未验证 提交 f67c9b2e 编写于 作者: Y YixinKristy 提交者: GitHub

Merge branch 'PaddlePaddle:develop' into develop

......@@ -47,12 +47,11 @@ PP-Tracking 提供了简洁的GUI可视化界面,教程请参考[PP-Tracking
## 安装依赖
pip install lap sklearn motmetrics openpyxl cython_bbox
pip install lap sklearn motmetrics openpyxl
pip install -r requirements.txt
- `cython_bbox`在windows上安装:`pip install -e git+https://github.com/samson-wang/cython_bbox.git#egg=cython-bbox`。可参考这个[教程](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/60349980/is-there-a-way-to-install-cython-bbox-for-windows)
- 预测需确保已安装[ffmpeg](https://ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg.html), Linux(Ubuntu)平台可以直接用以下命令安装:`apt-get update && apt-get install -y ffmpeg`
......@@ -49,12 +49,11 @@ PP-Tracking supports GUI predict and deployment. Please refer to this [doc](http
## Installation
Install all the related dependencies for MOT:
pip install lap sklearn motmetrics openpyxl cython_bbox
pip install lap sklearn motmetrics openpyxl
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Install `cython_bbox` for Windows: `pip install -e git+https://github.com/samson-wang/cython_bbox.git#egg=cython-bbox`. You can refer to this [tutorial](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/60349980/is-there-a-way-to-install-cython-bbox-for-windows).
- Please make sure that [ffmpeg](https://ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg.html) is installed first, on Linux(Ubuntu) platform you can directly install it by the following command:`apt-get update && apt-get install -y ffmpeg`.
......@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ PP-tracking provides an AI studio public project tutorial. Please refer to this
### Results on MOT-17 Half Set
| backbone | input shape | MOTA | IDF1 | IDS | FP | FN | FPS | download | config |
| :--------------| :------- | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :------: | :----: |:-----: |
| DLA-34 | 1088x608 | 69.1 | 72.8 | 299 | 1957 | 14412 | - |[model](https://paddledet.bj.bcebos.com/models/mot/fairmot_dla34_30e_1088x608_bytetracker.pdparams) | [config](./fairmot_dla34_30e_1088x608.yml) |
| DLA-34 | 1088x608 | 69.1 | 72.8 | 299 | 1957 | 14412 | - |[model](https://paddledet.bj.bcebos.com/models/mot/fairmot_dla34_30e_1088x608.pdparams) | [config](./fairmot_dla34_30e_1088x608.yml) |
| DLA-34 + BYTETracker| 1088x608 | 70.3 | 73.2 | 234 | 2176 | 13598 | - |[model](https://paddledet.bj.bcebos.com/models/mot/fairmot_dla34_30e_1088x608_bytetracker.pdparams) | [config](./fairmot_dla34_30e_1088x608_bytetracker.yml) |
......@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ PP-Tracking 提供了AI Studio公开项目案例,教程请参考[PP-Tracking
### 在MOT-17 Half上结果
| 骨干网络 | 输入尺寸 | MOTA | IDF1 | IDS | FP | FN | FPS | 下载链接 | 配置文件 |
| :--------------| :------- | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :------: | :----: |:-----: |
| DLA-34 | 1088x608 | 69.1 | 72.8 | 299 | 1957 | 14412 | - |[下载链接](https://paddledet.bj.bcebos.com/models/mot/fairmot_dla34_30e_1088x608_bytetracker.pdparams) | [配置文件](./fairmot_dla34_30e_1088x608.yml) |
| DLA-34 | 1088x608 | 69.1 | 72.8 | 299 | 1957 | 14412 | - |[下载链接](https://paddledet.bj.bcebos.com/models/mot/fairmot_dla34_30e_1088x608.pdparams) | [配置文件](./fairmot_dla34_30e_1088x608.yml) |
| DLA-34 + BYTETracker| 1088x608 | 70.3 | 73.2 | 234 | 2176 | 13598 | - |[下载链接](https://paddledet.bj.bcebos.com/models/mot/fairmot_dla34_30e_1088x608_bytetracker.pdparams) | [配置文件](./fairmot_dla34_30e_1088x608_bytetracker.yml) |
......@@ -14,8 +14,18 @@ TrainDataset:
image_lists: ['mot17.half', 'caltech.all', 'cuhksysu.train', 'prw.train', 'citypersons.train', 'eth.train']
data_fields: ['image', 'gt_bbox', 'gt_class', 'gt_ide']
# for MOT evaluation
# If you want to change the MOT evaluation dataset, please modify 'data_root'
dataset_dir: dataset/mot
data_root: MOT17/images/half
keep_ori_im: False # set True if save visualization images or video, or used in DeepSORT
use_byte: True
match_thres: 0.8
conf_thres: 0.4
low_conf_thres: 0.2
min_box_area: 200
vertical_ratio: 1.6 # for pedestrian
......@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
| :-------------| :-------- | :------- | :----: | :----: | :----: | :-----: |:------: |
| PathTrack | DLA-34 | 1088x608 | 44.9 | 59.3 | - |[下载链接](https://paddledet.bj.bcebos.com/models/mot/fairmot_dla34_30e_1088x608_pathtrack.pdparams) | [配置文件](./fairmot_dla34_30e_1088x608_pathtrack.yml) |
| VisDrone | DLA-34 | 1088x608 | 49.2 | 63.1 | - | [下载链接](https://paddledet.bj.bcebos.com/models/mot/fairmot_dla34_30e_1088x608_visdrone_pedestrian.pdparams) | [配置文件](./fairmot_dla34_30e_1088x608_visdrone_pedestrian.yml) |
| VisDrone | HRNetv2-W18| 1088x608 | 40.5 | 54.7 | - | [下载链接](https://paddledet.bj.bcebos.com/models/mot/fairmot_hrnetv2_w18_dlafpn_30e_864x480_visdrone_pedestrian.pdparams) | [配置文件](./fairmot_hrnetv2_w18_dlafpn_30e_864x480_visdrone_pedestrian.yml) |
| VisDrone | HRNetv2-W18| 1088x608 | 40.5 | 54.7 | - | [下载链接](https://paddledet.bj.bcebos.com/models/mot/fairmot_hrnetv2_w18_dlafpn_30e_1088x608_visdrone_pedestrian.pdparams) | [配置文件](./fairmot_hrnetv2_w18_dlafpn_30e_1088x608_visdrone_pedestrian.yml) |
| VisDrone | HRNetv2-W18| 864x480 | 38.6 | 50.9 | - | [下载链接](https://paddledet.bj.bcebos.com/models/mot/fairmot_hrnetv2_w18_dlafpn_30e_864x480_visdrone_pedestrian.pdparams) | [配置文件](./fairmot_hrnetv2_w18_dlafpn_30e_864x480_visdrone_pedestrian.yml) |
| VisDrone | HRNetv2-W18| 576x320 | 30.6 | 47.2 | - | [下载链接](https://paddledet.bj.bcebos.com/models/mot/fairmot_hrnetv2_w18_dlafpn_30e_576x320_visdrone_pedestrian.pdparams) | [配置文件](./fairmot_hrnetv2_w18_dlafpn_30e_576x320_visdrone_pedestrian.yml) |
......@@ -124,8 +124,8 @@ month={Oct},}
author={Zhu, Pengfei and Wen, Longyin and Du, Dawei and Bian, Xiao and Fan, Heng and Hu, Qinghua and Ling, Haibin},
journal={IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence},
title={Detection and Tracking Meet Drones Challenge},
journal={IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence},
title={Detection and Tracking Meet Drones Challenge},
English | [简体中文](README_cn.md)
简体中文 | [English](README_en.md)
# PP-PicoDet
## News
## 最新动态
- Released a new series of PP-PicoDet models: **(2022.03.20)**
- (1) It was used TAL/Task-aligned-Head and optimized PAN, which greatly improved the accuracy;
- (2) Moreover optimized CPU prediction speed, and the training speed is greatly improved;
- (3) The export model includes post-processing, and the prediction directly outputs the result, without secondary development, and the migration cost is lower.
- 发布全新系列PP-PicoDet模型:**(2022.03.20)**
- (1)引入TAL及Task-aligned Head,优化PAN等结构,精度大幅提升;
- (2)优化CPU端预测速度,同时训练速度大幅提升;
- (3)导出模型将后处理包含在网络中,预测直接输出box结果,无需二次开发,迁移成本更低。
### Legacy Model
## 历史版本模型
- Please refer to: [PicoDet 2021.10版本](./legacy_model/)
- 详情请参考:[PicoDet 2021.10版本](./legacy_model/)
## Introduction
## 简介
We developed a series of lightweight models, named `PP-PicoDet`. Because of the excellent performance, our models are very suitable for deployment on mobile or CPU. For more details, please refer to our [report on arXiv](https://arxiv.org/abs/2111.00902).
- 🌟 Higher mAP: the **first** object detectors that surpass mAP(0.5:0.95) **30+** within 1M parameters when the input size is 416.
- 🚀 Faster latency: 150FPS on mobile ARM CPU.
- 😊 Deploy friendly: support PaddleLite/MNN/NCNN/OpenVINO and provide C++/Python/Android implementation.
- 😍 Advanced algorithm: use the most advanced algorithms and offer innovation, such as ESNet, CSP-PAN, SimOTA with VFL, etc.
