use_gpu=False
### Visualization results
The visualized end-to-end results are saved to the `./inference_results` folder by default, and the name of the result file is prefixed with 'e2e_res'. Examples of results are as follows:
<a name="Model_Training_Evaluation_And_Inference"></a>
## 4. Model Training,Evaluation And Inference
This section takes the totaltext dataset as an example to introduce the training, evaluation and testing of the end-to-end model in PaddleOCR.
### Data Preparation
Download and unzip [totaltext](https://github.com/cs-chan/Total-Text-Dataset/blob/master/Dataset/README.md) dataset to PaddleOCR/train_data/, dataset organization structure is as follow:
|- rgb/ # total_text training data of dataset
|- gt_0.png
| ...
|- total_text.txt # total_text training annotation of dataset
total_text.txt: the format of dimension file is as follows,the file name and annotation information are separated by "\t":
" Image file name Image annotation information encoded by json.dumps"
rgb/gt_0.png [{"transcription": "EST", "points": [[1004.0,689.0],[1019.0,698.0],[1034.0,708.0],[1049.0,718.0],[1064.0,728.0],[1079.0,738.0],[1095.0,748.0],[1094.0,774.0],[1079.0,765.0],[1065.0,756.0],[1050.0,747.0],[1036.0,738.0],[1021.0,729.0],[1007.0,721.0]]}, {...}]
The image annotation after **json.dumps()** encoding is a list containing multiple dictionaries.
The `points` in the dictionary represent the coordinates (x, y) of the four points of the text box, arranged clockwise from the point at the upper left corner.
`transcription` represents the text of the current text box. **When its content is "###" it means that the text box is invalid and will be skipped during training.**
If you want to train PaddleOCR on other datasets, please build the annotation file according to the above format.
### Start Training
PGNet training is divided into two steps: Step 1: training on the synthetic data to get the pretrain_model, and the accuracy of the model is still low; step 2: loading the pretrain_model and training on the totaltext data set; for fast training, we directly provide the pre training model of step 1[download link](https://paddleocr.bj.bcebos.com/dygraph_v2.0/pgnet/train_step1.tar).
cd PaddleOCR/
download step1 pretrain_models
wget -P ./pretrain_models/ https://paddleocr.bj.bcebos.com/dygraph_v2.0/pgnet/train_step1.tar
You can get the following file format
└─ best_accuracy.pdopt
└─ best_accuracy.states
└─ best_accuracy.pdparams
*If CPU version installed, please set the parameter `use_gpu` to `false` in the configuration.*
# single GPU training
python3 tools/train.py -c configs/e2e/e2e_r50_vd_pg.yml -o Global.pretrained_model=./pretrain_models/train_step1/best_accuracy Global.load_static_weights=False
# multi-GPU training
# Set the GPU ID used by the '--gpus' parameter.
python3 -m paddle.distributed.launch --gpus '0,1,2,3' tools/train.py -c configs/e2e/e2e_r50_vd_pg.yml -o Global.pretrained_model=./pretrain_models/train_step1/best_accuracy Global.load_static_weights=False
In the above instruction, use `-c` to select the training to use the `configs/e2e/e2e_r50_vd_pg.yml` configuration file.
For a detailed explanation of the configuration file, please refer to [config](./config_en.md).
You can also use `-o` to change the training parameters without modifying the yml file. For example, adjust the training learning rate to 0.0001
python3 tools/train.py -c configs/e2e/e2e_r50_vd_pg.yml -o Optimizer.base_lr=0.0001
#### Load trained model and continue training
If you expect to load trained model and continue the training again, you can specify the parameter `Global.checkpoints` as the model path to be loaded.
python3 tools/train.py -c configs/e2e/e2e_r50_vd_pg.yml -o Global.checkpoints=./your/trained/model
**Note**: The priority of `Global.checkpoints` is higher than that of `Global.pretrain_weights`, that is, when two parameters are specified at the same time, the model specified by `Global.checkpoints` will be loaded first. If the model path specified by `Global.checkpoints` is wrong, the one specified by `Global.pretrain_weights` will be loaded.
PaddleOCR calculates three indicators for evaluating performance of OCR end-to-end task: Precision, Recall, and Hmean.
Run the following code to calculate the evaluation indicators. The result will be saved in the test result file specified by `save_res_path` in the configuration file `e2e_r50_vd_pg.yml`
When evaluating, set post-processing parameters `max_side_len=768`. If you use different datasets, different models for training.
The model parameters during training are saved in the `Global.save_model_dir` directory by default. When evaluating indicators, you need to set `Global.checkpoints` to point to the saved parameter file.
