/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ export default { service: 'Service', serviceSearch: 'Search service name', serviceGovernance: 'Service Governance', routingRule: 'Condition Rule', tagRule: 'Tag Rule', dynamicConfig: 'Dynamic Config', accessControl: 'Black White List', weightAdjust: 'Weight Adjust', loadBalance: 'Load Balance', serviceTest: 'Service Test', serviceMock: 'Service Mock', serviceMetrics: 'Service Metrics', serviceRelation: 'Service Relation', metrics: 'Metrics', relation: 'Relation', group: 'Group', serviceInfo: 'Service Info', providers: 'Providers', consumers: 'Consumers', version: 'Version', app: 'Application', ip: 'IP', qps: 'qps', rt: 'rt', successRate: 'success rate', port: 'PORT', timeout: 'timeout(ms)', serialization: 'serialization', appName: 'Application Name', serviceName: 'Service Name', operation: 'Operation', searchResult: 'Search Result', search: 'Search', methodName: 'Method Name', enabled: 'Enabled', disabled: 'Disabled', method: 'Method', weight: 'Weight', create: 'CREATE', save: 'SAVE', cancel: 'CANCEL', close: 'CLOSE', confirm: 'CONFIRM', ruleContent: 'RULE CONTENT', createNewRoutingRule: 'Create New Routing Rule', createNewTagRule: 'Create New Tag Rule', createNewDynamicConfigRule: 'Create New Dynamic Config Rule', createNewWeightRule: 'Create New Weight Rule', createNewLoadBalanceRule: 'Create new load balancing rule', serviceIdHint: 'Service ID', view: 'View', edit: 'Edit', delete: 'Delete', searchRoutingRule: 'Search Routing Rule', searchAccess: 'Search Access Rule', searchWeightRule: 'Search Weight Adjust Rule', dataIdHint: 'A service ID in form of group/service:version, group and version are optional', agree: 'Agree', disagree: 'Disagree', searchDynamicConfig: 'Search Dynamic Config', appNameHint: 'Application name the service belongs to', basicInfo: 'BasicInfo', metaData: 'MetaData', methodMetrics: 'Method Statistics', searchDubboService: 'Search Dubbo Services or applications', serviceSearchHint: 'Service ID, org.apache.dubbo.demo.api.DemoService, * for all services', ipSearchHint: 'Find all services provided by the target server on the specified IP address', appSearchHint: 'Input an application name to find all services provided by one particular application, * for all', searchTagRule: 'Search Tag Rule by application name', searchSingleMetrics: 'Search Metrics by IP', searchBalanceRule: 'Search Balancing Rule', noMetadataHint: 'There is no metadata available, please update to Dubbo2.7, or check your config center configuration in application.properties, please check ', parameterList: 'parameterList', returnType: 'returnType', here: 'here', configAddress: 'https://github.com/apache/incubator-dubbo-admin/wiki/Dubbo-Admin-configuration', whiteList: 'White List', whiteListHint: 'White list IP address, divided by comma:,', blackList: 'Black List', blackListHint: 'Black list IP address, divided by comma:,', address: 'Address', weightAddressHint: 'IP addresses to set this weight, divided by comma:,', weightHint: 'weight value, default is 100', methodHint: 'choose method of load balancing, * for all methods', strategy: 'Strategy', balanceStrategyHint: 'load balancing strategy', goIndex: 'Go To Index', releaseLater: 'will release later', later: { metrics: 'Metrics will release later', serviceTest: 'Service Test will release later', serviceMock: 'Service Mock will release later' }, by: 'by ', $vuetify: { dataIterator: { rowsPerPageText: 'Items per page:', rowsPerPageAll: 'All', pageText: '{0}-{1} of {2}', noResultsText: 'No matching records found', nextPage: 'Next page', prevPage: 'Previous page' }, dataTable: { rowsPerPageText: 'Rows per page:' }, noDataText: 'No data available' }, configManage: 'Configuration Management', configCenterAddress: 'ConfigCenter Address', searchDubboConfig: 'Search Dubbo Config', createNewDubboConfig: 'Create New Dubbo Config', scope: 'Scope', name: 'Name', warnDeleteConfig: ' Are you sure to Delete Dubbo Config: ', warnDeleteRouteRule: 'Are you sure to Delete routing rule', warnDeleteDynamicConfig: 'Are you sure to Delete dynamic config', warnDeleteBalancing: 'Are you sure to Delete load balancing', warnDeleteAccessControl: 'Are you sure to Delete access control', warnDeleteTagRule: 'Are you sure to Delete tag rule', warnDeleteWeightAdjust: 'Are you sure to Delete weight adjust', configNameHint: "Application name the config belongs to, use 'global'(without quotes) for global config", configContent: 'Config Content', testMethod: 'Test Method', execute: 'EXECUTE', result: 'Result: ', success: 'SUCCESS', fail: 'FAIL', detail: 'Detail', more: 'More', copyUrl: 'Copy URL', copy: 'Copy', url: 'URL', copySuccessfully: 'Copied', test: 'Test', placeholders: { searchService: 'Search by service name' }, methods: 'Methods', testModule: { searchServiceHint: 'Service ID, org.apache.dubbo.demo.api.DemoService, * for fuzzy search, press Enter to search' }, userName: 'User Name', password: 'Password', login: 'Login' }