diff --git a/cmake/generic.cmake b/cmake/generic.cmake index 770f8f76825107a2533fb70afa3fa12bb7283fa4..8f65decda77946878daffda0afffab8e0b74b83d 100644 --- a/cmake/generic.cmake +++ b/cmake/generic.cmake @@ -99,25 +99,44 @@ function(merge_static_libs TARGET_NAME) set(libs ${ARGN}) list(REMOVE_DUPLICATES libs) - # First get the file names of the libraries to be merged + # Get all propagation dependencies from the merged libraries foreach(lib ${libs}) - set(libfiles ${libfiles} $) + list(APPEND libs_deps ${${lib}_LIB_DEPENDS}) endforeach() if(APPLE) # Use OSX's libtool to merge archives + # To produce a library we need at least one source file. + # It is created by add_custom_command below and will helps + # also help to track dependencies. set(dummyfile ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${TARGET_NAME}_dummy.c) + + # Make the generated dummy source file depended on all static input + # libs. If input lib changes,the source file is touched + # which causes the desired effect (relink). + add_custom_command(OUTPUT ${dummyfile} + COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E touch ${dummyfile} + DEPENDS ${libs}) + + # Generate dummy staic lib file(WRITE ${dummyfile} "const char * dummy = \"${dummyfile}\";") add_library(${TARGET_NAME} STATIC ${dummyfile}) + target_link_libraries(${TARGET_NAME} ${libs_deps}) + + foreach(lib ${libs}) + # Get the file names of the libraries to be merged + set(libfiles ${libfiles} $) + endforeach() add_custom_command(TARGET ${TARGET_NAME} POST_BUILD COMMAND rm "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/lib${TARGET_NAME}.a" COMMAND /usr/bin/libtool -static -o "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/lib${TARGET_NAME}.a" ${libfiles}) - else() # general UNIX: use "ar" to extract objects and re-add to a common lib + else() # general UNIX: use "ar" to extract objects and re-add to a common lib foreach(lib ${libs}) set(objlistfile ${lib}.objlist) # list of objects in the input library set(objdir ${lib}.objdir) add_custom_command(OUTPUT ${objdir} - COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E make_directory ${objdir}) + COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E make_directory ${objdir} + DEPENDS ${lib}) add_custom_command(OUTPUT ${objlistfile} COMMAND ${CMAKE_AR} -x "$" @@ -125,27 +144,27 @@ function(merge_static_libs TARGET_NAME) DEPENDS ${lib} ${objdir} WORKING_DIRECTORY ${objdir}) - # Empty dummy source file that goes into merged library - set(mergebase ${lib}.mergebase.c) - add_custom_command(OUTPUT ${mergebase} - COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E touch ${mergebase} - DEPENDS ${objlistfile}) + # Empty dummy source file that goes into merged library + set(mergebase ${lib}.mergebase.c) + add_custom_command(OUTPUT ${mergebase} + COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E touch ${mergebase} + DEPENDS ${objlistfile}) list(APPEND mergebases "${mergebase}") endforeach() - # We need a target for the output merged library add_library(${TARGET_NAME} STATIC ${mergebases}) + target_link_libraries(${TARGET_NAME} ${libs_deps}) + + # Get the file name of the generated library set(outlibfile "$") foreach(lib ${libs}) add_custom_command(TARGET ${TARGET_NAME} POST_BUILD - COMMAND ${CMAKE_AR} ru ${outlibfile} @"../${lib}.objlist" - WORKING_DIRECTORY ${lib}.objdir) + COMMAND ${CMAKE_AR} cr ${outlibfile} *.o + COMMAND ${CMAKE_RANLIB} ${outlibfile} + WORKING_DIRECTORY ${lib}.objdir) endforeach() - - add_custom_command(TARGET ${TARGET_NAME} POST_BUILD - COMMAND ${CMAKE_RANLIB} ${outlibfile}) endif() endfunction(merge_static_libs)