python3 tools/eval.py -c configs/e2e/e2e_r50_vd_pg.yml -o Global.checkpoints="{path/to/weights}/best_accuracy"
### Model Test
Test the end-to-end result on a single image:
python3 tools/infer_e2e.py -c configs/e2e/e2e_r50_vd_pg.yml -o Global.infer_img="./doc/imgs_en/img_10.jpg" Global.pretrained_model="./output/e2e_pgnet/best_accuracy" Global.load_static_weights=false
Test the end-to-end result on all images in the folder:
python3 tools/infer_e2e.py -c configs/e2e/e2e_r50_vd_pg.yml -o Global.infer_img="./doc/imgs_en/" Global.pretrained_model="./output/e2e_pgnet/best_accuracy" Global.load_static_weights=false
### Model inference
#### (1).Quadrangle text detection model (ICDAR2015)
First, convert the model saved in the PGNet end-to-end training process into an inference model. In the first stage of training based on composite dataset, the model of English data set training is taken as an example[model download link](https://paddleocr.bj.bcebos.com/dygraph_v2.0/pgnet/en_server_pgnetA.tar), you can use the following command to convert:
wget https://paddleocr.bj.bcebos.com/dygraph_v2.0/pgnet/en_server_pgnetA.tar && tar xf en_server_pgnetA.tar
python3 tools/export_model.py -c configs/e2e/e2e_r50_vd_pg.yml -o Global.pretrained_model=./en_server_pgnetA/best_accuracy Global.load_static_weights=False Global.save_inference_dir=./inference/e2e
**For PGNet quadrangle end-to-end model inference, you need to set the parameter `--e2e_algorithm="PGNet"`**, run the following command:
python3 tools/infer/predict_e2e.py --e2e_algorithm="PGNet" --image_dir="./doc/imgs_en/img_10.jpg" --e2e_model_dir="./inference/e2e/" --e2e_pgnet_polygon=False
The visualized text detection results are saved to the `./inference_results` folder by default, and the name of the result file is prefixed with 'e2e_res'. Examples of results are as follows:
#### (2). Curved text detection model (Total-Text)
For the curved text example, we use the same model as the quadrilateral
**For PGNet end-to-end curved text detection model inference, you need to set the parameter `--e2e_algorithm="PGNet"` and `--e2e_pgnet_polygon=True`**, run the following command:
python3 tools/infer/predict_e2e.py --e2e_algorithm="PGNet" --image_dir="./doc/imgs_en/img623.jpg" --e2e_model_dir="./inference/e2e/" --e2e_pgnet_polygon=True
The visualized text detection results are saved to the `./inference_results` folder by default, and the name of the result file is prefixed with 'e2e_res'. Examples of results are as follows:
#### (3). Performance
| |det_precision|det_recall|det_f_score|e2e_precision|e2e_recall|e2e_f_score|FPS (size=640)|
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
*note:PGNet in PaddleOCR optimizes the prediction speed, and can significantly improve the end-to-end prediction speed within the acceptable range of accuracy reduction*
- 2021.4.8 Release PaddleOCRv2.1(branch release/2.1). Newly released AAAI 2021 end-to-end algorithm [PGNet](./doc/doc_ch/pgnet.md) and [Multi language recognition model](./doc/doc_ch/multi_languages.md), support more than 80 language recognition.
- 2021.2.8 Release PaddleOCRv2.0 (branch release/2.0). Refer to [release note](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/PaddleOCR/releases/tag/v2.0.0) for more details.
- 2021.1.21 update more than 25+ multilingual recognition models [models list](./doc/doc_en/models_list_en.md), including:English, Chinese, German, French, Japanese,Spanish,Portuguese Russia Arabic and so on. Models for more languages will continue to be updated [Develop Plan](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/PaddleOCR/issues/1048).
- 2020.12.15 update Data synthesis tool, i.e., [Style-Text](../../StyleText/README.md),easy to synthesize a large number of images which are similar to the target scene image.
- 2020.11.25 Update a new data annotation tool, i.e., [PPOCRLabel](../../PPOCRLabel/README.md), which is helpful to improve the labeling efficiency. Moreover, the labeling results can be used in training of the PP-OCR system directly.
- 2020.9.22 Update the PP-OCR technical article, https://arxiv.org/abs/2009.09941
......@@ -200,18 +200,16 @@ class E2ELabelEncode(BaseRecLabelEncode):
self.pad_num = len(self.dict) # the length to pad
def __call__(self, data):
text_label_index_list, temp_text = [], []
texts = data['strs']
temp_texts = []
for text in texts:
text = text.lower()
temp_text = []
for c_ in text:
if c_ in self.dict:
temp_text = temp_text + [self.pad_num] * (self.max_text_len -
data['strs'] = np.array(text_label_index_list)
text = self.encode(text)
if text is None:
return None
text = text + [self.pad_num] * (self.max_text_len - len(text))
data['strs'] = np.array(temp_texts)
return data
......@@ -64,9 +64,6 @@ class PGDataSet(Dataset):
for line in f.readlines():
poly_str, txt = line.strip().split('\t')
poly = list(map(float, poly_str.split(',')))
if self.mode.lower() == "eval":
while len(poly) < 100:
poly, dtype=np.float32).reshape(-1, 2))
......@@ -139,10 +136,6 @@ class PGDataSet(Dataset):
if self.data_format == 'icdar':
im_path = os.path.join(data_path, 'rgb', data_line)
if self.mode.lower() == "eval":
poly_path = os.path.join(data_path, 'poly_gt',
data_line.split('.')[0] + '.txt')
poly_path = os.path.join(data_path, 'poly',
data_line.split('.')[0] + '.txt')
text_polys, text_tags, text_strs = self.extract_polys(poly_path)
......@@ -150,12 +143,14 @@ class PGDataSet(Dataset):
image_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(data_path), 'image')
im_path, text_polys, text_tags, text_strs = self.extract_info_textnet(
data_line, image_dir)
img_id = int(data_line.split(".")[0][3:])
