// 云对象教程: https://uniapp.dcloud.net.cn/uniCloud/cloud-obj // jsdoc语法提示教程:https://ask.dcloud.net.cn/docs/#//ask.dcloud.net.cn/article/129 const createConfig = require('uni-config-center') const buildTemplateData = require('./build-template-data') const { parserDynamicField } = require('./utils') const schemaNameAdapter = require('./schema-name-adapter') const {presetCondition, conditionConvert} = require("./preset-condition") const uniSmsCo = uniCloud.importObject('uni-sms-co') const db = uniCloud.database() const smsConfig = createConfig({ pluginId: 'uni-sms-co' }).config() function errCode(code) { return 'uni-sms-co-' + code } const tableNames = { template: 'opendb-sms-template', task: 'opendb-sms-task', log: 'opendb-sms-log' } module.exports = { _before: async function () { // 通用预处理器 if (!smsConfig.smsKey || smsConfig.smsKey.length <= 20 || !smsConfig.smsSecret || smsConfig.smsSecret.length <= 20) { throw new Error('请先配置smsKey和smsSecret') } this.tableNames = tableNames /** * 优化 schema 的命名规范,需要兼容 uni-admin@2.1.6 以下版本 * 如果是在uni-admin@2.1.6版本以上创建的项目可以将其注释 * */ await schemaNameAdapter.call(this) }, _after: function (error, result) { if (error) { console.error(error) if (error instanceof Error) { return { errCode: 'error', errMsg: error.message } } if (error.errCode) { return error } throw error } return result }, /** * 创建短信任务 * @param {{receiver: *[], type: string}} to * @param {String} to.type=user to.all=true时用来区分发送类型 * @param {Array} to.receiver 用户ID's / 用户标签ID's * @param {Object} to.condition 用户筛选条件 * @param {String} templateId 短信模板ID * @param {Array} templateData 短信模板数据 * @param {Object} options * @param {String} options.taskName 任务名称 */ async createSmsTask(to, templateId, templateData, options = {}) { if (!templateId) { return { errCode: errCode('template-id-required'), errMsg: '缺少templateId' } } if (!to.condition && (!to.receiver || to.receiver.length <= 0)) { return { errCode: errCode('send-users-is-null'), errMsg: '请选择要发送的用户' } } const clientInfo = this.getClientInfo() const {data: templates} = await db.collection(this.tableNames.template).where({_id: templateId}).get() if (templates.length <= 0) { return { errCode: errCode('template-not-found'), errMsg: '短信模板不存在' } } const [template] = templates // 预设条件 if (presetCondition[to.condition]) { to.condition = typeof presetCondition[to.condition] === "function" ? presetCondition[to.condition]() : presetCondition[to.condition] } // 创建短信任务 const task = await db.collection(this.tableNames.task).add({ app_id: clientInfo.appId, name: options.taskName, template_id: templateId, template_content: template.content, vars: templateData, to, send_qty: 0, success_qty: 0, fail_qty: 0, create_date: Date.now() }) uniSmsCo.createUserSmsMessage(task.id) return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(() => resolve({ errCode: 0, errMsg: '任务创建成功', taskId: task.id }), 300)) }, async createUserSmsMessage(taskId, execData = {}) { const parallel = 100 let beforeId const { data: tasks } = await db.collection(this.tableNames.task).where({ _id: taskId }).get() if (tasks.length <= 0) { return { errCode: errCode('task-id-not-found'), errMsg: '任务ID不存在' } } const [task] = tasks let query = { mobile: db.command.exists(true) } // 指定用户发送 if (task.to.type === 'user' && task.to.receiver.length > 0 && !task.to.condition) { let index = 0 if (execData.beforeId) { const i = task.to.receiver.findIndex(id => id === execData.beforeId) index = i !== -1 ? i + 1 : 0 } const receiver = task.to.receiver.slice(index, index + parallel) query._id = db.command.in(receiver) beforeId = receiver[receiver.length - 1] } // 指定用户标签 if (task.to.type === 'userTags') { query.tags = db.command.in(task.to.receiver) } // 自定义条件 if (task.to.condition) { const condition = conditionConvert(task.to.condition, db.command) query = { ...query, ...condition } } if ((task.to.condition || task.to.type === "userTags") && execData.beforeId) { query._id = db.command.gt(execData.beforeId) } // 动态数据仅支持uni-id-users表字段 const dynamicField = parserDynamicField(task.vars) const userFields = dynamicField['uni-id-users'] ? dynamicField['uni-id-users'].reduce((res, field) => { res[field] = true return res }, {}): {} const { data: users } = await db.collection('uni-id-users') .where(query) .field({ mobile: true, ...userFields }) .limit(parallel) .orderBy('_id', 'asc') .get() if (users.length <= 0) { // 更新要发送的短信数量 const count = await db.collection(this.tableNames.log).where({ task_id: taskId }).count() await db.collection(this.tableNames.task).where({ _id: taskId }).update({ send_qty: count.total }) // 开始发送 