- 🌟 更高的mAP: 第一个在1M参数量之内`mAP(0.5:0.95)`超越**30+**(输入416像素时)。
- 🚀 更快的预测速度: 网络预测在ARM CPU下可达150FPS。
- 😊 部署友好: 支持PaddleLite/MNN/NCNN/OpenVINO等预测库,支持转出ONNX,提供了C++/Python/Android的demo。
- 😍 先进的算法: 我们在现有SOTA算法中进行了创新, 包括:ESNet, CSP-PAN, SimOTA等等。
<div align="center">
<img src="../../docs/images/picodet_map.png" width='600'/>
## Benchmark
## 基线
| Model | Input size | mAP<sup>val<br>0.5:0.95 | mAP<sup>val<br>0.5 | Params<br><sup>(M) | FLOPS<br><sup>(G) | Latency<sup><small>[CPU](#latency)</small><sup><br><sup>(ms) | Latency<sup><small>[Lite](#latency)</small><sup><br><sup>(ms) | Download | Config |
| 模型 | 输入尺寸 | mAP<sup>val<br>0.5:0.95 | mAP<sup>val<br>0.5 | 参数量<br><sup>(M) | FLOPS<br><sup>(G) | 预测时延<sup><small>[NCNN](#latency)</small><sup><br><sup>(ms) | 预测时延<sup><small>[Lite](#latency)</small><sup><br><sup>(ms) | 下载 | 配置文件 |
| :-------- | :--------: | :---------------------: | :----------------: | :----------------: | :---------------: | :-----------------------------: | :-----------------------------: | :----------------------------------------: | :--------------------------------------- |
| PicoDet-XS | 320*320 | 23.5 | 36.1 | 0.70 | 0.67 | 10.9ms | 7.81ms | [model](https://paddledet.bj.bcebos.com/models/picodet_xs_320_coco_lcnet.pdparams) &#124; [log](https://paddledet.bj.bcebos.com/logs/train_picodet_xs_320_coco_lcnet.log) | [config](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/PaddleDetection/tree/develop/configs/picodet/picodet_xs_320_coco_lcnet.yml) |
| PicoDet-XS | 416*416 | 26.2 | 39.3 | 0.70 | 1.13 | 15.4ms | 12.38ms | [model](https://paddledet.bj.bcebos.com/models/picodet_xs_416_coco_lcnet.pdparams) &#124; [log](https://paddledet.bj.bcebos.com/logs/train_picodet_xs_416_coco_lcnet.log) | [config](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/PaddleDetection/tree/develop/configs/picodet/picodet_xs_416_coco_lcnet.yml) |
| PicoDet-S | 320*320 | 29.1 | 43.4 | 1.18 | 0.97 | 12.6ms | 9.56ms | [model](https://paddledet.bj.bcebos.com/models/picodet_s_320_coco_lcnet.pdparams) &#124; [log](https://paddledet.bj.bcebos.com/logs/train_picodet_s_320_coco_lcnet.log) | [config](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/PaddleDetection/tree/develop/configs/picodet/picodet_s_320_coco_lcnet.yml) |
| PicoDet-S | 416*416 | 32.5 | 47.6 | 1.18 | 1.65 | 17.2ms | 15.20 | [model](https://paddledet.bj.bcebos.com/models/picodet_s_416_coco_lcnet.pdparams) &#124; [log](https://paddledet.bj.bcebos.com/logs/train_picodet_s_416_coco_lcnet.log) | [config](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/PaddleDetection/tree/develop/configs/picodet/picodet_s_416_coco_lcnet.yml) |
| PicoDet-S | 416*416 | 32.5 | 47.6 | 1.18 | 1.65 | 17.2ms | 15.20ms | [model](https://paddledet.bj.bcebos.com/models/picodet_s_416_coco_lcnet.pdparams) &#124; [log](https://paddledet.bj.bcebos.com/logs/train_picodet_s_416_coco_lcnet.log) | [config](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/PaddleDetection/tree/develop/configs/picodet/picodet_s_416_coco_lcnet.yml) |
| PicoDet-M | 320*320 | 34.4 | 50.0 | 3.46 | 2.57 | 14.5ms | 17.68ms | [model](https://paddledet.bj.bcebos.com/models/picodet_m_320_coco_lcnet.pdparams) &#124; [log](https://paddledet.bj.bcebos.com/logs/train_picodet_m_320_coco_lcnet.log) | [config](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/PaddleDetection/tree/develop/configs/picodet/picodet_m_320_coco_lcnet.yml) |
| PicoDet-M | 416*416 | 37.5 | 53.4 | 3.46 | 4.34 | 19.5ms | 28.39ms | [model](https://paddledet.bj.bcebos.com/models/picodet_m_416_coco_lcnet.pdparams) &#124; [log](https://paddledet.bj.bcebos.com/logs/train_picodet_m_416_coco_lcnet.log) | [config](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/PaddleDetection/tree/develop/configs/picodet/picodet_m_416_coco_lcnet.yml) |
| PicoDet-L | 320*320 | 36.1 | 52.0 | 5.80 | 4.20 | 18.3ms | 25.21ms | [model](https://paddledet.bj.bcebos.com/models/picodet_l_320_coco_lcnet.pdparams) &#124; [log](https://paddledet.bj.bcebos.com/logs/train_picodet_l_320_coco_lcnet.log) | [config](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/PaddleDetection/tree/develop/configs/picodet/picodet_l_320_coco_lcnet.yml) |
| PicoDet-L | 416*416 | 39.4 | 55.7 | 5.80 | 7.10 | 22.1ms | 42.23ms | [model](https://paddledet.bj.bcebos.com/models/picodet_l_416_coco_lcnet.pdparams) &#124; [log](https://paddledet.bj.bcebos.com/logs/train_picodet_l_416_coco_lcnet.log) | [config](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/PaddleDetection/tree/develop/configs/picodet/picodet_l_416_coco_lcnet.yml) |
| PicoDet-L | 640*640 | 42.3 | 59.2 | 5.80 | 16.81 | 43.1ms | 108.1ms | [model](https://paddledet.bj.bcebos.com/models/picodet_l_640_coco_lcnet.pdparams) &#124; [log](https://paddledet.bj.bcebos.com/logs/train_picodet_l_640_coco_lcnet.log) | [config](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/PaddleDetection/tree/develop/configs/picodet/picodet_l_640_coco_lcnet.yml) |
| PicoDet-L | 640*640 | 42.6 | 59.2 | 5.80 | 16.81 | 43.1ms | 108.1ms | [model](https://paddledet.bj.bcebos.com/models/picodet_l_640_coco_lcnet.pdparams) &#124; [log](https://paddledet.bj.bcebos.com/logs/train_picodet_l_640_coco_lcnet.log) | [config](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/PaddleDetection/tree/develop/configs/picodet/picodet_l_640_coco_lcnet.yml) |
<details open>
<summary><b>Table Notes:</b></summary>
- <a name="latency">Latency:</a> All our models test on `Intel-Xeon-Gold-6148` CPU with MKLDNN by 10 threads and `Qualcomm Snapdragon 865(4xA77+4xA55)` with 4 threads by arm8 and with FP16. In the above table, test CPU latency on Paddle-Inference and testing Mobile latency with `Lite`->[Paddle-Lite](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/Paddle-Lite).
- PicoDet is trained on COCO train2017 dataset and evaluated on COCO val2017. And PicoDet used 4 GPUs for training and all checkpoints are trained with default settings and hyperparameters.
- Benchmark test: When testing the speed benchmark, the post-processing is not included in the exported model, you need to set `-o export.benchmark=True` or manually modify [runtime.yml](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/PaddleDetection/blob/develop/configs/runtime.yml#L12).
- <a name="latency">时延测试:</a> 我们所有的模型都在英特尔至强6148的CPU(MKLDNN 10线程)和`骁龙865(4xA77+4xA55)`的ARM CPU上测试(4线程,FP16预测)。上面表格中标有`CPU`的是使用Paddle Inference库测试,标有`Lite`的是使用[Paddle Lite](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/Paddle-Lite)进行测试。
- PicoDet在COCO train2017上训练,并且在COCO val2017上进行验证。使用4卡GPU训练,并且上表所有的预训练模型都是通过发布的默认配置训练得到。
- Benchmark测试:测试速度benchmark性能时,导出模型后处理不包含在网络中,需要设置`-o export.benchmark=True` 或手动修改[runtime.yml](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/PaddleDetection/blob/develop/configs/runtime.yml#L12)
#### Benchmark of Other Models
#### 其他模型的基线
| Model | Input size | mAP<sup>val<br>0.5:0.95 | mAP<sup>val<br>0.5 | Params<br><sup>(M) | FLOPS<br><sup>(G) | Latency<sup><small>[NCNN](#latency)</small><sup><br><sup>(ms) |
| 模型 | 输入尺寸 | mAP<sup>val<br>0.5:0.95 | mAP<sup>val<br>0.5 | 参数量<br><sup>(M) | FLOPS<br><sup>(G) | 预测时延<sup><small>[NCNN](#latency)</small><sup><br><sup>(ms) |
| :-------- | :--------: | :---------------------: | :----------------: | :----------------: | :---------------: | :-----------------------------: |
| YOLOv3-Tiny | 416*416 | 16.6 | 33.1 | 8.86 | 5.62 | 25.42 |
| YOLOv4-Tiny | 416*416 | 21.7 | 40.2 | 6.06 | 6.96 | 23.69 |
......@@ -68,38 +71,39 @@ We developed a series of lightweight models, named `PP-PicoDet`. Because of the
| YOLOv5n | 640*640 | 28.4 | 46.0 | 1.9 | 4.5 | 40.35 |
| YOLOv5s | 640*640 | 37.2 | 56.0 | 7.2 | 16.5 | 78.05 |
- Testing Mobile latency with code: [MobileDetBenchmark](https://github.com/JiweiMaster/MobileDetBenchmark).