data = {
'img_path': im_path,
'polys': text_polys,
'tags': text_tags,
'strs': text_strs
'strs': text_strs,
'img_id': img_id
with open(data['img_path'], 'rb') as f:
img = f.read()
......@@ -19,57 +19,28 @@ from __future__ import print_function
__all__ = ['E2EMetric']
from ppocr.utils.e2e_metric.Deteval import get_socre, combine_results
from ppocr.utils.e2e_utils.extract_textpoint import get_dict
from ppocr.utils.e2e_utils.extract_textpoint_slow import get_dict
class E2EMetric(object):
def __init__(self,
self.gt_mat_dir = gt_mat_dir
self.label_list = get_dict(character_dict_path)
self.max_index = len(self.label_list)
self.main_indicator = main_indicator
def __call__(self, preds, batch, **kwargs):
temp_gt_polyons_batch = batch[2]
temp_gt_strs_batch = batch[3]
ignore_tags_batch = batch[4]
gt_polyons_batch = []
gt_strs_batch = []
temp_gt_polyons_batch = temp_gt_polyons_batch[0].tolist()
for temp_list in temp_gt_polyons_batch:
t = []
for index in temp_list:
if index[0] != -1 and index[1] != -1:
temp_gt_strs_batch = temp_gt_strs_batch[0].tolist()
for temp_list in temp_gt_strs_batch:
t = ""
for index in temp_list:
if index < self.max_index:
t += self.label_list[index]
for pred, gt_polyons, gt_strs, ignore_tags in zip(
[preds], [gt_polyons_batch], [gt_strs_batch], ignore_tags_batch):
# prepare gt
gt_info_list = [{
'points': gt_polyon,
'text': gt_str,
'ignore': ignore_tag
} for gt_polyon, gt_str, ignore_tag in
zip(gt_polyons, gt_strs, ignore_tags)]
# prepare det
img_id = batch[5][0]
e2e_info_list = [{
'points': det_polyon,
'text': pred_str
} for det_polyon, pred_str in zip(pred['points'], pred['strs'])]
result = get_socre(gt_info_list, e2e_info_list)
} for det_polyon, pred_str in zip(preds['points'], preds['strs'])]
result = get_socre(self.gt_mat_dir, img_id, e2e_info_list)
def get_metric(self):
......@@ -22,10 +22,7 @@ import sys
__dir__ = os.path.dirname(__file__)
sys.path.append(os.path.join(__dir__, '..'))
from ppocr.utils.e2e_utils.extract_textpoint import *
from ppocr.utils.e2e_utils.visual import *
import paddle
from ppocr.utils.e2e_utils.pgnet_pp_utils import PGNet_PostProcess
class PGPostProcess(object):
......@@ -33,10 +30,12 @@ class PGPostProcess(object):
The post process for PGNet.
def __init__(self, character_dict_path, valid_set, score_thresh, **kwargs):
self.Lexicon_Table = get_dict(character_dict_path)
def __init__(self, character_dict_path, valid_set, score_thresh, mode,
self.character_dict_path = character_dict_path
self.valid_set = valid_set
self.score_thresh = score_thresh
self.mode = mode
# c++ la-nms is faster, but only support python 3.5
self.is_python35 = False
......@@ -44,112 +43,10 @@ class PGPostProcess(object):
self.is_python35 = True
def __call__(self, outs_dict, shape_list):
p_score = outs_dict['f_score']
p_border = outs_dict['f_border']
p_char = outs_dict['f_char']
p_direction = outs_dict['f_direction']
if isinstance(p_score, paddle.Tensor):
p_score = p_score[0].numpy()
p_border = p_border[0].numpy()
p_direction = p_direction[0].numpy()
p_char = p_char[0].numpy()
p_score = p_score[0]
p_border = p_border[0]
p_direction = p_direction[0]
p_char = p_char[0]
src_h, src_w, ratio_h, ratio_w = shape_list[0]
is_curved = self.valid_set == "totaltext"
instance_yxs_list = generate_pivot_list(
p_char = paddle.to_tensor(np.expand_dims(p_char, axis=0))
char_seq_idx_set = []
for i in range(len(instance_yxs_list)):
gather_info_lod = paddle.to_tensor(instance_yxs_list[i])
f_char_map = paddle.transpose(p_char, [0, 2, 3, 1])
feature_seq = paddle.gather_nd(f_char_map, gather_info_lod)
feature_seq = np.expand_dims(feature_seq.numpy(), axis=0)
feature_len = [len(feature_seq[0])]
featyre_seq = paddle.to_tensor(feature_seq)
feature_len = np.array([feature_len]).astype(np.int64)
length = paddle.to_tensor(feature_len)
seq_pred = paddle.fluid.layers.ctc_greedy_decoder(
input=featyre_seq, blank=36, input_length=length)
seq_pred_str = seq_pred[0].numpy().tolist()[0]
seq_len = seq_pred[1].numpy()[0][0]
temp_t = []
for c in seq_pred_str[:seq_len]:
seq_strs = []
for char_idx_set in char_seq_idx_set:
pr_str = ''.join([self.Lexicon_Table[pos] for pos in char_idx_set])
poly_list = []
keep_str_list = []
all_point_list = []
all_point_pair_list = []
for yx_center_line, keep_str in zip(instance_yxs_list, seq_strs):
if len(yx_center_line) == 1:
offset_expand = 1.0
if self.valid_set == 'totaltext':
offset_expand = 1.2
point_pair_list = []
for batch_id, y, x in yx_center_line:
offset = p_border[:, y, x].reshape(2, 2)
if offset_expand != 1.0:
offset_length = np.linalg.norm(
offset, axis=1, keepdims=True)
expand_length = np.clip(
offset_length * (offset_expand - 1),
offset_detal = offset / offset_length * expand_length
offset = offset + offset_detal
ori_yx = np.array([y, x], dtype=np.float32)
point_pair = (ori_yx + offset)[:, ::-1] * 4.0 / np.array(
[ratio_w, ratio_h]).reshape(-1, 2)
int(round(x * 4.0 / ratio_w)),
int(round(y * 4.0 / ratio_h))
detected_poly, pair_length_info = point_pair2poly(point_pair_list)
detected_poly = expand_poly_along_width(
detected_poly, shrink_ratio_of_width=0.2)
detected_poly[:, 0] = np.clip(
detected_poly[:, 0], a_min=0, a_max=src_w)
detected_poly[:, 1] = np.clip(
detected_poly[:, 1], a_min=0, a_max=src_h)
if len(keep_str) < 2:
if self.valid_set == 'partvgg':
middle_point = len(detected_poly) // 2
detected_poly = detected_poly[
[0, middle_point - 1, middle_point, -1], :]
elif self.valid_set == 'totaltext':
post = PGNet_PostProcess(self.character_dict_path, self.valid_set,
self.score_thresh, outs_dict, shape_list)
if self.mode == 'fast':
data = post.pg_postprocess_fast()
print('--> Not supported format.')
