# Copyright (c) 2021 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function import os import copy import sys import math from collections import defaultdict import numpy as np from ppdet.modeling.bbox_utils import bbox_iou_np_expand from .map_utils import ap_per_class from .metrics import Metric from .munkres import Munkres from ppdet.utils.logger import setup_logger logger = setup_logger(__name__) __all__ = ['MOTEvaluator', 'MOTMetric', 'JDEDetMetric', 'KITTIMOTMetric'] def read_mot_results(filename, is_gt=False, is_ignore=False): valid_label = [1] ignore_labels = [2, 7, 8, 12] # only in motchallenge datasets like 'MOT16' logger.info("In MOT16/17 dataset the valid_label of ground truth is '{}', " "in other dataset it should be '0' for single classs MOT.".format(valid_label[0])) results_dict = dict() if os.path.isfile(filename): with open(filename, 'r') as f: for line in f.readlines(): linelist = line.split(',') if len(linelist) < 7: continue fid = int(linelist[0]) if fid < 1: continue results_dict.setdefault(fid, list()) if is_gt: label = int(float(linelist[7])) mark = int(float(linelist[6])) if mark == 0 or label not in valid_label: continue score = 1 elif is_ignore: if 'MOT16-' in filename or 'MOT17-' in filename or 'MOT15-' in filename or 'MOT20-' in filename: label = int(float(linelist[7])) vis_ratio = float(linelist[8]) if label not in ignore_labels and vis_ratio >= 0: continue else: continue score = 1 else: score = float(linelist[6]) tlwh = tuple(map(float, linelist[2:6])) target_id = int(linelist[1]) results_dict[fid].append((tlwh, target_id, score)) return results_dict """ MOT dataset label list, see in https://motchallenge.net labels={'ped', ... % 1 'person_on_vhcl', ... % 2 'car', ... % 3 'bicycle', ... % 4 'mbike', ... % 5 'non_mot_vhcl', ... % 6 'static_person', ... % 7 'distractor', ... % 8 'occluder', ... % 9 'occluder_on_grnd', ... % 10 'occluder_full', ... % 11 'reflection', ... % 12 'crowd' ... % 13 }; """ def unzip_objs(objs): if len(objs) > 0: tlwhs, ids, scores = zip(*objs) else: tlwhs, ids, scores = [], [], [] tlwhs = np.asarray(tlwhs, dtype=float).reshape(-1, 4) return tlwhs, ids, scores class MOTEvaluator(object): def __init__(self, data_root, seq_name, data_type): self.data_root = data_root self.seq_name = seq_name self.data_type = data_type self.load_annotations() self.reset_accumulator() def load_annotations(self): assert self.data_type == 'mot' gt_filename = os.path.join(self.data_root, self.seq_name, 'gt', 'gt.txt') if not os.path.exists(gt_filename): logger.warning("gt_filename '{}' of MOTEvaluator is not exist, so the MOTA will be -inf.") self.gt_frame_dict = read_mot_results(gt_filename, is_gt=True) self.gt_ignore_frame_dict = read_mot_results( gt_filename, is_ignore=True) def reset_accumulator(self): import motmetrics as mm mm.lap.default_solver = 'lap' self.acc = mm.MOTAccumulator(auto_id=True) def eval_frame(self, frame_id, trk_tlwhs, trk_ids, rtn_events=False): import motmetrics as mm mm.lap.default_solver = 'lap' # results trk_tlwhs = np.copy(trk_tlwhs) trk_ids = np.copy(trk_ids) # gts gt_objs = self.gt_frame_dict.get(frame_id, []) gt_tlwhs, gt_ids = unzip_objs(gt_objs)[:2] # ignore boxes ignore_objs = self.gt_ignore_frame_dict.get(frame_id, []) ignore_tlwhs = unzip_objs(ignore_objs)[0] # remove ignored results keep = np.ones(len(trk_tlwhs), dtype=bool) iou_distance = mm.distances.iou_matrix( ignore_tlwhs, trk_tlwhs, max_iou=0.5) if len(iou_distance) > 0: match_is, match_js = mm.lap.linear_sum_assignment(iou_distance) match_is, match_js = map(lambda a: np.asarray(a, dtype=int), [match_is, match_js]) match_ious = iou_distance[match_is, match_js] match_js = np.asarray(match_js, dtype=int) match_js = match_js[np.logical_not(np.isnan(match_ious))] keep[match_js] = False trk_tlwhs = trk_tlwhs[keep] trk_ids = trk_ids[keep] # get distance matrix iou_distance = mm.distances.iou_matrix(gt_tlwhs, trk_tlwhs, max_iou=0.5) # acc self.acc.update(gt_ids, trk_ids, iou_distance) if rtn_events and iou_distance.size > 0 and hasattr(self.acc, 'last_mot_events'): events = self.acc.last_mot_events # only supported by https://github.com/longcw/py-motmetrics else: events = None return events def eval_file(self, filename): self.reset_accumulator() result_frame_dict = read_mot_results(filename, is_gt=False) frames = sorted(list(set(result_frame_dict.keys()))) for frame_id in frames: trk_objs = result_frame_dict.get(frame_id, []) trk_tlwhs, trk_ids = unzip_objs(trk_objs)[:2] self.eval_frame(frame_id, trk_tlwhs, trk_ids, rtn_events=False) return