- ARM测试的benchmark脚本来自: [MobileDetBenchmark](https://github.com/JiweiMaster/MobileDetBenchmark)
## Quick Start
## 快速开始
<details open>
- PaddlePaddle >= 2.2.1
- PaddlePaddle == 2.2.2
- [Installation guide](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/PaddleDetection/blob/develop/docs/tutorials/INSTALL.md)
- [Prepare dataset](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/PaddleDetection/blob/develop/docs/tutorials/PrepareDataSet_en.md)
- [安装指导文档](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/PaddleDetection/blob/develop/docs/tutorials/INSTALL.md)
- [准备数据文档](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/PaddleDetection/blob/develop/docs/tutorials/PrepareDataSet_en.md)
<summary>Training and Evaluation</summary>
- Training model on single-GPU:
- 单卡GPU上训练:
# training on single-GPU
python tools/train.py -c configs/picodet/picodet_s_320_coco_lcnet.yml --eval
If the GPU is out of memory during training, reduce the batch_size in TrainReader, and reduce the base_lr in LearningRate proportionally.
- Training model on multi-GPU:
**注意:**如果训练时显存out memory,将TrainReader中batch_size调小,同时LearningRate中base_lr等比例减小。同时我们发布的config均由4卡训练得到,如果改变GPU卡数为1,那么base_lr需要减小4倍。
- 多卡GPU上训练:
......@@ -108,31 +112,31 @@ export CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
python -m paddle.distributed.launch --gpus 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 tools/train.py -c configs/picodet/picodet_s_320_coco_lcnet.yml --eval
- Evaluation:
- 评估:
python tools/eval.py -c configs/picodet/picodet_s_320_coco_lcnet.yml \
-o weights=https://paddledet.bj.bcebos.com/models/picodet_s_320_coco_lcnet.pdparams
- Infer:
- 测试:
python tools/infer.py -c configs/picodet/picodet_s_320_coco_lcnet.yml \
-o weights=https://paddledet.bj.bcebos.com/models/picodet_s_320_coco_lcnet.pdparams
Detail also can refer to [Quick start guide](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/PaddleDetection/blob/develop/docs/tutorials/GETTING_STARTED.md).
## Deployment
## 部署
### Export and Convert Model
### 导出及转换模型
<summary>1. Export model (click to expand)</summary>
<summary>1. 导出模型 (点击展开)</summary>
cd PaddleDetection
......@@ -141,18 +145,21 @@ python tools/export_model.py -c configs/picodet/picodet_s_320_coco_lcnet.yml \
- 如无需导出后处理,请指定:`-o export.benchmark=True`(如果-o已出现过,此处删掉-o)或者手动修改[runtime.yml](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/PaddleDetection/blob/develop/configs/runtime.yml) 中相应字段。
- 如无需导出NMS,请指定:`-o export.nms=False`或者手动修改[runtime.yml](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/PaddleDetection/blob/develop/configs/runtime.yml) 中相应字段。
<summary>2. Convert to PaddleLite (click to expand)</summary>
<summary>2. 转换模型至Paddle Lite (点击展开)</summary>
- Install Paddlelite>=2.10:
- 安装Paddlelite>=2.10:
pip install paddlelite
- Convert model:
- 转换模型至Paddle Lite格式:
# FP32
......@@ -164,16 +171,16 @@ paddle_lite_opt --model_dir=inference_model/picodet_s_320_coco_lcnet --valid_tar
<summary>3. Convert to ONNX (click to expand)</summary>
<summary>3. 转换模型至ONNX (点击展开)</summary>
- Install [Paddle2ONNX](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/Paddle2ONNX) >= 0.7 and ONNX > 1.10.1, for details, please refer to [Tutorials of Export ONNX Model](../../deploy/EXPORT_ONNX_MODEL.md)
- 安装[Paddle2ONNX](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/Paddle2ONNX) >= 0.7 并且 ONNX > 1.10.1, 细节请参考[导出ONNX模型教程](../../deploy/EXPORT_ONNX_MODEL.md)
pip install onnx
pip install paddle2onnx
pip install paddle2onnx==0.9.2
- Convert model:
- 转换模型:
paddle2onnx --model_dir output_inference/picodet_s_320_coco_lcnet/ \
......@@ -183,22 +190,22 @@ paddle2onnx --model_dir output_inference/picodet_s_320_coco_lcnet/ \
--save_file picodet_s_320_coco.onnx
- Simplify ONNX model: use onnx-simplifier to simplify onnx model.
- 简化ONNX模型: 使用`onnx-simplifier`库来简化ONNX模型。
- Install onnx-simplifier >= 0.3.6:
- 安装 onnx-simplifier >= 0.3.6:
pip install onnx-simplifier
- simplify onnx model:
- 简化ONNX模型:
python -m onnxsim picodet_s_320_coco.onnx picodet_s_processed.onnx
- Deploy models
- 部署用的模型
| Model | Input size | ONNX | Paddle Lite(fp32) | Paddle Lite(fp16) |
| 模型 | 输入尺寸 | ONNX | Paddle Lite(fp32) | Paddle Lite(fp16) |
| :-------- | :--------: | :---------------------: | :----------------: | :----------------: |
| PicoDet-S | 320*320 | [model](https://paddledet.bj.bcebos.com/deploy/third_engine/picodet_s_320_coco.onnx) | [model](https://paddledet.bj.bcebos.com/deploy/paddlelite/picodet_s_320.tar) | [model](https://paddledet.bj.bcebos.com/deploy/paddlelite/picodet_s_320_fp16.tar) |
| PicoDet-S | 416*416 | [model](https://paddledet.bj.bcebos.com/deploy/third_engine/picodet_s_416_coco.onnx) | [model](https://paddledet.bj.bcebos.com/deploy/paddlelite/picodet_s_416.tar) | [model](https://paddledet.bj.bcebos.com/deploy/paddlelite/picodet_s_416_fp16.tar) |
......@@ -212,31 +219,28 @@ paddle2onnx --model_dir output_inference/picodet_s_320_coco_lcnet/ \
| PicoDet-LCNet 1.5x | 416*416 | [model](https://paddledet.bj.bcebos.com/deploy/third_engine/picodet_lcnet_1_5x_416_coco.onnx) | [model](https://paddledet.bj.bcebos.com/deploy/paddlelite/picodet_lcnet_1_5x.tar) | [model](https://paddledet.bj.bcebos.com/deploy/paddlelite/picodet_lcnet_1_5x_fp16.tar) |
### Deploy
### 部署
- PaddleInference demo [Python](../../deploy/python) & [C++](../../deploy/cpp)
- [PaddleLite C++ demo](../../deploy/lite)
- [NCNN C++/Python demo](../../deploy/third_engine/demo_ncnn)
- [MNN C++/Python demo](../../deploy/third_engine/demo_mnn)
- [OpenVINO C++ demo](../../deploy/third_engine/demo_openvino)
- [Android demo(Paddle Lite)](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/Paddle-Lite-Demo/tree/develop/object_detection/android/app/cxx/picodet_detection_demo)
Android demo visualization:
Android demo可视化:
<div align="center">
<img src="../../docs/images/picodet_android_demo1.jpg" height="500px" ><img src="../../docs/images/picodet_android_demo2.jpg" height="500px" ><img src="../../docs/images/picodet_android_demo3.jpg" height="500px" ><img src="../../docs/images/picodet_android_demo4.jpg" height="500px" >
## Quantization
## 量化
<details open>
- PaddlePaddle >= 2.2.2
- PaddleSlim >= 2.2.1
pip install paddleslim==2.2.1
......@@ -245,61 +249,61 @@ pip install paddleslim==2.2.1
<summary>Quant aware (click to expand)</summary>
<summary>量化训练 (点击展开)</summary>
Configure the quant config and start training:
python tools/train.py -c configs/picodet/picodet_s_320_coco_lcnet.yml \
--slim_config configs/slim/quant/picodet_s_quant.yml --eval
- More detail can refer to [slim document](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/PaddleDetection/tree/develop/configs/slim)
- 更多细节请参考[slim文档](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/PaddleDetection/tree/develop/configs/slim)
<summary>Post quant (click to expand)</summary>
<summary>离线量化 (点击展开)</summary>
Configure the post quant config and start calibrate model:
python tools/post_quant.py -c configs/picodet/picodet_s_320_coco_lcnet.yml \
--slim_config configs/slim/post_quant/picodet_s_ptq.yml
- Notes: Now the accuracy of post quant is abnormal and this problem is being solved.
- 注意: 离线量化模型精度问题正在解决中.
## Unstructured Pruning
## 非结构化剪枝
<details open>
Please refer this [documentation](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/PaddleDetection/tree/develop/configs/picodet/pruner/README.md) for details such as requirements, training and deployment.
## Application
## 应用
- **Pedestrian detection:** model zoo of `PicoDet-S-Pedestrian` please refer to [PP-TinyPose](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/PaddleDetection/tree/develop/configs/keypoint/tiny_pose#%E8%A1%8C%E4%BA%BA%E6%A3%80%E6%B5%8B%E6%A8%A1%E5%9E%8B)
- **行人检测:** `PicoDet-S-Pedestrian`行人检测模型请参考[PP-TinyPose](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/PaddleDetection/tree/develop/configs/keypoint/tiny_pose#%E8%A1%8C%E4%BA%BA%E6%A3%80%E6%B5%8B%E6%A8%A1%E5%9E%8B)
- **Mainbody detection:** model zoo of `PicoDet-L-Mainbody` please refer to [mainbody detection](./application/mainbody_detection/README.md)
- **主体检测:** `PicoDet-L-Mainbody`主体检测模型请参考[主体检测文档](./application/mainbody_detection/README.md)
## FAQ
<summary>Out of memory error.</summary>
<summary>显存爆炸(Out of memory error)</summary>
Please reduce the `batch_size` of `TrainReader` in config.
