
Projects points between spaces.




.projectVector( [page:Vector3 vector], [page:Camera camera] ) [page:Vector3]

[page:Vector3 vector] — vector to project.
[page:Camera camera] — camera to use in the projection.
Projects a vector with the camera. Caution, this method changes 'vector'.

.unprojectVector( [page:Vector3 vector], [page:Camera camera] ) [page:Vector3]

[page:Vector3 vector] — vector to unproject.
[page:Camera camera] — camera to use in the projection.
Unprojects a vector with the camera. Caution, this method changes 'vector'.

.pickingRay( [page:Vector3 vector], [page:Camera camera] ) [page:Raycaster]

Translates a 2D point from NDC (Normalized Device Coordinates) to a [page:Raycaster] that can be used for picking. NDC range from [-1..1] in x (left to right) and [1.0 .. -1.0] in y (top to bottom).

.projectScene( [page:Scene scene], [page:Camera camera], [page:Boolean sort] ) [page:Object]

[page:Scene scene] — scene to project.
[page:Camera camera] — camera to use in the projection.
[page:Boolean sort] — select whether to sort elements using the Painter's algorithm.
Transforms a 3D [page:Scene scene] object into 2D render data that can be rendered in a screen with your renderer of choice, projecting and clipping things out according to the used camera.
If the scene were a real scene, this method would be the equivalent of taking a picture with the camera (and developing the film would be the next step, using a Renderer).


[link:https://github.com/mrdoob/three.js/blob/master/src/[path].js src/[path].js]