self.acc @staticmethod def get_summary(accs, names, metrics=('mota', 'num_switches', 'idp', 'idr', 'idf1', 'precision', 'recall')): import motmetrics as mm mm.lap.default_solver = 'lap' names = copy.deepcopy(names) if metrics is None: metrics = mm.metrics.motchallenge_metrics metrics = copy.deepcopy(metrics) mh = mm.metrics.create() summary = mh.compute_many( accs, metrics=metrics, names=names, generate_overall=True) return summary @staticmethod def save_summary(summary, filename): import pandas as pd writer = pd.ExcelWriter(filename) summary.to_excel(writer) writer.save() class MOTMetric(Metric): def __init__(self, save_summary=False): self.save_summary = save_summary self.MOTEvaluator = MOTEvaluator self.result_root = None self.reset() def reset(self): self.accs = [] self.seqs = [] def update(self, data_root, seq, data_type, result_root, result_filename): evaluator = self.MOTEvaluator(data_root, seq, data_type) self.accs.append(evaluator.eval_file(result_filename)) self.seqs.append(seq) self.result_root = result_root def accumulate(self): import motmetrics as mm import openpyxl metrics = mm.metrics.motchallenge_metrics mh = mm.metrics.create() summary = self.MOTEvaluator.get_summary(self.accs, self.seqs, metrics) self.strsummary = mm.io.render_summary( summary, formatters=mh.formatters, namemap=mm.io.motchallenge_metric_names) if self.save_summary: self.MOTEvaluator.save_summary( summary, os.path.join(self.result_root, 'summary.xlsx')) def log(self): print(self.strsummary) def get_results(self): return self.strsummary class JDEDetMetric(Metric): # Note this detection AP metric is different from COCOMetric or VOCMetric, # and the bboxes coordinates are not scaled to the original image def __init__(self, overlap_thresh=0.5): self.overlap_thresh = overlap_thresh self.reset() def reset(self): self.AP_accum = np.zeros(1) self.AP_accum_count = np.zeros(1) def update(self, inputs, outputs): bboxes = outputs['bbox'][:, 2:].numpy() scores = outputs['bbox'][:, 1].numpy() labels = outputs['bbox'][:, 0].numpy() bbox_lengths = outputs['bbox_num'].numpy() if bboxes.shape[0] == 1 and bboxes.sum() == 0.0: return gt_boxes = inputs['gt_bbox'].numpy()[0] gt_labels = inputs['gt_class'].numpy()[0] if gt_labels.shape[0] == 0: return correct = [] detected = [] for i in range(bboxes.shape[0]): obj_pred = 0 pred_bbox = bboxes[i].reshape(1, 4) # Compute iou with target boxes iou = bbox_iou_np_expand(pred_bbox, gt_boxes, x1y1x2y2=True)[0] # Extract index of largest overlap best_i = np.argmax(iou) # If overlap exceeds threshold and classification is correct mark as correct if iou[best_i] > self.overlap_thresh and obj_pred == gt_labels[ best_i] and best_i not in detected: correct.append(1) detected.append(best_i) else: correct.append(0) # Compute Average Precision (AP) per class target_cls = list(gt_labels.T[0]) AP, AP_class, R, P = ap_per_class( tp=correct, conf=scores, pred_cls=np.zeros_like(scores), target_cls=target_cls) self.AP_accum_count += np.bincount(AP_class, minlength=1) self.AP_accum += np.bincount(AP_class, minlength=1, weights=AP) def accumulate(self): logger.info("Accumulating evaluatation results...") self.map_stat = self.AP_accum[0] / (self.AP_accum_count[0] + 1E-16) def log(self): map_stat = 100. * self.map_stat logger.info("mAP({:.2f}) = {:.2f}%".format(self.overlap_thresh, map_stat)) def get_results(self): return self.map_stat """ Following code is borrow from https://github.com/xingyizhou/CenterTrack/blob/master/src/tools/eval_kitti_track/evaluate_tracking.py """ class tData: """ Utility class to load data. """ def __init__(self,frame=-1,obj_type="unset",truncation=-1,occlusion=-1,\ obs_angle=-10,x1=-1,y1=-1,x2=-1,y2=-1,w=-1,h=-1,l=-1,\ X=-1000,Y=-1000,Z=-1000,yaw=-10,score=-1000,track_id=-1): """ Constructor, initializes the object given the parameters. """ self.frame = frame self.track_id = track_id self.obj_type = obj_type self.truncation = truncation self.occlusion = occlusion self.obs_angle = obs_angle self.x1 = x1 self.y1 = y1 self.x2 = x2 self.y2 = y2 self.w = w self.h = h self.l = l self.X = X self.Y = Y self.Z = Z self.yaw = yaw self.score = score self.ignored = False self.valid = False self.tracker = -1 def __str__(self): attrs = vars(self) return '\n'.join("%s: %s" % item for item in attrs.items()) class KITTIEvaluation(object): """ KITTI tracking statistics (CLEAR MOT, id-switches, fragments, ML/PT/MT, precision/recall) MOTA - Multi-object tracking accuracy in [0,100] MOTP - Multi-object tracking precision in [0,100] (3D) / [td,100] (2D) MOTAL - Multi-object tracking accuracy in [0,100] with log10(id-switches) id-switches - number of id switches fragments - number of fragmentations MT, PT, ML - number of mostly tracked, partially tracked and mostly lost trajectories recall - recall = percentage of detected targets precision - precision = percentage of correctly detected targets FAR - number of false alarms per frame falsepositives - number of false positives (FP) missed - number of missed targets (FN) """ def __init__(self, result_path, gt_path, min_overlap=0.5, max_truncation = 0,\ min_height = 25, max_occlusion = 2, cls="car",\ n_frames=[], seqs=[], n_sequences=0): # get number of sequences and # get number of frames per sequence from test mapping # (created while extracting the benchmark) self.gt_path = os.path.join(gt_path, "../labels") self.n_frames = n_frames self.sequence_name = seqs self.n_sequences = n_sequences self.cls = cls # class to evaluate, i.e. pedestrian or car self.result_path = result_path # statistics and numbers for evaluation self.n_gt = 0 # number of ground truth detections minus ignored false negatives and true positives self.n_igt = 0 # number of ignored ground truth detections self.n_gts = [ ] # number of ground truth detections minus ignored false negatives and true positives PER SEQUENCE self.n_igts = [ ] # number of ground ignored truth detections PER SEQUENCE self.n_gt_trajectories = 0 self.n_gt_seq = [] self.n_tr = 0 # number of tracker detections minus ignored tracker detections self.n_trs = [ ] # number of tracker detections minus ignored tracker detections PER SEQUENCE self.n_itr = 0 # number of ignored tracker detections self.n_itrs = [] # number of ignored tracker detections PER SEQUENCE self.n_igttr = 0 # number of ignored ground truth detections where the corresponding associated tracker detection is also ignored self.n_tr_trajectories = 0 self.n_tr_seq = [] self.MOTA = 0 self.MOTP = 0 self.MOTAL = 0 self.MODA = 0 self.MODP = 0 self.MODP_t = [] self.recall = 0 self.precision = 0 self.F1 = 0 self.FAR = 0 self.total_cost = 0 self.itp = 0 # number of ignored true positives self.itps = [] # number of ignored true positives PER SEQUENCE self.tp = 0 # number of true positives including ignored true positives! self.tps = [ ] # number of true positives including ignored true positives PER SEQUENCE self.fn = 0 # number of false negatives WITHOUT ignored false negatives self.fns = [ ] # number of false negatives WITHOUT ignored false negatives PER SEQUENCE self.ifn = 0 # number of ignored false negatives self.ifns = [] # number of ignored false negatives PER SEQUENCE self.fp = 0 # number of false positives # a bit tricky, the number of ignored false negatives and ignored true positives # is subtracted, but if both tracker detection and ground truth detection # are ignored this number is added again to avoid double counting self.fps = [] # above PER SEQUENCE self.mme = 0 self.fragments = 0 self.id_switches = 0 self.MT = 0 self.PT = 0 self.ML = 0 self.min_overlap = min_overlap # minimum bounding box overlap for 3rd party metrics self.max_truncation = max_truncation # maximum truncation of an object for evaluation self.max_occlusion = max_occlusion # maximum occlusion of an object for evaluation self.min_height = min_height # minimum height of an object for evaluation self.n_sample_points = 500 # this should be enough to hold all groundtruth trajectories # is expanded if necessary and reduced in any case self.gt_trajectories = [[] for x in range(self.n_sequences)] self.ign_trajectories = [[] for x in range(self.n_sequences)] def loadGroundtruth(self): try: self._loadData(self.gt_path, cls=self.cls, loading_groundtruth=True) except IOError: return False return True def loadTracker(self): try: if not self._loadData( self.result_path, cls=self.cls, loading_groundtruth=False): return False except IOError: return False return True def _loadData(self, root_dir, cls, min_score=-1000, loading_groundtruth=False): """ Generic loader for ground truth and tracking data. Use loadGroundtruth() or loadTracker() to load this data. Loads detections in KITTI format from textfiles. """ # construct objectDetections object to hold detection data t_data = tData() data = [] eval_2d = True eval_3d = True seq_data = [] n_trajectories = 0 n_trajectories_seq = [] for seq, s_name in enumerate(self.sequence_name): i = 0 filename = os.path.join(root_dir, "%s.txt" % s_name) f = open(filename, "r") f_data = [ [] for x in range(self.n_frames[seq]) ] # current