data = {
'points': poly_list,
'strs': keep_str_list,
data = post.pg_postprocess_slow()
return data
......@@ -13,10 +13,11 @@
# limitations under the License.
import numpy as np
import scipy.io as io
from ppocr.utils.e2e_metric.polygon_fast import iod, area_of_intersection, area
def get_socre(gt_dict, pred_dict):
def get_socre(gt_dir, img_id, pred_dict):
allInputs = 1
def input_reading_mod(pred_dict):
......@@ -30,31 +31,9 @@ def get_socre(gt_dict, pred_dict):
det.append([point, text])
return det
def gt_reading_mod(gt_dict):
"""This helper reads groundtruths from mat files"""
gt = []
n = len(gt_dict)
for i in range(n):
points = gt_dict[i]['points']
h = len(points)
text = gt_dict[i]['text']
xx = [
['x:'], dtype='<U2'), 0, np.array(
['y:'], dtype='<U2'), 0, np.array(
['#'], dtype='<U1'), np.array(
['#'], dtype='<U1')
t_x, t_y = [], []
for j in range(h):
xx[1] = np.array([t_x], dtype='int16')
xx[3] = np.array([t_y], dtype='int16')
if text != "" and "#" not in text:
xx[4] = np.array([text], dtype='U{}'.format(len(text)))
xx[5] = np.array(['c'], dtype='<U1')
def gt_reading_mod(gt_dir, gt_id):
gt = io.loadmat('%s/poly_gt_img%s.mat' % (gt_dir, gt_id))
gt = gt['polygt']
return gt
def detection_filtering(detections, groundtruths, threshold=0.5):
......@@ -101,7 +80,7 @@ def get_socre(gt_dict, pred_dict):
input_id != 'Deteval_result.txt') and (input_id != 'Deteval_result_curved.txt') \
and (input_id != 'Deteval_result_non_curved.txt'):
detections = input_reading_mod(pred_dict)
groundtruths = gt_reading_mod(gt_dict)
groundtruths = gt_reading_mod(gt_dir, img_id).tolist()
detections = detection_filtering(
groundtruths) # filters detections overlapping with DC area
# Copyright (c) 2021 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""Contains various CTC decoders."""
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
import cv2
import math
import numpy as np
from itertools import groupby
from skimage.morphology._skeletonize import thin
def get_dict(character_dict_path):
character_str = ""
with open(character_dict_path, "rb") as fin:
lines = fin.readlines()
for line in lines:
line = line.decode('utf-8').strip("\n").strip("\r\n")
character_str += line
dict_character = list(character_str)
return dict_character
def softmax(logits):
logits: N x d
max_value = np.max(logits, axis=1, keepdims=True)
exp = np.exp(logits - max_value)
exp_sum = np.sum(exp, axis=1, keepdims=True)
dist = exp / exp_sum
return dist
def get_keep_pos_idxs(labels, remove_blank=None):
Remove duplicate and get pos idxs of keep items.
The value of keep_blank should be [None, 95].
duplicate_len_list = []
keep_pos_idx_list = []
keep_char_idx_list = []
for k, v_ in groupby(labels):
current_len = len(list(v_))
if k != remove_blank:
current_idx = int(sum(duplicate_len_list) + current_len // 2)
return keep_char_idx_list, keep_pos_idx_list
def remove_blank(labels, blank=0):
new_labels = [x for x in labels if x != blank]
return new_labels
def insert_blank(labels, blank=0):
new_labels = [blank]
for l in labels:
new_labels += [l, blank]
return new_labels
def ctc_greedy_decoder(probs_seq, blank=95, keep_blank_in_idxs=True):
CTC greedy (best path) decoder.
raw_str = np.argmax(np.array(probs_seq), axis=1)
remove_blank_in_pos = None if keep_blank_in_idxs else blank
dedup_str, keep_idx_list = get_keep_pos_idxs(
raw_str, remove_blank=remove_blank_in_pos)
dst_str = remove_blank(dedup_str, blank=blank)
return dst_str, keep_idx_list
def instance_ctc_greedy_decoder(gather_info, logits_map, pts_num=4):
_, _, C = logits_map.shape
ys, xs = zip(*gather_info)
logits_seq = logits_map[list(ys), list(xs)]
probs_seq = logits_seq
labels = np.argmax(probs_seq, axis=1)
dst_str = [k for k, v_ in groupby(labels) if k != C - 1]
detal = len(gather_info) // (pts_num - 1)
keep_idx_list = [0] + [detal * (i + 1) for i in range(pts_num - 2)] + [-1]
keep_gather_list = [gather_info[idx] for idx in keep_idx_list]
return dst_str, keep_gather_list
def ctc_decoder_for_image(gather_info_list,
CTC decoder using multiple processes.
