import * as url from 'url'; import { basename, join } from 'path'; import * as assert from 'assert'; import { Repository } from '../api/git'; import { GITLAB_COM_URL } from '../constants'; import { tokenService } from '../services/token_service'; import { log } from '../log'; import { GitRemote, parseGitRemote } from './git_remote_parser'; import { getExtensionConfiguration } from '../utils/get_extension_configuration'; import { GitLabNewService } from '../gitlab/gitlab_new_service'; import { GitLabProject } from '../gitlab/gitlab_project'; function intersectionOfInstanceAndTokenUrls(gitRemoteHosts: string[]) { const instanceUrls = tokenService.getInstanceUrls(); return instanceUrls.filter(instanceUrl => gitRemoteHosts.includes(url.parse(instanceUrl).host || ''), ); } function heuristicInstanceUrl(gitRemoteHosts: string[]) { // if the intersection of git remotes and configured PATs exists and is exactly // one hostname, use it const intersection = intersectionOfInstanceAndTokenUrls(gitRemoteHosts); if (intersection.length === 1) { const heuristicUrl = intersection[0]; log(`Found ${heuristicUrl} in the PAT list and git remotes, using it as the instanceUrl`); return heuristicUrl; } if (intersection.length > 1) { log(`Found more than one intersection of git remotes and configured PATs, ${intersection}`); } return null; } function getInstanceUrlFromRemotes(gitRemoteUrls: string[]): string { const { instanceUrl } = getExtensionConfiguration(); // if the workspace setting exists, use it if (instanceUrl) { return instanceUrl; } // try to determine the instance URL heuristically const gitRemoteHosts = gitRemoteUrls .map((uri: string) => parseGitRemote(uri)?.host) .filter((h): h is string => Boolean(h)); const heuristicUrl = heuristicInstanceUrl(gitRemoteHosts); if (heuristicUrl) { return heuristicUrl; } // default to Gitlab cloud return GITLAB_COM_URL; } export interface CachedMr { mr: RestMr; mrVersion: RestMrVersion; } export class WrappedRepository { private readonly rawRepository: Repository; private cachedProject?: GitLabProject; private mrCache: Record = {}; constructor(rawRepository: Repository) { this.rawRepository = rawRepository; } private get remoteName(): string { const preferredRemote = getExtensionConfiguration().remoteName; const branchRemote = this.rawRepository.state.HEAD?.remote; const firstRemote = this.rawRepository.state.remotes[0]?.name; return preferredRemote || branchRemote || firstRemote || 'origin'; } async fetch(): Promise { await this.rawRepository.fetch(); } async checkout(branchName: string): Promise { await this.rawRepository.checkout(branchName); assert( this.rawRepository.state.HEAD, "We can't read repository HEAD. We suspect that your `git head` command fails and we can't continue till it succeeds", ); const currentBranchName =; assert( currentBranchName === branchName, `The branch name after the checkout (${currentBranchName}) is not the branch that the extension tried to check out (${branchName}). Inspect your repository before making any more changes.`, ); } getRemoteByName(remoteName: string): GitRemote { const remoteUrl = this.rawRepository.state.remotes.find(r => === remoteName)?.fetchUrl; assert(remoteUrl, `could not find any URL for git remote with name '${this.remoteName}'`); const parsedRemote = parseGitRemote(remoteUrl, this.instanceUrl); assert(parsedRemote, `git remote "${remoteUrl}" could not be parsed`); return parsedRemote; } async getProject(): Promise { if (!this.cachedProject) { const { namespace, project } = this.remote; this.cachedProject = await this.getGitLabService().getProject(`${namespace}/${project}`); } return this.cachedProject; } get containsGitLabProject(): boolean { return Boolean(this.cachedProject); } async reloadMr(mr: RestMr): Promise { const mrVersion = await this.getGitLabService().getMrDiff(mr); const cachedMr = { mr, mrVersion, }; this.mrCache[] = cachedMr; return cachedMr; } getMr(id: number): CachedMr | undefined { return this.mrCache[id]; } get remote(): GitRemote { return this.getRemoteByName(this.remoteName); } get lastCommitSha(): string | undefined { return this.rawRepository.state.HEAD?.commit; } get instanceUrl(): string { const remoteUrls = this.rawRepository.state.remotes .map(r => r.fetchUrl) .filter((r): r is string => Boolean(r)); return getInstanceUrlFromRemotes(remoteUrls); } getGitLabService(): GitLabNewService { return new GitLabNewService(this.instanceUrl); } get name(): string { return this.cachedProject?.name ?? basename(this.rawRepository.rootUri.fsPath); } get rootFsPath(): string { return this.rawRepository.rootUri.fsPath; } async getFileContent(path: string, sha: string): Promise { // even on Windows, the git show command accepts only POSIX paths const absolutePath = join(this.rootFsPath, path).replace(/\\/g, '/'); // null sufficiently signalises that the file has not been found // this scenario is going to happen often (for open and squashed MRs) return, absolutePath).catch(() => null); } async diff(): Promise { return this.rawRepository.diff(); } async getTrackingBranchName(): Promise { const branchName = this.rawRepository.state.HEAD?.name; assert( branchName, 'The repository seems to be in a detached HEAD state. Please checkout a branch.', ); const trackingBranch = await this.rawRepository .getConfig(`branch.${branchName}.merge`) .catch(() => ''); // the tracking branch is going to be empty most of the time, we'll swallow the error instead of logging it every time return trackingBranch.replace('refs/heads/', '') || branchName; } /** * Compares, whether this wrapper contains repository for the * same folder as the method argument. * * The VS Code Git extension can produce more instances of `Repository` * interface for the same git folder. We can't simply compare references with `===`. */ hasSameRootAs(repository: Repository): boolean { return this.rootFsPath === repository.rootUri.fsPath; } getVersion() { return this.getGitLabService().getVersion(); } }