/** * 以下为 uni-stat 的工具方法 */ // 千分位 function regexHandleNum(num) { return String(num).replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ','); // 3是千分位,4是万分位 } // 新版格式化字段数据函数 function formatterData(object) { let { fieldsMap, data, formatter = true } = object; let rows = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(data)); rows.map((row) => { for (let key in row) { let fieldItem = fieldsMap.find((item) => { return item.field == key; }); if (typeof fieldItem === "object") { let { fix = 0, } = fieldItem; if (typeof fieldItem.multiple === "number" && typeof row[key] === "number") { row[key] = Number((row[key] * fieldItem.multiple).toFixed(fix)); } if (formatter && fieldItem.formatter && typeof row[key] === "number") { if (fieldItem.formatter === ",") { row[key] = regexHandleNum(row[key]); } else if (fieldItem.formatter === "%") { row[key] = `${(row[key] * 100).toFixed(fix)}%` } else if (fieldItem.formatter === "-") { // 时分秒格式 row[key] = parseDateTime(row[key]); } } } } }); return rows; } // 补全趋势图的数据 function fillTrendChartData(data, query, fieldsMap) { let { start_time, dimension } = query; if (["hour","day"].indexOf(dimension)>-1){ let timeArr = []; let oneTime; if (dimension === "hour"){ oneTime = 1000*3600; } else if (dimension === "day"){ oneTime = 1000*3600*24; } let start = start_time[0]; let end = start_time[1]; let nowTime = start; timeArr = [start]; while ((nowTime+oneTime)<=end){ nowTime += oneTime; timeArr.push(nowTime); } let newData = []; for (let i = 0; i < timeArr.length; i++) { let time = timeArr[i]; let dataItem = data.find((item, index) => { return item.start_time === time; }); if (dataItem) { newData.push(dataItem); } else { let obj = { start_time: time }; fieldsMap.map((item, index) => { obj[item.field] = 0; }); newData.push(obj); } } return newData } else { return data; } } // 将查询条件拼接为字符串 function stringifyQuery(query, dimension = false, delArrs = []) { const queryArr = [] const keys = Object.keys(query) const time = query.start_time keys.forEach(key => { if (key === 'time_range' || delArrs.indexOf(key) !== -1) return let val = query[key] if (val) { if (typeof val === 'string' && val.indexOf(key) > -1) { queryArr.push(val) } else { if (typeof val === 'string') { val = `"${val}"` } if (Array.isArray(val)) { if (val.length === 2 && key.indexOf('time') > -1) { queryArr.push(`${key} >= ${val[0]} && ${key} <= ${val[1]}`) } else { val = val.map(item => `${key} == "${item}"`).join(' || ') val && queryArr.push(`(${val})`) } } else if (dimension && key === 'dimension') { if (maxDeltaDay(time)) { queryArr.push(`dimension == "hour"`) } else { if (val && val !== `"hour"`) { queryArr.push(`${key} == ${val}`) } else { queryArr.push(`dimension == "day"`) } } } else { queryArr.push(`${key} == ${val}`) } } } }) const queryStr = queryArr.join(' && ') return queryStr || {} } // 根据页面字段配置 fieldsMap 数据计算、格式化字段 function mapfields(map, data = {}, goal, prefix = '', prop = 'value') { const goals = [], argsGoal = goal map = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(map)) const origin = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(data)) for (const mapper of map) { let { field, computed, formatter, disable, fix } = mapper if (!disable) { goal = argsGoal || mapper const hasValue = goal.hasOwnProperty(prop) const preField = prefix + field if (data) { const value = data[preField] if (computed) { const computedFields = computed.split('/') let [dividend, divisor] = computedFields dividend = Number(origin[prefix + dividend]) divisor = Number(origin[prefix + divisor]) const val = format(division(dividend, divisor), formatter, fix) if (hasValue && field === goal.field) { goal[prop] = val } else { goal[field] = val } } else { if (value) { const val = format(value, formatter, fix) if (hasValue) { if (goal.field === field) { goal[prop] = val } } else { goal[field] = val } } } } if (hasValue) { goals.push(goal) } } } return goals } // 将查询条件对象拼接为字符串,给 client db 的 field 属性消费 function stringifyField(mapping, goal, prop) { if (goal) { mapping = mapping.filter(f => f.field === goal) } if (prop) { mapping = mapping.filter(f => f.field && f.hasOwnProperty(prop)) } const fieldString = mapping.map(f => { let fields = [] if (f.computed) { fields = f.computed.split('/') } else { fields.push(f.field) } fields = fields.map(field => { if (f.stat === -1) { return field } else { return `${field} as ${ 'temp_' + field}` } }) return fields.join() }) return fieldString.join() } // 将查询条件对象拼接为字符串,给 client db 的 groupField 属性消费 function stringifyGroupField(mapping, goal, prop) { if (goal) { mapping = mapping.filter(f => f.field === goal) } if (prop) { mapping = mapping.filter(f => f.field && f.hasOwnProperty(prop)) } const groupField = mapping.map(f => { const stat = f.stat let fields = [] if (f.computed) { fields = f.computed.split('/') } else { fields.push(f.field) } fields = fields.map(field => { if (stat !== -1) { return `${stat ? stat : 'sum' }(${'temp_' + field}) as ${field}` } }) return fields.filter(Boolean).join() }) .filter(Boolean) .join() return groupField } // 除法函数 function division(dividend, divisor) { if (divisor) { return dividend / divisor } else { return 0 } } // 对数字进行格式化,格式 type 配置在页面 fieldMap.js 中 function format(num, type = ',', fix) { // if (!type) return num if (typeof num !