# Design Doc: Parameter Server
## Abstract
We propose an approach to implement the parameter server. In this
approach, there is no fundamental difference between the trainer and
the parameter server: they both run subgraphs, but subgraphs of
different purposes.
## Background
The previous implementations of the parameter server do not run a
fluid sub-program. Parameter initialization, optimizer computation, network
communication and checkpointing are implemented twice on both the
trainer as well as the parameter server.
It would be great if we can write code once and use them on both: the
trainer and the parameter server, since this reduces code duplication and
improves extensibility. Given that after the current refactoring, we are
representing everything as a computation graph on the
trainer. Representing everything as a computation graph on the parameter
server becomes a natural extension.
## Design
### Distributed Transpiler
The *Distributed Transpiler* converts the user-defined fluid program
into sub-programs to be scheduled on different nodes with the following
1. OP placement: the OPs will be placed on different nodes according
to a heuristic that minimizes the estimated total computation
time. Currently we will use a simple heuristic that puts parameter
variable on parameter server workers and everything else on trainer
1. Add communication OPs to enable the communication between nodes.
We will need these OPs: *Send*, *Recv*, *Enqueue*, *Dequeue*.
Below is an example of converting the user defined graph to the
subgraphs for the trainer and the parameter server:
After converting:
1. The parameter variable W and its optimizer program are placed on the parameter server.
1. Operators are added to the program.
- *Send* sends data to the connected *Recv* operator. The
scheduler on the receive node will only schedule *Recv* operator
to run when the *Send* operator has ran (the *Send* OP will mark
the *Recv* OP runnable automatically).
- *Enqueue* enqueues the input variable, it can block until space
become available in the queue.
- *Dequeue* outputs configurable numbers of tensors from the
queue. It will block until the queue has the required number of
### Sparse Update
For embedding layers, the gradient may have many rows containing only 0 when training,
if the gradient uses a dense tensor to do parameter optimization,
it could spend unnecessary memory, slow down the calculations and waste
the bandwidth while doing distributed training.
In Fluid, we introduce [SelectedRows](../modules/selected_rows.md) to represent a list of rows containing
non-zero gradient data. So when we do parameter optimization both locally and remotely,
we only need to send those non-zero rows to the optimizer operators:
### Benefits
- Model parallelism becomes easier to implement: it is an extension to
the trainer - parameter server approach. We can have several "Transpilers"
to achieve different goals.
- User-defined optimizer is easier to add - user can now express it as
a sub-program.
- No more duplication logic inside the trainer and the parameter
server mentioned in the background section.
### Challenges
- It is important to balance the parameter shards on multiple
parameter servers. If a single parameter is very big (for example: some
word-embedding, fully connected, softmax layer), we need to
automatically partition the single parameter onto different
parameter servers when possible (only element-wise optimizer depends
on the parameter variable).
- In the "Async SGD" figure, the "W" variable on the parameter server
could be read and written concurrently. See
[here](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/Paddle/pull/6394) for more
details about concurrent program in Fluid.
### Discussion
- Can the Enqueue OP be implemented under our current tensor design
(put the input tensor into the queue tensor)?
- *Dequeue* OP will have variable numbers of output (depending on the
`min_count` attribute), does our current design support it? (similar
question for the *Add* OP)
### References
[1] [TensorFlow: Large-Scale Machine Learning on Heterogeneous Distributed Systems](https://static.googleusercontent.com/media/research.google.com/en//pubs/archive/45166.pdf)