# Copyright (c) 2021 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import os import time import yaml import cv2 import numpy as np import paddle from benchmark_utils import PaddleInferBenchmark from preprocess import preprocess from tracker import DeepSORTTracker from ppdet.modeling.mot import visualization as mot_vis from ppdet.modeling.mot.utils import Timer as MOTTimer from ppdet.modeling.mot.utils import Detection from paddle.inference import Config from paddle.inference import create_predictor from utils import argsparser, Timer, get_current_memory_mb from infer import get_test_images, print_arguments, PredictConfig, Detector from mot_jde_infer import write_mot_results from infer import load_predictor # Global dictionary MOT_SUPPORT_MODELS = {'DeepSORT'} def bench_log(detector, img_list, model_info, batch_size=1, name=None): mems = { 'cpu_rss_mb': detector.cpu_mem / len(img_list), 'gpu_rss_mb': detector.gpu_mem / len(img_list), 'gpu_util': detector.gpu_util * 100 / len(img_list) } perf_info = detector.det_times.report(average=True) data_info = { 'batch_size': batch_size, 'shape': "dynamic_shape", 'data_num': perf_info['img_num'] } log = PaddleInferBenchmark(detector.config, model_info, data_info, perf_info, mems) log(name) def scale_coords(coords, input_shape, im_shape, scale_factor): im_shape = im_shape[0] ratio = scale_factor[0][0] pad_w = (input_shape[1] - int(im_shape[1])) / 2 pad_h = (input_shape[0] - int(im_shape[0])) / 2 coords[:, 0::2] -= pad_w coords[:, 1::2] -= pad_h coords[:, 0:4] /= ratio coords[:, :4] = np.clip(coords[:, :4], a_min=0, a_max=coords[:, :4].max()) return coords.round() def clip_box(xyxy, input_shape, im_shape, scale_factor): im_shape = im_shape[0] ratio = scale_factor[0][0] img0_shape = [int(im_shape[0] / ratio), int(im_shape[1] / ratio)] xyxy[:, 0::2] = np.clip(xyxy[:, 0::2], a_min=0, a_max=img0_shape[1]) xyxy[:, 1::2] = np.clip(xyxy[:, 1::2], a_min=0, a_max=img0_shape[0]) return xyxy def preprocess_reid(imgs, w=64, h=192, mean=[0.485, 0.456, 0.406], std=[0.229, 0.224, 0.225]): im_batch = [] for img in imgs: img = cv2.resize(img, (w, h)) img = img[:, :, ::-1].astype('float32').transpose((2, 0, 1)) / 255 img_mean = np.array(mean).reshape((3, 1, 1)) img_std = np.array(std).reshape((3, 1, 1)) img -= img_mean img /= img_std img = np.expand_dims(img, axis=0) im_batch.append(img) im_batch = np.concatenate(im_batch, 0) return im_batch class SDE_Detector(Detector): """ Args: pred_config (object): config of model, defined by `Config(model_dir)` model_dir (str): root path of model.pdiparams, model.pdmodel and infer_cfg.yml device (str): Choose the device you want to run, it can be: CPU/GPU/XPU, default is CPU run_mode (str): mode of running(fluid/trt_fp32/trt_fp16) trt_min_shape (int): min shape for dynamic shape in trt trt_max_shape (int): max shape for dynamic shape in trt trt_opt_shape (int): opt shape for dynamic shape in trt trt_calib_mode (bool): If the model is produced by TRT offline quantitative calibration, trt_calib_mode need to set True cpu_threads (int): cpu threads enable_mkldnn (bool): whether to open MKLDNN """ def __init__(self, pred_config, model_dir, device='CPU', run_mode='fluid', batch_size=1, trt_min_shape=1, trt_max_shape=1088, trt_opt_shape=608, trt_calib_mode=False, cpu_threads=1, enable_mkldnn=False): super(SDE_Detector, self).