<summary>How to transfer learning.</summary>
Please reset `pretrain_weights` in config, which trained on coco. Such as:
pretrain_weights: https://paddledet.bj.bcebos.com/models/picodet_l_640_coco_lcnet.pdparams
......@@ -307,17 +311,17 @@ pretrain_weights: https://paddledet.bj.bcebos.com/models/picodet_l_640_coco_lcne
<summary>The transpose operator is time-consuming on some hardware.</summary>
Please use `PicoDet-LCNet` model, which has fewer `transpose` operators.
<summary>How to count model parameters.</summary>
You can insert below code at [here](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/PaddleDetection/blob/develop/ppdet/engine/trainer.py#L141) to count learnable parameters.
可以将以下代码插入:[trainer.py](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/PaddleDetection/blob/develop/ppdet/engine/trainer.py#L141) 来计算参数量。
params = sum([
......@@ -329,8 +333,8 @@ print('params: ', params)
## Cite PP-PicoDet
If you use PicoDet in your research, please cite our work by using the following BibTeX entry:
## 引用PP-PicoDet
title={PP-PicoDet: A Better Real-Time Object Detector on Mobile Devices},
简体中文 | [English](README.md)
English | [简体中文](README.md)
# PP-PicoDet
## 最新动态
## News
- 发布全新系列PP-PicoDet模型:**(2022.03.20)**
- (1)引入TAL及Task-aligned Head,优化PAN等结构,精度大幅提升;
- (2)优化CPU端预测速度,同时训练速度大幅提升;
- (3)导出模型将后处理包含在网络中,预测直接输出box结果,无需二次开发,迁移成本更低。
- Released a new series of PP-PicoDet models: **(2022.03.20)**
- (1) It was used TAL/Task-aligned-Head and optimized PAN, which greatly improved the accuracy;
- (2) Moreover optimized CPU prediction speed, and the training speed is greatly improved;
- (3) The export model includes post-processing, and the prediction directly outputs the result, without secondary development, and the migration cost is lower.
## 历史版本模型
### Legacy Model
- 详情请参考:[PicoDet 2021.10版本](./legacy_model/)
- Please refer to: [PicoDet 2021.10](./legacy_model/)
## 简介
## Introduction
We developed a series of lightweight models, named `PP-PicoDet`. Because of the excellent performance, our models are very suitable for deployment on mobile or CPU. For more details, please refer to our [report on arXiv](https://arxiv.org/abs/2111.00902).
- 🌟 更高的mAP: 第一个在1M参数量之内`mAP(0.5:0.95)`超越**30+**(输入416像素时)。
- 🚀 更快的预测速度: 网络预测在ARM CPU下可达150FPS。
- 😊 部署友好: 支持PaddleLite/MNN/NCNN/OpenVINO等预测库,支持转出ONNX,提供了C++/Python/Android的demo。
- 😍 先进的算法: 我们在现有SOTA算法中进行了创新, 包括:ESNet, CSP-PAN, SimOTA等等。
- 🌟 Higher mAP: the **first** object detectors that surpass mAP(0.5:0.95) **30+** within 1M parameters when the input size is 416.
- 🚀 Faster latency: 150FPS on mobile ARM CPU.
- 😊 Deploy friendly: support PaddleLite/MNN/NCNN/OpenVINO and provide C++/Python/Android implementation.
- 😍 Advanced algorithm: use the most advanced algorithms and offer innovation, such as ESNet, CSP-PAN, SimOTA with VFL, etc.
<div align="center">
<img src="../../docs/images/picodet_map.png" width='600'/>
## 基线
## Benchmark
| 模型 | 输入尺寸 | mAP<sup>val<br>0.5:0.95 | mAP<sup>val<br>0.5 | 参数量<br><sup>(M) | FLOPS<br><sup>(G) | 预测时延<sup><small>[NCNN](#latency)</small><sup><br><sup>(ms) | 预测时延<sup><small>[Lite](#latency)</small><sup><br><sup>(ms) | 下载 | 配置文件 |
| Model | Input size | mAP<sup>val<br>0.5:0.95 | mAP<sup>val<br>0.5 | Params<br><sup>(M) | FLOPS<br><sup>(G) | Latency<sup><small>[CPU](#latency)</small><sup><br><sup>(ms) | Latency<sup><small>[Lite](#latency)</small><sup><br><sup>(ms) | Download | Config |
| :-------- | :--------: | :---------------------: | :----------------: | :----------------: | :---------------: | :-----------------------------: | :-----------------------------: | :----------------------------------------: | :--------------------------------------- |
| PicoDet-XS | 320*320 | 23.5 | 36.1 | 0.70 | 0.67 | 10.9ms | 7.81ms | [model](https://paddledet.bj.bcebos.com/models/picodet_xs_320_coco_lcnet.pdparams) &#124; [log](https://paddledet.bj.bcebos.com/logs/train_picodet_xs_320_coco_lcnet.log) | [config](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/PaddleDetection/tree/develop/configs/picodet/picodet_xs_320_coco_lcnet.yml) |
| PicoDet-XS | 416*416 | 26.2 | 39.3 | 0.70 | 1.13 | 15.4ms | 12.38ms | [model](https://paddledet.bj.bcebos.com/models/picodet_xs_416_coco_lcnet.pdparams) &#124; [log](https://paddledet.bj.bcebos.com/logs/train_picodet_xs_416_coco_lcnet.log) | [config](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/PaddleDetection/tree/develop/configs/picodet/picodet_xs_416_coco_lcnet.yml) |
| PicoDet-S | 320*320 | 29.1 | 43.4 | 1.18 | 0.97 | 12.6ms | 9.56ms | [model](https://paddledet.bj.bcebos.com/models/picodet_s_320_coco_lcnet.pdparams) &#124; [log](https://paddledet.bj.bcebos.com/logs/train_picodet_s_320_coco_lcnet.log) | [config](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/PaddleDetection/tree/develop/configs/picodet/picodet_s_320_coco_lcnet.yml) |
| PicoDet-S | 416*416 | 32.5 | 47.6 | 1.18 | 1.65 | 17.2ms | 15.20 | [model](https://paddledet.bj.bcebos.com/models/picodet_s_416_coco_lcnet.pdparams) &#124; [log](https://paddledet.bj.bcebos.com/logs/train_picodet_s_416_coco_lcnet.log) | [config](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/PaddleDetection/tree/develop/configs/picodet/picodet_s_416_coco_lcnet.yml) |
| PicoDet-S | 416*416 | 32.5 | 47.6 | 1.18 | 1.65 | 17.2ms | 15.20ms | [model](https://paddledet.bj.bcebos.com/models/picodet_s_416_coco_lcnet.pdparams) &#124; [log](https://paddledet.bj.bcebos.com/logs/train_picodet_s_416_coco_lcnet.log) | [config](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/PaddleDetection/tree/develop/configs/picodet/picodet_s_416_coco_lcnet.yml) |
| PicoDet-M | 320*320 | 34.4 | 50.0 | 3.46 | 2.57 | 14.5ms | 17.68ms | [model](https://paddledet.bj.bcebos.com/models/picodet_m_320_coco_lcnet.pdparams) &#124; [log](https://paddledet.bj.bcebos.com/logs/train_picodet_m_320_coco_lcnet.log) | [config](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/PaddleDetection/tree/develop/configs/picodet/picodet_m_320_coco_lcnet.yml) |
| PicoDet-M | 416*416 | 37.5 | 53.4 | 3.46 | 4.34 | 19.5ms | 28.39ms | [model](https://paddledet.bj.bcebos.com/models/picodet_m_416_coco_lcnet.pdparams) &#124; [log](https://paddledet.bj.bcebos.com/logs/train_picodet_m_416_coco_lcnet.log) | [config](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/PaddleDetection/tree/develop/configs/picodet/picodet_m_416_coco_lcnet.yml) |
| PicoDet-L | 320*320 | 36.1 | 52.0 | 5.80 | 4.20 | 18.3ms | 25.21ms | [model](https://paddledet.bj.bcebos.com/models/picodet_l_320_coco_lcnet.pdparams) &#124; [log](https://paddledet.bj.bcebos.com/logs/train_picodet_l_320_coco_lcnet.log) | [config](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/PaddleDetection/tree/develop/configs/picodet/picodet_l_320_coco_lcnet.yml) |
| PicoDet-L | 416*416 | 39.4 | 55.7 | 5.80 | 7.10 | 22.1ms | 42.23ms | [model](https://paddledet.bj.bcebos.com/models/picodet_l_416_coco_lcnet.pdparams) &#124; [log](https://paddledet.bj.bcebos.com/logs/train_picodet_l_416_coco_lcnet.log) | [config](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/PaddleDetection/tree/develop/configs/picodet/picodet_l_416_coco_lcnet.yml) |
| PicoDet-L | 640*640 | 42.3 | 59.2 | 5.80 | 16.81 | 43.1ms | 108.1ms | [model](https://paddledet.bj.bcebos.com/models/picodet_l_640_coco_lcnet.pdparams) &#124; [log](https://paddledet.bj.bcebos.com/logs/train_picodet_l_640_coco_lcnet.log) | [config](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/PaddleDetection/tree/develop/configs/picodet/picodet_l_640_coco_lcnet.yml) |
| PicoDet-L | 640*640 | 42.6 | 59.2 | 5.80 | 16.81 | 43.1ms | 108.1ms | [model](https://paddledet.bj.bcebos.com/models/picodet_l_640_coco_lcnet.pdparams) &#124; [log](https://paddledet.bj.bcebos.com/logs/train_picodet_l_640_coco_lcnet.log) | [config](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/PaddleDetection/tree/develop/configs/picodet/picodet_l_640_coco_lcnet.yml) |
<details open>
<summary><b>Table Notes:</b></summary>
- <a name="latency">时延测试:</a> 我们所有的模型都在英特尔至强6148的CPU(MKLDNN 10线程)和`骁龙865(4xA77+4xA55)`的ARM CPU上测试(4线程,FP16预测)。上面表格中标有`CPU`的是使用Paddle Inference库测试,标有`Lite`的是使用[Paddle Lite](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/Paddle-Lite)进行测试。
- PicoDet在COCO train2017上训练,并且在COCO val2017上进行验证。使用4卡GPU训练,并且上表所有的预训练模型都是通过发布的默认配置训练得到。
- Benchmark测试:测试速度benchmark性能时,导出模型后处理不包含在网络中,需要设置`-o export.benchmark=True` 或手动修改[runtime.yml](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/PaddleDetection/blob/develop/configs/runtime.yml#L12)
- <a name="latency">Latency:</a> All our models test on `Intel-Xeon-Gold-6148` CPU with MKLDNN by 10 threads and `Qualcomm Snapdragon 865(4xA77+4xA55)` with 4 threads by arm8 and with FP16. In the above table, test CPU latency on Paddle-Inference and testing Mobile latency with `Lite`->[Paddle-Lite](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/Paddle-Lite).
