import Vue from 'vue'; function parseData (data, vueComponentOptions) { if (!data) { return } = data; } function parseComponents (vueComponentOptions) { vueComponentOptions.components = global['__wxVueOptions'].components; } const _toString = Object.prototype.toString; const hasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; function isFn (fn) { return typeof fn === 'function' } function isPlainObject (obj) { return === '[object Object]' } function hasOwn (obj, key) { return, key) } function noop () { } /** * Create a cached version of a pure function. */ function cached (fn) { const cache = Object.create(null); return function cachedFn (str) { const hit = cache[str]; return hit || (cache[str] = fn(str)) } } /** * Camelize a hyphen-delimited string. */ const camelizeRE = /-(\w)/g; const camelize = cached((str) => { return str.replace(camelizeRE, (_, c) => c ? c.toUpperCase() : '') }); const SOURCE_KEY = '__data__'; const COMPONENT_LIFECYCLE = { 'created': 'onServiceCreated', 'attached': 'onServiceAttached', 'ready': 'mounted', 'moved': 'moved', 'detached': 'destroyed' }; const COMPONENT_LIFECYCLE_KEYS = Object.keys(COMPONENT_LIFECYCLE); const PAGE_LIFETIMES = { show: 'onPageShow', hide: 'onPageHide', resize: 'onPageResize' }; const PAGE_LIFETIMES_KEYS = Object.keys(PAGE_LIFETIMES); const PAGE_LIFECYCLE = [ 'onLoad', 'onShow', 'onReady', 'onHide', 'onUnload', 'onPullDownRefresh', 'onReachBottom', 'onShareAppMessage', 'onPageScroll', 'onResize', 'onTabItemTap' ]; function parsePageMethods (mpComponentOptions, vueComponentOptions) { const methods = Object.create(null); Object.keys(mpComponentOptions).forEach(key => { const value = mpComponentOptions[key]; if (isFn(value) && PAGE_LIFECYCLE.indexOf(key) === -1) { methods[key] = value; } }); vueComponentOptions.methods = methods; } function parsePageLifecycle (mpComponentOptions, vueComponentOptions) { Object.keys(mpComponentOptions).forEach(key => { if (PAGE_LIFECYCLE.indexOf(key) !== -1) { vueComponentOptions[key] = mpComponentOptions[key]; } }); } function parsePage (mpComponentOptions) { const vueComponentOptions = { mixins: [], mpOptions: {} }; parseComponents(vueComponentOptions); parseData(, vueComponentOptions); parsePageMethods(mpComponentOptions, vueComponentOptions); parsePageLifecycle(mpComponentOptions, vueComponentOptions); return vueComponentOptions } function parseProperties (properties, vueComponentOptions) { if (!properties) { return } = properties; } function parseOptions (options, vueComponentOptions) { if (!options) { return } vueComponentOptions.mpOptions.options = options; } function parseMethods (methods, vueComponentOptions) { if (!methods) { return } if (methods.$emit) { console.warn(`Method "$emit" conflicts with an existing Vue instance method`); delete methods.$emit; } vueComponentOptions.methods = methods; } function parseLifecycle (mpComponentOptions, vueComponentOptions) { COMPONENT_LIFECYCLE_KEYS.forEach(name => { if (hasOwn(mpComponentOptions, name)) { (vueComponentOptions[COMPONENT_LIFECYCLE[name]] || (vueComponentOptions[COMPONENT_LIFECYCLE[name]] = [])) .push(mpComponentOptions[name]); } }); } const mpBehaviors = { 'wx://form-field': {}, 'wx://component-export': {} }; function callDefinitionFilter (mpComponentOptions) { const { behaviors, definitionFilter } = mpComponentOptions; const behaviorDefinitionFilters = []; if (Array.isArray(behaviors)) { behaviors.forEach(behavior => { behavior = typeof behavior === 'string' ? mpBehaviors[behavior] : behavior; if (behavior.definitionFilter) { behaviorDefinitionFilters.push(behavior.definitionFilter);, mpComponentOptions, []); } }); } if (isFn(definitionFilter)) { return function (defFields) { definitionFilter(defFields, behaviorDefinitionFilters); } } } function parseDefinitionFilter (mpComponentOptions, vueComponentOptions) { callDefinitionFilter(mpComponentOptions); } function parseBehavior (behavior) { const { data, methods, behaviors, properties } = behavior; const vueComponentOptions = { watch: {}, mpOptions: { mpObservers: [] } }; parseData(data, vueComponentOptions); parseMethods(methods, vueComponentOptions); parseBehaviors(behaviors, vueComponentOptions); parseProperties(properties, vueComponentOptions); parseLifecycle(behavior, vueComponentOptions); parseDefinitionFilter(behavior); return vueComponentOptions } const BEHAVIORS = { 'wx://form-field': { beforeCreate () { const mpOptions = this.