import { transformRef } from '@dcloudio/uni-cli-shared' import { BindingTypes } from '@vue/compiler-core' import { assert } from './testUtils' const nodeTransforms = [transformRef] describe('compiler: transform ref', () => { test('without ref', () => { assert( ``, ``, `(_ctx, _cache) => { return {} }`, { nodeTransforms, } ) assert( ``, ``, `(_ctx, _cache) => { return {} }`, { nodeTransforms, } ) }) test('static ref', () => { assert( ``, ``, `import { resolveComponent as _resolveComponent, sr as _sr } from "vue" const __BINDING_COMPONENTS__ = '{"custom":{"name":"_component_custom","type":"unknown"}}' if (!Array) {const _component_custom = _resolveComponent("custom");, _component_custom);} export function render(_ctx, _cache) { return { a: _sr('custom', '2a9ec0b0-0') } }`, { inline: false, nodeTransforms, } ) assert( ``, ``, `import { resolveComponent as _resolveComponent, sr as _sr, f as _f } from "vue" const __BINDING_COMPONENTS__ = '{"custom":{"name":"_component_custom","type":"unknown"}}' if (!Array) {const _component_custom = _resolveComponent("custom");, _component_custom);} export function render(_ctx, _cache) { return { a: _f(_ctx.items, (item, k0, i0) => { return { a: _sr('custom', '2a9ec0b0-0' + '-' + i0), b: '2a9ec0b0-0' + '-' + i0 }; }) } }`, { inline: false, nodeTransforms, } ) }) test('static ref with inline', () => { assert( ``, ``, `(_ctx, _cache) => { return { a: _sr((_value, _refs) => { _refs['custom'] = _value; }, '2a9ec0b0-0') } }`, { nodeTransforms, } ) assert( ``, ``, `(_ctx, _cache) => { return { a: _f(_ctx.items, (item, k0, i0) => { return { a: _sr((_value, _refs) => { _refs['custom'] = _value; }, '2a9ec0b0-0' + '-' + i0), b: '2a9ec0b0-0' + '-' + i0 }; }) } }`, { nodeTransforms, } ) }) test('static ref with inline and setup-ref', () => { assert( ``, ``, `(_ctx, _cache) => { return { a: _sr((_value, _refs) => { _refs['custom'] = _value; custom.value = _value; }, '2a9ec0b0-0') } }`, { bindingMetadata: { custom: BindingTypes.SETUP_REF, }, nodeTransforms, } ) }) test('static ref with inline and setup-maybe-ref', () => { assert( ``, ``, `(_ctx, _cache) => { return { a: _sr((_value, _refs) => { _refs['custom'] = _value; _isRef(custom) && (custom.value = _value); }, '2a9ec0b0-0') } }`, { bindingMetadata: { custom: BindingTypes.SETUP_MAYBE_REF, }, nodeTransforms, } ) }) test('static ref with inline and setup-let', () => { assert( ``, ``, `(_ctx, _cache) => { return { a: _sr((_value, _refs) => { _refs['custom'] = _value; _isRef(custom) ? custom.value = _value : custom = _value; }, '2a9ec0b0-0') } }`, { bindingMetadata: { custom: BindingTypes.SETUP_LET, }, nodeTransforms, } ) }) test('dynamic ref', () => { assert( ``, ``, `import { resolveComponent as _resolveComponent, sr as _sr } from "vue" const __BINDING_COMPONENTS__ = '{"custom":{"name":"_component_custom","type":"unknown"}}' if (!Array) {const _component_custom = _resolveComponent("custom");, _component_custom);} export function render(_ctx, _cache) { return { a: _sr(_ctx.custom, '2a9ec0b0-0'), b: _ctx.custom } }`, { inline: false, nodeTransforms, } ) assert( ``, ``, `import { resolveComponent as _resolveComponent, sr as _sr, f as _f } from "vue" const __BINDING_COMPONENTS__ = '{"custom":{"name":"_component_custom","type":"unknown"}}' if (!Array) {const _component_custom = _resolveComponent("custom");, _component_custom);} export function render(_ctx, _cache) { return { a: _f(_ctx.items, (item, k0, i0) => { return { a: _sr(_ctx.custom, '2a9ec0b0-0' + '-' + i0), b: '2a9ec0b0-0' + '-' + i0 }; }), b: _ctx.custom } }`, { inline: false, nodeTransforms, } ) }) test('dynamic ref with inline', () => { assert( ``, ``, `(_ctx, _cache) => { return { a: _sr(_ctx.custom, '2a9ec0b0-0'), b: _ctx.custom } }`, { nodeTransforms, } ) assert( ``, ``, `(_ctx, _cache) => { return { a: _f(_ctx.items, (item, k0, i0) => { return { a: _sr(_ctx.custom, '2a9ec0b0-0' + '-' + i0), b: '2a9ec0b0-0' + '-' + i0 }; }), b: _ctx.custom } }`, { nodeTransforms, } ) }) })