- PicoDet is trained on COCO train2017 dataset and evaluated on COCO val2017. And PicoDet used 4 GPUs for training and all checkpoints are trained with default settings and hyperparameters.
- Benchmark test: When testing the speed benchmark, the post-processing is not included in the exported model, you need to set `-o export.benchmark=True` or manually modify [runtime.yml](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/PaddleDetection/blob/develop/configs/runtime.yml#L12).
#### 其他模型的基线
#### Benchmark of Other Models
| 模型 | 输入尺寸 | mAP<sup>val<br>0.5:0.95 | mAP<sup>val<br>0.5 | 参数量<br><sup>(M) | FLOPS<br><sup>(G) | 预测时延<sup><small>[NCNN](#latency)</small><sup><br><sup>(ms) |
| Model | Input size | mAP<sup>val<br>0.5:0.95 | mAP<sup>val<br>0.5 | Params<br><sup>(M) | FLOPS<br><sup>(G) | Latency<sup><small>[NCNN](#latency)</small><sup><br><sup>(ms) |
| :-------- | :--------: | :---------------------: | :----------------: | :----------------: | :---------------: | :-----------------------------: |
| YOLOv3-Tiny | 416*416 | 16.6 | 33.1 | 8.86 | 5.62 | 25.42 |
| YOLOv4-Tiny | 416*416 | 21.7 | 40.2 | 6.06 | 6.96 | 23.69 |
......@@ -71,39 +68,38 @@ PP-PicoDet模型有如下特点:
| YOLOv5n | 640*640 | 28.4 | 46.0 | 1.9 | 4.5 | 40.35 |
| YOLOv5s | 640*640 | 37.2 | 56.0 | 7.2 | 16.5 | 78.05 |
- ARM测试的benchmark脚本来自: [MobileDetBenchmark](https://github.com/JiweiMaster/MobileDetBenchmark)
- Testing Mobile latency with code: [MobileDetBenchmark](https://github.com/JiweiMaster/MobileDetBenchmark).
## 快速开始
## Quick Start
<details open>
- PaddlePaddle == 2.2.2
- PaddlePaddle >= 2.2.2
- [安装指导文档](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/PaddleDetection/blob/develop/docs/tutorials/INSTALL.md)
- [准备数据文档](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/PaddleDetection/blob/develop/docs/tutorials/PrepareDataSet_en.md)
- [Installation guide](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/PaddleDetection/blob/develop/docs/tutorials/INSTALL.md)
- [Prepare dataset](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/PaddleDetection/blob/develop/docs/tutorials/PrepareDataSet_en.md)
<summary>Training and Evaluation</summary>
- 单卡GPU上训练:
- Training model on single-GPU:
# training on single-GPU
python tools/train.py -c configs/picodet/picodet_s_320_coco_lcnet.yml --eval
If the GPU is out of memory during training, reduce the batch_size in TrainReader, and reduce the base_lr in LearningRate proportionally. At the same time, the configs we published are all trained with 4 GPUs. If the number of GPUs is changed to 1, the base_lr needs to be reduced by a factor of 4.
如果训练时显存out memory,将TrainReader中batch_size调小,同时LearningRate中base_lr等比例减小。
- 多卡GPU上训练:
- Training model on multi-GPU:
......@@ -112,31 +108,31 @@ export CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
python -m paddle.distributed.launch --gpus 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 tools/train.py -c configs/picodet/picodet_s_320_coco_lcnet.yml --eval
- 评估:
- Evaluation:
python tools/eval.py -c configs/picodet/picodet_s_320_coco_lcnet.yml \
-o weights=https://paddledet.bj.bcebos.com/models/picodet_s_320_coco_lcnet.pdparams
- 测试:
- Infer:
python tools/infer.py -c configs/picodet/picodet_s_320_coco_lcnet.yml \
-o weights=https://paddledet.bj.bcebos.com/models/picodet_s_320_coco_lcnet.pdparams
Detail also can refer to [Quick start guide](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/PaddleDetection/blob/develop/docs/tutorials/GETTING_STARTED.md).
## 部署
## Deployment
### 导出及转换模型
### Export and Convert Model
<summary>1. 导出模型 (点击展开)</summary>
<summary>1. Export model (click to expand)</summary>
cd PaddleDetection
......@@ -145,18 +141,22 @@ python tools/export_model.py -c configs/picodet/picodet_s_320_coco_lcnet.yml \
- If no post processing is required, please specify: `-o export.benchmark=True` (if -o has already appeared, delete -o here) or manually modify corresponding fields in [runtime.yml](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/PaddleDetection/blob/develop/configs/runtime.yml).
- If no NMS is required, please specify: `-o export.nms=True` or manually modify corresponding fields in [runtime.yml](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/PaddleDetection/blob/develop/configs/runtime.yml).
<summary>2. 转换模型至Paddle Lite (点击展开)</summary>
<summary>2. Convert to PaddleLite (click to expand)</summary>
- 安装Paddlelite>=2.10:
- Install Paddlelite>=2.10:
pip install paddlelite
- 转换模型至Paddle Lite格式:
- Convert model:
# FP32
......@@ -168,16 +168,16 @@ paddle_lite_opt --model_dir=inference_model/picodet_s_320_coco_lcnet --valid_tar
<summary>3. 转换模型至ONNX (点击展开)</summary>
<summary>3. Convert to ONNX (click to expand)</summary>
- 安装[Paddle2ONNX](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/Paddle2ONNX) >= 0.7 并且 ONNX > 1.10.1, 细节请参考[导出ONNX模型教程](../../deploy/EXPORT_ONNX_MODEL.md)
- Install [Paddle2ONNX](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/Paddle2ONNX) >= 0.7 and ONNX > 1.10.1, for details, please refer to [Tutorials of Export ONNX Model](../../deploy/EXPORT_ONNX_MODEL.md)
pip install onnx
pip install paddle2onnx
pip install paddle2onnx==0.9.2
- 转换模型:
- Convert model:
paddle2onnx --model_dir output_inference/picodet_s_320_coco_lcnet/ \
......@@ -187,22 +187,22 @@ paddle2onnx --model_dir output_inference/picodet_s_320_coco_lcnet/ \
--save_file picodet_s_320_coco.onnx
- 简化ONNX模型: 使用`onnx-simplifier`库来简化ONNX模型。
- Simplify ONNX model: use onnx-simplifier to simplify onnx model.