decoder_str = []
decoder_xys = []
for gather_info in gather_info_list:
if len(gather_info) < pts_num:
dst_str, xys_list = instance_ctc_greedy_decoder(
gather_info, logits_map, pts_num=pts_num)
dst_str_readable = ''.join([Lexicon_Table[idx] for idx in dst_str])
if len(dst_str_readable) < 2:
return decoder_str, decoder_xys
def sort_with_direction(pos_list, f_direction):
f_direction: h x w x 2
pos_list: [[y, x], [y, x], [y, x] ...]
def sort_part_with_direction(pos_list, point_direction):
pos_list = np.array(pos_list).reshape(-1, 2)
point_direction = np.array(point_direction).reshape(-1, 2)
average_direction = np.mean(point_direction, axis=0, keepdims=True)
pos_proj_leng = np.sum(pos_list * average_direction, axis=1)
sorted_list = pos_list[np.argsort(pos_proj_leng)].tolist()
sorted_direction = point_direction[np.argsort(pos_proj_leng)].tolist()
return sorted_list, sorted_direction
pos_list = np.array(pos_list).reshape(-1, 2)
point_direction = f_direction[pos_list[:, 0], pos_list[:, 1]] # x, y
point_direction = point_direction[:, ::-1] # x, y -> y, x
sorted_point, sorted_direction = sort_part_with_direction(pos_list,
point_num = len(sorted_point)
if point_num >= 16:
middle_num = point_num // 2
first_part_point = sorted_point[:middle_num]
first_point_direction = sorted_direction[:middle_num]
sorted_fist_part_point, sorted_fist_part_direction = sort_part_with_direction(
first_part_point, first_point_direction)
last_part_point = sorted_point[middle_num:]
last_point_direction = sorted_direction[middle_num:]
sorted_last_part_point, sorted_last_part_direction = sort_part_with_direction(
last_part_point, last_point_direction)
sorted_point = sorted_fist_part_point + sorted_last_part_point
sorted_direction = sorted_fist_part_direction + sorted_last_part_direction
return sorted_point, np.array(sorted_direction)
def add_id(pos_list, image_id=0):
Add id for gather feature, for inference.
new_list = []
for item in pos_list:
new_list.append((image_id, item[0], item[1]))
return new_list
def sort_and_expand_with_direction(pos_list, f_direction):
f_direction: h x w x 2
pos_list: [[y, x], [y, x], [y, x] ...]
h, w, _ = f_direction.shape
sorted_list, point_direction = sort_with_direction(pos_list, f_direction)
point_num = len(sorted_list)
sub_direction_len = max(point_num // 3, 2)
left_direction = point_direction[:sub_direction_len, :]
right_dirction = point_direction[point_num - sub_direction_len:, :]
left_average_direction = -np.mean(left_direction, axis=0, keepdims=True)
left_average_len = np.linalg.norm(left_average_direction)
left_start = np.array(sorted_list[0])
left_step = left_average_direction / (left_average_len + 1e-6)
right_average_direction = np.mean(right_dirction, axis=0, keepdims=True)
right_average_len = np.linalg.norm(right_average_direction)
right_step = right_average_direction / (right_average_len + 1e-6)
right_start = np.array(sorted_list[-1])
append_num = max(
int((left_average_len + right_average_len) / 2.0 * 0.15), 1)
left_list = []
right_list = []
for i in range(append_num):
ly, lx = np.round(left_start + left_step * (i + 1)).flatten().astype(
if ly < h and lx < w and (ly, lx) not in left_list:
left_list.append((ly, lx))
ry, rx = np.round(right_start + right_step * (i + 1)).flatten().astype(
if ry < h and rx < w and (ry, rx) not in right_list:
right_list.append((ry, rx))
all_list = left_list[::-1] + sorted_list + right_list
return all_list
def sort_and_expand_with_direction_v2(pos_list, f_direction, binary_tcl_map):
f_direction: h x w x 2
pos_list: [[y, x], [y, x], [y, x] ...]
binary_tcl_map: h x w
h, w, _ = f_direction.shape
sorted_list, point_direction = sort_with_direction(pos_list, f_direction)
point_num = len(sorted_list)
sub_direction_len = max(point_num // 3, 2)
left_direction = point_direction[:sub_direction_len, :]
right_dirction = point_direction[point_num - sub_direction_len:, :]
left_average_direction = -np.mean(left_direction, axis=0, keepdims=True)
left_average_len = np.linalg.norm(left_average_direction)
left_start = np.array(sorted_list[0])
left_step = left_average_direction / (left_average_len + 1e-6)
right_average_direction = np.mean(right_dirction, axis=0, keepdims=True)
right_average_len = np.linalg.norm(right_average_direction)
right_step = right_average_direction / (right_average_len + 1e-6)
right_start = np.array(sorted_list[-1])
append_num = max(
int((left_average_len + right_average_len) / 2.0 * 0.15), 1)
max_append_num = 2 * append_num
left_list = []
right_list = []
for i in range(max_append_num):
ly, lx = np.round(left_start + left_step * (i + 1)).flatten().astype(
if ly < h and lx < w and (ly, lx) not in left_list:
if binary_tcl_map[ly, lx] > 0.5:
left_list.append((ly, lx))
for i in range(max_append_num):
ry, rx = np.round(right_start + right_step * (i + 1)).flatten().astype(
if ry < h and rx < w and (ry, rx) not in right_list:
if binary_tcl_map[ry, rx] > 0.5:
right_list.append((ry, rx))
all_list = left_list[::-1] + sorted_list + right_list
return all_list
def point_pair2poly(point_pair_list):
Transfer vertical point_pairs into poly point in clockwise.
