# Copyright (c) 2021 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """ This code is the paddle implementation of MobileOne block, see: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2206.04040.pdf. Some codes are based on https://github.com/DingXiaoH/RepVGG/blob/main/repvgg.py Ths copyright of microsoft/Swin-Transformer is as follows: MIT License [see LICENSE for details] """ import paddle import paddle.nn as nn from paddle import ParamAttr from paddle.regularizer import L2Decay from paddle.nn.initializer import Normal from ppdet.modeling.ops import get_act_fn from ppdet.modeling.layers import ConvNormLayer class MobileOneBlock(nn.Layer): def __init__( self, ch_in, ch_out, stride, kernel_size, conv_num=1, norm_type='bn', norm_decay=0., norm_groups=32, bias_on=False, lr_scale=1., freeze_norm=False, initializer=Normal( mean=0., std=0.01), skip_quant=False, act='relu', ): super(MobileOneBlock, self).__init__() self.ch_in = ch_in self.ch_out = ch_out self.kernel_size = kernel_size self.stride = stride self.padding = (kernel_size - 1) // 2 self.k = conv_num self.depth_conv = nn.LayerList() self.point_conv = nn.LayerList() for i in range(self.k): if i > 0: stride = 1 self.depth_conv.append( ConvNormLayer( ch_in, ch_in, kernel_size, stride=stride, groups=ch_in, norm_type=norm_type, norm_decay=norm_decay, norm_groups=norm_groups, bias_on=bias_on, lr_scale=lr_scale, freeze_norm=freeze_norm, initializer=initializer, skip_quant=skip_quant)) self.point_conv.append( ConvNormLayer( ch_in, ch_out, 1, stride=1, groups=1, norm_type=norm_type, norm_decay=norm_decay, norm_groups=norm_groups, bias_on=bias_on, lr_scale=lr_scale, freeze_norm=freeze_norm, initializer=initializer, skip_quant=skip_quant)) self.rbr_1x1 = ConvNormLayer( ch_in, ch_in, 1, stride=self.stride, groups=ch_in, norm_type=norm_type, norm_decay=norm_decay, norm_groups=norm_groups, bias_on=bias_on, lr_scale=lr_scale, freeze_norm=freeze_norm, initializer=initializer, skip_quant=skip_quant) self.rbr_identity_st1 = nn.BatchNorm2D( num_features=ch_in, weight_attr=ParamAttr(regularizer=L2Decay(0.0)), bias_attr=ParamAttr(regularizer=L2Decay( 0.0))) if ch_in == ch_out and self.stride == 1 else None self.rbr_identity_st2 = nn.BatchNorm2D( num_features=ch_out, weight_attr=ParamAttr(regularizer=L2Decay(0.0)), bias_attr=ParamAttr(regularizer=L2Decay(0.0))) self.act = get_act_fn(act) if act is None or isinstance(act, ( str, dict)) else act def forward(self, x): if hasattr(self, "conv1") and hasattr(self, "conv2"): y = self.act(self.conv2(self.act(self.conv1(x)))) else: if self.rbr_identity_st1 is None: id_out_st1 = 0 else: id_out_st1 = self.rbr_identity_st1(x) x1_1 = x.clone() for i in range(self.k): x1_1 = self.depth_conv[i](x1_1) x1_2 = self.rbr_1x1(x) x1 = self.act(x1_1 + x1_2 + id_out_st1) if self.rbr_identity_st2 is None: id_out_st2 = 0 else: id_out_st2 = self.rbr_identity_st2(x1) x2_1 = x1.clone() for i in range(self.k): x2_1 = self.point_conv[i](x2_1) y = self.act(x2_1 + id_out_st2) return y def convert_to_deploy(self): if not hasattr(self, 'conv1'): self.conv1 = nn.Conv2D( in_channels=self.ch_in, out_channels=self.ch_in, kernel_size=self.kernel_size, stride=self.stride, padding=self.padding, groups=self.ch_in) if not hasattr(self, 'conv2'): self.conv2 = nn.Conv2D( in_channels=self.ch_in, out_channels=self.ch_out, kernel_size=1, stride=1, padding='SAME', groups=1) conv1_kernel, conv1_bias, conv2_kernel, conv2_bias = self.get_equivalent_kernel_bias( ) self.conv1.weight.set_value(conv1_kernel) self.conv1.bias.set_value(conv1_bias) self.conv2.weight.set_value(conv2_kernel) self.conv2.bias.set_value(conv2_bias) self.