const vscode = require('vscode'); const gitLabService = require('./gitlab_service'); const openers = require('./openers'); const parseQuery = (query, noteableType) => { const params = {}; const tokens = query .replace(/: /g, ':') // Normalize spaces after tokens. .replace(/\s[a-z]*:/gi, t => `\n${t}`) // Get tokens and add new line. .split('\n') // Create array from tokens. .map(t => t.trim().split(':')); // Return new array with token and value arrays. // If there is no token it's a basic text search. if (tokens.length === 1 && tokens[0][1] === undefined) { // eslint-disable-next-line prefer-destructuring = tokens[0][0]; } else { tokens.forEach(t => { const [token, value] = t; switch (token) { // Merge value of `labels` token with previous labels. // By doing this we will be able to use `labels` and `label` token together. case 'labels': params.labels = (params.labels || []).concat(value.replace(/, /g, ',').split(',')); break; // Labels can be multiple and should be comma separated. case 'label': params.labels = params.labels || []; params.labels.push(value); break; // GitLab requires Title and Description in `search` query param. // Since we are passing this as search query, GL will also search in issue descriptions too. case 'title': = value; break; // GitLab UI requires milestone as milestone_title. case 'milestone': delete params.milestone; params.milestone_title = value; break; // GitLab requires author name as author_username. // `author` is syntatic sugar of extension. case 'author': delete; if (value === 'me') { params.scope = 'created-by-me'; } else { params.author_username = value; } break; // GitLab requires assignee name as assignee_username[] for issues. // and as assignee_username for merge requests `assignee` is syntatic sugar of extension. // We currently don't support multiple assignees for issues. case 'assignee': delete params.assignee; if (value === 'me') { params.scope = 'assigned-to-me'; } else { const key = noteableType === 'merge_requests' ? 'assignee_username' : 'assignee_username[]'; params[key] = value; } break; // Add other tokens. If there is a typo in token name GL either ignore it or won't find any issue. default: params[token] = value; break; } }); } // URL encode keys and values and return a new array to build actual query string. const queryParams = Object.keys(params).map(k => params[k] ? `${encodeURIComponent(k)}=${encodeURIComponent(params[k])}` : '', ); return queryParams.length ? `?${queryParams.join('&')}` : ''; }; async function showSearchInputFor(noteableType) { const query = await vscode.window.showInputBox({ ignoreFocusOut: true, placeHolder: 'Search in title or description. (Check project page for advanced usage)', }); const workspaceFolder = await gitLabService.getCurrentWorkspaceFolderOrSelectOne(); const queryString = await parseQuery(query, noteableType); const project = await gitLabService.fetchCurrentProject(workspaceFolder); if (project) { openers.openUrl(`${project.web_url}/${noteableType}${queryString}`); } else { vscode.window.showErrorMessage('GitLab Workflow: No project found to search issues'); } } async function showIssueSearchInput() { showSearchInputFor('issues'); } async function showMergeRequestSearchInput() { showSearchInputFor('merge_requests'); } exports.showIssueSearchInput = showIssueSearchInput; exports.showMergeRequestSearchInput = showMergeRequestSearchInput;