/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ export default { service: '服务', serviceSearch: '服务查询', serviceGovernance: '服务治理', serviceMetrics: '服务统计', serviceRelation: '服务关系', routingRule: '条件路由', tagRule: '标签路由', dynamicConfig: '动态配置', accessControl: '黑白名单', weightAdjust: '权重调整', loadBalance: '负载均衡', serviceTest: '服务测试', serviceMock: '服务Mock', providers: '提供者', consumers: '消费者', metrics: '统计', relation: '关系', group: '组', version: '版本', app: '应用', ip: 'IP地址', qps: 'qps', rt: 'rt', successRate: '成功率', serviceInfo: '服务信息', port: '端口', timeout: '超时(毫秒)', serialization: '序列化', appName: '应用名', serviceName: '服务名', operation: '操作', searchResult: '查询结果', search: '搜索', methodName: '方法名', enabled: '开启', disabled: '禁用', method: '方法', weight: '权重', create: '创建', save: '保存', cancel: '取消', close: '关闭', confirm: '确认', ruleContent: '规则内容', createNewRoutingRule: '创建新路由规则', createNewTagRule: '创建新标签规则', createNewDynamicConfigRule: '创建新动态配置规则', createNewWeightRule: '新建权重规则', createNewLoadBalanceRule: '新建负载均衡规则', serviceIdHint: '服务名', view: '查看', edit: '编辑', delete: '删除', searchRoutingRule: '搜索路由规则', searchAccessRule: '搜索黑白名单', searchWeightRule: '搜索权重调整规则', dataIdHint: '组/服务:版本形式的服务ID,组和版本可选', agree: '同意', disagree: '不同意', searchDynamicConfig: '搜索动态配置', appNameHint: '服务所属的应用名称', basicInfo: '基础信息', metaData: '元数据', methodMetrics: '服务方法统计', searchDubboService: '搜索Dubbo服务或应用', serviceSearchHint: '服务ID, org.apache.dubbo.demo.api.DemoService, * 代表所有服务', ipSearchHint: '在指定的IP地址上查找目标服务器提供的所有服务', appSearchHint: '输入应用名称以查找由一个特定应用提供的所有服务, * 代表所有', searchTagRule: '根据应用名搜索标签规则', searchSingleMetrics: '输入IP搜索Metrics信息', searchBalanceRule: '搜索负载均衡规则', parameterList: '参数列表', returnType: '返回值', noMetadataHint: '无元数据信息,请升级至Dubbo2.7及以上版本,或者查看application.properties中关于config center的配置,详见', here: '这里', configAddress: 'https://github.com/apache/incubator-dubbo-admin/wiki/Dubbo-Admin%E9%85%8D%E7%BD%AE%E8%AF%B4%E6%98%8E', whiteList: '白名单', whiteListHint: '白名单IP列表, 多个地址用逗号分隔:,', blackList: '黑名单', blackListHint: '黑名单IP列表, 多个地址用逗号分隔:,', address: '地址列表', weightAddressHint: '此权重设置的IP地址,用逗号分隔:,', weightHint: '权重值,默认100', methodHint: '负载均衡生效的方法,*代表所有方法', strategy: '策略', balanceStrategyHint: '负载均衡策略', goIndex: '返回首页', releaseLater: '在后续版本中发布,敬请期待', later: { metrics: 'Metrics会在后续版本中发布,敬请期待', serviceTest: '服务测试会在后续版本中发布,敬请期待', serviceMock: '服务Mock会在后续版本中发布,敬请期待' }, by: '按', $vuetify: { dataIterator: { rowsPerPageText: '每页记录数:', rowsPerPageAll: '全部', pageText: '{0}-{1} 共 {2} 条', noResultsText: '没有找到匹配记录', nextPage: '下一页', prevPage: '上一页' }, dataTable: { rowsPerPageText: '每页行数:' }, noDataText: '无可用数据' }, configManage: '配置管理', configCenterAddress: '配置中心地址', searchDubboConfig: '搜索Dubbo配置', createNewDubboConfig: '新建Dubbo配置', scope: '范围', name: '名称', warnDeleteConfig: ' 是否要删除Dubbo配置: ', warnDeleteRouteRule: '是否要删除路由规则', warnDeleteDynamicConfig: '是否要删除动态配置', warnDeleteBalancing: '是否要删除负载均衡规则', warnDeleteAccessControl: '是否要删除黑白名单', warnDeleteTagRule: '是否要删除标签路由', warnDeleteWeightAdjust: '是否要删除权重规则', configNameHint: '配置所属的应用名, global 表示全局配置', configContent: '配置内容', testMethod: '测试方法', execute: '执行', result: '结果: ', success: ' 成功', fail: '失败', detail: '详情', more: '更多', copyUrl: '复制 URL', copy: '复制', url: 'URL', copySuccessfully: '已复制', test: '测试', placeholders: { searchService: '通过服务名搜索服务' }, methods: '方法列表', testModule: { searchServiceHint: '服务ID, org.apache.dubbo.demo.api.DemoService, 使用 * 进行模糊查找, 按回车键查询' }, userName: '用户名', password: '密码', login: '登录' }