__delattr__('depth_conv') self.__delattr__('point_conv') self.__delattr__('rbr_1x1') if hasattr(self, 'rbr_identity_st1'): self.__delattr__('rbr_identity_st1') if hasattr(self, 'rbr_identity_st2'): self.__delattr__('rbr_identity_st2') if hasattr(self, 'id_tensor'): self.__delattr__('id_tensor') def get_equivalent_kernel_bias(self): st1_kernel3x3, st1_bias3x3 = self._fuse_bn_tensor(self.depth_conv) st1_kernel1x1, st1_bias1x1 = self._fuse_bn_tensor(self.rbr_1x1) st1_kernelid, st1_biasid = self._fuse_bn_tensor( self.rbr_identity_st1, kernel_size=self.kernel_size) st2_kernel1x1, st2_bias1x1 = self._fuse_bn_tensor(self.point_conv) st2_kernelid, st2_biasid = self._fuse_bn_tensor( self.rbr_identity_st2, kernel_size=1) conv1_kernel = st1_kernel3x3 + self._pad_1x1_to_3x3_tensor( st1_kernel1x1) + st1_kernelid conv1_bias = st1_bias3x3 + st1_bias1x1 + st1_biasid conv2_kernel = st2_kernel1x1 + st2_kernelid conv2_bias = st2_bias1x1 + st2_biasid return conv1_kernel, conv1_bias, conv2_kernel, conv2_bias def _pad_1x1_to_3x3_tensor(self, kernel1x1): if kernel1x1 is None: return 0 else: padding_size = (self.kernel_size - 1) // 2 return nn.functional.pad( kernel1x1, [padding_size, padding_size, padding_size, padding_size]) def _fuse_bn_tensor(self, branch, kernel_size=3): if branch is None: return 0, 0 if isinstance(branch, nn.LayerList): kernel = 0 running_mean = 0 running_var = 0 gamma = 0 beta = 0 eps = 0 for block in branch: kernel += block.conv.weight running_mean += block.norm._mean running_var += block.norm._variance gamma += block.norm.weight beta += block.norm.bias eps += block.norm._epsilon kernel /= len(branch) running_mean /= len(branch) running_var /= len(branch) gamma /= len(branch) beta /= len(branch) eps /= len(branch) elif isinstance(branch, ConvNormLayer): kernel = branch.conv.weight running_mean = branch.norm._mean running_var = branch.norm._variance gamma = branch.norm.weight beta = branch.norm.bias eps = branch.norm._epsilon else: assert isinstance(branch, nn.BatchNorm2D) input_dim = self.ch_in if kernel_size == 1 else 1 kernel_value = paddle.zeros( shape=[self.ch_in, input_dim, kernel_size, kernel_size], dtype='float32') if kernel_size > 1: for i in range(self.ch_in): kernel_value[i, i % input_dim, 1, 1] = 1 elif kernel_size == 1: for i in range(self.ch_in): kernel_value[i, i % input_dim, 0, 0] = 1 else: raise ValueError("Invalid kernel size recieved!") kernel = paddle.to_tensor(kernel_value, place=branch.weight.place) running_mean = branch._mean running_var = branch._variance gamma = branch.weight beta = branch.bias eps = branch._epsilon std = (running_var + eps).sqrt() t = (gamma / std).reshape((-1, 1, 1, 1)) return kernel * t, beta - running_mean * gamma / std