__init__( pred_config=pred_config, model_dir=model_dir, device=device, run_mode=run_mode, batch_size=batch_size, trt_min_shape=trt_min_shape, trt_max_shape=trt_max_shape, trt_opt_shape=trt_opt_shape, trt_calib_mode=trt_calib_mode, cpu_threads=cpu_threads, enable_mkldnn=enable_mkldnn) assert batch_size == 1, "The JDE Detector only supports batch size=1 now" def postprocess(self, boxes, input_shape, im_shape, scale_factor, threshold): pred_bboxes = scale_coords(boxes[:, 2:], input_shape, im_shape, scale_factor) pred_bboxes = clip_box(pred_bboxes, input_shape, im_shape, scale_factor) pred_scores = boxes[:, 1:2] keep_mask = pred_scores[:, 0] >= threshold return pred_bboxes[keep_mask], pred_scores[keep_mask] def predict(self, image, threshold=0.5, warmup=0, repeats=1): ''' Args: image (np.ndarray): image numpy data threshold (float): threshold of predicted box' score Returns: pred_bboxes, pred_scores (np.ndarray) ''' self.det_times.preprocess_time_s.start() inputs = self.preprocess(image) self.det_times.preprocess_time_s.end() pred_bboxes, pred_scores = None, None input_names = self.predictor.get_input_names() for i in range(len(input_names)): input_tensor = self.predictor.get_input_handle(input_names[i]) input_tensor.copy_from_cpu(inputs[input_names[i]]) for i in range(warmup): self.predictor.run() output_names = self.predictor.get_output_names() boxes_tensor = self.predictor.get_output_handle(output_names[0]) boxes = boxes_tensor.copy_to_cpu() self.det_times.inference_time_s.start() for i in range(repeats): self.predictor.run() output_names = self.predictor.get_output_names() boxes_tensor = self.predictor.get_output_handle(output_names[0]) boxes = boxes_tensor.copy_to_cpu() self.det_times.inference_time_s.end(repeats=repeats) self.det_times.postprocess_time_s.start() input_shape = inputs['image'].shape[2:] im_shape = inputs['im_shape'] scale_factor = inputs['scale_factor'] pred_bboxes, pred_scores = self.postprocess( boxes, input_shape, im_shape, scale_factor, threshold) self.det_times.postprocess_time_s.end() self.det_times.img_num += 1 return pred_bboxes, pred_scores class SDE_ReID(object): def __init__(self, pred_config, model_dir, device='CPU', run_mode='fluid', trt_min_shape=1, trt_max_shape=1088, trt_opt_shape=608, trt_calib_mode=False, cpu_threads=1, enable_mkldnn=False): self.pred_config = pred_config self.predictor, self.config = load_predictor( model_dir, run_mode=run_mode, min_subgraph_size=self.pred_config.min_subgraph_size, device=device, use_dynamic_shape=self.pred_config.use_dynamic_shape, trt_min_shape=trt_min_shape, trt_max_shape=trt_max_shape, trt_opt_shape=trt_opt_shape, trt_calib_mode=trt_calib_mode, cpu_threads=cpu_threads, enable_mkldnn=enable_mkldnn) self.det_times = Timer() self.cpu_mem, self.gpu_mem, self.gpu_util = 0, 0, 0 assert pred_config.tracker, "Tracking model should have tracker" self.tracker = DeepSORTTracker() def preprocess(self, crops): inputs = {} inputs['crops'] = np.array(crops).astype('float32') return inputs def postprocess(self, bbox_tlwh, pred_scores, features): detections = [ Detection(tlwh, score, feat) for tlwh, score, feat in zip(bbox_tlwh, pred_scores, features) ] self.tracker.predict() online_targets = self.tracker.update(detections) online_tlwhs = [] online_scores = [] online_ids = [] for track in online_targets: if not track.is_confirmed() or track.time_since_update > 1: continue online_tlwhs.append(track.to_tlwh()) online_scores.append(1.0) online_ids.append(track.track_id) return online_tlwhs, online_scores, online_ids def