- 安装 onnx-simplifier >= 0.3.6:
- Install onnx-simplifier >= 0.3.6:
pip install onnx-simplifier
- 简化ONNX模型:
- simplify onnx model:
python -m onnxsim picodet_s_320_coco.onnx picodet_s_processed.onnx
- 部署用的模型
- Deploy models
| 模型 | 输入尺寸 | ONNX | Paddle Lite(fp32) | Paddle Lite(fp16) |
| Model | Input size | ONNX | Paddle Lite(fp32) | Paddle Lite(fp16) |
| :-------- | :--------: | :---------------------: | :----------------: | :----------------: |
| PicoDet-S | 320*320 | [model](https://paddledet.bj.bcebos.com/deploy/third_engine/picodet_s_320_coco.onnx) | [model](https://paddledet.bj.bcebos.com/deploy/paddlelite/picodet_s_320.tar) | [model](https://paddledet.bj.bcebos.com/deploy/paddlelite/picodet_s_320_fp16.tar) |
| PicoDet-S | 416*416 | [model](https://paddledet.bj.bcebos.com/deploy/third_engine/picodet_s_416_coco.onnx) | [model](https://paddledet.bj.bcebos.com/deploy/paddlelite/picodet_s_416.tar) | [model](https://paddledet.bj.bcebos.com/deploy/paddlelite/picodet_s_416_fp16.tar) |
......@@ -216,31 +216,28 @@ paddle2onnx --model_dir output_inference/picodet_s_320_coco_lcnet/ \
| PicoDet-LCNet 1.5x | 416*416 | [model](https://paddledet.bj.bcebos.com/deploy/third_engine/picodet_lcnet_1_5x_416_coco.onnx) | [model](https://paddledet.bj.bcebos.com/deploy/paddlelite/picodet_lcnet_1_5x.tar) | [model](https://paddledet.bj.bcebos.com/deploy/paddlelite/picodet_lcnet_1_5x_fp16.tar) |
### 部署
### Deploy
- PaddleInference demo [Python](../../deploy/python) & [C++](../../deploy/cpp)
- [PaddleLite C++ demo](../../deploy/lite)
- [NCNN C++/Python demo](../../deploy/third_engine/demo_ncnn)
- [MNN C++/Python demo](../../deploy/third_engine/demo_mnn)
- [OpenVINO C++ demo](../../deploy/third_engine/demo_openvino)
- [Android demo(Paddle Lite)](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/Paddle-Lite-Demo/tree/develop/object_detection/android/app/cxx/picodet_detection_demo)
Android demo可视化:
Android demo visualization:
<div align="center">
<img src="../../docs/images/picodet_android_demo1.jpg" height="500px" ><img src="../../docs/images/picodet_android_demo2.jpg" height="500px" ><img src="../../docs/images/picodet_android_demo3.jpg" height="500px" ><img src="../../docs/images/picodet_android_demo4.jpg" height="500px" >
## 量化
## Quantization
<details open>
- PaddlePaddle >= 2.2.2
- PaddleSlim >= 2.2.1
pip install paddleslim==2.2.1
......@@ -249,61 +246,61 @@ pip install paddleslim==2.2.1
<summary>量化训练 (点击展开)</summary>
<summary>Quant aware (click to expand)</summary>
Configure the quant config and start training:
python tools/train.py -c configs/picodet/picodet_s_320_coco_lcnet.yml \
--slim_config configs/slim/quant/picodet_s_quant.yml --eval
- 更多细节请参考[slim文档](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/PaddleDetection/tree/develop/configs/slim)
- More detail can refer to [slim document](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/PaddleDetection/tree/develop/configs/slim)
<summary>离线量化 (点击展开)</summary>
<summary>Post quant (click to expand)</summary>
Configure the post quant config and start calibrate model:
python tools/post_quant.py -c configs/picodet/picodet_s_320_coco_lcnet.yml \
--slim_config configs/slim/post_quant/picodet_s_ptq.yml
- 注意: 离线量化模型精度问题正在解决中.
- Notes: Now the accuracy of post quant is abnormal and this problem is being solved.
## 非结构化剪枝
## Unstructured Pruning
<details open>
Please refer this [documentation](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/PaddleDetection/tree/develop/configs/picodet/pruner/README.md) for details such as requirements, training and deployment.
## 应用
## Application
- **行人检测:** `PicoDet-S-Pedestrian`行人检测模型请参考[PP-TinyPose](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/PaddleDetection/tree/develop/configs/keypoint/tiny_pose#%E8%A1%8C%E4%BA%BA%E6%A3%80%E6%B5%8B%E6%A8%A1%E5%9E%8B)
- **Pedestrian detection:** model zoo of `PicoDet-S-Pedestrian` please refer to [PP-TinyPose](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/PaddleDetection/tree/develop/configs/keypoint/tiny_pose#%E8%A1%8C%E4%BA%BA%E6%A3%80%E6%B5%8B%E6%A8%A1%E5%9E%8B)
- **主体检测:** `PicoDet-L-Mainbody`主体检测模型请参考[主体检测文档](./application/mainbody_detection/README.md)
- **Mainbody detection:** model zoo of `PicoDet-L-Mainbody` please refer to [mainbody detection](./application/mainbody_detection/README.md)
## FAQ
<summary>显存爆炸(Out of memory error)</summary>
<summary>Out of memory error.</summary>
Please reduce the `batch_size` of `TrainReader` in config.
<summary>How to transfer learning.</summary>
Please reset `pretrain_weights` in config, which trained on coco. Such as:
pretrain_weights: https://paddledet.bj.bcebos.com/models/picodet_l_640_coco_lcnet.pdparams
......@@ -311,17 +308,17 @@ pretrain_weights: https://paddledet.bj.bcebos.com/models/picodet_l_640_coco_lcne
<summary>The transpose operator is time-consuming on some hardware.</summary>
Please use `PicoDet-LCNet` model, which has fewer `transpose` operators.
<summary>How to count model parameters.</summary>
可以将以下代码插入:[trainer.py](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/PaddleDetection/blob/develop/ppdet/engine/trainer.py#L141) 来计算参数量。
You can insert below code at [here](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/PaddleDetection/blob/develop/ppdet/engine/trainer.py#L141) to count learnable parameters.
params = sum([
......@@ -333,8 +330,8 @@ print('params: ', params)
## 引用PP-PicoDet
## Cite PP-PicoDet
If you use PicoDet in your research, please cite our work by using the following BibTeX entry:
title={PP-PicoDet: A Better Real-Time Object Detector on Mobile Devices},
......@@ -15,16 +15,15 @@
// for setprecision
#include <chrono>
#include <iomanip>
#include "include/object_detector.h"
using namespace paddle_infer;
#include "include/object_detector.h"
namespace PaddleDetection {
// Load Model and create model predictor
void ObjectDetector::LoadModel(const std::string& model_dir,
void ObjectDetector::LoadModel(const std::string &model_dir,
const int batch_size,
const std::string& run_mode) {
const std::string &run_mode) {
paddle_infer::Config config;
std::string prog_file = model_dir + OS_PATH_SEP + "model.pdmodel";
std::string params_file = model_dir + OS_PATH_SEP + "model.pdiparams";
......@@ -42,27 +41,22 @@ void ObjectDetector::LoadModel(const std::string& model_dir,
} else if (run_mode == "trt_int8") {
precision = paddle_infer::Config::Precision::kInt8;
} else {
"run_mode should be 'paddle', 'trt_fp32', 'trt_fp16' or "
printf("run_mode should be 'paddle', 'trt_fp32', 'trt_fp16' or "
// set tensorrt
config.EnableTensorRtEngine(1 << 30,
config.EnableTensorRtEngine(1 << 30, batch_size, this->min_subgraph_size_,
precision, false, this->trt_calib_mode_);
// set use dynamic shape
if (this->use_dynamic_shape_) {
// set DynamicShsape for image tensor
// set DynamicShape for image tensor
const std::vector<int> min_input_shape = {
1, 3, this->trt_min_shape_, this->trt_min_shape_};
batch_size, 3, this->trt_min_shape_, this->trt_min_shape_};
const std::vector<int> max_input_shape = {
1, 3, this->trt_max_shape_, this->trt_max_shape_};
batch_size, 3, this->trt_max_shape_, this->trt_max_shape_};
const std::vector<int> opt_input_shape = {
1, 3, this->trt_opt_shape_, this->trt_opt_shape_};
batch_size, 3, this->trt_opt_shape_, this->trt_opt_shape_};
const std::map<std::string, std::vector<int>> map_min_input_shape = {
{"image", min_input_shape}};
const std::map<std::string, std::vector<int>> map_max_input_shape = {
......@@ -70,8 +64,8 @@ void ObjectDetector::LoadModel(const std::string& model_dir,
const std::map<std::string, std::vector<int>> map_opt_input_shape = {
{"image", opt_input_shape}};
map_min_input_shape, map_max_input_shape, map_opt_input_shape);
config.SetTRTDynamicShapeInfo(map_min_input_shape, map_max_input_shape,
std::cout << "TensorRT dynamic shape enabled" << std::endl;
......@@ -96,12 +90,11 @@ void ObjectDetector::LoadModel(const std::string& model_dir,
// Visualiztion MaskDetector results
cv::Mat VisualizeResult(
const cv::Mat& img,
const std::vector<PaddleDetection::ObjectResult>& results,
const std::vector<std::string>& lables,
const std::vector<int>& colormap,
const bool is_rbox = false) {
VisualizeResult(const cv::Mat &img,
const std::vector<PaddleDetection::ObjectResult> &results,
const std::vector<std::string> &lables,
const std::vector<int> &colormap, const bool is_rbox = false) {
cv::Mat vis_img = img.clone();
for (int i = 0; i < results.size(); ++i) {
// Configure color and text size
......@@ -142,24 +135,18 @@ cv::Mat VisualizeResult(
origin.y = results[i].rect[1];
// Configure text background
cv::Rect text_back = cv::Rect(results[i].rect[0],
results[i].rect[1] - text_size.height,
cv::Rect text_back =
cv::Rect(results[i].rect[0], results[i].rect[1] - text_size.height,
text_size.width, text_size.height);
// Draw text, and background
