import * as vscode from 'vscode'; import * as https from 'https'; import { GraphQLClient, gql } from 'graphql-request'; import crossFetch from 'cross-fetch'; import { URL } from 'url'; import * as createHttpProxyAgent from 'https-proxy-agent'; import * as assert from 'assert'; import { tokenService } from '../services/token_service'; import { FetchError } from '../errors/fetch_error'; import { getUserAgentHeader } from '../utils/get_user_agent_header'; import { ensureAbsoluteAvatarUrl } from '../utils/ensure_absolute_avatar_url'; import { getHttpAgentOptions } from '../utils/get_http_agent_options'; import { GitLabProject, GqlProject } from './gitlab_project'; import { getRestIdFromGraphQLId } from '../utils/get_rest_id_from_graphql_id'; interface Node { pageInfo?: { hasNextPage: boolean; endCursor: string; }; nodes: T[]; } interface GqlProjectResult { project?: T; } interface GqlSnippetProject { id: string; snippets: Node; } export interface GqlSnippet { id: string; projectId: string; title: string; description: string; blobs: Node; } export interface GqlBlob { name: string; path: string; } interface GqlUser { avatarUrl: string | null; name: string; username: string; webUrl: string; } interface GqlNote { id: string; author: GqlUser; createdAt: string; system: boolean; body: string; // TODO: remove this once the SystemNote.vue doesn't require plain text body bodyHtml: string; position?: GqlPosition; } export interface GqlPosition { diffRefs: { baseSha: string; headSha: string; }; filePath: string; positionType: string; newLine: number | null; oldLine: number | null; newPath: string; oldPath: string; } export interface GqlDiscussion { replyId: string; createdAt: string; notes: Node; } interface GqlDiscussionsProject { mergeRequest?: { discussions: Node; }; issue?: { discussions: Node; }; } interface RestLabelEvent { label: unknown; body: string; // eslint-disable-next-line camelcase created_at: string; } type Note = GqlDiscussion | RestLabelEvent; interface GetDiscussionsOptions { issuable: RestIssuable; includePosition?: boolean; endCursor?: string; } function isLabelEvent(note: Note): note is RestLabelEvent { return (note as RestLabelEvent).label !== undefined; } const queryGetSnippets = gql` query GetSnippets($projectPath: ID!) { project(fullPath: $projectPath) { id snippets { nodes { id title description blobs { nodes { name path } } } } } } `; const queryGetProject = gql` query GetProject($projectPath: ID!) { project(fullPath: $projectPath) { id name fullPath webUrl group { id } } } `; const positionFragment = gql` fragment position on Note { position { diffRefs { baseSha headSha } filePath positionType newLine oldLine newPath oldPath positionType } } `; const createDiscussionsFragment = (includePosition: boolean) => gql` ${includePosition ? positionFragment : ''} fragment discussions on DiscussionConnection { pageInfo { hasNextPage endCursor } nodes { replyId createdAt notes { pageInfo { hasNextPage endCursor } nodes { id createdAt system author { avatarUrl name username webUrl } body bodyHtml ${includePosition ? `...position` : ''} } } } } `; const constructGetDiscussionsQuery = (isMr: boolean, includePosition = false) => gql` ${createDiscussionsFragment(includePosition)} query Get${ isMr ? 'Mr' : 'Issue' }Discussions($projectPath: ID!, $iid: String!, $afterCursor: String) { project(fullPath: $projectPath) { id ${isMr ? 'mergeRequest' : 'issue'}(iid: $iid) { discussions(after: $afterCursor) { ...discussions } } } } `; const createNoteMutation = gql` mutation CreateNote($issuableId: NoteableID!, $body: String!, $replyId: DiscussionID) { createNote(input: { noteableId: $issuableId, body: $body, discussionId: $replyId }) { errors } } `; const getProjectPath = (issuable: RestIssuable) => issuable.references.full.split(/[#!]/)[0]; const isMr = (issuable: RestIssuable) => Boolean(issuable.sha); const getIssuableGqlId = (issuable: RestIssuable) => `gid://gitlab/${isMr(issuable) ? 'MergeRequest' : 'Issue'}/${}`; export class GitLabNewService { client: GraphQLClient; constructor(readonly instanceUrl: string, readonly pipelineInstanceUrl?: string) { const endpoint = new URL('/api/graphql', this.instanceUrl).href; this.client = new GraphQLClient(endpoint, this.fetchOptions); } private get httpAgent() { const agentOptions = getHttpAgentOptions(); if (agentOptions.proxy) { return createHttpProxyAgent(agentOptions.proxy); } if (this.instanceUrl.startsWith('https://')) { return new https.Agent(agentOptions); } return undefined; } private get fetchOptions() { const token = tokenService.getToken(this.instanceUrl); return { headers: { Authorization: `Bearer ${token}`, ...getUserAgentHeader(), }, agent: this.httpAgent, }; } async getProject(projectPath: string): Promise { const result = await this.client.request>(queryGetProject, { projectPath, }); return result.project && new GitLabProject(result.project); } async getSnippets(projectPath: string): Promise { const result = await this.client.request>( queryGetSnippets, { projectPath, }, ); const { project } = result; // this can mean three things: project doesn't exist, user doesn't have access, or user credentials are wrong // if (!project) { throw new Error( `Project ${projectPath} was not found. You might not have permissions to see it.