uniSmsCo.sendSms(taskId) return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(() => resolve({ errCode: 0, errMsg: '创建完成' }), 500)) } if (!beforeId) { beforeId = users[users.length - 1]._id } let docs = [] for (const user of users) { const varData = await buildTemplateData(task.vars, user) docs.push({ uid: user._id, task_id: taskId, mobile: user.mobile, var_data: varData, status: 0, create_date: Date.now() }) } await db.collection(this.tableNames.log).add(docs) uniSmsCo.createUserSmsMessage(taskId, { beforeId }) return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(() => resolve(), 500)) }, async sendSms(taskId) { const { data: tasks } = await db.collection(this.tableNames.task).where({ _id: taskId }).get() if (tasks.length <= 0) { console.warn(`task [${taskId}] not found`) return } const [task] = tasks const isStaticTemplate = !task.vars.length let sendData = { appId: task.app_id, smsKey: smsConfig.smsKey, smsSecret: smsConfig.smsSecret, templateId: task.template_id, data: {} } const { data: records } = await db.collection(this.tableNames.log) .where({ task_id: taskId, status: 0 }) .limit(isStaticTemplate ? 50 : 1) .field({ mobile: true, var_data: true }) .get() if (records.length <= 0) { return { errCode: 0, errMsg: '发送完成' } } if (isStaticTemplate) { sendData.phoneList = records.reduce((res, user) => { res.push(user.mobile) return res }, []) } else { const [record] = records sendData.phone = record.mobile sendData.data = record.var_data } try { // await sendSms(sendData) await uniCloud.sendSms(sendData) // 修改发送状态为已发送 await db.collection(this.tableNames.log).where({ _id: db.command.in(records.map(record => record._id)) }).update({ status: 1, send_date: Date.now() }) // 更新任务的短信成功数 await db.collection(this.tableNames.task).where({ _id: taskId }) .update({ success_qty: db.command.inc(records.length) }) } catch (e) { console.error('[sendSms Fail]', e) // 修改发送状态为发送失败 await db.collection(this.tableNames.log).where({ _id: db.command.in(records.map(record => record._id)) }).update({ status: 2, reason: e.errMsg || '未知原因', send_date: Date.now() }) // 更新任务的短信失败数 await db.collection(this.tableNames.task).where({ _id: taskId }) .update({ fail_qty: db.command.inc(records.length) }) } uniSmsCo.sendSms(taskId) return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(() => resolve(), 500)) }, async template() { const {data: templates = []} = await db.collection(this.tableNames.template).get() return templates }, async task (id) { const {data: tasks} = await db.collection(this.tableNames.task).where({_id: id}).get() if (tasks.length <= 0) { return null } return tasks[0] }, async updateTemplates (templates) { if (templates.length <= 0) { return { errCode: errCode('template-is-null'), errMsg: '缺少模板信息' } } let group = [] for (const template of templates) { group.push( db.collection(this.tableNames.template).doc(String(template.templateId)).set({ name: template.templateName, content: template.templateContent, type: template.templateType, sign: template.templateSign }) ) } await Promise.all(group) return { errCode: 0, errMsg: '更新成功' } }, /** * @param to * @param templateId * @param templateData * @param options {Object} * @param options.condition 群发条件 * */ async preview (to, templateId, templateData, options = {}) { const count = 1 let query = { mobile: db.command.exists(true) } // 指定用户发送 if (to.type === 'user' && to.receiver.length > 0 && !to.condition) { // const receiver = to.receiver.slice(0, 10) query._id = db.command.in(to.receiver) } // 指定用户标签 if (to.type === 'userTags') { query.tags = db.command.in(to.receiver) } // 自定义条件 let condition = to.condition if (presetCondition[to.condition]) { condition = typeof presetCondition[to.condition] === "function" ? presetCondition[to.condition]() : presetCondition[to.condition] } if (condition) { query = { ...query, ...conditionConvert(condition, db.command) } } const {data: users} = await db.collection('uni-id-users').where(query).limit(count).get() const {total} = await db.collection('uni-id-users').where(query).count() if (users.length <= 0) { return { errCode: errCode('users-is-null'), errMsg: '请添加要发送的用户' } } const {data: templates} = await db.collection(this.tableNames.template).where({_id: templateId}).get() if (templates.length <= 0) { return { errCode: errCode('template-not-found'), errMsg: '模板不存在' } } const [template] = templates let docs = [] for (const user of users) { const varData = buildTemplateData(templateData, user) const content = template.content.replace(/\$\{(.*?)\}/g, ($1, param) => varData[param] || $1) docs.push(`【${template.sign}】${content}`) } return { errCode: 0, errMsg: '', list: docs, total } } }