$options.mpOptions; if (! { = Object.create(null); } const props =; // TODO form submit,reset if (! { = { type: String }; } if (!props.value) { props.value = { type: null }; } } } }; function parseBehaviors (behaviors, vueComponentOptions) { if (!behaviors) { return } behaviors.forEach(behavior => { if (typeof behavior === 'string') { BEHAVIORS[behavior] && vueComponentOptions.mixins.push(BEHAVIORS[behavior]); } else { vueComponentOptions.mixins.push(parseBehavior(behavior)); } }); } function parseSinglePath (path) { return path.split('.') } function parseMultiPaths (paths) { return paths.split(',').map(path => parseSinglePath(path)) } function parseObservers (observers, vueComponentOptions) { if (!observers) { return } const { mpObservers } = vueComponentOptions.mpOptions; Object.keys(observers).forEach(path => { mpObservers.push({ paths: parseMultiPaths(path), observer: observers[path] }); }); } function relative (from, to) { if (to.indexOf('/') === 0) { from = ''; } const fromArr = from.split('/'); const toArr = to.split('/'); fromArr.pop(); while (toArr.length) { const part = toArr.shift(); if (part !== '' && part !== '.') { if (part !== '..') { fromArr.push(part); } else { fromArr.pop(); } } } return fromArr.join('/') } function parseRelations (relations, vueComponentOptions) { if (!relations) { return } Object.keys(relations).forEach(name => { const relation = relations[name]; = name; = ? String( : relative(global['__wxRoute'], name); }); vueComponentOptions.mpOptions.relations = relations; } function parseExternalClasses (externalClasses, vueComponentOptions) { if (!externalClasses) { return } if (!Array.isArray(externalClasses)) { externalClasses = [externalClasses]; } vueComponentOptions.mpOptions.externalClasses = externalClasses; if (! { = Object.create(null); } externalClasses.forEach(externalClass => {[camelize(externalClass)] = { type: String, value: '' }; }); } function parseLifetimes (lifetimes, vueComponentOptions) { if (!lifetimes) { return } parseLifecycle(lifetimes, vueComponentOptions); } function parsePageLifetimes (pageLifetimes, vueComponentOptions) { if (!pageLifetimes) { return } PAGE_LIFETIMES_KEYS.forEach(key => { const lifetimeFn = pageLifetimes[key]; isFn(lifetimeFn) && (vueComponentOptions[PAGE_LIFETIMES[key]] = lifetimeFn); }); } function parseComponent (mpComponentOptions) { const { data, options, methods, behaviors, lifetimes, observers, relations, properties, pageLifetimes, externalClasses } = mpComponentOptions; const vueComponentOptions = { mixins: [], props: {}, watch: {}, mpOptions: { mpObservers: [] } }; parseComponents(vueComponentOptions); parseData(data, vueComponentOptions); parseOptions(options, vueComponentOptions); parseMethods(methods, vueComponentOptions); parseBehaviors(behaviors, vueComponentOptions); parseLifetimes(lifetimes, vueComponentOptions); parseObservers(observers, vueComponentOptions); parseRelations(relations, vueComponentOptions); parseProperties(properties, vueComponentOptions); parsePageLifetimes(pageLifetimes, vueComponentOptions); parseExternalClasses(externalClasses, vueComponentOptions); parseLifecycle(mpComponentOptions, vueComponentOptions); parseDefinitionFilter(mpComponentOptions); return vueComponentOptions } function initRelationHandlers (type, handler, target, ctx) { if (!handler) { return } const name = `_$${type}Handlers`; (ctx[name] || (ctx[name] = [])).push(function () {, target); }); } function initLinkedHandlers (relation, target, ctx) { const type = 'linked'; const name =; const relationNodes = ctx._$relationNodes || (ctx._$relationNodes = Object.create(null)); (relationNodes[name] || (relationNodes[name] = [])).push(target); initRelationHandlers(type, relation[type], target, ctx); } function initUnlinkedHandlers (relation, target, ctx) { const type = 'unlinked'; initRelationHandlers(type, relation[type], target, ctx); } function findParentRelation (parentVm, target, type) { const relations = parentVm && parentVm.$options.mpOptions && parentVm.