point_num = len(point_pair_list) * 2
point_list = [0] * point_num
for idx, point_pair in enumerate(point_pair_list):
point_list[idx] = point_pair[0]
point_list[point_num - 1 - idx] = point_pair[1]
return np.array(point_list).reshape(-1, 2)
def shrink_quad_along_width(quad, begin_width_ratio=0., end_width_ratio=1.):
ratio_pair = np.array(
[[begin_width_ratio], [end_width_ratio]], dtype=np.float32)
p0_1 = quad[0] + (quad[1] - quad[0]) * ratio_pair
p3_2 = quad[3] + (quad[2] - quad[3]) * ratio_pair
return np.array([p0_1[0], p0_1[1], p3_2[1], p3_2[0]])
def expand_poly_along_width(poly, shrink_ratio_of_width=0.3):
expand poly along width.
point_num = poly.shape[0]
left_quad = np.array(
[poly[0], poly[1], poly[-2], poly[-1]], dtype=np.float32)
left_ratio = -shrink_ratio_of_width * np.linalg.norm(left_quad[0] - left_quad[3]) / \
(np.linalg.norm(left_quad[0] - left_quad[1]) + 1e-6)
left_quad_expand = shrink_quad_along_width(left_quad, left_ratio, 1.0)
right_quad = np.array(
poly[point_num // 2 - 2], poly[point_num // 2 - 1],
poly[point_num // 2], poly[point_num // 2 + 1]
right_ratio = 1.0 + shrink_ratio_of_width * np.linalg.norm(right_quad[0] - right_quad[3]) / \
(np.linalg.norm(right_quad[0] - right_quad[1]) + 1e-6)
right_quad_expand = shrink_quad_along_width(right_quad, 0.0, right_ratio)
poly[0] = left_quad_expand[0]
poly[-1] = left_quad_expand[-1]
poly[point_num // 2 - 1] = right_quad_expand[1]
poly[point_num // 2] = right_quad_expand[2]
return poly
def restore_poly(instance_yxs_list, seq_strs, p_border, ratio_w, ratio_h, src_w,
src_h, valid_set):
poly_list = []
keep_str_list = []
for yx_center_line, keep_str in zip(instance_yxs_list, seq_strs):
if len(keep_str) < 2:
print('--> too short, {}'.format(keep_str))
offset_expand = 1.0
if valid_set == 'totaltext':
offset_expand = 1.2
point_pair_list = []
for y, x in yx_center_line:
offset = p_border[:, y, x].reshape(2, 2) * offset_expand
ori_yx = np.array([y, x], dtype=np.float32)
point_pair = (ori_yx + offset)[:, ::-1] * 4.0 / np.array(
[ratio_w, ratio_h]).reshape(-1, 2)
detected_poly = point_pair2poly(point_pair_list)
detected_poly = expand_poly_along_width(
detected_poly, shrink_ratio_of_width=0.2)
detected_poly[:, 0] = np.clip(detected_poly[:, 0], a_min=0, a_max=src_w)
detected_poly[:, 1] = np.clip(detected_poly[:, 1], a_min=0, a_max=src_h)
if valid_set == 'partvgg':
middle_point = len(detected_poly) // 2
detected_poly = detected_poly[
[0, middle_point - 1, middle_point, -1], :]
elif valid_set == 'totaltext':
print('--> Not supported format.')
return poly_list, keep_str_list
def generate_pivot_list_fast(p_score,
return center point and end point of TCL instance; filter with the char maps;
p_score = p_score[0]
f_direction = f_direction.transpose(1, 2, 0)
p_tcl_map = (p_score > score_thresh) * 1.0
skeleton_map = thin(p_tcl_map.astype(np.uint8))
instance_count, instance_label_map = cv2.connectedComponents(
skeleton_map.astype(np.uint8), connectivity=8)
# get TCL Instance
all_pos_yxs = []
if instance_count > 0:
for instance_id in range(1, instance_count):
pos_list = []
ys, xs = np.where(instance_label_map == instance_id)
pos_list = list(zip(ys, xs))
if len(pos_list) < 3:
pos_list_sorted = sort_and_expand_with_direction_v2(
pos_list, f_direction, p_tcl_map)
p_char_maps = p_char_maps.transpose([1, 2, 0])
decoded_str, keep_yxs_list = ctc_decoder_for_image(
all_pos_yxs, logits_map=p_char_maps, Lexicon_Table=Lexicon_Table)
return keep_yxs_list, decoded_str
def extract_main_direction(pos_list, f_direction):
f_direction: h x w x 2
pos_list: [[y, x], [y, x], [y, x] ...]
pos_list = np.array(pos_list)
point_direction = f_direction[pos_list[:, 0], pos_list[:, 1]]
point_direction = point_direction[:, ::-1] # x, y -> y, x
average_direction = np.mean(point_direction, axis=0, keepdims=True)
average_direction = average_direction / (
np.linalg.norm(average_direction) + 1e-6)
return average_direction
def sort_by_direction_with_image_id_deprecated(pos_list, f_direction):
f_direction: h x w x 2
pos_list: [[id, y, x], [id, y, x], [id, y, x] ...]