set has only 1059 entries, sufficient length is checked anyway ids = [] n_in_seq = 0 id_frame_cache = [] for line in f: # KITTI tracking benchmark data format: # (frame,tracklet_id,objectType,truncation,occlusion,alpha,x1,y1,x2,y2,h,w,l,X,Y,Z,ry) line = line.strip() fields = line.split(" ") # classes that should be loaded (ignored neighboring classes) if "car" in cls.lower(): classes = ["car", "van"] elif "pedestrian" in cls.lower(): classes = ["pedestrian", "person_sitting"] else: classes = [cls.lower()] classes += ["dontcare"] if not any([s for s in classes if s in fields[2].lower()]): continue # get fields from table t_data.frame = int(float(fields[0])) # frame t_data.track_id = int(float(fields[1])) # id t_data.obj_type = fields[ 2].lower() # object type [car, pedestrian, cyclist, ...] t_data.truncation = int( float(fields[3])) # truncation [-1,0,1,2] t_data.occlusion = int( float(fields[4])) # occlusion [-1,0,1,2] t_data.obs_angle = float(fields[5]) # observation angle [rad] t_data.x1 = float(fields[6]) # left [px] t_data.y1 = float(fields[7]) # top [px] t_data.x2 = float(fields[8]) # right [px] t_data.y2 = float(fields[9]) # bottom [px] t_data.h = float(fields[10]) # height [m] t_data.w = float(fields[11]) # width [m] t_data.l = float(fields[12]) # length [m] t_data.X = float(fields[13]) # X [m] t_data.Y = float(fields[14]) # Y [m] t_data.Z = float(fields[15]) # Z [m] t_data.yaw = float(fields[16]) # yaw angle [rad] if not loading_groundtruth: if len(fields) == 17: t_data.score = -1 elif len(fields) == 18: t_data.score = float(fields[17]) # detection score else: logger.info("file is not in KITTI format") return # do not consider objects marked as invalid if t_data.track_id is -1 and t_data.obj_type != "dontcare": continue idx = t_data.frame # check if length for frame data is sufficient if idx >= len(f_data): print("extend f_data", idx, len(f_data)) f_data += [[] for x in range(max(500, idx - len(f_data)))] try: id_frame = (t_data.frame, t_data.track_id) if id_frame in id_frame_cache and not loading_groundtruth: logger.info( "track ids are not unique for sequence %d: frame %d" % (seq, t_data.frame)) logger.info( "track id %d occured at least twice for this frame" % t_data.track_id) logger.info("Exiting...") #continue # this allows to evaluate non-unique result files return False id_frame_cache.append(id_frame) f_data[t_data.frame].append(copy.copy(t_data)) except: print(len(f_data), idx) raise if t_data.track_id not in ids and t_data.obj_type != "dontcare": ids.append(t_data.track_id) n_trajectories += 1 n_in_seq += 1 # check if uploaded data provides information for 2D and 3D evaluation if not loading_groundtruth and eval_2d is True and ( t_data.x1 == -1 or t_data.x2 == -1 or t_data.y1 == -1 or t_data.y2 == -1): eval_2d = False if not loading_groundtruth and eval_3d is True and ( t_data.X == -1000 or t_data.Y == -1000 or t_data.Z == -1000): eval_3d = False # only add existing frames n_trajectories_seq.append(n_in_seq) seq_data.append(f_data) f.close() if not loading_groundtruth: self.tracker = seq_data self.n_tr_trajectories = n_trajectories self.eval_2d = eval_2d self.eval_3d = eval_3d self.n_tr_seq = n_trajectories_seq if self.n_tr_trajectories == 0: return False else: # split ground truth and DontCare areas self.dcareas = [] self.groundtruth = [] for seq_idx in range(len(seq_data)): seq_gt = seq_data[seq_idx] s_g, s_dc = [], [] for f in range(len(seq_gt)): all_gt = seq_gt[f] g, dc = [], [] for gg in all_gt: if gg.obj_type == "dontcare": dc.append(gg) else: g.append(gg) s_g.append(g) s_dc.append(dc) self.dcareas.append(s_dc) self.groundtruth.append(s_g) self.n_gt_seq = n_trajectories_seq self.n_gt_trajectories = n_trajectories return True def boxoverlap(self, a, b, criterion="union"): """ boxoverlap computes intersection over union for bbox a and b in KITTI format. If the criterion is 'union', overlap = (a inter b) / a union b). If the criterion is 'a', overlap = (a inter b) / a, where b should be a dontcare area. """ x1 = max(a.x1, b.x1) y1 = max(a.y1, b.y1) x2 = min(a.x2, b.x2) y2 = min(a.y2, b.y2) w = x2 - x1 h = y2 - y1 if w <= 0. or h <= 0.: return 0. inter = w * h aarea = (a.x2 - a.x1) * (a.y2 - a.y1) barea = (b.x2 - b.x1) * (b.y2 - b.y1) # intersection over union overlap if criterion.lower() == "union": o = inter / float(aarea + barea - inter) elif criterion.lower() == "a": o = float(inter) / float(aarea) else: raise TypeError("Unkown type for criterion") return o def compute3rdPartyMetrics(self): """ Computes