$options.mpOptions.relations; if (!relations) { return [] } const name = Object.keys(relations).find(name => { const relation = relations[name]; return === target && relation.type === type }); if (!name) { return [] } return [relations[name], parentVm] } function initParentRelation (vm, childRelation, match) { const [parentRelation, parentVm] = match(vm, vm.$options.mpOptions.path); if (!parentRelation) { return } initLinkedHandlers(parentRelation, vm, parentVm); initLinkedHandlers(childRelation, parentVm, vm); initUnlinkedHandlers(parentRelation, vm, parentVm); initUnlinkedHandlers(childRelation, parentVm, vm); } function initRelation (relation, vm) { const type = relation.type; if (type === 'parent') { initParentRelation(vm, relation, function matchParent (vm, target) { return findParentRelation(vm.$parent, target, 'child') }); } else if (type === 'ancestor') { initParentRelation(vm, relation, function matchAncestor (vm, target) { let $parent = vm.$parent; while ($parent) { const ret = findParentRelation($parent, target, 'descendant'); if (ret.length) { return ret } $parent = $parent.$parent; } return [] }); } } function initRelations (vm) { const { relations } = vm.$options.mpOptions || {}; if (!relations) { return } Object.keys(relations).forEach(name => { initRelation(relations[name], vm); }); } function handleRelations (vm, type) { // TODO 需要移除 relationNodes const handlers = vm[`_$${type}Handlers`]; if (!handlers) { return } handlers.forEach(handler => handler()); } const sharedPropertyDefinition = { enumerable: true, configurable: true, get: noop, set: noop }; function proxy (target, sourceKey, key) { sharedPropertyDefinition.get = function proxyGetter () { return this[sourceKey][key] }; sharedPropertyDefinition.set = function proxySetter (val) { this[sourceKey][key] = val; }; Object.defineProperty(target, key, sharedPropertyDefinition); } function setDataByExprPath (exprPath, value, data) { const keys = exprPath.replace(/\[(\d+?)\]/g, '.$1').split('.'); keys.reduce((obj, key, idx) => { if (idx === keys.length - 1) { obj[key] = value; } else { if (typeof obj[key] === 'undefined') { obj[key] = {}; } return obj[key] } }, data); return keys.length === 1 } function setData (data, callback) { if (!isPlainObject(data)) { return } Object.keys(data).forEach(key => { if (setDataByExprPath(key, data[key], { !hasOwn(this, key) && proxy(this, SOURCE_KEY, key); } }); this.$forceUpdate(); isFn(callback) && this.$nextTick(callback); } /** * */ const _toString$1 = Object.prototype.toString; /** * 深度assign的函数 * @param {Object} targetObject 要被拷贝的目标对象 * @param {Object} originObject 拷贝的源对象 * @return {Object} merge后的对象 */ const deepAssign = (targetObject = {}, originObject) => { const originType = _toString$; if (originType === '[object Array]') { targetObject = originObject.slice(0); return targetObject } else if (originType === '[object Object]') { for (const key in originObject) { targetObject[key] = deepAssign(targetObject[key], originObject[key]); } return targetObject } else if (originType === '[object Date]') { return new Date(originObject.getTime()) } else if (originType === '[object RegExp]') { const target = String(originObject); const lastIndex = target.lastIndexOf('/'); return new RegExp(target.slice(1, lastIndex), target.slice(lastIndex + 1)) } return originObject }; /** * 深度拷贝逻辑,不同于lodash等库,但是与微信一致 * @param {*} [originObj] 原对象 * @return {Object|Array} 拷贝结果 */ const deepClone = originObj => { return deepAssign(_toString$ === '[object Array]' ? [] : {}, originObj) }; const PROP_DEFAULT_VALUES = { [String]: '', [Number]: 0, [Boolean]: false, [Object]: null, [Array]: [], [null]: null }; function getDefaultVal (propType) { return PROP_DEFAULT_VALUES[propType] } function getPropertyVal (options) { if (isPlainObject(options)) { if (hasOwn(options, 'value')) { return options.value } return getDefaultVal(options.type) } return getDefaultVal(options) } function getType (propOptions) { return isPlainObject(propOptions) ? propOptions.type : propOptions } function validateProp (key, propsOptions, propsData, vm) { let value = propsData[key]; if (value !