{ "login": { "text": { "title": "System Login", "prompt": "If there is no administrator account, please create an administrator first..." }, "field": { "username": "Account", "password": "Password", "captcha": "Captcha" }, "button": { "login": "Log In" } }, "topwindow": { "text": { "doc": "Admin doc", "plugin": "More admin plugin", "changeLanguage": "Language", "changePwd": "ChangePwd", "signOut": "Sign out" } }, "index": { "text": { "prompt": "Main content, customizable content and style", "vesion": "The current version can be viewed in the console and package.json" } }, "updatePwd": { "text": { "title": "Change Password" }, "field": { "oldPassword": "Old password", "newPassword": "New password", "passwordConfirmation": "Confirm password" }, "button": { "save": "Save", "back": "Back" } }, "common": { "placeholder": { "query": "Enter search content" }, "button": { "search": "Search", "add": "Add", "edit": "Edit", "delete": "Delete", "batchDelete": "Batch Delete", "exportExcel": "Export Excel", "submit": "Submit", "back": "Back", "tagManager": "Tag Manager", "publish": "Publish page management", "version": "version manager", "sendSMS": "Send SMS" }, "empty": "No more data", "piecePerPage": "piece/page" }, "user": { "text": { "userManager": "Users Manager" } }, "role": { "text": { "roleManager": "Roles Manager" } }, "permission": { "text": { "permissionManager": "Permissions Manager" } }, "app": { "text": { "appManager": "App Manager", "describle": "Manage the apps that users can login" } }, "menu": { "text": { "menuManager": "Menus Manager", "additiveMenu": "Additive Menu" }, "button": { "addFirstLevelMenu": "Add First-level Menu", "addChildMenu": "Submenu", "updateBuiltInMenu": "Update built-in Menu" } }, "demo": { "icons": { "title": "Icons", "describle": "Click icons to copy the icon code" }, "table": { "title": "Table" } } }