`, ); } const snippets = project.snippets.nodes; // each snippet has to contain projectId so we can make REST API call for the content return => ({, projectId:, })); } // TODO change this method to use GraphQL when is done async getSnippetContent(snippet: GqlSnippet, blob: GqlBlob): Promise { const projectId = getRestIdFromGraphQLId(snippet.projectId); const snippetId = getRestIdFromGraphQLId(; const url = `${this.instanceUrl}/api/v4/projects/${projectId}/snippets/${snippetId}/files/master/${blob.path}/raw`; const result = await crossFetch(url, this.fetchOptions); if (!result.ok) { throw new FetchError(`Fetching snippet from ${url} failed`, result); } return result.text(); } // This method has to use REST API till gets done async getMrDiff(mr: RestIssuable): Promise { const versionsUrl = `${this.instanceUrl}/api/v4/projects/${mr.project_id}/merge_requests/${mr.iid}/versions`; const versionsResult = await crossFetch(versionsUrl, this.fetchOptions); if (!versionsResult.ok) { throw new FetchError(`Fetching versions from ${versionsUrl} failed`, versionsResult); } const versions = await versionsResult.json(); const lastVersion = versions[0]; const lastVersionUrl = `${this.instanceUrl}/api/v4/projects/${mr.project_id}/merge_requests/${mr.iid}/versions/${}`; const diffResult = await crossFetch(lastVersionUrl, this.fetchOptions); if (!diffResult.ok) { throw new FetchError(`Fetching MR diff from ${lastVersionUrl} failed`, diffResult); } return diffResult.json(); } async getFileContent(path: string, ref: string, projectId: number): Promise { const pathWithoutFirstSlash = path.replace(/^\//, ''); const encodedPath = encodeURIComponent(pathWithoutFirstSlash); const fileUrl = `${this.instanceUrl}/api/v4/projects/${projectId}/repository/files/${encodedPath}/raw?ref=${ref}`; const fileResult = await crossFetch(fileUrl, this.fetchOptions); if (!fileResult.ok) { throw new FetchError(`Fetching file from ${fileUrl} failed`, fileResult); } return fileResult.text(); } /* The GraphQL endpoint sends us the note.htmlBody with links that start with `/`. This works well for the the GitLab webapp, but in VS Code we need to add the full host. */ private addHostToUrl(discussion: GqlDiscussion): GqlDiscussion { const prependHost = (note: GqlNote): GqlNote => ({ ...note, bodyHtml: note.bodyHtml.replace(/href="\//, `href="${this.instanceUrl}/`), author: {, avatarUrl: && ensureAbsoluteAvatarUrl(this.instanceUrl,, }, }); return { ...discussion, notes: { ...discussion.notes, nodes:, }, }; } async getDiscussions({ issuable, includePosition = false, endCursor, }: GetDiscussionsOptions): Promise { const projectPath = getProjectPath(issuable); const query = constructGetDiscussionsQuery(isMr(issuable), includePosition); const result = await this.client.request>(query, { projectPath, iid: String(issuable.iid), endCursor, }); assert(result.project, `Project ${projectPath} was not found.`); const discussions = result.project.issue?.discussions || result.project.mergeRequest?.discussions; assert(discussions, `Discussions for issuable ${issuable.references.full} were not found.`); if (discussions.pageInfo?.hasNextPage) { assert(discussions.pageInfo.endCursor); const remainingPages = await this.getDiscussions({ issuable, includePosition, endCursor: discussions.pageInfo.endCursor, }); return [...discussions.nodes, ...remainingPages]; } return => this.addHostToUrl(n)); } private async getLabelEvents(issuable: RestIssuable): Promise { const type = isMr(issuable) ? 'merge_requests' : 'issues'; const labelEventsUrl = `${this.instanceUrl}/api/v4/projects/${issuable.project_id}/${type}/${issuable.iid}/resource_label_events?sort=asc&per_page=100`; const result = await crossFetch(labelEventsUrl, this.fetchOptions); if (!result.ok) { throw new FetchError(`Fetching file from ${labelEventsUrl} failed`, result); } return result.json(); } async getDiscussionsAndLabelEvents(issuable: RestIssuable): Promise { const [discussions, labelEvents] = await Promise.all([ this.getDiscussions({ issuable }), this.getLabelEvents(issuable), ]); const combinedEvents: Note[] = [...discussions, ...labelEvents]; combinedEvents.sort((a: Note, b: Note) => { const aCreatedAt = isLabelEvent(a) ? a.created_at : a.createdAt; const bCreatedAt = isLabelEvent(b) ? b.created_at : b.createdAt; return aCreatedAt < bCreatedAt ? -1 : 1; }); return combinedEvents; } async createNote(issuable: RestIssuable, body: string, replyId?: string): Promise { await this.client.request(createNoteMutation, { issuableId: getIssuableGqlId(issuable), body, replyId, }); } }