the metrics defined in - Stiefelhagen 2008: Evaluating Multiple Object Tracking Performance: The CLEAR MOT Metrics MOTA, MOTAL, MOTP - Nevatia 2008: Global Data Association for Multi-Object Tracking Using Network Flows MT/PT/ML """ # construct Munkres object for Hungarian Method association hm = Munkres() max_cost = 1e9 # go through all frames and associate ground truth and tracker results # groundtruth and tracker contain lists for every single frame containing lists of KITTI format detections fr, ids = 0, 0 for seq_idx in range(len(self.groundtruth)): seq_gt = self.groundtruth[seq_idx] seq_dc = self.dcareas[seq_idx] # don't care areas seq_tracker = self.tracker[seq_idx] seq_trajectories = defaultdict(list) seq_ignored = defaultdict(list) # statistics over the current sequence, check the corresponding # variable comments in __init__ to get their meaning seqtp = 0 seqitp = 0 seqfn = 0 seqifn = 0 seqfp = 0 seqigt = 0 seqitr = 0 last_ids = [[], []] n_gts = 0 n_trs = 0 for f in range(len(seq_gt)): g = seq_gt[f] dc = seq_dc[f] t = seq_tracker[f] # counting total number of ground truth and tracker objects self.n_gt += len(g) self.n_tr += len(t) n_gts += len(g) n_trs += len(t) # use hungarian method to associate, using boxoverlap 0..1 as cost # build cost matrix cost_matrix = [] this_ids = [[], []] for gg in g: # save current ids this_ids[0].append(gg.track_id) this_ids[1].append(-1) gg.tracker = -1 gg.id_switch = 0 gg.fragmentation = 0 cost_row = [] for tt in t: # overlap == 1 is cost ==0 c = 1 - self.boxoverlap(gg, tt) # gating for boxoverlap if c <= self.min_overlap: cost_row.append(c) else: cost_row.append(max_cost) # = 1e9 cost_matrix.append(cost_row) # all ground truth trajectories are initially not associated # extend groundtruth trajectories lists (merge lists) seq_trajectories[gg.track_id].append(-1) seq_ignored[gg.track_id].append(False) if len(g) is 0: cost_matrix = [[]] # associate association_matrix = hm.compute(cost_matrix) # tmp variables for sanity checks and MODP computation tmptp = 0 tmpfp = 0 tmpfn = 0 tmpc = 0 # this will sum up the overlaps for all true positives tmpcs = [0] * len( g) # this will save the overlaps for all true positives # the reason is that some true positives might be ignored # later such that the corrsponding overlaps can # be subtracted from tmpc for MODP computation # mapping for tracker ids and ground truth ids for row, col in association_matrix: # apply gating on boxoverlap c = cost_matrix[row][col] if c < max_cost: g[row].tracker = t[col].track_id this_ids[1][row] = t[col].track_id t[col].valid = True g[row].distance = c self.total_cost += 1 - c tmpc += 1 - c tmpcs[row] = 1 - c seq_trajectories[g[row].track_id][-1] = t[col].track_id # true positives are only valid associations self.tp += 1 tmptp += 1 else: g[row].tracker = -1 self.fn += 1 tmpfn += 1 # associate tracker and DontCare areas # ignore tracker in neighboring classes nignoredtracker = 0 # number of ignored tracker detections ignoredtrackers = dict() # will associate the track_id with -1 # if it is not ignored and 1 if it is # ignored; # this is used to avoid double counting ignored # cases, see the next loop for tt in t: ignoredtrackers[tt.track_id] = -1 # ignore detection if it belongs to a neighboring class or is # smaller or equal to the minimum height tt_height = abs(tt.y1 - tt.y2) if ((self.cls == "car" and tt.obj_type == "van") or (self.cls == "pedestrian" and tt.obj_type == "person_sitting") or tt_height <= self.min_height) and not tt.valid: nignoredtracker += 1 tt.ignored = True ignoredtrackers[tt.track_id] = 1 continue for d in dc: overlap = self.boxoverlap(tt, d, "a") if overlap > 0.5 and not tt.valid: tt.ignored = True nignoredtracker += 1 ignoredtrackers[tt.track_id] = 1 break # check for ignored FN/TP (truncation or neighboring object class) ignoredfn = 0 # the number of ignored false negatives nignoredtp = 0 # the number of ignored true positives nignoredpairs = 0 # the number of ignored pairs, i.e. a true positive # which is ignored but where the associated tracker # detection has already been ignored gi = 0 for gg in g: if gg.tracker < 0: if gg.occlusion>self.max_occlusion or gg.truncation>self.max_truncation\ or (self.cls=="car" and gg.obj_type=="van") or (self.cls=="pedestrian" and gg.obj_type=="person_sitting"): seq_ignored[gg.track_id][-1] = True gg.ignored = True ignoredfn += 1 elif gg.tracker >= 0: if gg.occlusion>self.max_occlusion or gg.truncation>self.max_truncation\ or (self.cls=="car" and gg.obj_type=="van") or (self.cls=="pedestrian" and gg.obj_type=="person_sitting"): seq_ignored[gg.track_id][-1] = True gg.ignored = True nignoredtp += 1 # if the associated tracker detection is already ignored, # we want to avoid double counting ignored detections if ignoredtrackers[gg.tracker] > 0: nignoredpairs += 1 # for computing MODP, the overlaps from ignored detections # are subtracted tmpc -= tmpcs[gi] gi += 1 # the below might be confusion, check the comments in __init__ # to see what the individual statistics represent # correct TP by number of ignored TP due to truncation # ignored TP are shown as tracked in visualization tmptp -= nignoredtp # count the number of ignored true positives self.itp += nignoredtp # adjust the number of ground truth objects considered self.n_gt -= (ignoredfn + nignoredtp) # count the number of ignored ground truth objects self.n_igt += ignoredfn + nignoredtp # count the number of ignored tracker objects self.n_itr += nignoredtracker # count the number of ignored pairs, i.e. associated tracker and # ground truth objects that are both ignored self.n_igttr += nignoredpairs # false negatives = associated gt bboxes exceding association threshold + non-associated gt bboxes tmpfn += len(g) - len(association_matrix) - ignoredfn self.fn += len(g) - len(association_matrix) - ignoredfn self.ifn += ignoredfn # false positives = tracker bboxes - associated tracker bboxes # mismatches (mme_t) tmpfp += len( t) - tmptp - nignoredtracker - nignoredtp + nignoredpairs self.fp += len( t) - tmptp - nignoredtracker - nignoredtp + nignoredpairs # update sequence data seqtp += tmptp seqitp += nignoredtp seqfp += tmpfp seqfn += tmpfn seqifn += ignoredfn seqigt += ignoredfn + nignoredtp seqitr += nignoredtracker # sanity checks # - the number of true positives minues ignored true positives # should be greater or equal to 0 # - the number of false negatives should be greater or equal to 0 # - the number of false positives needs to be greater or equal to 0 # otherwise ignored detections might be counted double # - the number of counted true positives (plus ignored ones) # and the number of counted false negatives (plus ignored ones) # should match the total number of ground truth objects # - the number of counted true positives (plus ignored ones) # and the number of counted false positives # plus the number of ignored tracker detections should # match the total number of tracker detections; note that # nignoredpairs is subtracted here to avoid double counting # of ignored detection sin nignoredtp and nignoredtracker if tmptp < 0: print(tmptp, nignoredtp) raise NameError("Something went wrong! TP is negative") if tmpfn < 0: print(tmpfn, len(g), len(association_matrix), ignoredfn, nignoredpairs) raise NameError("Something went wrong! FN is negative") if tmpfp < 0: print(tmpfp, len(t), tmptp, nignoredtracker, nignoredtp, nignoredpairs) raise NameError("Something went wrong! FP is negative") if tmptp + tmpfn is not len(g) - ignoredfn - nignoredtp: print("seqidx", seq_idx) print("frame ", f) print("TP ", tmptp) print("FN ", tmpfn) print("FP ", tmpfp) print("nGT ", len(g)) print("nAss ", len(association_matrix)) print("ign GT", ignoredfn) print("ign TP", nignoredtp) raise NameError( "Something went wrong! nGroundtruth is not TP+FN") if tmptp + tmpfp + nignoredtp + nignoredtracker - nignoredpairs is not len( t): print(seq_idx, f, len(t), tmptp, tmpfp) print(len(association_matrix), association_matrix) raise NameError( "Something went wrong! nTracker is not TP+FP") # check for id switches or fragmentations for i, tt in enumerate(this_ids[0]): if tt in last_ids[0]: idx = last_ids[0].index(tt) tid = this_ids[1][i] lid = last_ids[1][idx] if tid != lid and lid != -1 and tid != -1: if g[i].truncation < self.max_truncation: g[i].id_switch = 1 ids += 1 if tid != lid and lid != -1: if g[i].truncation < self.max_truncation: g[i].fragmentation = 1 fr += 1 # save current index last_ids = this_ids # compute MOTP_t MODP_t = 1 if tmptp != 0: MODP_t = tmpc / float(tmptp) self.MODP_t.append(MODP_t) # remove empty lists for current gt trajectories self.gt_trajectories[seq_idx] = seq_trajectories self.ign_trajectories[seq_idx] = seq_ignored # gather statistics for "per sequence" statistics. self.n_gts.append(n_gts) self.n_trs.append(n_trs) self.tps.append(seqtp) self.itps.append(seqitp) self.fps.append(seqfp) self.fns.append(seqfn) self.ifns.append(seqifn) self.n_igts.append(seqigt) self.n_itrs.append(seqitr) # compute MT/PT/ML, fragments, idswitches for all groundtruth trajectories