const vscode = require('vscode'); const request = require('request-promise'); const fs = require('fs'); const gitService = require('./git_service'); const tokenService = require('./token_service'); const statusBar = require('./status_bar'); let version = null; let branchMR = null; async function fetch(path, method = 'GET', data = null) { const { instanceUrl, ignoreCertificateErrors, ca, cert, certKey, } = vscode.workspace.getConfiguration('gitlab'); const { proxy } = vscode.workspace.getConfiguration('http'); const apiRoot = `${instanceUrl}/api/v4`; const glToken = tokenService.getToken(instanceUrl); const tokens = tokenService.getInstanceUrls().join(', '); if (!glToken) { let err = ` GitLab Workflow: Cannot make request. GitLab URL for this workspace is set to ${instanceUrl} and there is no matching token for this URL. `; if (tokens.length) { err = `${err} You have configured tokens for ${tokens}.`; } return vscode.window.showInformationMessage(err); } const config = { url: `${apiRoot}${path}`, method, headers: { 'PRIVATE-TOKEN': glToken, }, ecdhCurve: 'auto', rejectUnauthorized: !ignoreCertificateErrors, }; if (proxy) { config.proxy = proxy; } if (ca) { try { = fs.readFileSync(ca); } catch (e) { vscode.window.showErrorMessage(`GitLab Workflow: Cannot read CA '${ca}'`); } } if (cert) { try { config.cert = fs.readFileSync(cert); } catch (e) { vscode.window.showErrorMessage(`GitLab Workflow: Cannot read CA '${cert}'`); } } if (certKey) { try { config.key = fs.readFileSync(certKey); } catch (e) { vscode.window.showErrorMessage(`GitLab Workflow: Cannot read CA '${certKey}'`); } } if (data) { config.formData = data; } const response = await request(config); try { return JSON.parse(response); } catch (e) { vscode.window.showInformationMessage('GitLab Workflow: Failed to perform your operation.'); console.log('Failed to execute fetch', e); return { error: e }; } } async function fetchProjectData(remote) { if (remote) { const { namespace, project } = remote; const projectData = await fetch(`/projects/${namespace.replace(/\//g, '%2F')}%2F${project}`); return projectData || null; } return null; } async function fetchCurrentProject() { try { const remote = await gitService.fetchGitRemote(); return await fetchProjectData(remote); } catch (e) { console.log('Failed to execute fetch', e); return null; } } async function fetchCurrentPipelineProject() { try { const remote = await gitService.fetchGitRemotePipeline(); return await fetchProjectData(remote); } catch (e) { console.log('Failed to execute fetch', e); return null; } } async function fetchUser(userName) { let user = null; try { const path = userName ? `/user?search=${userName}` : '/user'; user = await fetch(path); } catch (e) { let message = 'GitLab Workflow: GitLab user not found.'; if (!userName) { message += ' Check your Personal Access Token.'; } vscode.window.showInformationMessage(message); } return user; } async function fetchVersion() { try { const v = await fetch('/version'); version = v.version; } catch (e) {} return version; } async function fetchIssuables(params = {}) { let project = null; let issuables = []; const { type, scope, state } = params; const config = { type: type || 'merge_requests', scope: scope || 'created_by_me', state: state || 'opened', }; try { project = await fetchCurrentProject(); if (!version) { version = await fetchVersion(); } } catch (e) { // Fail silently } if (project) { // Normalize scope parameter for version < 11 instances. const [major] = version.split('.'); if (parseInt(major, 10) < 11) { config.scope = config.scope.replace(/_/g, '-'); } const path = `/projects/${}/${config.type}?scope=${config.scope}&state=${ config.state }`; issuables = await fetch(path); } return issuables; } async function fetchIssuesAssignedToMe() { return await fetchIssuables({ type: 'issues', scope: 'assigned_to_me', }); } async function fetchIssuesCreatedByMe() { return await fetchIssuables({ type: 'issues', scope: 'created_by_me', }); } async function fetchMergeRequestsAssignedToMe() { return await fetchIssuables({ scope: 'assigned_to_me', }); } async function fetchMergeRequestsCreatedByMe() { return await fetchIssuables(); } async function fetchAllProjectMergeRequests() { return await fetchIssuables({ scope: 'all', }); } async function fetchMyOpenMergeRequests() { return await fetchIssuables(); } async function fetchLastPipelineForCurrentBranch() { const project = await fetchCurrentPipelineProject(); let pipeline = null; if (project) { const branchName = await gitService.fetchTrackingBranchName(); const pipelinesRootPath = `/projects/${}/pipelines`; const pipelines = await fetch(`${pipelinesRootPath}?ref=${branchName}`); if (pipelines.length) { pipeline = await fetch(`${pipelinesRootPath}/${pipelines[0].id}`); } } return pipeline; } async function fetchLastJobsForCurrentBranch(pipeline) { const project = await fetchCurrentPipelineProject(); if (project) { let jobs = await fetch(`/projects/${}/pipelines/${}/jobs`); // Gitlab return multiple jobs if you retry the pipeline we filter to keep only the last const alreadyProcessedJob = new Set(); jobs = jobs.sort((one, two) => (one.created_at > two.created_at ? -1 : 1)); jobs = jobs.filter(job => { if (alreadyProcessedJob.has( { return false; } alreadyProcessedJob.add(; return true; }); return jobs; } return null; } /** * GitLab API doesn't support getting open MR by commit ID or branch name. * Using this recursive fetcher method, we fetch 100 MRs at a time and do pagination * until we find the MR for current branch. This method will retry max 5 times. */ async function fetchOpenMergeRequestForCurrentBranch() { if (branchMR) { return branchMR; } const project = await fetchCurrentProject(); const branchName = await gitService.fetchTrackingBranchName(); let page = 1; // Recursive fetcher method to find the branch MR in MR list. async function fetcher() { const path = `/projects/${}/merge_requests?state=opened&per_page=100&page=${page}`; const mrs = await fetch(path); const [mr] = mrs.filter(m => m.source_branch === branchName); if (mr) { if (page > 1) { // Cache only if we need to do pagination. branchMR = mr; } return mr; } if (page <= 5 && mrs.length === 100) { // Retry max 5 times. page += 1; return await fetcher(); } return null; } return project ? await fetcher() : null; } /** * Cancels or retries last pipeline or creates a new pipeline for current branch. * * @param {string} action create|retry|cancel */ async function handlePipelineAction(action) { const pipeline = await fetchLastPipelineForCurrentBranch(); const project = await fetchCurrentProject(); if (pipeline && project) { let endpoint = `/projects/${}/pipelines/${}/${action}`; let newPipeline = null; if (action === 'create') { const branchName = await gitService.fetchTrackingBranchName(); endpoint = `/projects/${}/pipeline?ref=${branchName}`; } try { newPipeline = await fetch(endpoint, 'POST'); } catch (e) { vscode.window.showErrorMessage(`GitLab Workflow: Failed to ${action} pipeline.`); } if (newPipeline) { statusBar.refreshPipeline(); } } else { vscode.window.showErrorMessage('GitLab Workflow: No project or pipeline found.'); } } async function fetchMRIssues(mrId) { const project = await fetchCurrentProject(); let issues = []; if (project) { try { issues = await fetch(`/projects/${}/merge_requests/${mrId}/closes_issues`); } catch (e) { console.log('Failed to execute fetchMRIssue', e); } } return issues; } async function createSnippet(data) { let snippet; try { snippet = await fetch(`/projects/${}/snippets`, 'POST', data); } catch (e) { vscode.window.showInformationMessage('GitLab Workflow: Failed to create your snippet.'); } return snippet; } async function validateCIConfig(content) { let response = null; try { response = await fetch('/ci/lint', 'POST', { content }); } catch (e) { vscode.window.showInformationMessage('GitLab Workflow: Failed to validate CI configuration.'); } return response; } async function fetchDiscussions(issuable) { let discussions = []; try { discussions = await fetch(`/projects/${issuable.project_id}/issues/${issuable.iid}/discussions?sort=asc`); } catch (e) { vscode.window.showInformationMessage('GitLab Workflow: Failed to fetch discussions for this issuable.'); } return discussions; } // TODO: Remove project fetch async function renderMarkdown(markdown) { let rendered = { html: markdown }; const [ major ] = version.split('.'); if (parseInt(major, 10) < 11) { return markdown; } try { const project = await fetchCurrentProject(); rendered = await fetch('/markdown', 'POST', { text: markdown, project: project.path_with_namespace, gfm: 'true', // Needs to be a string for the API }); } catch(e) { return markdown; } return rendered.html; }; exports.fetchUser = fetchUser; exports.fetchIssuesAssignedToMe = fetchIssuesAssignedToMe; exports.fetchIssuesCreatedByMe = fetchIssuesCreatedByMe; exports.fetchMergeRequestsAssignedToMe = fetchMergeRequestsAssignedToMe; exports.fetchMergeRequestsCreatedByMe = fetchMergeRequestsCreatedByMe; exports.fetchAllProjectMergeRequests = fetchAllProjectMergeRequests; exports.fetchMyOpenMergeRequests = fetchMyOpenMergeRequests; exports.fetchOpenMergeRequestForCurrentBranch = fetchOpenMergeRequestForCurrentBranch; exports.fetchLastPipelineForCurrentBranch = fetchLastPipelineForCurrentBranch; exports.fetchLastJobsForCurrentBranch = fetchLastJobsForCurrentBranch; exports.fetchCurrentProject = fetchCurrentProject; exports.fetchCurrentPipelineProject = fetchCurrentPipelineProject; exports.handlePipelineAction = handlePipelineAction; exports.fetchMRIssues = fetchMRIssues; exports.createSnippet = createSnippet; exports.validateCIConfig = validateCIConfig; exports.fetchVersion = fetchVersion; exports.fetchDiscussions = fetchDiscussions; exports.renderMarkdown = renderMarkdown;