PFSClient需要和Ingress之间做双向验证<sup>[tls](#tls)</sup>,所以用户需要首先在``上注册一下,申请用户空间,并且把系统生成的CA(certificate authority)、Key、CRT(CA signed certificate)下载到本地,然后才能使用PFSClient。
Because `variant` may be thought of as "multi-type, single value", we can utilize it to implement unified interfaces for PaddlePaddle.
Because `variant` may be thought of as "multi-type, single value", we can utilize it to implement unified interfaces for PaddlePaddle.
`DDim` plays two kinds of roles in Majel. First, it is used to indicate the size of a tensor. For example, we can construct a new `DArray` by following way:
It means that `arr` will be a two-dimension tensor, or a matrix. The size of its first dimension is 2 and the second is 3. All the element value of `arr` will be initialized as 0.0 .
The second meaning of `DDim` is tensor index. For example, if we want to access the value in the 1st row and 2nd column of `arr` and set it to 1.0, we can do like this:
## implement Tensor in Paddle
## implement Tensor in Paddle
Before writing code, please make sure you already look through Majel Source Code and grabbed the design philosophy of `DArray` in Majel.
Before writing code, please make sure you already look through Majel Source Code and grabbed the design philosophy of `DArray` in Majel.