== 'number') return num if (type === '%') { // 注意浮点数精度 num = (num * 100) if (String(num).indexOf('.') > -1) { num = num.toFixed(2) } num = num ? num + type : num return num } else if (type === '%%') { num = Number(num) return num.toFixed(2) + '%' } else if (type === '-') { return formatDate(num, 'day') } else if (type === ':') { num = Math.ceil(num) let h, m, s h = m = s = 0 const wunH = 60 * 60, wunM = 60 // 单位秒, wun 通 one if (num >= wunH) { h = Math.floor(num / wunH) const remainder = num % wunH if (remainder >= wunM) { m = Math.floor(remainder / wunM) s = remainder % wunM } else { s = remainder } } else if (wunH >= num && num >= wunM) { m = Math.floor(num / wunM) s = num % wunM } else { s = num } const hms = [h, m, s].map(i => i < 10 ? '0' + i : i) return hms.join(type) } else if (type === ',') { return num.toLocaleString() } else { if (String(num).indexOf('.') > -1) { if (Math.abs(num) > 1) { num = num.toFixed(fix || 0) } else { num = num.toFixed(fix || 2) } } return num } } // 格式化日期,返回其所在的范围 function formatDate(date, type) { let d = new Date(date) if (type === 'hour') { let h = d.getHours() h = h < 10 ? '0' + h : h return `${h}:00 ~ ${h}:59` } else if (type === 'week') { const first = d.getDate() - d.getDay() + 1; // First day is the day of the month - the day of the week const last = first + 6; // last day is the first day + 6 let firstday = new Date(d.setDate(first)); firstday = parseDateTime(firstday) let lastday = new Date(d.setDate(last)); lastday = parseDateTime(lastday) return `${firstday} ~ ${lastday}` } else if (type === 'month') { let firstday = new Date(d.getFullYear(), d.getMonth(), 1); firstday = parseDateTime(firstday) let lastday = new Date(d.getFullYear(), d.getMonth() + 1, 0); lastday = parseDateTime(lastday) return `${firstday} ~ ${lastday}` } else { return parseDateTime(d) } } // 格式化日期,返回其 yyyy-mm-dd 格式 function parseDateTime(datetime, type, splitor = '-') { let d = datetime if (typeof d !== 'object') { d = new Date(d) } const year = d.getFullYear() const month = d.getMonth() + 1 const day = d.getDate() const hour = d.getHours() const minute = d.getMinutes() const second = d.getSeconds() const date = [year, lessTen(month), lessTen(day)].join(splitor) const time = [lessTen(hour), lessTen(minute), lessTen(second)].join(':') if (type === "dateTime") { return date + ' ' + time } return date } function lessTen(item) { return item < 10 ? '0' + item : item } // 获取指定日期当天或 n 天前零点的时间戳,丢弃时分秒 function getTimeOfSomeDayAgo(days = 0, date = Date.now()) { const d = new Date(date) const oneDayTime = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 let ymd = [d.getFullYear(), d.getMonth() + 1, d.getDate()].join('/') ymd = ymd + ' 00:00:00' const someDaysAgoTime = new Date(ymd).getTime() - oneDayTime * days return someDaysAgoTime } // 判断时间差值 delta,单位为天 function maxDeltaDay(times, delta = 2) { if (!times.length) return true const wunDay = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 const [start, end] = times const max = end - start < wunDay * delta return max } // 查询 总设备数、总用户数, 通过 field 配置 function getFieldTotal(query = this.query, field = "total_devices") { let fieldTotal if (typeof query === 'object') { query = stringifyQuery(query, false, ['uni_platform']) } const db = uniCloud.database() return db.collection('uni-stat-result') .where(query) .field(`${field} as temp_${field}, start_time`) .groupBy('start_time') .groupField(`sum(temp_${field}) as ${field}`) .orderBy('start_time', 'desc') .get() .then(cur => { const data = cur.result.data fieldTotal = data.length && data[0][field] fieldTotal = format(fieldTotal) this.panelData && this.panelData.forEach(item => { if (item.field === field) { item.value = fieldTotal } }) return Promise.resolve(fieldTotal) }) } // 防抖函数 function debounce(fn, time = 100) { let timer = null return function(...args) { if (timer) clearTimeout(timer) timer = setTimeout(() => { fn.apply(this, args) }, time) } } const files = {} function fileToUrl(file) { for (const key in files) { if (files.hasOwnProperty(key)) { const oldFile = files[key] if (oldFile === file) { return key } } } var url = (window.URL || window.webkitURL).createObjectURL(file) files[url] = file return url } /** * 获取两个时间戳之间的所有时间 * let start = new Date(1642694400000) // 2022-01-21 00:00:00 * let end = new Date(1643644800000) // 2022-02-01 00:00:00 * dateList = getAllDateCN(date1, date2) * @param {*} startTime * @param {*} endTime */ function getAllDateCN(startTime, endTime) { let date_all = []; let i = 0; while (endTime.getTime() - startTime.getTime() >= 0) { // 获取日期和时间 // let year = startTime.getFullYear() // let month = startTime.getMonth() + 1 // let day = startTime.getDate() // let time = startTime.toLocaleTimeString() date_all[i] = startTime.getTime() // 获取每天00:00:00的时间戳 // date_all[i] = new Date(startTime.toLocaleDateString()).getTime() / 1000; // 天数+1 startTime.setDate(startTime.getDate() + 1); i += 1; } return date_all; } function createUniStatQuery(object) { return Object.assign({}, object, { type: "native_app", create_env: "uni-stat" }) } export { formatterData, fillTrendChartData, stringifyQuery, stringifyField, stringifyGroupField, mapfields, getTimeOfSomeDayAgo, division, format, formatDate, parseDateTime, maxDeltaDay, debounce, fileToUrl, getFieldTotal, getAllDateCN, createUniStatQuery }