import * as vscode from 'vscode'; import { mr, mrVersion } from '../test_utils/entities'; import { CommentingRangeProvider } from './commenting_range_provider'; import { ReviewParams, toReviewUri } from './review_uri'; import { getExtensionConfiguration } from '../utils/get_extension_configuration'; import { FF_COMMENTING_RANGES } from '../constants'; jest.mock('../utils/get_extension_configuration'); describe('CommentingRangeProvider', () => { let commentingRangeProvider: CommentingRangeProvider; const commonUriParams: ReviewParams = { path: `/path`, mrId:, projectId: mr.project_id, commit: mrVersion.base_commit_sha, workspacePath: '/', }; const oldFileUrl = toReviewUri({ ...commonUriParams, commit: mrVersion.base_commit_sha, }); const newFileUri = toReviewUri({ ...commonUriParams, commit: mrVersion.head_commit_sha, }); beforeEach(() => { (getExtensionConfiguration as jest.Mock).mockReturnValue({ featureFlags: [FF_COMMENTING_RANGES], }); commentingRangeProvider = new CommentingRangeProvider(mr, mrVersion); }); it('returns empty array for different URI schema', () => { const testDocument = { uri: vscode.Uri.parse(''), } as vscode.TextDocument; expect(commentingRangeProvider.provideCommentingRanges(testDocument)).toEqual([]); }); it('returns full range (all lines in the document) for old file', () => { const testDocument = { uri: oldFileUrl, lineCount: 200, } as vscode.TextDocument; expect(commentingRangeProvider.provideCommentingRanges(testDocument)).toEqual([ new vscode.Range(new vscode.Position(0, 0), new vscode.Position(199, 0)), ]); }); it('returns empty array for new file', () => { const testDocument = { uri: newFileUri, } as vscode.TextDocument; expect(commentingRangeProvider.provideCommentingRanges(testDocument)).toEqual([]); }); it('returns empty array with the feature flag off', () => { (getExtensionConfiguration as jest.Mock).mockReturnValue({ featureFlags: undefined, }); const testDocument = { uri: oldFileUrl, lineCount: 200, } as vscode.TextDocument; expect(commentingRangeProvider.provideCommentingRanges(testDocument)).toEqual([]); }); });