# Copyright (c) 2019 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function import numpy as np import paddle.fluid as fluid from paddle.fluid.param_attr import ParamAttr from paddle.fluid.initializer import Normal, Constant from paddle.fluid.regularizer import L2Decay from ppdet.modeling.ops import (AnchorGenerator, RetinaTargetAssign, RetinaOutputDecoder) from ppdet.core.workspace import register __all__ = ['RetinaHead'] @register class RetinaHead(object): """ Retina Head Args: anchor_generator (object): `AnchorGenerator` instance target_assign (object): `RetinaTargetAssign` instance output_decoder (object): `RetinaOutputDecoder` instance num_convs_per_octave (int): Number of convolution layers in each octave num_chan (int): Number of octave output channels max_level (int): Highest level of FPN output min_level (int): Lowest level of FPN output prior_prob (float): Used to set the bias init for the class prediction layer base_scale (int): Anchors are generated based on this scale num_scales_per_octave (int): Number of anchor scales per octave num_classes (int): Number of classes gamma (float): The parameter in focal loss alpha (float): The parameter in focal loss sigma (float): The parameter in smooth l1 loss """ __inject__ = ['anchor_generator', 'target_assign', 'output_decoder'] __shared__ = ['num_classes'] def __init__(self, anchor_generator=AnchorGenerator().__dict__, target_assign=RetinaTargetAssign().__dict__, output_decoder=RetinaOutputDecoder().__dict__, num_convs_per_octave=4, num_chan=256, max_level=7, min_level=3, prior_prob=0.01, base_scale=4, num_scales_per_octave=3, num_classes=81, gamma=2.0, alpha=0.25, sigma=3.0151134457776365): self.anchor_generator = anchor_generator self.target_assign = target_assign self.output_decoder = output_decoder self.num_convs_per_octave = num_convs_per_octave self.num_chan = num_chan self.max_level = max_level self.min_level = min_level self.prior_prob = prior_prob self.base_scale = base_scale self.num_scales_per_octave = num_scales_per_octave self.num_classes = num_classes self.gamma = gamma self.alpha = alpha self.sigma = sigma if isinstance(anchor_generator, dict): self.anchor_generator = AnchorGenerator(**anchor_generator) if isinstance(target_assign, dict): self.target_assign = RetinaTargetAssign(**target_assign) if isinstance(output_decoder, dict): self.output_decoder = RetinaOutputDecoder(**output_decoder) def _class_subnet(self, body_feats, spatial_scale): """ Get class predictions of all level FPN level. Args: fpn_dict(dict): A dictionary represents the output of FPN with their name. spatial_scale(list): A list of multiplicative spatial scale factor. Returns: cls_pred_input(list): Class prediction of all input fpn levels. """ assert len(body_feats) == self.max_level - self.min_level + 1 fpn_name_list = list(body_feats.keys()) cls_pred_list = [] for lvl in range(self.min_level, self.max_level + 1): fpn_name = fpn_name_list[self.max_level - lvl] subnet_blob = body_feats[fpn_name] for i in range(self.num_convs_per_octave): conv_name = 'retnet_cls_conv_n{}_fpn{}'.format(i, lvl) conv_share_name = 'retnet_cls_conv_n{}_fpn{}'.format( i, self.min_level) subnet_blob_in = subnet_blob subnet_blob = fluid.layers.conv2d( input=subnet_blob_in, num_filters=self.num_chan, filter_size=3, stride=1, padding=1, act='relu', name=conv_name, param_attr=ParamAttr( name=conv_share_name + '_w', initializer=Normal( loc=0., scale=0.01)), bias_attr=ParamAttr( name=conv_share_name + '_b', learning_rate=2., regularizer=L2Decay(0.))) # class prediction cls_name = 'retnet_cls_pred_fpn{}'.format(lvl) cls_share_name = 'retnet_cls_pred_fpn{}'.format(self.min_level) num_anchors = self.num_scales_per_octave * len( self.anchor_generator.aspect_ratios) cls_dim = num_anchors * (self.num_classes - 1) # bias initialization: b = -log((1 - pai) / pai) bias_init = float(-np.log((1 - self.prior_prob) / self.prior_prob)) out_cls = fluid.layers.conv2d( input=subnet_blob, num_filters=cls_dim, filter_size=3, stride=1, padding=1, act=None, name=cls_name, param_attr=ParamAttr( name=cls_share_name + '_w', initializer=Normal( loc=0., scale=0.01)), bias_attr=ParamAttr( name=cls_share_name + '_b', initializer=Constant(value=bias_init), learning_rate=2., regularizer=L2Decay(0.))) cls_pred_list.append(out_cls) return cls_pred_list def _bbox_subnet(self, body_feats, spatial_scale): """ Get bounding box predictions of all level FPN level. Args: fpn_dict(dict): A dictionary represents the output of FPN with their name. spatial_scale(list): A list of multiplicative spatial scale factor. Returns: bbox_pred_input(list): Bounding box prediction of all input fpn levels. """ assert len(body_feats) == self.max_level - self.min_level + 1 fpn_name_list = list(body_feats.keys()) bbox_pred_list = [] for lvl in range(self.min_level, self.max_level + 1): fpn_name = fpn_name_list[self.max_level - lvl] subnet_blob = body_feats[fpn_name] for i in range(self.num_convs_per_octave): conv_name = 'retnet_bbox_conv_n{}_fpn{}'.format(i, lvl) conv_share_name = 'retnet_bbox_conv_n{}_fpn{}'.format( i, self.min_level) subnet_blob_in = subnet_blob subnet_blob = fluid.layers.conv2d( input=subnet_blob_in, num_filters=self.num_chan, filter_size=3, stride=1, padding=1, act='relu', name=conv_name, param_attr=ParamAttr( name=conv_share_name + '_w', initializer=Normal( loc=0., scale=0.01)), bias_attr=ParamAttr( name=conv_share_name + '_b', learning_rate=2., regularizer=L2Decay(0.))) # bbox prediction bbox_name = 'retnet_bbox_pred_fpn{}'.format(lvl) bbox_share_name = 'retnet_bbox_pred_fpn{}'.format(self.min_level) num_anchors = self.num_scales_per_octave * len( self.anchor_generator.aspect_ratios) bbox_dim = num_anchors * 4 out_bbox = fluid.layers.conv2d( input=subnet_blob, num_filters=bbox_dim, filter_size=3, stride=1, padding=1, act=None, name=bbox_name, param_attr=ParamAttr( name=bbox_share_name + '_w', initializer=Normal( loc=0., scale=0.01)), bias_attr=ParamAttr( name=bbox_share_name + '_b', learning_rate=2., regularizer=L2Decay(0.))) bbox_pred_list.append(out_bbox) return bbox_pred_list def _anchor_generate(self, body_feats, spatial_scale): """ Get anchor boxes of all level FPN level. Args: fpn_dict(dict): A dictionary represents the output of FPN with their name. spatial_scale(list): A list of multiplicative spatial scale factor. Return: anchor_input(list): Anchors of all input fpn levels with shape of. anchor_var_input(list): Anchor variance of all input fpn levels with shape. """ assert len(body_feats) == self.max_level - self.min_level + 1 fpn_name_list = list(body_feats.keys()) anchor_list = [] anchor_var_list = [] for lvl in range(self.min_level, self.max_level + 1): anchor_sizes = [] stride = int(1 / spatial_scale[self.max_level - lvl]) for octave in range(self.num_scales_per_octave): anchor_size = stride * ( 2**(float(octave) / float(self.num_scales_per_octave))) * self.base_scale anchor_sizes.append(anchor_size) fpn_name = fpn_name_list[self.max_level - lvl] anchor, anchor_var = self.anchor_generator( input=body_feats[fpn_name], anchor_sizes=anchor_sizes, aspect_ratios=self.anchor_generator.aspect_ratios, stride=[stride, stride]) anchor_list.append(anchor) anchor_var_list.append(anchor_var) return anchor_list, anchor_var_list def _get_output(self, body_feats, spatial_scale): """ Get class, bounding box predictions and anchor boxes of all level FPN level. Args: fpn_dict(dict): A dictionary represents the output of FPN with their name. spatial_scale(list): A list of multiplicative spatial scale factor. Returns: cls_pred_input(list): Class prediction of all input fpn levels. bbox_pred_input(list): Bounding box prediction of all input fpn levels. anchor_input(list): Anchors of all input fpn levels with shape of. anchor_var_input(list): Anchor variance of all input fpn levels with shape. """ assert len(body_feats) == self.max_level - self.min_level + 1 # class subnet cls_pred_list = self._class_subnet(body_feats, spatial_scale) # bbox subnet bbox_pred_list = self._bbox_subnet(body_feats, spatial_scale) #generate anchors anchor_list, anchor_var_list = self._anchor_generate(body_feats, spatial_scale) cls_pred_reshape_list = [] bbox_pred_reshape_list = [] anchor_reshape_list = [] anchor_var_reshape_list = [] for i in range(self.max_level - self.min_level + 1): cls_pred_transpose = fluid.layers.transpose( cls_pred_list[i], perm=[0, 2, 3, 1]) cls_pred_reshape = fluid.layers.reshape( cls_pred_transpose, shape=(0, -1, self.num_classes - 1)) bbox_pred_transpose = fluid.layers.transpose( bbox_pred_list[i], perm=[0, 2, 3, 1]) bbox_pred_reshape = fluid.layers.reshape( bbox_pred_transpose, shape=(0, -1, 4)) anchor_reshape = fluid.layers.reshape(anchor_list[i], shape=(-1, 4)) anchor_var_reshape = fluid.layers.reshape( anchor_var_list[i], shape=(-1, 4)) cls_pred_reshape_list.append(cls_pred_reshape) bbox_pred_reshape_list.append(bbox_pred_reshape) anchor_reshape_list.append(anchor_reshape) anchor_var_reshape_list.append(anchor_var_reshape) output = {} output['cls_pred'] = cls_pred_reshape_list output['bbox_pred'] = bbox_pred_reshape_list output['anchor'] = anchor_reshape_list output['anchor_var'] = anchor_var_reshape_list return output def get_prediction(self, body_feats, spatial_scale, im_info): """ Get prediction bounding box in test stage. Args: fpn_dict(dict): A dictionary represents the output of FPN with their name. spatial_scale(list): A list of multiplicative spatial scale factor. im_info (Variable): A 2-D LoDTensor with shape [B, 3]. B is the number of input images, each element consists of im_height, im_width, im_scale. Returns: pred_result(Variable): Prediction result with shape [N, 6]. Each row has 6 values: [label, confidence, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax]. N is the total number of prediction. """ output = self._get_output(body_feats, spatial_scale) cls_pred_reshape_list = output['cls_pred'] bbox_pred_reshape_list = output['bbox_pred'] anchor_reshape_list = output['anchor'] for i in range(self.max_level - self.min_level + 1): cls_pred_reshape_list[i] = fluid.layers.sigmoid( cls_pred_reshape_list[i]) pred_result = self.output_decoder( bboxes=bbox_pred_reshape_list, scores=cls_pred_reshape_list, anchors=anchor_reshape_list, im_info=im_info) return {'bbox': pred_result} def get_loss(self, body_feats, spatial_scale, im_info, gt_box, gt_label, is_crowd): """ Calculate the loss of retinanet. Args: fpn_dict(dict): A dictionary represents the output of FPN with their name. spatial_scale(list): A list of multiplicative spatial scale factor. im_info(Variable): A 2-D LoDTensor with shape [B, 3]. B is the number of input images, each element consists of im_height, im_width, im_scale. gt_box(Variable): The ground-truth bounding boxes with shape [M, 4]. M is the number of groundtruth. gt_label(Variable): The ground-truth labels with shape [M, 1]. M is the number of groundtruth. is_crowd(Variable): Indicates groud-truth is crowd or not with shape [M, 1]. M is the number of groundtruth. Returns: Type: dict loss_cls(Variable): focal loss. loss_bbox(Variable): smooth l1 loss. """ output = self._get_output(body_feats, spatial_scale) cls_pred_reshape_list = output['cls_pred'] bbox_pred_reshape_list = output['bbox_pred'] anchor_reshape_list = output['anchor'] anchor_var_reshape_list = output['anchor_var'] cls_pred_input = fluid.layers.concat(cls_pred_reshape_list, axis=1) bbox_pred_input = fluid.layers.concat(bbox_pred_reshape_list, axis=1) anchor_input = fluid.layers.concat(anchor_reshape_list, axis=0) anchor_var_input = fluid.layers.concat(anchor_var_reshape_list, axis=0) score_pred, loc_pred, score_tgt, loc_tgt, bbox_weight, fg_num = \ self.target_assign( bbox_pred=bbox_pred_input, cls_logits=cls_pred_input, anchor_box=anchor_input, anchor_var=anchor_var_input, gt_boxes=gt_box, gt_labels=gt_label, is_crowd=is_crowd, im_info=im_info, num_classes=self.num_classes - 1) fg_num = fluid.layers.reduce_sum(fg_num, name='fg_num') score_tgt = fluid.layers.cast(score_tgt, 'int32') loss_cls = fluid.layers.sigmoid_focal_loss( x=score_pred, label=score_tgt, fg_num=fg_num, gamma=self.gamma, alpha=self.alpha) loss_cls = fluid.layers.reduce_sum(loss_cls, name='loss_cls') loss_bbox = fluid.layers.smooth_l1( x=loc_pred, y=loc_tgt, sigma=self.sigma, inside_weight=bbox_weight, outside_weight=bbox_weight) loss_bbox = fluid.layers.reduce_sum(loss_bbox, name='loss_bbox') loss_bbox = loss_bbox / fg_num return {'loss_cls': loss_cls, 'loss_bbox': loss_bbox}