pos_list_full = np.array(pos_list).reshape(-1, 3)
pos_list = pos_list_full[:, 1:]
point_direction = f_direction[pos_list[:, 0], pos_list[:, 1]] # x, y
point_direction = point_direction[:, ::-1] # x, y -> y, x
average_direction = np.mean(point_direction, axis=0, keepdims=True)
pos_proj_leng = np.sum(pos_list * average_direction, axis=1)
sorted_list = pos_list_full[np.argsort(pos_proj_leng)].tolist()
return sorted_list
def sort_by_direction_with_image_id(pos_list, f_direction):
f_direction: h x w x 2
pos_list: [[y, x], [y, x], [y, x] ...]
def sort_part_with_direction(pos_list_full, point_direction):
pos_list_full = np.array(pos_list_full).reshape(-1, 3)
pos_list = pos_list_full[:, 1:]
point_direction = np.array(point_direction).reshape(-1, 2)
average_direction = np.mean(point_direction, axis=0, keepdims=True)
pos_proj_leng = np.sum(pos_list * average_direction, axis=1)
sorted_list = pos_list_full[np.argsort(pos_proj_leng)].tolist()
sorted_direction = point_direction[np.argsort(pos_proj_leng)].tolist()
return sorted_list, sorted_direction
pos_list = np.array(pos_list).reshape(-1, 3)
point_direction = f_direction[pos_list[:, 1], pos_list[:, 2]] # x, y
point_direction = point_direction[:, ::-1] # x, y -> y, x
sorted_point, sorted_direction = sort_part_with_direction(pos_list,
point_num = len(sorted_point)
if point_num >= 16:
middle_num = point_num // 2
first_part_point = sorted_point[:middle_num]
first_point_direction = sorted_direction[:middle_num]
sorted_fist_part_point, sorted_fist_part_direction = sort_part_with_direction(
first_part_point, first_point_direction)
last_part_point = sorted_point[middle_num:]
last_point_direction = sorted_direction[middle_num:]
sorted_last_part_point, sorted_last_part_direction = sort_part_with_direction(
last_part_point, last_point_direction)
sorted_point = sorted_fist_part_point + sorted_last_part_point
sorted_direction = sorted_fist_part_direction + sorted_last_part_direction
return sorted_point
......@@ -35,6 +35,64 @@ def get_dict(character_dict_path):
return dict_character
def point_pair2poly(point_pair_list):
Transfer vertical point_pairs into poly point in clockwise.
pair_length_list = []
for point_pair in point_pair_list:
pair_length = np.linalg.norm(point_pair[0] - point_pair[1])
pair_length_list = np.array(pair_length_list)
pair_info = (pair_length_list.max(), pair_length_list.min(),
point_num = len(point_pair_list) * 2
point_list = [0] * point_num
for idx, point_pair in enumerate(point_pair_list):
point_list[idx] = point_pair[0]
point_list[point_num - 1 - idx] = point_pair[1]
return np.array(point_list).reshape(-1, 2), pair_info
def shrink_quad_along_width(quad, begin_width_ratio=0., end_width_ratio=1.):
Generate shrink_quad_along_width.
ratio_pair = np.array(
[[begin_width_ratio], [end_width_ratio]], dtype=np.float32)
p0_1 = quad[0] + (quad[1] - quad[0]) * ratio_pair
p3_2 = quad[3] + (quad[2] - quad[3]) * ratio_pair
return np.array([p0_1[0], p0_1[1], p3_2[1], p3_2[0]])
def expand_poly_along_width(poly, shrink_ratio_of_width=0.3):
expand poly along width.
point_num = poly.shape[0]
left_quad = np.array(
[poly[0], poly[1], poly[-2], poly[-1]], dtype=np.float32)
left_ratio = -shrink_ratio_of_width * np.linalg.norm(left_quad[0] - left_quad[3]) / \
(np.linalg.norm(left_quad[0] - left_quad[1]) + 1e-6)
left_quad_expand = shrink_quad_along_width(left_quad, left_ratio, 1.0)
right_quad = np.array(
poly[point_num // 2 - 2], poly[point_num // 2 - 1],
poly[point_num // 2], poly[point_num // 2 + 1]
right_ratio = 1.0 + \
shrink_ratio_of_width * np.linalg.norm(right_quad[0] - right_quad[3]) / \
(np.linalg.norm(right_quad[0] - right_quad[1]) + 1e-6)
right_quad_expand = shrink_quad_along_width(right_quad, 0.0, right_ratio)
poly[0] = left_quad_expand[0]
poly[-1] = left_quad_expand[-1]
poly[point_num // 2 - 1] = right_quad_expand[1]
poly[point_num // 2] = right_quad_expand[2]
return poly
def softmax(logits):
logits: N x d
......@@ -399,7 +457,7 @@ def generate_pivot_list_horizontal(p_score,
return center_pos_yxs, end_points_yxs
def generate_pivot_list(p_score,
def generate_pivot_list_slow(p_score,
# Copyright (c) 2021 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
import paddle
import os
import sys
__dir__ = os.path.dirname(__file__)
sys.path.append(os.path.join(__dir__, '..'))