cv::rectangle(vis_img, text_back, roi_color, -1);
cv::Scalar(255, 255, 255),
cv::putText(vis_img, text, origin, font_face, font_scale,
cv::Scalar(255, 255, 255), thickness);
return vis_img;
void ObjectDetector::Preprocess(const cv::Mat& ori_im) {
void ObjectDetector::Preprocess(const cv::Mat &ori_im) {
// Clone the image : keep the original mat for postprocess
cv::Mat im = ori_im.clone();
cv::cvtColor(im, im, cv::COLOR_BGR2RGB);
......@@ -168,9 +155,8 @@ void ObjectDetector::Preprocess(const cv::Mat& ori_im) {
void ObjectDetector::Postprocess(
const std::vector<cv::Mat> mats,
std::vector<PaddleDetection::ObjectResult>* result,
std::vector<int> bbox_num,
std::vector<float> output_data_,
std::vector<PaddleDetection::ObjectResult> *result,
std::vector<int> bbox_num, std::vector<float> output_data_,
bool is_rbox = false) {
int start_idx = 0;
......@@ -226,12 +212,11 @@ void ObjectDetector::Postprocess(
void ObjectDetector::Predict(const std::vector<cv::Mat> imgs,
const double threshold,
const int warmup,
const double threshold, const int warmup,
const int repeats,
std::vector<PaddleDetection::ObjectResult>* result,
std::vector<int>* bbox_num,
std::vector<double>* times) {
std::vector<PaddleDetection::ObjectResult> *result,
std::vector<int> *bbox_num,
std::vector<double> *times) {
auto preprocess_start = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
int batch_size = imgs.size();
......@@ -239,7 +224,7 @@ void ObjectDetector::Predict(const std::vector<cv::Mat> imgs,
std::vector<float> in_data_all;
std::vector<float> im_shape_all(batch_size * 2);
std::vector<float> scale_factor_all(batch_size * 2);
std::vector<const float*> output_data_list_;
std::vector<const float *> output_data_list_;
std::vector<int> out_bbox_num_data_;
// in_net img for each batch
......@@ -255,9 +240,8 @@ void ObjectDetector::Predict(const std::vector<cv::Mat> imgs,
scale_factor_all[bs_idx * 2] = inputs_.scale_factor_[0];
scale_factor_all[bs_idx * 2 + 1] = inputs_.scale_factor_[1];
// TODO: reduce cost time
in_data_all.end(), inputs_.im_data_.begin(), inputs_.im_data_.end());
in_data_all.insert(in_data_all.end(), inputs_.im_data_.begin(),
// collect in_net img
in_net_img_all[bs_idx] = inputs_.in_net_im_;
......@@ -276,10 +260,10 @@ void ObjectDetector::Predict(const std::vector<cv::Mat> imgs,
pad_img.convertTo(pad_img, CV_32FC3);
std::vector<float> pad_data;
pad_data.resize(rc * rh * rw);
float* base = pad_data.data();
float *base = pad_data.data();
for (int i = 0; i < rc; ++i) {
pad_img, cv::Mat(rh, rw, CV_32FC1, base + i * rh * rw), i);
cv::Mat(rh, rw, CV_32FC1, base + i * rh * rw), i);
in_data_all.insert(in_data_all.end(), pad_data.begin(), pad_data.end());
......@@ -290,7 +274,7 @@ void ObjectDetector::Predict(const std::vector<cv::Mat> imgs,
auto preprocess_end = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
// Prepare input tensor
auto input_names = predictor_->GetInputNames();
for (const auto& tensor_name : input_names) {
for (const auto &tensor_name : input_names) {
auto in_tensor = predictor_->GetInputHandle(tensor_name);
if (tensor_name == "image") {
int rh = inputs_.in_net_shape_[0];
......@@ -320,8 +304,8 @@ void ObjectDetector::Predict(const std::vector<cv::Mat> imgs,
for (int j = 0; j < output_names.size(); j++) {
auto output_tensor = predictor_->GetOutputHandle(output_names[j]);
std::vector<int> output_shape = output_tensor->shape();
int out_num = std::accumulate(
output_shape.begin(), output_shape.end(), 1, std::multiplies<int>());
int out_num = std::accumulate(output_shape.begin(), output_shape.end(), 1,
if (output_tensor->type() == paddle_infer::DataType::INT32) {
......@@ -344,8 +328,8 @@ void ObjectDetector::Predict(const std::vector<cv::Mat> imgs,
for (int j = 0; j < output_names.size(); j++) {
auto output_tensor = predictor_->GetOutputHandle(output_names[j]);
std::vector<int> output_shape = output_tensor->shape();
int out_num = std::accumulate(
output_shape.begin(), output_shape.end(), 1, std::multiplies<int>());
int out_num = std::accumulate(output_shape.begin(), output_shape.end(), 1,
if (output_tensor->type() == paddle_infer::DataType::INT32) {
......@@ -371,22 +355,15 @@ void ObjectDetector::Predict(const std::vector<cv::Mat> imgs,
if (i == config_.fpn_stride_.size()) {
reg_max = output_shape_list[i][2] / 4 - 1;
float* buffer = new float[out_tensor_list[i].size()];
float *buffer = new float[out_tensor_list[i].size()];
memcpy(buffer, &out_tensor_list[i][0],
out_tensor_list[i].size() * sizeof(float));
result, output_data_list_, config_.fpn_stride_, inputs_.im_shape_,
inputs_.scale_factor_, config_.nms_info_["score_threshold"].as<float>(),
config_.nms_info_["nms_threshold"].as<float>(), num_class, reg_max);
} else {
is_rbox = output_shape_list[0][output_shape_list[0].size() - 1] % 10 == 0;
......@@ -35,6 +35,9 @@ class Result(object):
return self.res_dict[name]
return None
def clear(self, name):
class DataCollector(object):
......@@ -80,7 +83,6 @@ class DataCollector(object):
ids = int(mot_item[0])
if ids not in self.collector:
self.collector[ids] = copy.deepcopy(self.mots)
if attr_res:
......@@ -297,10 +297,9 @@ def distill_idfeat(mot_res):
feature_new = feature_list
#if available frames number is more than 200, take one frame data per 20 frames
if len(qualities_new) > 200:
skipf = 20
skipf = max(10, len(qualities_new) // 10)
skipf = 1
if len(qualities_new) > 20:
skipf = 2
quality_skip = np.array(qualities_new[::skipf])
feature_skip = np.array(feature_new[::skipf])
......@@ -587,7 +587,7 @@ class PipePredictor(object):
if self.cfg['visual']:
if self.with_mtmct:
if self.with_mtmct and frame_id % 10 == 0:
crop_input, img_qualities, rects = self.reid_predictor.crop_image_with_mot(
frame, mot_res)
if frame_id > self.warmup_frame:
......@@ -603,6 +603,8 @@ class PipePredictor(object):
"rects": rects
self.pipeline_res.update(reid_res_dict, 'reid')
self.collector.append(frame_id, self.pipeline_res)
......@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ warnings.filterwarnings("ignore")
__all__ = [
......@@ -68,22 +68,28 @@ def linear_assignment(cost_matrix, thresh):
return matches, unmatched_a, unmatched_b
def cython_bbox_ious(atlbrs, btlbrs):
ious = np.zeros((len(atlbrs), len(btlbrs)), dtype=np.float)
if ious.size == 0:
def bbox_ious(atlbrs, btlbrs):
boxes = np.ascontiguousarray(atlbrs, dtype=np.float)
query_boxes = np.ascontiguousarray(btlbrs, dtype=np.float)
N = boxes.shape[0]
K = query_boxes.shape[0]
ious = np.zeros((N, K), dtype=boxes.dtype)
if N * K == 0:
return ious
import cython_bbox
except Exception as e:
print('cython_bbox not found, please install cython_bbox.'
'for example: `pip install cython_bbox`.')
ious = cython_bbox.bbox_overlaps(
atlbrs, dtype=np.float),
btlbrs, dtype=np.float))
for k in range(K):
box_area = ((query_boxes[k, 2] - query_boxes[k, 0] + 1) *
(query_boxes[k, 3] - query_boxes[k, 1] + 1))
for n in range(N):
iw = (min(boxes[n, 2], query_boxes[k, 2]) - max(
boxes[n, 0], query_boxes[k, 0]) + 1)
if iw > 0:
ih = (min(boxes[n, 3], query_boxes[k, 3]) - max(
boxes[n, 1], query_boxes[k, 1]) + 1)
if ih > 0:
ua = float((boxes[n, 2] - boxes[n, 0] + 1) * (boxes[
n, 3] - boxes[n, 1] + 1) + box_area - iw * ih)
ious[n, k] = iw * ih / ua
return ious
......@@ -98,7 +104,7 @@ def iou_distance(atracks, btracks):
atlbrs = [track.tlbr for track in atracks]
btlbrs = [track.tlbr for track in btracks]
_ious = cython_bbox_ious(atlbrs, btlbrs)
_ious = bbox_ious(atlbrs, btlbrs)
cost_matrix = 1 - _ious
return cost_matrix
......@@ -231,7 +231,7 @@ class Detector(object):
# model prediction
result = self.predict(repeats=repeats) # warmup
result = self.predict(repeats=50) # warmup
result = self.predict(repeats=repeats)
......@@ -296,7 +296,7 @@ class Detector(object):
if not os.path.exists(self.output_dir):
out_path = os.path.join(self.output_dir, video_out_name)
fourcc = cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(* 'mp4v')
fourcc = cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'mp4v')
writer = cv2.VideoWriter(out_path, fourcc, fps, (width, height))
index = 1
while (1):
......@@ -790,7 +790,7 @@ def main():
if FLAGS.image_dir is None and FLAGS.image_file is not None:
assert FLAGS.batch_size == 1, "batch_size should be 1, when image_file is not None"
img_list = get_test_images(FLAGS.image_dir, FLAGS.image_file)
detector.predict_image(img_list, FLAGS.run_benchmark, repeats=10)
detector.predict_image(img_list, FLAGS.run_benchmark, repeats=100)
if not FLAGS.run_benchmark:
......@@ -306,11 +306,12 @@ class MCMOTEvaluator(object):
def load_annotations(self):
assert self.data_type == 'mcmot'
self.gt_filename = os.path.join(self.data_root, '../',
self.gt_filename = os.path.join(self.data_root, '../', 'sequences',
if not os.path.exists(self.gt_filename):
logger.warning("gt_filename '{}' of MCMOTEvaluator is not exist, so the MOTA will be -inf.")