n_ignored_tr_total = 0 for seq_idx, ( seq_trajectories, seq_ignored ) in enumerate(zip(self.gt_trajectories, self.ign_trajectories)): if len(seq_trajectories) == 0: continue tmpMT, tmpML, tmpPT, tmpId_switches, tmpFragments = [0] * 5 n_ignored_tr = 0 for g, ign_g in zip(seq_trajectories.values(), seq_ignored.values()): # all frames of this gt trajectory are ignored if all(ign_g): n_ignored_tr += 1 n_ignored_tr_total += 1 continue # all frames of this gt trajectory are not assigned to any detections if all([this == -1 for this in g]): tmpML += 1 self.ML += 1 continue # compute tracked frames in trajectory last_id = g[0] # first detection (necessary to be in gt_trajectories) is always tracked tracked = 1 if g[0] >= 0 else 0 lgt = 0 if ign_g[0] else 1 for f in range(1, len(g)): if ign_g[f]: last_id = -1 continue lgt += 1 if last_id != g[f] and last_id != -1 and g[f] != -1 and g[ f - 1] != -1: tmpId_switches += 1 self.id_switches += 1 if f < len(g) - 1 and g[f - 1] != g[ f] and last_id != -1 and g[f] != -1 and g[f + 1] != -1: tmpFragments += 1 self.fragments += 1 if g[f] != -1: tracked += 1 last_id = g[f] # handle last frame; tracked state is handled in for loop (g[f]!=-1) if len(g) > 1 and g[f - 1] != g[f] and last_id != -1 and g[ f] != -1 and not ign_g[f]: tmpFragments += 1 self.fragments += 1 # compute MT/PT/ML tracking_ratio = tracked / float(len(g) - sum(ign_g)) if tracking_ratio > 0.8: tmpMT += 1 self.MT += 1 elif tracking_ratio < 0.2: tmpML += 1 self.ML += 1 else: # 0.2 <= tracking_ratio <= 0.8 tmpPT += 1 self.PT += 1 if (self.n_gt_trajectories - n_ignored_tr_total) == 0: self.MT = 0. self.PT = 0. self.ML = 0. else: self.MT /= float(self.n_gt_trajectories - n_ignored_tr_total) self.PT /= float(self.n_gt_trajectories - n_ignored_tr_total) self.ML /= float(self.n_gt_trajectories - n_ignored_tr_total) # precision/recall etc. if (self.fp + self.tp) == 0 or (self.tp + self.fn) == 0: self.recall = 0. self.precision = 0. else: self.recall = self.tp / float(self.tp + self.fn) self.precision = self.tp / float(self.fp + self.tp) if (self.recall + self.precision) == 0: self.F1 = 0. else: self.F1 = 2. * (self.precision * self.recall) / ( self.precision + self.recall) if sum(self.n_frames) == 0: self.FAR = "n/a" else: self.FAR = self.fp / float(sum(self.n_frames)) # compute CLEARMOT if self.n_gt == 0: self.MOTA = -float("inf") self.MODA = -float("inf") else: self.MOTA = 1 - (self.fn + self.fp + self.id_switches ) / float(self.n_gt) self.MODA = 1 - (self.fn + self.fp) / float(self.n_gt) if self.tp == 0: self.MOTP = float("inf") else: self.MOTP = self.total_cost / float(self.tp) if self.n_gt != 0: if self.id_switches == 0: self.MOTAL = 1 - (self.fn + self.fp + self.id_switches ) / float(self.n_gt) else: self.MOTAL = 1 - (self.fn + self.fp + math.log10(self.id_switches) ) / float(self.n_gt) else: self.MOTAL = -float("inf") if sum(self.n_frames) == 0: self.MODP = "n/a" else: self.MODP = sum(self.MODP_t) / float(sum(self.n_frames)) return True def createSummary(self): summary = "" summary += "tracking evaluation summary".center(80, "=") + "\n" summary += self.printEntry("Multiple Object Tracking Accuracy (MOTA)", self.MOTA) + "\n" summary += self.printEntry("Multiple Object Tracking Precision (MOTP)", self.MOTP) + "\n" summary += self.printEntry("Multiple Object Tracking Accuracy (MOTAL)", self.MOTAL) + "\n" summary += self.printEntry("Multiple Object Detection Accuracy (MODA)", self.MODA) + "\n" summary += self.printEntry("Multiple Object Detection Precision (MODP)", self.MODP) + "\n" summary += "\n" summary += self.printEntry("Recall", self.recall) + "\n" summary += self.printEntry("Precision", self.precision) + "\n" summary += self.printEntry("F1", self.F1) + "\n" summary += self.printEntry("False Alarm Rate", self.FAR) + "\n" summary += "\n" summary += self.printEntry("Mostly Tracked", self.MT) + "\n" summary += self.printEntry("Partly Tracked", self.PT) + "\n" summary += self.printEntry("Mostly Lost", self.ML) + "\n" summary += "\n" summary += self.printEntry("True Positives", self.tp) + "\n" #summary += self.printEntry("True Positives per Sequence", self.tps) + "\n" summary += self.printEntry("Ignored True Positives", self.itp) + "\n" #summary += self.printEntry("Ignored True Positives per Sequence", self.itps) + "\n" summary += self.printEntry("False Positives", self.fp) + "\n" #summary += self.printEntry("False Positives per Sequence", self.fps) + "\n" summary += self.printEntry("False Negatives", self.fn) + "\n" #summary += self.printEntry("False