from extract_textpoint_slow import *
from extract_textpoint_fast import generate_pivot_list_fast, restore_poly
class PGNet_PostProcess(object):
# two different post-process
def __init__(self, character_dict_path, valid_set, score_thresh, outs_dict,
self.Lexicon_Table = get_dict(character_dict_path)
self.valid_set = valid_set
self.score_thresh = score_thresh
self.outs_dict = outs_dict
self.shape_list = shape_list
def pg_postprocess_fast(self):
p_score = self.outs_dict['f_score']
p_border = self.outs_dict['f_border']
p_char = self.outs_dict['f_char']
p_direction = self.outs_dict['f_direction']
if isinstance(p_score, paddle.Tensor):
p_score = p_score[0].numpy()
p_border = p_border[0].numpy()
p_direction = p_direction[0].numpy()
p_char = p_char[0].numpy()
p_score = p_score[0]
p_border = p_border[0]
p_direction = p_direction[0]
p_char = p_char[0]
src_h, src_w, ratio_h, ratio_w = self.shape_list[0]
instance_yxs_list, seq_strs = generate_pivot_list_fast(
poly_list, keep_str_list = restore_poly(instance_yxs_list, seq_strs,
p_border, ratio_w, ratio_h,
src_w, src_h, self.valid_set)
data = {
'points': poly_list,
'strs': keep_str_list,
return data
def pg_postprocess_slow(self):
p_score = self.outs_dict['f_score']
p_border = self.outs_dict['f_border']
p_char = self.outs_dict['f_char']
p_direction = self.outs_dict['f_direction']
if isinstance(p_score, paddle.Tensor):
p_score = p_score[0].numpy()
p_border = p_border[0].numpy()
p_direction = p_direction[0].numpy()
p_char = p_char[0].numpy()
p_score = p_score[0]
p_border = p_border[0]
p_direction = p_direction[0]
p_char = p_char[0]
src_h, src_w, ratio_h, ratio_w = self.shape_list[0]
is_curved = self.valid_set == "totaltext"
instance_yxs_list = generate_pivot_list_slow(
p_char = paddle.to_tensor(np.expand_dims(p_char, axis=0))
char_seq_idx_set = []
for i in range(len(instance_yxs_list)):
gather_info_lod = paddle.to_tensor(instance_yxs_list[i])
f_char_map = paddle.transpose(p_char, [0, 2, 3, 1])
feature_seq = paddle.gather_nd(f_char_map, gather_info_lod)
feature_seq = np.expand_dims(feature_seq.numpy(), axis=0)
feature_len = [len(feature_seq[0])]
featyre_seq = paddle.to_tensor(feature_seq)
feature_len = np.array([feature_len]).astype(np.int64)
length = paddle.to_tensor(feature_len)
seq_pred = paddle.fluid.layers.ctc_greedy_decoder(
input=featyre_seq, blank=36, input_length=length)
seq_pred_str = seq_pred[0].numpy().tolist()[0]
seq_len = seq_pred[1].numpy()[0][0]
temp_t = []
for c in seq_pred_str[:seq_len]:
seq_strs = []
for char_idx_set in char_seq_idx_set:
pr_str = ''.join([self.Lexicon_Table[pos] for pos in char_idx_set])
poly_list = []
keep_str_list = []
all_point_list = []
all_point_pair_list = []
for yx_center_line, keep_str in zip(instance_yxs_list, seq_strs):
if len(yx_center_line) == 1:
offset_expand = 1.0
if self.valid_set == 'totaltext':
offset_expand = 1.2
point_pair_list = []
for batch_id, y, x in yx_center_line:
offset = p_border[:, y, x].reshape(2, 2)
if offset_expand != 1.0:
offset_length = np.linalg.norm(
offset, axis=1, keepdims=True)
expand_length = np.clip(
offset_length * (offset_expand - 1),
offset_detal = offset / offset_length * expand_length
offset = offset + offset_detal
ori_yx = np.array([y, x], dtype=np.float32)
point_pair = (ori_yx + offset)[:, ::-1] * 4.0 / np.array(
[ratio_w, ratio_h]).reshape(-1, 2)
int(round(x * 4.0 / ratio_w)),
int(round(y * 4.0 / ratio_h))
detected_poly, pair_length_info = point_pair2poly(point_pair_list)
detected_poly = expand_poly_along_width(
detected_poly, shrink_ratio_of_width=0.2)
detected_poly[:, 0] = np.clip(
detected_poly[:, 0], a_min=0, a_max=src_w)
detected_poly[:, 1] = np.clip(
detected_poly[:, 1], a_min=0, a_max=src_h)
if len(keep_str) < 2:
detected_poly = np.round(detected_poly).astype('int32')
if self.valid_set == 'partvgg':
middle_point = len(detected_poly) // 2
detected_poly = detected_poly[
[0, middle_point - 1, middle_point, -1], :]
elif self.valid_set == 'totaltext':
print('--> Not supported format.')
data = {
'points': poly_list,
'strs': keep_str_list,
return data
......@@ -59,10 +59,10 @@ def main():
eval_class = build_metric(config['Metric'])
# start eval
metirc = program.eval(model, valid_dataloader, post_process_class,
metric = program.eval(model, valid_dataloader, post_process_class,
eval_class, use_srn)
logger.info('metric eval ***************')
for k, v in metirc.items():
for k, v in metric.items():
logger.info('{}:{}'.format(k, v))
......@@ -31,14 +31,6 @@ from ppocr.utils.logging import get_logger
from tools.program import load_config, merge_config, ArgsParser
def parse_args():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("-c", "--config", help="configuration file to use")
"-o", "--output_path", type=str, default='./output/infer/')
return parser.parse_args()
def main():
FLAGS = ArgsParser().parse_args()
config = load_config(FLAGS.config)
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