We developed a series of lightweight models, which named `PicoDet`. Because of its excellent performance, it is very suitable for deployment on mobile or CPU.
- 🌟 Higher mAP: the **first** object detectors that surpass mAP(0.5:0.95) **30+** within 1M parameters when the input size is 416.
- 🚀 Faster latency: 114FPS on mobile ARM CPU.
- 🚀 Faster latency: 129FPS on mobile ARM CPU.
- 😊 Deploy friendly: support PaddleLite/MNN/NCNN/OpenVINO and provide C++/Python/Android implementation.
- 😍 Advanced algorithm: use the most advanced algorithms and innovate, such as ESNet, CSP-PAN, SimOTA with VFL, etc.
@@ -19,30 +19,42 @@ We developed a series of lightweight models, which named `PicoDet`. Because of i
<summary>3. Convert to ONNX (click to expand)</summary>
- Install [Paddle2ONNX](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/Paddle2ONNX) >= 0.7 and ONNX > 1.10.1, for details, please refer to [Tutorials of Export ONNX Model](../../deploy/EXPORT_ONNX_MODEL.md)