"gt_filename '{}' of MCMOTEvaluator is not exist, so the MOTA will be -INF."
def reset_accumulator(self):
import motmetrics as mm
......@@ -37,8 +37,11 @@ __all__ = ['MOTEvaluator', 'MOTMetric', 'JDEDetMetric', 'KITTIMOTMetric']
def read_mot_results(filename, is_gt=False, is_ignore=False):
valid_label = [1]
ignore_labels = [2, 7, 8, 12] # only in motchallenge datasets like 'MOT16'
logger.info("In MOT16/17 dataset the valid_label of ground truth is '{}', "
"in other dataset it should be '0' for single classs MOT.".format(valid_label[0]))
if is_gt:
"In MOT16/17 dataset the valid_label of ground truth is '{}', "
"in other dataset it should be '0' for single classs MOT.".format(
results_dict = dict()
if os.path.isfile(filename):
with open(filename, 'r') as f:
......@@ -118,7 +121,9 @@ class MOTEvaluator(object):
gt_filename = os.path.join(self.data_root, self.seq_name, 'gt',
if not os.path.exists(gt_filename):
logger.warning("gt_filename '{}' of MOTEvaluator is not exist, so the MOTA will be -inf.")
"gt_filename '{}' of MOTEvaluator is not exist, so the MOTA will be -INF."
self.gt_frame_dict = read_mot_results(gt_filename, is_gt=True)
self.gt_ignore_frame_dict = read_mot_results(
gt_filename, is_ignore=True)
......@@ -22,22 +22,23 @@ class BaseArch(nn.Layer):
self.fuse_norm = False
def load_meanstd(self, cfg_transform):
self.scale = 1.
self.mean = paddle.to_tensor([0.485, 0.456, 0.406]).reshape(
(1, 3, 1, 1))
self.std = paddle.to_tensor([0.229, 0.224, 0.225]).reshape((1, 3, 1, 1))
scale = 1.
mean = np.array([0.485, 0.456, 0.406], dtype=np.float32)
std = np.array([0.229, 0.224, 0.225], dtype=np.float32)
for item in cfg_transform:
if 'NormalizeImage' in item:
self.mean = paddle.to_tensor(item['NormalizeImage'][
'mean']).reshape((1, 3, 1, 1))
self.std = paddle.to_tensor(item['NormalizeImage'][
'std']).reshape((1, 3, 1, 1))
mean = np.array(
item['NormalizeImage']['mean'], dtype=np.float32)
std = np.array(item['NormalizeImage']['std'], dtype=np.float32)
if item['NormalizeImage'].get('is_scale', True):
self.scale = 1. / 255.
scale = 1. / 255.
if self.data_format == 'NHWC':
self.mean = self.mean.reshape(1, 1, 1, 3)
self.std = self.std.reshape(1, 1, 1, 3)
self.scale = paddle.to_tensor(scale / std).reshape((1, 1, 1, 3))
self.bias = paddle.to_tensor(-mean / std).reshape((1, 1, 1, 3))
self.scale = paddle.to_tensor(scale / std).reshape((1, 3, 1, 1))
self.bias = paddle.to_tensor(-mean / std).reshape((1, 3, 1, 1))
def forward(self, inputs):
if self.data_format == 'NHWC':
......@@ -46,7 +47,7 @@ class BaseArch(nn.Layer):
if self.fuse_norm:
image = inputs['image']
self.inputs['image'] = (image * self.scale - self.mean) / self.std
self.inputs['image'] = image * self.scale + self.bias
self.inputs['im_shape'] = inputs['im_shape']
self.inputs['scale_factor'] = inputs['scale_factor']
......@@ -66,8 +67,7 @@ class BaseArch(nn.Layer):
outs = []
for inp in inputs_list:
if self.fuse_norm:
self.inputs['image'] = (
inp['image'] * self.scale - self.mean) / self.std
self.inputs['image'] = inp['image'] * self.scale + self.bias
self.inputs['im_shape'] = inp['im_shape']
self.inputs['scale_factor'] = inp['scale_factor']
......@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ class BaseArch(nn.Layer):
# multi-scale test
if len(outs)>1:
if len(outs) > 1:
out = self.merge_multi_scale_predictions(outs)
out = outs[0]
......@@ -92,7 +92,9 @@ class BaseArch(nn.Layer):
keep_top_k = self.bbox_post_process.nms.keep_top_k
nms_threshold = self.bbox_post_process.nms.nms_threshold
raise Exception("Multi scale test only supports CascadeRCNN, FasterRCNN and MaskRCNN for now")
raise Exception(
"Multi scale test only supports CascadeRCNN, FasterRCNN and MaskRCNN for now"
final_boxes = []
all_scale_outs = paddle.concat([o['bbox'] for o in outs]).numpy()
......@@ -101,9 +103,11 @@ class BaseArch(nn.Layer):
if np.count_nonzero(idxs) == 0:
r = nms(all_scale_outs[idxs, 1:], nms_threshold)
final_boxes.append(np.concatenate([np.full((r.shape[0], 1), c), r], 1))
np.concatenate([np.full((r.shape[0], 1), c), r], 1))
out = np.concatenate(final_boxes)
out = np.concatenate(sorted(out, key=lambda e: e[1])[-keep_top_k:]).reshape((-1, 6))
out = np.concatenate(sorted(
out, key=lambda e: e[1])[-keep_top_k:]).reshape((-1, 6))
out = {
'bbox': paddle.to_tensor(out),
'bbox_num': paddle.to_tensor(np.array([out.shape[0], ]))
......@@ -199,7 +199,11 @@ class ATSSAssigner(nn.Layer):
gt_bboxes.reshape([-1, 4]), assigned_gt_index.flatten(), axis=0)
assigned_bboxes = assigned_bboxes.reshape([batch_size, num_anchors, 4])
assigned_scores = F.one_hot(assigned_labels, self.num_classes)
assigned_scores = F.one_hot(assigned_labels, self.num_classes + 1)
ind = list(range(self.num_classes + 1))
assigned_scores = paddle.index_select(
assigned_scores, paddle.to_tensor(ind), axis=-1)
if pred_bboxes is not None:
# assigned iou
ious = batch_iou_similarity(gt_bboxes, pred_bboxes) * mask_positive
......@@ -143,7 +143,11 @@ class TaskAlignedAssigner(nn.Layer):
gt_bboxes.reshape([-1, 4]), assigned_gt_index.flatten(), axis=0)
assigned_bboxes = assigned_bboxes.reshape([batch_size, num_anchors, 4])
assigned_scores = F.one_hot(assigned_labels, num_classes)
assigned_scores = F.one_hot(assigned_labels, num_classes + 1)
ind = list(range(num_classes + 1))
assigned_scores = paddle.index_select(
assigned_scores, paddle.to_tensor(ind), axis=-1)
# rescale alignment metrics
alignment_metrics *= mask_positive
max_metrics_per_instance = alignment_metrics.max(axis=-1, keepdim=True)
......@@ -331,7 +331,8 @@ class PPYOLOEHead(nn.Layer):
assigned_bboxes /= stride_tensor
# cls loss
if self.use_varifocal_loss:
one_hot_label = F.one_hot(assigned_labels, self.num_classes)
one_hot_label = F.one_hot(assigned_labels,
self.num_classes + 1)[..., :-1]
loss_cls = self._varifocal_loss(pred_scores, assigned_scores,
......@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ class DETRLoss(nn.Layer):
target_label = target_label.reshape([bs, num_query_objects])
if self.use_focal_loss:
target_label = F.one_hot(target_label,
self.num_classes + 1)[:, :, :-1]
self.num_classes + 1)[..., :-1]
return {
'loss_class': self.loss_coeff['class'] * sigmoid_focal_loss(
logits, target_label, num_gts / num_query_objects)
......@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ warnings.filterwarnings("ignore")
__all__ = [
......@@ -68,22 +68,28 @@ def linear_assignment(cost_matrix, thresh):
return matches, unmatched_a, unmatched_b
def cython_bbox_ious(atlbrs, btlbrs):
ious = np.zeros((len(atlbrs), len(btlbrs)), dtype=np.float)
if ious.size == 0:
def bbox_ious(atlbrs, btlbrs):
boxes = np.ascontiguousarray(atlbrs, dtype=np.float)
query_boxes = np.ascontiguousarray(btlbrs, dtype=np.float)
N = boxes.shape[0]
K = query_boxes.shape[0]
ious = np.zeros((N, K), dtype=boxes.dtype)
if N * K == 0:
return ious
import cython_bbox
except Exception as e:
print('cython_bbox not found, please install cython_bbox.'
'for example: `pip install cython_bbox`.')
raise e
ious = cython_bbox.bbox_overlaps(
atlbrs, dtype=np.float),
btlbrs, dtype=np.float))
for k in range(K):
box_area = ((query_boxes[k, 2] - query_boxes[k, 0] + 1) *
(query_boxes[k, 3] - query_boxes[k, 1] + 1))
for n in range(N):
iw = (min(boxes[n, 2], query_boxes[k, 2]) - max(
boxes[n, 0], query_boxes[k, 0]) + 1)
if iw > 0:
ih = (min(boxes[n, 3], query_boxes[k, 3]) - max(
boxes[n, 1], query_boxes[k, 1]) + 1)
if ih > 0:
ua = float((boxes[n, 2] - boxes[n, 0] + 1) * (boxes[
n, 3] - boxes[n, 1] + 1) + box_area - iw * ih)
ious[n, k] = iw * ih / ua
return ious
......@@ -98,7 +104,7 @@ def iou_distance(atracks, btracks):
atlbrs = [track.tlbr for track in atracks]
btlbrs = [track.tlbr for track in btracks]
_ious = cython_bbox_ious(atlbrs, btlbrs)
_ious = bbox_ious(atlbrs, btlbrs)
cost_matrix = 1 - _ious
return cost_matrix
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