predict(self, crops, bbox_tlwh, pred_scores, warmup=0, repeats=1): self.det_times.preprocess_time_s.start() inputs = self.preprocess(crops) self.det_times.preprocess_time_s.end() input_names = self.predictor.get_input_names() for i in range(len(input_names)): input_tensor = self.predictor.get_input_handle(input_names[i]) input_tensor.copy_from_cpu(inputs[input_names[i]]) for i in range(warmup): self.predictor.run() output_names = self.predictor.get_output_names() feature_tensor = self.predictor.get_output_handle(output_names[0]) features = feature_tensor.copy_to_cpu() self.det_times.inference_time_s.start() for i in range(repeats): self.predictor.run() output_names = self.predictor.get_output_names() feature_tensor = self.predictor.get_output_handle(output_names[0]) features = feature_tensor.copy_to_cpu() self.det_times.inference_time_s.end(repeats=repeats) self.det_times.postprocess_time_s.start() online_tlwhs, online_scores, online_ids = self.postprocess( bbox_tlwh, pred_scores, features) self.det_times.postprocess_time_s.end() self.det_times.img_num += 1 return online_tlwhs, online_scores, online_ids def get_crops(self, xyxy, ori_img, pred_scores, w, h): self.det_times.preprocess_time_s.start() crops = [] keep_scores = [] xyxy = xyxy.astype(np.int64) ori_img = ori_img.transpose(1, 0, 2) # [h,w,3]->[w,h,3] for i, bbox in enumerate(xyxy): if bbox[2] <= bbox[0] or bbox[3] <= bbox[1]: continue crop = ori_img[bbox[0]:bbox[2], bbox[1]:bbox[3], :] crops.append(crop) keep_scores.append(pred_scores[i]) if len(crops) == 0: return [], [] crops = preprocess_reid(crops, w, h) self.det_times.preprocess_time_s.end() return crops, keep_scores def predict_image(detector, reid_model, image_list): results = [] for i, img_file in enumerate(image_list): frame = cv2.imread(img_file) if FLAGS.run_benchmark: pred_bboxes, pred_scores = detector.predict( [frame], FLAGS.threshold, warmup=10, repeats=10) cm, gm, gu = get_current_memory_mb() detector.cpu_mem += cm detector.gpu_mem += gm detector.gpu_util += gu print('Test iter {}, file name:{}'.format(i, img_file)) else: pred_bboxes, pred_scores = detector.predict([frame], FLAGS.threshold) # process bbox_tlwh = np.concatenate( (pred_bboxes[:, 0:2], pred_bboxes[:, 2:4] - pred_bboxes[:, 0:2] + 1), axis=1) crops, pred_scores = reid_model.get_crops( pred_bboxes, frame, pred_scores, w=64, h=192) if FLAGS.run_benchmark: online_tlwhs, online_scores, online_ids = reid_model.predict( crops, bbox_tlwh, pred_scores, warmup=10, repeats=10) else: online_tlwhs, online_scores, online_ids = reid_model.predict( crops, bbox_tlwh, pred_scores) online_im = mot_vis.plot_tracking( frame, online_tlwhs, online_ids, online_scores, frame_id=i) if FLAGS.save_images: if not os.path.exists(FLAGS.output_dir): os.makedirs(FLAGS.output_dir) img_name = os.path.split(img_file)[-1] out_path = os.path.join(FLAGS.output_dir, img_name) cv2.imwrite(out_path, online_im) print("save result to: " + out_path) def predict_video(detector, reid_model, camera_id): if camera_id != -1: capture = cv2.VideoCapture(camera_id) video_name = 'mot_output.mp4' else: capture = cv2.VideoCapture(FLAGS.video_file) video_name = os.path.split(FLAGS.video_file)[-1] fps = 30 frame_count = int(capture.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT)) print('frame_count', frame_count) width = int(capture.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH)) height = int(capture.