== undefined) { const propOptions = propsOptions[key]; const type = getType(propOptions); if (type === Boolean) { value = !!value; } const observer = propOptions &&; if (observer) { // 初始化时,异步触发 observer,否则 observer 中无法访问 methods 或其他 setTimeout(function () { observe(observer, vm, value); }, 4); } return value } return getPropertyVal(propsOptions[key]) } function observe (observer, vm, newVal, oldVal) { try { if (typeof observer === 'function') {, newVal, oldVal); } else if (typeof observer === 'string' && typeof vm[observer] === 'function' ) { vm[observer](newVal, oldVal); } } catch (err) { console.error(`execute observer ${observer} callback fail! err: ${err}`); } } function initProperties (vm, instanceData) { const properties = vm.$; if (!properties) { return } const propsData = deepClone(vm.$options.propsData) || {}; for (const key in properties) { const observer = isPlainObject(properties[key]) ? properties[key].observer : false; let value = validateProp(key, properties, propsData, vm); Object.defineProperty(instanceData, key, { enumerable: true, configurable: true, get () { return value }, set (newVal) { const oldVal = value; /* eslint-disable no-self-compare */ if (newVal === value || (newVal !== newVal && value !== value)) { return } // TODO 临时方案,clone array value = Array.isArray(newVal) ? newVal.slice(0) : newVal; if (observer) { observe(observer, vm, newVal, oldVal); } // 触发渲染 vm.$forceUpdate(); } }); } } function updateProperties (vm) { const properties = vm.$options.mpOptions && vm.$; const propsData = vm.$options.propsData; if (propsData && properties) { Object.keys(properties).forEach(key => { if (hasOwn(propsData, key)) { const type = getType(properties[key]); if (type === Boolean) { vm[key] = !!propsData[key]; } else { vm[key] = propsData[key]; } } }); } } function initState (vm) { const instanceData = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(vm.$ || {})); vm[SOURCE_KEY] = instanceData; const propertyDefinition = { get () { return vm[SOURCE_KEY] }, set (value) { vm[SOURCE_KEY] = value; } }; Object.defineProperties(vm, { data: propertyDefinition, properties: propertyDefinition }); vm.setData = setData; initProperties(vm, instanceData); Object.keys(instanceData).forEach(key => { proxy(vm, SOURCE_KEY, key); }); } function initMethods (vm) { const oldEmit = vm.$emit; vm.triggerEvent = (eventName, detail, options) => { const target = { dataset: vm.$el.dataset }; const event = { target, currentTarget: target, detail, preventDefault: noop, stopPropagation: noop };, eventName, event); }; // 主要是Vant 自己封装了 $emit,放到 methods 中会触发 Vue 的警告,索性,框架直接重写该方法 vm.$emit = (...args) => { vm.triggerEvent(...args); }; vm.getRelationNodes = (relationKey) => { /* eslint-disable no-mixed-operators */ return vm._$relationNodes && vm._$relationNodes[relationKey] || [] }; vm._$updateProperties = updateProperties; } function handleObservers (vm) { const watch = vm.$; if (!watch) { return } Object.keys(watch).forEach(name => { const observer = watch[name]; if (observer.mounted) { const val = vm[name]; let handler = observer.handler; if (typeof handler === 'string') { handler = vm[handler]; } handler &&, val, val); } }); } var polyfill = { beforeCreate () { // 取消 development 时的 Proxy,避免小程序组件模板中使用尚未定义的属性告警 this._renderProxy = this; }, created () { // properties 中可能会访问 methods,故需要在 created 中初始化 initState(this); initMethods(this); initRelations(this); }, mounted () { handleObservers(this); }, beforeDestroy () { handleRelations(this, 'unlinked'); } }; global['__wxRoute'] = ''; global['__wxComponents'] = Object.create(null); global['__wxVueOptions'] = Object.create(null); function Page (options) { const pageOptions = parsePage(options); pageOptions.mixins.unshift(polyfill); pageOptions.mpOptions.path = global['__wxRoute']; global['__wxComponents'][global['__wxRoute']] = pageOptions; } function initRelationsHandler (vueComponentOptions) { // linked 需要在当前组件 attached 之后再执行 if (!vueComponentOptions['onServiceAttached']) { vueComponentOptions['onServiceAttached'] = []; } vueComponentOptions['onServiceAttached'].push(function onServiceAttached () { handleRelations(this, 'linked'); }); } function Component (options) { const componentOptions = parseComponent(options); componentOptions.mixins.unshift(polyfill); componentOptions.mpOptions.path = global['__wxRoute']; initRelationsHandler(componentOptions); global['__wxComponents'][global['__wxRoute']] = componentOptions; } function Behavior (options) { return options } const nextTick = Vue.nextTick; export default uni; export { Behavior, Component, Page, nextTick };