Negatives per Sequence", self.fns) + "\n" summary += self.printEntry("ID-switches", self.id_switches) + "\n" self.fp = self.fp / self.n_gt self.fn = self.fn / self.n_gt self.id_switches = self.id_switches / self.n_gt summary += self.printEntry("False Positives Ratio", self.fp) + "\n" #summary += self.printEntry("False Positives per Sequence", self.fps) + "\n" summary += self.printEntry("False Negatives Ratio", self.fn) + "\n" #summary += self.printEntry("False Negatives per Sequence", self.fns) + "\n" summary += self.printEntry("Ignored False Negatives Ratio", self.ifn) + "\n" #summary += self.printEntry("Ignored False Negatives per Sequence", self.ifns) + "\n" summary += self.printEntry("Missed Targets", self.fn) + "\n" summary += self.printEntry("ID-switches", self.id_switches) + "\n" summary += self.printEntry("Fragmentations", self.fragments) + "\n" summary += "\n" summary += self.printEntry("Ground Truth Objects (Total)", self.n_gt + self.n_igt) + "\n" #summary += self.printEntry("Ground Truth Objects (Total) per Sequence", self.n_gts) + "\n" summary += self.printEntry("Ignored Ground Truth Objects", self.n_igt) + "\n" #summary += self.printEntry("Ignored Ground Truth Objects per Sequence", self.n_igts) + "\n" summary += self.printEntry("Ground Truth Trajectories", self.n_gt_trajectories) + "\n" summary += "\n" summary += self.printEntry("Tracker Objects (Total)", self.n_tr) + "\n" #summary += self.printEntry("Tracker Objects (Total) per Sequence", self.n_trs) + "\n" summary += self.printEntry("Ignored Tracker Objects", self.n_itr) + "\n" #summary += self.printEntry("Ignored Tracker Objects per Sequence", self.n_itrs) + "\n" summary += self.printEntry("Tracker Trajectories", self.n_tr_trajectories) + "\n" #summary += "\n" #summary += self.printEntry("Ignored Tracker Objects with Associated Ignored Ground Truth Objects", self.n_igttr) + "\n" summary += "=" * 80 return summary def printEntry(self, key, val, width=(70, 10)): """ Pretty print an entry in a table fashion. """ s_out = key.ljust(width[0]) if type(val) == int: s = "%%%dd" % width[1] s_out += s % val elif type(val) == float: s = "%%%df" % (width[1]) s_out += s % val else: s_out += ("%s" % val).rjust(width[1]) return s_out def saveToStats(self, save_summary): """ Save the statistics in a whitespace separate file. """ summary = self.createSummary() if save_summary: filename = os.path.join(self.result_path, "summary_%s.txt" % self.cls) dump = open(filename, "w+") dump.write(summary) dump.close() return summary class KITTIMOTMetric(Metric): def __init__(self, save_summary=True): self.save_summary = save_summary self.MOTEvaluator = KITTIEvaluation self.result_root = None self.reset() def reset(self): self.seqs = [] self.n_sequences = 0 self.n_frames = [] self.strsummary = '' def update(self, data_root, seq, data_type, result_root, result_filename): assert data_type == 'kitti', "data_type should 'kitti'" self.result_root = result_root self.gt_path = data_root gt_path = '{}/../labels/{}.txt'.format(data_root, seq) gt = open(gt_path, "r") max_frame = 0 for line in gt: line = line.strip() line_list = line.split(" ") if int(line_list[0]) > max_frame: max_frame = int(line_list[0]) rs = open(result_filename, "r") for line in rs: line = line.strip() line_list = line.split(" ") if int(line_list[0]) > max_frame: max_frame = int(line_list[0]) gt.close() rs.close() self.n_frames.append(max_frame + 1) self.seqs.append(seq) self.n_sequences += 1 def accumulate(self): logger.info("Processing Result for KITTI Tracking Benchmark") e = self.MOTEvaluator(result_path=self.result_root, gt_path=self.gt_path,\ n_frames=self.n_frames, seqs=self.seqs, n_sequences=self.n_sequences) try: if not e.loadTracker(): return logger.info("Loading Results - Success") logger.info("Evaluate Object Class: %s" % c.upper()) except: logger.info("Caught exception while loading result data.") if not e.loadGroundtruth(): raise ValueError("Ground truth not found.") logger.info("Loading Groundtruth - Success") # sanity checks if len(e.groundtruth) is not len(e.tracker): logger.info( "The uploaded data does not provide results for every sequence.") return False logger.info("Loaded %d Sequences." % len(e.groundtruth)) logger.info("Start Evaluation...") if e.compute3rdPartyMetrics(): self.strsummary = e.saveToStats(self.save_summary) else: logger.info( "There seem to be no true positives or false positives at all in the submitted data." ) def log(self): print(self.strsummary) def get_results(self): return self.strsummary