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT)) # yapf: disable fourcc = cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'mp4v') # yapf: enable if not os.path.exists(FLAGS.output_dir): os.makedirs(FLAGS.output_dir) out_path = os.path.join(FLAGS.output_dir, video_name) writer = cv2.VideoWriter(out_path, fourcc, fps, (width, height)) frame_id = 0 timer = MOTTimer() results = [] while (1): ret, frame = capture.read() if not ret: break timer.tic() pred_bboxes, pred_scores = detector.predict([frame], FLAGS.threshold) timer.toc() bbox_tlwh = np.concatenate( (pred_bboxes[:, 0:2], pred_bboxes[:, 2:4] - pred_bboxes[:, 0:2] + 1), axis=1) crops, pred_scores = reid_model.get_crops( pred_bboxes, frame, pred_scores, w=64, h=192) online_tlwhs, online_scores, online_ids = reid_model.predict( crops, bbox_tlwh, pred_scores) results.append((frame_id + 1, online_tlwhs, online_scores, online_ids)) fps = 1. / timer.average_time online_im = mot_vis.plot_tracking( frame, online_tlwhs, online_ids, online_scores, frame_id=frame_id, fps=fps) if FLAGS.save_images: save_dir = os.path.join(FLAGS.output_dir, video_name.split('.')[-2]) if not os.path.exists(save_dir): os.makedirs(save_dir) cv2.imwrite( os.path.join(save_dir, '{:05d}.jpg'.format(frame_id)), online_im) frame_id += 1 print('detect frame:%d' % (frame_id)) im = np.array(online_im) writer.write(im) if camera_id != -1: cv2.imshow('Tracking Detection', im) if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'): break if FLAGS.save_mot_txts: result_filename = os.path.join(FLAGS.output_dir, video_name.split('.')[-2] + '.txt') write_mot_results(result_filename, results) writer.release() def main(): pred_config = PredictConfig(FLAGS.model_dir) detector = SDE_Detector( pred_config, FLAGS.model_dir, device=FLAGS.device, run_mode=FLAGS.run_mode, trt_min_shape=FLAGS.trt_min_shape, trt_max_shape=FLAGS.trt_max_shape, trt_opt_shape=FLAGS.trt_opt_shape, trt_calib_mode=FLAGS.trt_calib_mode, cpu_threads=FLAGS.cpu_threads, enable_mkldnn=FLAGS.enable_mkldnn) pred_config = PredictConfig(FLAGS.reid_model_dir) reid_model = SDE_ReID( pred_config, FLAGS.reid_model_dir, device=FLAGS.device, run_mode=FLAGS.run_mode, trt_min_shape=FLAGS.trt_min_shape, trt_max_shape=FLAGS.trt_max_shape, trt_opt_shape=FLAGS.trt_opt_shape, trt_calib_mode=FLAGS.trt_calib_mode, cpu_threads=FLAGS.cpu_threads, enable_mkldnn=FLAGS.enable_mkldnn) # predict from video file or camera video stream if FLAGS.video_file is not None or FLAGS.camera_id != -1: predict_video(detector, reid_model, FLAGS.camera_id) else: # predict from image img_list = get_test_images(FLAGS.image_dir, FLAGS.image_file) predict_image(detector, reid_model, img_list) if not FLAGS.run_benchmark: detector.det_times.info(average=True) reid_model.det_times.info(average=True) else: mode = FLAGS.run_mode det_model_dir = FLAGS.model_dir det_model_info = { 'model_name': det_model_dir.strip('/').split('/')[-1], 'precision': mode.split('_')[-1] } bench_log(detector, img_list, det_model_info, name='Det') reid_model_dir = FLAGS.reid_model_dir reid_model_info = { 'model_name': reid_model_dir.strip('/').split('/')[-1], 'precision': mode.split('_')[-1] } bench_log(reid_model, img_list, reid_model_info, name='ReID') if __name__ == '__main__': paddle.enable_static() parser = argsparser() FLAGS = parser.parse_args() print_arguments(FLAGS) FLAGS.device = FLAGS.device.upper() assert FLAGS.device in ['CPU', 'GPU', 'XPU' ], "device should be CPU, GPU or XPU" main()