/* Copyright (c) 2018 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #pragma once #include "paddle/fluid/operators/jit/macro.h" #include "paddle/fluid/platform/macros.h" namespace paddle { namespace operators { namespace jit { typedef enum { non_kernel = 0, vmul = 1, vadd = 2, vaddrelu, vsub, vscal, vaddbias, vrelu, videntity, vexp, vsigmoid, vtanh, lstmctht, lstmc1h1, gruh1, gruhtpart1, gruhtpart2, crfdecoding, layernorm, nchw16cmulnc, } KernelType; template struct XYZNTuples { typedef T data_type; typedef int attr_type; typedef void (*func_type)(const T*, const T*, T*, int); }; template struct AXYNTuples : public XYZNTuples {}; template struct XYNTuples { typedef T data_type; typedef int attr_type; typedef void (*func_type)(const T*, T*, int); }; typedef struct { void* gates; // gates: x_ch, x_ih, x_fh, x_oh const void* ct_1; void* ct; void* ht; /* weight_peephole and checked data are only used in peephole*/ const void* wp{nullptr}; // W_ic, W_fc, W_oc void* checked{nullptr}; // size: 2 * d } lstm_t; typedef struct { void* gates; // gates: {x_update, x_reset; x_state} const void* ht_1; void* ht; } gru_t; struct rnn_attr_s { int d; KernelType act_gate, act_cand; rnn_attr_s() = default; explicit rnn_attr_s(int _d, KernelType _act_gate, KernelType _act_cand) : d(_d), act_gate(_act_gate), act_cand(_act_cand) {} }; struct lstm_attr_s : public rnn_attr_s { bool use_peephole; KernelType act_cell; lstm_attr_s() = default; explicit lstm_attr_s(int _d, KernelType _act_gate, KernelType _act_cand, KernelType _act_cell, bool _use_peephole = false) : rnn_attr_s(_d, _act_gate, _act_cand), use_peephole(_use_peephole), act_cell(_act_cell) {} }; typedef struct rnn_attr_s gru_attr_t; typedef struct lstm_attr_s lstm_attr_t; template struct LSTMTuples { typedef T data_type; typedef lstm_attr_t attr_type; typedef void (*func_type)(lstm_t*, const lstm_attr_t*); }; template struct GRUTuples { typedef T data_type; typedef gru_attr_t attr_type; typedef void (*func_type)(gru_t*, const gru_attr_t*); }; template struct CRFDecodingTuples { typedef T data_type; typedef int attr_type; typedef void (*func_type)(const int, const T*, const T*, T*, int*, int); }; template struct LayerNormTuples { typedef T data_type; typedef int attr_type; typedef void (*func_type)(T*, T*, T*, T*, const T*, const T*, int, const float, int); }; // nChw16c = nChw16c .* NC template struct NCHW16CMulNCTuples { typedef T data_type; typedef int attr_type; typedef void (*func_type)(const T*, const T*, T*, int, int); }; // Just for adding to kernel pool without template class Kernel { public: Kernel() = default; virtual ~Kernel() = default; DISABLE_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(Kernel); }; template class KernelImpl : public Kernel { // TODO(TJ): rename KernelImpl to KernelMore which seems only used in more // and add name interface for more implements easy for debug using T = typename KernelTuples::data_type; using Func = typename KernelTuples::func_type; using Attr = typename KernelTuples::attr_type; public: virtual Func GetFunc() const { return func; } virtual bool UseMe(Attr attr) const = 0; protected: Func func{nullptr}; }; template class ReferKernel : public KernelImpl { public: // Refer code can always be used bool UseMe(typename KernelTuples::attr_type attr) const override { return true; } }; } // namespace jit } // namespace operators } // namespace paddle