hc32f460_crc.h 4.8 KB
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 * Copyright (C) 2020, Huada Semiconductor Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.
 * This software component is licensed by HDSC under BSD 3-Clause license
 * (the "License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the
 * License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
 *                    opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause
/** \file hc32f460_crc.h
 ** A detailed description is available at
 ** @link CrcGroup Crc description @endlink
 **   - 2019-03-07  CDT First version for Device Driver Library of Crc.
#ifndef __HC32F460_CRC_H__
#define __HC32F460_CRC_H__

 * Include files
#include "hc32_common.h"
#include "ddl_config.h"


/* C binding of definitions if building with C++ compiler */
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C"

 ** \defgroup CrcGroup Cyclic Redundancy Check(CRC)

 * Global type definitions ('typedef')
/* Bits definitions of CRC control register(CRC_CR). */
 * Definitions of CRC protocol.
 * NOTE: CRC16 polynomial is X16 + X12 + X5 + 1
 *       CRC32 polynomial is X32 + X26 + X23 + X22 + X16 + X12 + X11 + X10 + \
 *                           X8 + X7 + X5 + X4 + X2 + X + 1
#define CRC_SEL_16B         ((uint32_t)0x0)
#define CRC_SEL_32B         ((uint32_t)(0x1ul << 1u))

 * Identifies the transpose configuration of the source data.
 * If this function is enabled, the source data's bits in bytes are transposed.
 * e.g. There's a source data 0x1234 which will be calculated checksum and this
 * function is enabled, the final data be calculated is 0x482C.
 * 0x12: bit0->bit7, bit1->bit6, ..., bit7->bit0, the data byte changed to 0x48.
 * 0x48: bit0->bit7, bit1->bit6, ..., bit7->bit0, the data byte changed to 0x2C.
 * The same to 32 bit data while using CRC32.
#define CRC_REFIN_DISABLE   ((uint32_t)0x0)
#define CRC_REFIN_ENABLE    ((uint32_t)(0x1ul << 2u))

 * Identifies the transpose configuration of the checksum.
 * If this function is enabled, bits of the checksum will be transposed.
 * e.g. There is a CRC16 checksum is 0x5678 before this function enabled, then
 * this function is enabled, the checksum will be 0x1E6A.
 * 0x5678: bit0->bit15, bit1->bit14, ..., bit15->bit0, the final data is 0x1E6A.
 * The same to CRC32 checksum while using CRC32.
#define CRC_REFOUT_DISABLE  ((uint32_t)0x0)
#define CRC_REFOUT_ENABLE   ((uint32_t)(0x1ul << 3u))

 * XORs the CRC checksum with 0xFFFF(CRC16) or 0xFFFFFFFF(CRC32).
 * e.g. There is a CRC16 checksum is 0x5678 before this function enabled.
 * If this function enabled, the checksum will be 0xA987.
 * The same to CRC32 checksum while using CRC32.
#define CRC_XOROUT_DISABLE  ((uint32_t)0x0)
#define CRC_XOROUT_ENABLE   ((uint32_t)(0x1ul << 4u))

#define CRC_CONFIG_MASK     ((uint32_t)(0x1Eu))

 * Global pre-processor symbols/macros ('#define')

 * Global variable definitions ('extern')

 * Global function prototypes (definition in C source)
void CRC_Init(uint32_t u32Config);
uint16_t CRC_Calculate16B(uint16_t u16InitVal, const uint16_t *pu16Data, uint32_t u32Length);
uint32_t CRC_Calculate32B(uint32_t u32InitVal, const uint32_t *pu32Data, uint32_t u32Length);
bool CRC_Check16B(uint16_t u16InitVal, uint16_t u16CheckSum, const uint16_t *pu16Data, uint32_t u32Length);
bool CRC_Check32B(uint32_t u32InitVal, uint32_t u32CheckSum, const uint32_t *pu32Data, uint32_t u32Length);

//@} // CrcGroup

#ifdef __cplusplus

#endif /* DDL_CRC_ENABLE */

#endif /* __HC32F460_CRC_H__ */

 * EOF (not truncated)