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**[Apache RocketMQ](https://rocketmq.incubator.apache.org) is a low latency, reliable, scalable, easy to use message oriented middleware born from alibaba massive messaging business.**
It offers a variety of features as follows:
* Pub/Sub and P2P messaging model
* Reliable FIFO and strict sequential messaging in the same queue
* Long pull queue model,also support push consumption style
* Million message accumulation ability in single queue
* Over a variety of messaging protocols.such as JMS,MQTT etc.
* Distributed high available deploy architecture, meets at least once message delivery semantics
* Docker images for isolated testing and cloud Isolated clusters
* Feature-rich administrative dashboard for configuration,metrics and monitoring
## Learn it & Contact us
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## Apache RocketMQ Community
* [RocketMQ Community Incubator Projects](https://github.com/rocketmq)
* [RocketMQ Community Projects](https://github.com/apache/incubator-rocketmq-externals)
## Contributing
We are always very happy to have contributions, whether for trivial cleanups,big new features or other material rewards. more details see [here](CONTRIBUTING.md)
## License
[Apache License, Version 2.0](http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.html) Copyright (C) Apache Software Foundation